Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Mostly Harmless

Emir Sato-Viren


LOCATION: Ossus, outside the Jedi Praxeum Facility
TIME: Mid-Morning
THEME: Padawan and Master
TAGS: Shimrra Rin

Today was... kind of an exciting day. Only kind of.

Growing up with not one, but two Master Jedi for parents, and the community of the Jedi Praxeum close at hand (in a manner of speaking), the ways of the Jedi and expectations placed upon them were nothing new, and this was before he even came to the Praxeum in a more permanent arrangement..ish. He and his sister, and he was grateful for the increased freedom to roam, and the ability to put more space between himself and his sibling. They couldn't be more different.

With the modest amount of training his parents had been able to give him, outside of his academic education - which he completed early - and their own responsibilities, classes at the Praxeum were sometimes often not engaging enough, a.k.a. boring. Rarely, a class or instructor would manage to command the full extent of his attention and provide him with a challenge, but for the most part, the teenage son of Merrick and Chiara wandered into experimentation. Mostly this was harmless, most of the time... how was he to know that his peers would scare that Gokob?

Finally, the news came that a Jedi Knight had taken an interest, and offered to take him off the Praxeum's hands him on. A Vong no less; that was the exciting part 'cause he'd never met one, but he had delved into their history as a species, almost as soon as he'd gotten the news. What he learned didn't drive him away, not one iota, but it tempered his excitement and anticipation. No amount of reading could stand in for first-hand experience, he knew as much, and he would have to, as always, run his curiosities and interest through the lens of respect.

He'd already disseminated the news to family and friends over the course of the week, so all there was left to do was wait on the assigned day for his new Master to arrive. So wait he did, laying in the grass outside of the Praxeum's main building, watching vessels fly overhead, coming and going, wondering where they came from, and where they were off to.

And where was he was off to? The Future is always in motion, as the saying goes…

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Shimrra Rin



Ossus was her peoples' pride and joy. The first stepping stone in a project that would restore the Galaxy over hundreds of years. Though the progress was much slower than she assumed her ancestors thought, the fact that progress occurred despite setback after setback she hoped was celebrated in the afterlife. Despite the damage from previous wars life on the planet flourished and it seemed that even Knossa was beginning to grow again. With little of note on the world itself besides the Eye of Ashlanae, which Shimrra very much wanted to visit, she wasn't sure if the world would ever see colonization again. That is, until a new Jedi Praxeum was founded again. And just like that life had been breathed into the world again.

A droid checked her and her "Starpeddler", the Promise, into the starport's logs. It had been a lengthy and arduous process for such a small spaceport and she did her best to understand that the droid was just doing its job and following protocol. Even still, she hated every minute of it. There were several Orders of Jedi throughout the Galaxy now; The SIlvers, the NJO, the Greens, and as much as they liked to disagree - the Je'daii, and as much as she loathed - the Ashlans. All of them served the Light. Despite all of that, the Praxeum was a place for all to learn. That just meant a lot more paperwork than a Jedi was used to when landing and getting cleared to enter the Praxeum itself.

By the time she had made it to the Praxeum propper, she had gotten lost several times along the way, it was near dusk. The sky was a brilliant orange, not unlike her own eyes, and it seemed like air traffic had died down quite a bit though the occasional starfighter shot off from the starport or Praxeum propper indicating another Jedi off to continue their quest to better understand the Force and keep the Galaxy in balance. There was a lone figure on the green and she had a sinking feeling she knew who it was. Guilt bubbling up and turning her stomach, Shimrra made her way over.

"You wouldn't by chance be Emir Sato-Viren would you?"


Emir Sato-Viren


TAGS: Shimrra Rin

Waiting all day might've made him some trouble but the masters had done well to avoid that happening, giving him a sizable list of questions to gnaw on and topics to delve into. Even then, he had eventually gotten up to wander, only to fortunately have his attention made away with by the Praxeum's foremost healer, a man with centuries of life under his belt, and possessed of a boundless patience that could outlast the young padawan picking his brain.

When hunger called, and duty pulled the healer away, Emir left to eat with a lot to think about, but soon enough he was back in the grass, and by the time his new master found him he was nearly asleep, having been lulled there by his reading with his datapad face-down on his chest. At the sound of her voice however, he jolted to a more alert state, surging upright to sit at such a speed that the 'pad fell face up in the grass, showing some reading having to do with the question or "should Jedi rule?" with the particular article on the screen speaking on the period leading up to the Ruusan Reformations.

"I am, yeah," He twisted to look up at her, then went to stand, collecting his 'pad from the grass and turning to face the Vong woman, who, as it would appear, was barely shorter than he was, and a smile came to his face because she had used his nickname; only officials and his parents (when necessary) used his given name. If she had... but she hadn't. That would be weird... or was it? "And you're Knight Rin."

Had to be. Just how many Vong Jedi were there? She was the first he had ever heard of. At least he wasn't staring like he'd never seen someone who looked different - Teru Challo was blue and had face tattoos and wore that eye-wrap (but doesn't he have eyes?), Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus was pink and purple and could make you, uh, feel things (that's awkward to think about), Justice Lesan Justice Lesan had a fake arm (but that's kinda cool, tbh), Iris Arani Iris Arani was often covered in paint (okay, maybe that doesn't count)... the list went on and on.

"Did your trip go ok? Where did you come from to get here?"

Was it home? A mission? A temple? Even if he had been to the Praxeum lots of times and had lived here some months, Naboo had been home. Jedi could be everywhere, be from everywhere, come and go everywhere, but sometimes there was no going back.

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Shimrra Rin




"And you're Knight Rin."
"Yes," Shimrra said, a finger twirling her raven blue hair a little sheepishly. Suddenly she wished she had been born warrior caste as she looked up at her new apprentice. Vong had a reputation for being tall, lanky, muscly beings of war and destruction. Despite their history and work to fix that reputation when they put the Galaxy back together new tribes and sects of Vong had sprung up on places like Mandalore and within the various Sith Empires and placed Vong back into the negative light- though luckily nowhere near as bad as it had been in ages past. Shimrra on the other hand, while taller than the average human female, was lithe and looked unsuited to war. The curse of the Shaper caste.

"I came from Ilum. It is where my home and my people reside as stewards of the Crystal Caves. I haven't been to this planet before, let alone this city before...Even its small size had me turned around. I apologize for my tardiness, padawan." It felt odd to say that. Padawan. It felt like yesterday that she had shown up in the middle of a warzone and proffered herself to her new Master. The scene was clear in her mind. The morning sun peeking through the barred transparisteel windows of Hosnian Prime's security academy. Lanik standing over a holotable, the blue light illuminating his grime splattered, determined face. She had been so small then, over a decade ago. So unsure about the Galaxy, her only companion then had been Yun-Amon and her lightsaber. How far she had come.

"But it's getting dark and we're getting hungry, maybe you can show me where the visiting Jedi lay their heads and collect sustenance? I chose this location to meet for a reason. I have some research I need to do and I've heard that the Praxeum has access to all of the Orders' combined libraries. Maybe what I'm looking for is in the hands of the Silvers. Yuuzhan knows the New Jedi Order aren't nearly the scholars of past Jedi."


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