Jenmae Ophiro
Much ado about nothing, really.
The title of Nightmother was something that required some thought, certainly... But the White Witch could recall her time on Dathomir, and she remembered what it amounted to the night she'd snuffed out the life of one who had used the title. So many tribes, so many sisters, and all scrambling for the power that would allow them to claim that title and that right. This was different.She could sense in nearly all those who gathered a hesitancy to claim what had been presented to them by this man who was so obviously not of their world. There was an opportunity to lead, and all seemed reluctant to seize it. Several were far more concerned with the man who'd brought them together, and other spoke of the importance of the role... Any sister here who did not know the weight of what was asked was either no daughter of Dathomir, or they were naive. Why they felt the need to fall over one another to try and insinuate that they were a good choice without being forthright was evidence enough to the White Witch that perhaps she had an easier road ahead of her than the pair had first assumed.
As Seren stepped forward, addressing the one who had spoken most resolutely, before turning to confer his opinion with her, the wraith began to stand. Carefully planting fingers along the edge of the table, she moved dark eyes from one member assembled to the next, settling finally on [member="Vytal Noctura"]. "It is obvious to me, as it is to [member="Seren"] here, that you are the one to take on the mantel, Sister."
Carefully she stepped around from the seat she'd taken and placed a hand on the shoulder of brother of the former Nightmother.
"Even without an expert on the matter, it's easy to see that the Son has made his preference perfectly clear..." Footfalls carried her back from the table, headed towards the door of the chamber from which they'd entered.
"Congratulations, Nightmother."