Alask Terrano
1LT: 3-F Co, 1-1 SFR
The commandos watched from above, analyzing their opponent's every move as the two hovering droids easily kept pace with their quarry from above and prepared to deploy. They'd changed tactics after detecting and realizing their opponent had lightsabers and now knew to keep their distance thanks to their highly-adaptive and comprehensive combat programming. And they'd ceased firing, orders from above clamping down on lethal weapons weapons fire.
Doors shut tight as the locals saw the being rushing around and decided that he was in fact an enemy and knew better than to offer any sort of aid to him. Soon two other "Sentry" Combat Droids arrived from another pair of squads which had gotten word of the possible identity of their opponent. The four droids pulled into a formation, staying ahead, to the sides, and behind Eskk, making sure that no moves he made would duck him out of sight. The other twenty troops and their four additional "Sentinel" Droids were given orders to take to the high ground, and their exoskeletons were perfectly-suited for this and they all leaped/jetted up onto the tiled roofs and soon a line of them was to Eskk's left aiming down at him and but held their fire, turning on their red laser pointers built within their blaster rifles. To his right the two squads he'd just escaped from also leaped into view on top of the orange and red tiled roofs, aiming down at him. As he ran they pursued, peeling along the line of buildings with one fireteam always watching him while the others relied on pushing their powered exoskeletons to the limit to try and keep up with built-in jets launching them across gaps in the line of buildings as they moved North. At this point the troops were all-too-happy for their training on obstacle courses and for their exoskeletons.
Behind Eskk on the road the eight "Sentinel" droids were stomping along at full sprints, blasting through a whole market place of covered stands and stacks of produce and other objects. They stayed on the ground, covering his potential of doubling back as the troops continued to 'guide' him towards the point which Alask now saw on his HUD, a large roundabout with a blue, white, and red flower garden made to mirror the eight-pointed star of the Crossroads Republic with a statue of a Crossroads soldier in the middle of the circular median, a monument to the Crossroads troops who'd died in the Crossroads-Eriadu War of 35 BBY.
Eskk Jannik
Doors shut tight as the locals saw the being rushing around and decided that he was in fact an enemy and knew better than to offer any sort of aid to him. Soon two other "Sentry" Combat Droids arrived from another pair of squads which had gotten word of the possible identity of their opponent. The four droids pulled into a formation, staying ahead, to the sides, and behind Eskk, making sure that no moves he made would duck him out of sight. The other twenty troops and their four additional "Sentinel" Droids were given orders to take to the high ground, and their exoskeletons were perfectly-suited for this and they all leaped/jetted up onto the tiled roofs and soon a line of them was to Eskk's left aiming down at him and but held their fire, turning on their red laser pointers built within their blaster rifles. To his right the two squads he'd just escaped from also leaped into view on top of the orange and red tiled roofs, aiming down at him. As he ran they pursued, peeling along the line of buildings with one fireteam always watching him while the others relied on pushing their powered exoskeletons to the limit to try and keep up with built-in jets launching them across gaps in the line of buildings as they moved North. At this point the troops were all-too-happy for their training on obstacle courses and for their exoskeletons.
Behind Eskk on the road the eight "Sentinel" droids were stomping along at full sprints, blasting through a whole market place of covered stands and stacks of produce and other objects. They stayed on the ground, covering his potential of doubling back as the troops continued to 'guide' him towards the point which Alask now saw on his HUD, a large roundabout with a blue, white, and red flower garden made to mirror the eight-pointed star of the Crossroads Republic with a statue of a Crossroads soldier in the middle of the circular median, a monument to the Crossroads troops who'd died in the Crossroads-Eriadu War of 35 BBY.
Eskk Jannik