Darth Vazela
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| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Janus"] |
Vilox Pazela emerged from around the corner of the corridor, leading up to the Supreme Chancellor's office. "Curiously strange," he thought to himself. "It was only a month ago I was being trialed by the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic for the transgressions I committed against them. Now I find myself on another eve of another. Trial by fire, I would think." Found in the same dark garb, he would look the same as Tyrin Ardik and Kaine Zambrano remembered. The old guard, the trio that had ruled the Sith Empire when it had been at the height of it's power, only to be brought down by decadence of a wannabe "Sith'ari" and a Graug who thought he would play Emperor, on the eve of the Empire's collapse.
Sith could be fickle fiends, like that.
He came to a stop in the door way of the Supreme Chancellor's office. How had he managed to remain on Coruscant, without being picked up by the legions of Sith troopers or their One Sith masters? Well, that was the trick. During the Fall of Coruscant, Vilox Pazela's only engagement with the One Sith was with the Sith Acolyte, [member="Albrecht Tagge"]; and the conclusion of their duel ended much like it had for [member="Lucien Cordel"], [member="Lady Exedō"] and [member="Darth Arcis"]. As far as he was concerned, the few that he had duelled in the past two years since his return to the galaxy didn't remember the contents of their duel, nor did they subsequently know that one had occurred. Of course, in Arcis's case, he had revenge for the transgression that Darth Vazela had placed upon on Korriban, through the duel that had occurred on Dromund Kaas. Dranok Lussk had won that duel, with the assistance of a certain Thronebreaker. Plus, his aura and affinity was still very much aligned with the Dark side of the Force. He didn't seem out of place, merely watching from afar, like he normally did. So, they had missed him because he didn't want them to find him; and that was all there was to it.
"And now we come full circle," said a voice behind Vornskr and Janus. The hooded, dark robed man lifted his gaze from the ground to look upon both of the Sith Lord; and a pair of yellow, predatory eyes gleamed from underneath. Darth Vazela had revealed himself to the One Sith, in the heart of their new jewel.
| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Janus"] |
Vilox Pazela emerged from around the corner of the corridor, leading up to the Supreme Chancellor's office. "Curiously strange," he thought to himself. "It was only a month ago I was being trialed by the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic for the transgressions I committed against them. Now I find myself on another eve of another. Trial by fire, I would think." Found in the same dark garb, he would look the same as Tyrin Ardik and Kaine Zambrano remembered. The old guard, the trio that had ruled the Sith Empire when it had been at the height of it's power, only to be brought down by decadence of a wannabe "Sith'ari" and a Graug who thought he would play Emperor, on the eve of the Empire's collapse.
Sith could be fickle fiends, like that.
He came to a stop in the door way of the Supreme Chancellor's office. How had he managed to remain on Coruscant, without being picked up by the legions of Sith troopers or their One Sith masters? Well, that was the trick. During the Fall of Coruscant, Vilox Pazela's only engagement with the One Sith was with the Sith Acolyte, [member="Albrecht Tagge"]; and the conclusion of their duel ended much like it had for [member="Lucien Cordel"], [member="Lady Exedō"] and [member="Darth Arcis"]. As far as he was concerned, the few that he had duelled in the past two years since his return to the galaxy didn't remember the contents of their duel, nor did they subsequently know that one had occurred. Of course, in Arcis's case, he had revenge for the transgression that Darth Vazela had placed upon on Korriban, through the duel that had occurred on Dromund Kaas. Dranok Lussk had won that duel, with the assistance of a certain Thronebreaker. Plus, his aura and affinity was still very much aligned with the Dark side of the Force. He didn't seem out of place, merely watching from afar, like he normally did. So, they had missed him because he didn't want them to find him; and that was all there was to it.
"And now we come full circle," said a voice behind Vornskr and Janus. The hooded, dark robed man lifted his gaze from the ground to look upon both of the Sith Lord; and a pair of yellow, predatory eyes gleamed from underneath. Darth Vazela had revealed himself to the One Sith, in the heart of their new jewel.