Most likely to speak her mind as it is.
Scherezade deWinter The Blood Hound Character Bio Apr 21, 2014 #441 Most likely to speak her mind as it is.
Aleidis Zrgaat Young soul from an older generation. Apr 21, 2014 #442 Most likely to have a very piercing gaze.
Scherezade deWinter The Blood Hound Character Bio Apr 21, 2014 #447 Most likely to ignore heavy thread hints.
Jonathon Patches Information Broker Apr 21, 2014 #448 Most likely to steal your candy, then cry foul once it is taken back.
Scherezade deWinter The Blood Hound Character Bio Apr 22, 2014 #450 Most likely to do nothing when someone steals a girl's orange gooy candy
Scherezade deWinter The Blood Hound Character Bio Apr 22, 2014 #452 Most likely to attract stares from his surroundings
Stephanie Swail Guest S Apr 22, 2014 #453 Most likely to flash a smile and break a mortal man like *that*
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Apr 22, 2014 #454 Most likely to break a man apart in a fit of rage.
Stephanie Swail Guest S Apr 22, 2014 #455 Most likely to fight to the end to keep the breaking from happening
Jonathon Patches Information Broker Apr 22, 2014 #456 Most likely to cause me to run... away... far, far away.