Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mostly Shipyard Stuff


| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Janus"] |

Vilox Pazela emerged from around the corner of the corridor, leading up to the Supreme Chancellor's office. "Curiously strange," he thought to himself. "It was only a month ago I was being trialed by the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic for the transgressions I committed against them. Now I find myself on another eve of another. Trial by fire, I would think." Found in the same dark garb, he would look the same as Tyrin Ardik and Kaine Zambrano remembered. The old guard, the trio that had ruled the Sith Empire when it had been at the height of it's power, only to be brought down by decadence of a wannabe "Sith'ari" and a Graug who thought he would play Emperor, on the eve of the Empire's collapse.

Sith could be fickle fiends, like that.

He came to a stop in the door way of the Supreme Chancellor's office. How had he managed to remain on Coruscant, without being picked up by the legions of Sith troopers or their One Sith masters? Well, that was the trick. During the Fall of Coruscant, Vilox Pazela's only engagement with the One Sith was with the Sith Acolyte, [member="Albrecht Tagge"]; and the conclusion of their duel ended much like it had for [member="Lucien Cordel"], [member="Lady Exedō"] and [member="Darth Arcis"]. As far as he was concerned, the few that he had duelled in the past two years since his return to the galaxy didn't remember the contents of their duel, nor did they subsequently know that one had occurred. Of course, in Arcis's case, he had revenge for the transgression that Darth Vazela had placed upon on Korriban, through the duel that had occurred on Dromund Kaas. Dranok Lussk had won that duel, with the assistance of a certain Thronebreaker. Plus, his aura and affinity was still very much aligned with the Dark side of the Force. He didn't seem out of place, merely watching from afar, like he normally did. So, they had missed him because he didn't want them to find him; and that was all there was to it.

"And now we come full circle," said a voice behind Vornskr and Janus. The hooded, dark robed man lifted his gaze from the ground to look upon both of the Sith Lord; and a pair of yellow, predatory eyes gleamed from underneath. Darth Vazela had revealed himself to the One Sith, in the heart of their new jewel.
"That may be true, Ardik, but soon it will be mighty. We caught the Republic unaware, yes, but they will not be for long. However; the situation on their eastern flank could prove to work in our advantage, should the Mandalorians continue down this path. Hopefully the brutes play their part, otherwise this will be a horrid affair." He felt like swirling a goblet of his favorite wine while he was talking to Ardik, but sadly he was devoid of his precious wine at this moment in a time. It was very uncommon to see the great Kaine Zambrano without wine, and he felt quite naked without it. Twas a tragedy, it was, one that will have to be remedied once he returned to his personal ship. His attention was then diverted to the new arrival, one formally MIA Vazela, who had conveniently arrived while the two Sith Lords were talking.

"I wouldn't say a circle, as more of an obtuse dodecahedron crashing into a circle, but I digress. We have quite the meeting of individuals all in the former office of the Republic Head of State, how strange... I never though I would have returned here after I aided in the terrorist attack on the Republic with Darth Moridin and Apparatus. What's even more funny, is that both of them are dead, yet I remain... Quite a queer concept, indeed?"

The Sith Lord had crossed his arms prior to talking, and he kept them that way as his gaze slowly went up and down Vazela's form. He didn't trust the man, never did, hence why he had watched the man closely when he had appointed him as a Regional Sith Lord. What better way to watch a man than to pretend to give them power and authority, but sadly the man was more wily than he thought, but he had replacements aplenty. He would have to keep an eye on the scoundrel.

[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Hangar Four, Enforcer-Class Picket Cruiser Basilisk, patrolling near orbital shipyards over Coruscant

With a bored sigh, the human acolyte set down the datapad from the archives and stood up from his makeshift seat on an empty munitions crate, looking over to his YTA-1300, the Tagge Honor. So far its upgrades had proceeded smoothly, quite a feat considering the numerous incompatibilities that the Basilisk's mechanics had to work around and remedy - even though he shouldn't be surprised, as the vessel, and many others in the admittedly-small One Sith Navy had been used to doing so in order to maintain the aging Sidious-era and Krayt-era starfighters in their inventory. This was how they had survived up until now: persistence and ingenuity, but that would no longer be enough against the most powerful military force in the galaxy.

As for what these upgrades entailed, one of the outwardly-visible ones was that the laser cannons from the TIE Defender had been placed in positions on either side of the central cockpit, while the ion cannons were installed on the same turret mounts as the dual laser cannons, one each in a coaxial position in-between the two barrels; the other one of these upgrades was to take the intact solar arrays and fit them to the rear upper and lower hull to provide a little extra power for the enhanced weapons and shielding of the craft. It seemed that all that remained to be done were internal upgrades, which would be far be the most extensive, including fitting a pair of warhead launchers into the left mandible of the craft and enhancing the targeting computers, engines, shields and hyperdrive using parts from the wrecked TIE/D beside it. He wondered what would be done with the leftover parts of the TIE/D once this was done; probably converted into a Predator, he thought after a bit.

After a moment, his comlink beeped, indicating that his suboordinates had completed their manifest of the starfighters available for the defense of Coruscant. The results were sobering - thanks in no small part to the Republic destroying much of their equipment to prevent its capture, they only had a little over 2000 serviceable starfighters currently in-system, and of those, only about a fourth were models of recent manufacture (in this case meaning built within the last 20 years), the vast majority being modernized, but still antiquated, starfighters from the Krayt era. These wouldn't even be enough to fight off a single squadron of Republic Star Destroyers, which would carry the same amount of fighters easily. Annoyed with the present situation, he patched this information through to [member="Daella Apparine"].

This particular Sith Lord gave him reason to fear her response to this admittedly bad news, not because of the news, but because of the messenger, given that she had originally been a Jedi Master until very recently, one that he had a brief, but violent, history with. After attempting and failing to strafe her in his now-wrecked TIE/D when she arrived at the Jedi Temple, he had attempted to ambush her while on foot, and paid the price with one of the quickest and most humiliating defeats he had ever suffered, literally having his ass handed to him and getting launched into the next room. He knew it would be best to keep his composure in the event that she requested he see her in person.
| [member="Darth Janus"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] |

Vazela leaned off the frame of the office entrance and walked inside, observing the place for a moment. He spoke as he walked, his eyes never turning to either Janus or Vornskr as he spoke. "I never met Shara or Isolda when both of you were Emperors. What were they called before their ascension to Darth, I wonder? I find it curious that neither one of you were behind the attack, if I am honest; and it's slightly ironic that the three of us stand here, considering it was initially my plan to take Coruscant. I'm glad that these two new Sith Lords had the audacity to attack, like I had. I always knew we had the power to galactic center and I have been proved right."

He came to a stop near a window, his eyes finding the fallen Jedi Temple. "The question is, out of Shara and Isolda, which one is the Dark Lord of the Sith?" It then became obvious how much Darth Vazela was out of the loop. Unaware of the One Sith's secret, the real man behind the scenes.
Soon, many representatives of manufacturing companies began gathering at the Imperial Center. They used this opportunity to converse and discuss about the new situation on Coruscant. For those in similar fields, they knew of each other and felt at ease to see each other again. However, they could not get over the weight of the atmosphere of the Imperial Center.

Before going out to the grand reception hall, Daella told [member="Darth Nephthys"], “Make my words seem more persuasive.

There were many means through the Force in order to make one be more convincing. With supposedly all such manufacturers of starship parts from the entire vertical chain not being sensitive to the Force, the Sith Knight should have no issue.

Before this meeting, she had gotten the information from [member="Albrecht Tagge"] on the condition of the starfighters looted from Coruscant. She requested his presence after she addressed the companies of the starship industry.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
After a tense moment, Albrecht received [member="Daella Apparine"]'s answer. To his dismay, he would have to meet with her in person following the address, but he supposed at least her answer was ambiguous, meaning that she wasn't necessarily displeased with the situation. Of course, first he would need to check to see if his ship was ready, because if it wasn't, he would have to request a shuttle. Spotting one of the crew chiefs, a male Faleen, and interrupted his work to ask about the status of his ship.

"She's ready, Sir" the Faleen confirmed, handing the human acolyte a manifest of the changes made to his ship, which had included some of the following:

  • Weaponry: Laser cannon count increased from four to eight, four of which being in fixed positions besides cockpit, the remaining four being slightly-uprated stock dual lasers. Ion cannons fitted to turret mounts coaxial to dual lasers. Warhead launchers fitted to port side hull.

  • Propulsion: Hyperdrive speed increased to Class 0.7 (estimated). Startup sequence shortened by 40%.

  • Power Generation: More efficient wiring installed. Solar panels fitted to rear hull to supplement reactor.

  • Other: Upgraded shields, sensors, communications and computers to military standard.

"Class 0.7 Hyperdrive? How'd you accomplish that?" he asked the Falleen.

"Well, technically it's a Class 1, but we tweaked your navicomputer to allow you to take 'shortcuts', hyperspace routes that cut closer to mass shadows than usual, thus shaving off a fair amount of travel time" the mechanic explained.

Nodding in approval, Albrecht thanked the mechanic and proceeded to board his ship, closing the entrance ramp behind him. Immediately, he noticed that it was quite a bit more cramped than before inside, the vast majority of the cargo space having been converted to make room for the engines, power core, and various computers, all connected to the trio of droid brains that assisted him in commanding the vessel. This left enough room to comfortably accommodate himself and one passenger long-term, possibly two or three passengers short-term. Well, performance came at a price, he thought as he made his way towards the cockpit, where the most drastic internal changes became apparent. The entire cockpit interface had been completely overhauled, all information displayed via a TIE-style set of readouts via the parts salvaged from the wrecked TIE Defender. The incredible craftsmanship that had gone into making this work astounded him, but he didn't have time to gawk at the various modifications - he had an appointment to keep.

Sitting down in his chair at the controls, he thumbed the key for the comlink, patching in to the Basilisk's hangar operator.

"Control, this is Tagge Honor, requesting permission for takeoff" Albrecht requested.

"Permission granted - have a safe flight" they answered after a brief pause. His confirmation recieved, Albrecht initiated the startup sequence for the engines. Right away he noticed another difference: the sound they made. It was remarkably similar to that of a twin ion engine, only the trademark high-pitched scream was replaced with a lower-pitched, roaring facsimile of that all-too-familiar sound; it invoked a vision of something mean, something powerful...exactly as he intended. This was no longer the Tagge, a new name was needed. Howlrunner, perhaps? No...Terentatek...there was a name that invoked the sort of image he wanted.

The repulsors activated, lifting the newly-christened Terentatek off of the flight deck as the landing skids retracted. The shields lowered for the hangar, and Albrecht opened the throttle, the massively-upgraded freighter lurching forward at a far faster rate than he remembered and rocketing out of the hangar and into space - this increased performance was going to take some getting used to, he noted, as he rolled the ship over and opened the distance with the cruiser behind him, deciding it would be nice to have a quick shakedown flight to get used to the improved performance before making his descent into Coruscant's atmosphere.
[member="Daella Apparine"] [member="Albrecht Tagge"]

There was a subtle nod, an acknowledgement as Darth Nephthys bore her crimson gaze among the throngs of various CEO’s and Presidents of Coruscant’s manufacturing companies.

Qazoi Kyantuska; the Sith magical ability that made the wielder effectively able to control and influence the minds of anyone they chose. In this instance, to influence the collective minds of those in attendance to be better swayed by Daella’s persuasion.

There would be no incantation or gesture. No the mere presence of Darth Nephthys was enough to warrant the sorcery to spread. It would take her entire concentration to control and sustain it, more so because she was doing it with more than one mind. It would be a wearing task, but one she was up to attempt to the maximum of her ability.

A thought went through her head that if her brother was here, he would be able to provide her strength. Nonetheless, the Sith Knight of the Empire took a deep breath as her eyes gave just a touch more of a crimson glow, focusing on the Dark Side of the Force to start to weave the sorcery and Sith magic in a growing sphere originating from her body, weaving it like a web to touch delicate mental strands on the first row of individuals… then the second.
@[member='Darth Vornskr'] | @[member='Vilox Pazela']

"Those barbarians clamoring at the Republic's gates should prove an ample distraction, but I doubt they will last very long. So far they seem content to only bluster."

A lifetime ago, Darth Janus had planned incessantly to claim a trio of worlds from the Mandalorians. The plan to incite rebellion on those worlds and move in to liberate them from the neanderthallic hordes had hit a snag in the early stages. It never recovered and the snag remained in place until Darth Janus was flung from the Empire's throne like a sack of useless potatoes. Dranok did eventually take Yaga Minor during his brief tenure... But it was a clumsy move. Inelegant. A victory, if not as dazzling a one as Tyrin envisioned. The Empire crumbled soon after, so it was all a moot point.

Suddenly another familiar presence entered, and in came Vazela. Or Vilox Pazela. Or Darth Vazela. Whatever he was going by these days. It was difficult to keep up. Vazela had been a trusted confidant for the most part, aside from his overambitious plan to raid Coruscant. Kaine greeted the man, mentioning in passing the death of Darth Apparatus.

"They killed Apparatus?" Tyrin echoed. "That's a shame, really."

Such a statement was misguided coming from Tyrin, considering Apparatus had nearly killed him when he destroyed Donanyd by crashing a cruiser into it at hyperspace velocities. Tyrin had been quite upset over it at the time, not agreeing with planetary destruction or anything of that sort, but that was all water under the bridge now.

Vazela began talking about Isolda and Shara. A couple of the more prominent Sith running around. They had been absent from the galaxy at large up until recently, he took it. Vilox was apparently unaware that the true power behind the One Sith was a shadowy Dark Lord who spent more time in the shadows than Voracitos at the dinner table. Tyrin saw absolutely no need to correct him, especially when his allegiance to anything at any given time was dubious at best.

"Oh, my money is on Darth Shara as the Dark Lord of the Sith. No question of it. He's got the stones and the appearance for it." Tyrin said, before turning to look at Kaine. "Wouldn't you agree, Darth Vornskr?"
"We only had the power to take the galactic core after we had been beaten, only to be reborn from the ashes in glorious flame. Their arrogance blinded them to our return, but like I said to Ardik, they will not be blinded for much longer." He had forgotten that Ardik had not been part of their collective when the great Apparatus perished on Fondor. He had died with dignity, a warrior's death, but there was no time to dwell on the dead. He did wonder, however; would he be remembered when he finally passed away into the fires of Chaos, or would he become a footnote in the history of another? That was the only terrifying thing in this world, to be forgotten like discarded refuse, but Vornskr had vowed long ago that he would become so infamous that he would never be forgotten.

"Yes, truly a shame. He perished on Fondor at the hands of the Protectorate. One of our earlier incursions, one that did not end very well, but it yielded results." He did not mention the virus he had subtly implanted in the Protectorate mainframe at the Fondor Shipyards, lying dormant and unassuming until it was needed, but that time had not yet come. It would, when the time was right, but for now the central opponent was the Republic, and they needed to be dealt with accordingly. "And my money is on Isolda, she has the 'assets' to lead a band of rowdy male Sith Lords for sure."

[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Vilox Pazela"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Janus"], [member="Daella Apparine"]

"I see." Never turning his gaze to Janus and Vornskr, who were the two closest individuals to allies he could find on Coruscant, and indeed, what was left of the old Sith Order, although, Vazela conceded in comparison to Vornskr, he was in relative middle ground when it came to the mini eras of the Sith. "Perhaps both then." He knew when he was being lied to. After all, in the past two years, since his emergence on Korriban and subsequent meeting with one [member="Darth Voracitos"], Vazela had lied to the Sith Empire, Lords of the Fringe, Galactic Republic and Jedi Order. Some, such as [member="Ashin Varanin"] and [member="Spencer Jacobs"], were privy to his intentions. After all, he had attempted to recruit them for what he had envisioned for the Sith Order and consequentially, the galaxy. That was why he was among the Jedi.

Or was.

"I need to find Daella Apparine, Ardik, Zambrano. Can you point me in the right direction?" Vazela asked.
After telling [member="Darth Nephthys"] to begin working through the Force to persuade those in the starship manufacturing industry, Daella walked out to the stage. She had no microphone. She stopped at the center of the stage and turned to the audience.

With a booming voice, Daella yelled, “Beings!

You fear the change that has come,” she continued, “Yet the new Empire does not want your lives.

Then, she held a fist into the air as Nephthys’s influence infected the audience. She then bellowed, “We do not want to take away your livelihood.”

As business beings, you’ve made it here because of your ability to adapt and innovate,” she claimed. The representatives of manufacturers, whether genuinely or not, began to latch onto Daella’s words.

Throwing out the hand she had clenched earlier, Daella then told the audience, “We offer you the chance of competition and growth on a level never seen before by the Republic. A chance to advance your technology to levels never seen before. A chance to broaden the horizons of your galaxy. A chance to carve your names in the stars.

Gesturing to the background, a hologram appeared. It showed a blue projection of many ships of old - such as Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers, Scythe-class battle cruisers, Dragon ships, and more.

Governments are like a business,” continued Daella, “And as a business, the Empire is looking for having contracts for the creation of certain types of ships. I understand that many of you produce civilian ships, yet with the correct means, you can contract weaponry companies or even develop your own weapon systems.

Adaptation is the key to Coruscant, now,” said Daella, “You can continue the paths you are taking now, yet plenty of reward awaits those willing to accept the challenge the Empire presents.

Those willing to join the Empire in this journey may reach appropriate representatives via this address,” informed Daella as the hologram changed to show contact details.

Now, I’d like to introduce the head of this project…

Daella proceeded to introduce the public face of the One Sith’s military projects. He proceeded to explain, in brief, the technological aspects of the project to create the One Sith’s war industry.

After that, Daella exited the stage. She glanced one more time to the audience before doing so. She could see the look of shock on many faces, as well as intrigue. In time, business owners more interested in simply making money would hop onto the project first along with those that simply agreed with the Sith’s goals. Some would refuse to support the Sith at all, but those looking for new avenues of revenue found the war industry to be very tempting - especially if the Sith’s promise of making it rewarding was true.

Good work,” complimented Daella to Darth Nephthys with a very stern voice. Her assistance made the idea of changing mostly civilian starship manufacturers into military ones much easier to handle for the representatives of Coruscant's companies.
Watching from a holo-projector in his Sith Infiltrator, Kentarch observed only with feint interest [member="Daella Apparine"]'s speech. His fingers tented, and leaning back in his chair. "False promises, blatant lies, and terrible sweeping generalizations" Darth Kentarch said to himself. He stood and walked over to the view port. From here he could see the entire planet of Courscant, the distinct patterns in the cityscape were possible to make out even from high orbit. Kentarch could tell the difference between each district of the planet.

He pondered Daella's words. Governments are like a business. And as a business, the Empire... Business existed for one sole purpose, to make a profit. Empires were large territorial nations with sophisticated structure, advanced bureaucracies, that could project power and authority for the purpose of rule. So far the One Sith were neither, they nothing more than coalition of Sith Lords, who managed to sack the Galactic Capital, there was nothing Imperial about them. A more accurate description of the One Sith and their government was a Military Jutna. But it was not this that bothered Kentarch, no. It was his place in this supposed 'empire' or 'jutna' or whatever it would be.

"Take us in." Kentarch ordered one of the droids, who he let pilot the ship. The Sith Infiltrator descended down to the Senate district where no doubt most of the important reorganization of the Coruscant's political structure was taking place. Not soon after did the ship land, and Kentarch was greeted by an entourage of guards and officers. "My understanding is that now we control the planet, we control the baking assets. It is highly unlikely the Republic managed to take everything with them." he spoke to one of the officers as he walked into what was left of the Senate building. "I want to speak to the highest ranking member who controls the Republic and Coruscant banks. We need to prioritize all financial capital and assets into military production. Particularly the fleet, and do it quickly." He ordered.
By the end of [member="Daella Apparine"] ‘s speech, Darth Nephthys small petite body was trembling in the concentration and power it took to ensure that her sorcery would sustain and touch as many of the Coruscanti business sentients as she could.

While she was unable to touch all, she at the very least, was able to ensure the sway and backing of several key manufacturers. The rest would have to be encouraged by other means perhaps; but the Empire was not here to rule with death or blood.

A faint sheen of sweat had grown over her face, already blanching further than normal, her crimson eyes unnaturally large within her oval face.

Releasing her hold of the manipulation of Sith Sorcery, Sokara gave a bow of her head, her hand once again, fisting and angled over her chest in salute.

// I serve for the One’s glory. //

Dizziness would follow, but she would stand strong, catching her breath as she silently followed Daella’s suit.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
A few moments later, the Terentatek settled down on a landing pad near the amphitheater where [member="Daella Apparine"] had given her speech to the various business CEOs present on Coruscant. Albrecht had watched the speech via the holonet, and had to admit, the former Jedi Master was quite the eloquent speaker, even without the use of mind domination to augment the effect of her attempts to rally the economy for war production. He would have gladly thrown his own hat in the ring, so to speak, in order to rally the others to do the same if he had inherited Tagge Co like he was supposed to, hadn't said company not gone bankrupt. There was technically a chance of reviving this company, but to do so, they would need to liberate Tepasi, the planet used as the "throneworld" of the House of Tagge and its holdings until the Gulag Plague forced them off-world. Given it was in the Colonies region, it was entirely possible that the One Sith could do exactly that fairly soon, and when that time comes, perhaps he could take what was rightfully his at long last.

As the exit ramp opened up, Albrecht adjusted his appearance to make himself appear more presentable, having chosen a modified dress uniform of the One Sith Navy as his attire for the occasion, and strode confidently out onto the landing pad, upon which he sent a com to Apparine to inform her that he had arrived as requested, with a few datapads under one arm containing various information that had either been requested or he felt could be useful to the One Sith. One such datapad contained information on technology that he had only recently discovered that Tagge Co had been working on when it went bankrupt, technology that, if produced, could help to equalize the severe disparity in Naval power between the One Sith and the Republic.
Darth Banshee arrived at the meeting late, she had been busy though I am sorry I am late. She told everyone as she took her seat. She had liberated funds from bank accounts owned by those rich enough to have fled Coruscant. I have manged to acquire funds for purchases of ship yards on this planet. She hoped to buy them in run down part of city planet, as a propaganda tool. As it would provide jobs and security in though sectors of the planet and help stop rebellions by the masses.


“Did you now?” Even when Shara spoke in a low voice he seemed to rumble. He spoke with such force that it was almost enough to break the air in two. It was an odd thing, a yell from Shara would have broken the window panes behind them. That was the strength of his voice. It was difficult to fathom just how physically powerful Shara was, but Aeon was correct in guessing that [member="Darth Isolda"] was actually the stronger of the two.

Along with her beauty, she had something that no other in the One Sith had, no other save the Dark Lordhimself. She had the strength of their leader.

Through her was channeled the power of the Dark Lord, his own strength was in part hers.

Shara's massive physical form and own strength in the force paled in comparison to that might, though the two together made an impossible imposing pair. She was fragile as a china doll, diminishing the use of her strength, but with Shara at her side, there would never be any damage to her.

“What makes you believe you are so worthy in the Dark Lord’s sight?” came her throaty reply, those pitch black eyes seeming to burrow upon Aeon’s very being, probing and churning to pick out any tidbits of information on the man.

She went gliding towards him, almost as if floating on air, the pulse of her dark tattoos slithering across her porcelain skin, the Dark Lord using her as his vessel to test the merit of this potential Darth.

Her power would roll off of her like a thick cloud, enhanced by that of the Dark Lord as he used her for his will.

Words came to her. A name..



(Cadeus not sure where you went to so i'll be dragging Isolda away)

Shara waited for a moment more, and then sighed.

He grew tired of these things, he needed time alone with Isolda, and he likely wasn't going to get it on this space station. It had nice views, that was for sure, but he had drag her to some place that no one could interrupt them. He frowned slightly as she spoke, and then mulled something over. Looking out the viewport he saw what was opposite them.

There he saw part of the shipyards that had already been completed.

Within the yard were the pieces to a Harrower class destroyer, a ship that the One Sith was now beginning to build. He grinned slightly and swept Isolda off her feet, throwing her over his shoulder and beginning to trundle along the hallways of the Shipyard.

“Find us later young one. We will speak then.” Shara yelled back to the Sith Acolye before wandering into darkness.
The flutter of glistaweb silk would signal their departure. However, this was not the end of the conversation between the two Darths. Soon she would slid down his shoulder and fall lightly to her feet.

Being swept away and absconded with only had so many merits to it.

Laughter would bubble forth from her delicate throat, only to fade as the half completed shipyard came into view just beyond the transparasteel. Twin mirrors of her eyes would watch quietly, only to say a moment later.

"From destruction comes new life. " one would wonder if she meant the destruction of the Jedi Temple and now the progress of the One Sith Empire symbolized in the vast shipyards being constructed like a halo around the ecumenopolis.

"Yet death begins at birth." a foreshadowing perhaps? One could only wonder.
Balaya arrived with [member="Kiln"] from her work within the purifiers league. The boy was well he had vut his own hand off when she sent him down to a planet fighting back. He had spirit or rocks in his head. She was yet to really determine seeing the rest of the work and [member="Lady Hel"] was summoned. More and more she wondered while dropping the illusion about her own disguise. "My lord." Her eyes flicked to [member="Darth Vornskr"] and respectfully as much as she could to [member="Darth Isolda"] on the shoulders. "These are two of the newer servants of the Dark Lord." She waited for more to arrive or come like @sabrina/[member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Darth Arcis"], [member="Darth Helios"], [member="Darth Hauntruss"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Malphas"], [member="Alexandra Cinthra"], [member="Ajona"], [member="Darth Tsolan"], [member="Darth Nephthys"], [member="Astraios Blackhand"], [member="Artemisia Vy Kar"] and [member="Razer Sin"] with @Morningstar. There was much work still to be done as her senses flared out bowing to [member="Daella Apparine"]

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