Most likely to forget to water themselves. flower pretty pretty >:3
Dovinus Guest D Feb 12, 2014 #281 Most likely to forget to water themselves. flower pretty pretty >:3
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Feb 12, 2014 #284 Most likely to be a meanie council member.
Adenn Gra'tua Well-Known Member Character Bio Feb 12, 2014 #285 Most likely to be a badass (even more badass then me *sobs*)
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Feb 15, 2014 #288 Most likely to be between a rock and a hard place
Zrash'toul'frusku Phoenix Legion's General Feb 15, 2014 #290 Most likely to killed by an agitated FU.
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Feb 15, 2014 #291 Most likely to say FU
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Feb 15, 2014 #295 Most likely to have dumped bleach on their avatar.
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Feb 15, 2014 #298 Most likely to forget our RP.
Lilicky Ropo Lord of Hoth | Supreme Comandante General Feb 16, 2014 #300 Most likely to give the little Ropo a biscuit