Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Moti Tome [Open to all Mandalorians]


A few clicks north of Keldabe, the wastes began, stretching as far as the eye could see. Muted tones of ochre cracked earth, long replaced what had once been green forests and lush mountain ranges. It was here the moot was to be held, far enough outside of Keldabe that if things did go sideways, which they were often want to do when clans gathered, then the work they had done to rebuild wouldn't be impacted. Tents had been raised to grant respite form the heat of the sun for those who needed it, and beyond them already a few ships had landed with guidance from the protectors encircling.

Today was not about meeting the Rekindler, though no doubt the potential opportunity to see or meet the one who had been declared Mand'alor by the Protectors would lure some. Today was about their future as a people. The future of their home. While the protectors number were growing, they alone were not equipped to handle some of the challenges that lay ahead of them. The intent of the meeting of Alor's and clan representatives was to cast aside feuds, to leave behind bad blood and look to how they could all support the rebuilding of their ancestral home.

Mia's buy'ce rested at her hip, her jaw set as she watched people arriving. The last time she had stood among this many vode and tried to convince them of something Vilaz Munin Vilaz Munin had shot her the moment he'd seen her. But the was a different time, a time when her crimes were the worst thing to have happened to Mandalore and their people. She let out a long breath, forcing her shoulders to drop as she took to the centre of the circle and waited for the hubbub to settle.

"Su cuy'gar vode. Olarom yaim." She regarded all of the as she spoke, her blue eyes moving from t-visors to the faces of those who were content to remove them. "Before we begin, I will ask that you respect the peace, however strained. If you wish to settle a dispute, you will do so outside the circle. Anyone who disrupts the peace will be dealt with by Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch and the Journeyman, and while I don't like to start anything off with a threat, she is a force to be reckoned with so please don't piss her off."

A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, before she continued. "The Sith Empire almost wiped us out as a people, they drove us from our home, and yet despite Carnifex's best efforts, we survive. Now is the time to focus our efforts, to lean into rebuilding, not crusading. And I can promise you, if you are hungry for battle, there is plenty here to fight." She lowered a holodisk with the force to the ground. It shifted between images, of various sithspawn from winged horrors to the hound that had nearly killed Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , and then to birds eye view of old mining facilities in the far reached of the north, still manned by Kainites.

"No one is asking you to bend the knee. No one is asking you to abandon your beliefs. All we ask, is you contribute. Manda'yaim is home to all vode, she deserves our attention and protection now more than ever. So help us. Help us rebuild, help us clear out the sithspawn, help us shut down the kainite mining facilities. Together we are stronger, and it will only be together that we will restore everything we have lost."

Ziggst Aruetii



Mandalore, the sacred planet, held a special place in the hearts of the Mandalorian People. It was their ancestral home, a land that witnessed the rise and fall of their warrior culture. The Taung Warriors, banished from Coruscant by the Zhell, were the first to settle on this planet. Over time, they transformed from mere warriors into the most formidable army in the entire galaxy.

Mand'alor the First, The Indomitable, and The Ultimate were legendary leaders who left an indelible mark on Mandalorian Ideals. Through their conquests, they shaped the destiny of their people. They fearlessly challenged the mightiest powers in the galaxy, only to be defeated and scattered time and time again.

But the Mandalorians were a resilient people. They didn't need to rely on a single leader to unite them, nor did they need to rebuild their planet in the opinion of Sodd-Soll. Their strength and unity came from within, forged through their shared values and unwavering spirit. Mandalore remained a symbol of their heritage, a testament to their enduring legacy but it did not have to define them.

In the words of Mand'alor the Destroyer,

"Here's why you can't exterminate us, aruetii. We're not huddled in one place—we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people or an army, aruetii. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we certainly can kill you."

this inspirational passage carried a special meaning to the Alor of Clan Ha'rangir, as it defined that the Mandalorians were an idea, one did not need a homeworld to be considered a Mandalorian.

He had arrived merely as requested by the other clan
representatives, standing amongst the circle to hear out the proposals of the Mandalorian Protectors. Clutching the Mandalorian-style electro hammer within one hand; although not planning to actively use it unless given no choice by the other Alors of the Mandalorian Clans.

"You are asking quite a lot; burc'ya Monroe. We have seen our Sacred Manda'yaim wasted time and time again, it would be quite fruitless to reconstruct that which can be sundered all over again. We much like the Taung, when they were expelled from Coruscant, we have left this world behind us in search of another, and we have found such in the Planet of Kestri." Sodd-Soll stated with some
semblance of respect; rare for the warlike alor to actually do. The Mandalorian People were simply destined to move on from this world, much like their ancient ancestors.
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Aloy stared into the dusty haze beyond, nothing but blackened glass and smog to be seen. This was the fist time she had set foot on Mandalore since the fall of the union, and the end of the Shadow Crusade, but little had changed. The cities remained abandoned and broken, yet Mandalorians gathered to free their lifeless world from the enemy once again.

She was tired. So very tired.

Her daughter died for this world, never to see the ancient carvings left by her ancestors, nor feel the heat their great forge. It left her bitter, coming very close to abandoning this world more than once, and yet here she was again, standing amidst the crowd of warriors just as she had done so many years ago. Whether it was some sense of duty, or just a means to meet the Manda, she didn't know anymore.

Then Mia Monroe Mia Monroe spoke, and all these bitter thoughts scattered to the howling winds.

She had never met the speaker before, coming from an age long before the old Vizsla's time. But there was something about her speech that reminded her of something once lost.

Mand'alor the Reclaimer, or "The Abandoner" as she would later call him, had very much been a subjugator in her mind. The dogmatic vanity she once enforced for men like that had changed how she saw The Resol'nare and the whole of Mandalorian leadership forever, and yet, this woman spoke of no glory nor conquest. She spoke of one thing and one thing only:

Safeguarding their world.

Aloy didn't know to call the feeling. Hope? Nostalgia? It didn't matter. She was still a soldier at heart, even if The Nite Owls had disbanded, even if House Vizsla was no longer hers to lead. All that mattered was Mandalore.

Then came Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir , clad in their golden armor, to speak of moving on, and of course, Kestri.

In truth, Aloy had distanced herself from The Enclave ever since her duel with Romul Saxon, and ever since she discovered Clan Munin's involvement. All in all, there was just too much bad blood, and perhaps there would be more once they learned that one of their own had run off to support their rivals, especially after the last gathering.

With that in mind, she chose to keep her statement brief. A rarity, as anyone who remembered her speeches would know.

"There are smaller ways to contribute" Aloy finally spoke aloud, stepping forth from the crowd and flanked by her bodyguards. Her dark blue armor and the handprints made it clear that she was with The Black Hand, for anyone familiar with their work or many feuds.

She addressed the representative of clan Ha'rangir first, gesturing her robotic hand.

"Rebuild or not, The Sith are still mining Beskar here. I see no reason we should surrender such a valuable resource. What damage we do here, hurts the enemy and aids Enclave forces on the frontline"

She explained in cordial tone, then turned to address Monroe.

"I can no longer speak for House Vizsla, not while Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla holds The Darksaber. But I have sacrificed too much for Mandalore to leave it be. For that reason, The Black Fleet will support The Protectors in removing The Sith"






A red hood and cloak covered Elise's beskar'gam as she watched from the crowd. She had nothing to say, but she was a member of the Mandalorian Protectors and a personal pupil of Mia Monroe Mia Monroe . Of course she was coming to observe this meeting. She was in the corner of the crowd, leaning against a tent pole with her arms crossed. The scarlet cloak was already dusted with sand from the merciless winds of these wastes. She used her HUD and the Force to listen to the crowd clearer.

The first to speak was Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir . Upon hearing of Kestri, Elise visibly winced. She was a traitor to the Mandalorian Enclave, and a slayer of vode. She knew she had made the right decision, fighting the Crusade. But she could never face her kin in the Enclave without the weight of shame consuming her. At least, in a meeting that barred the use of arms, Elise was safe from retaliation. Still, she was uncomfortable enough to stay far away from notable Enclave warriors here today.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and her Black Hand. Elise knew the basic histories of it, being a bit of a history nerd and a fellow Vizsla. Once again, words made her flinch. The mention of her grandfather, Kranak Vizsla. Elise had not seen him since prior to her defection. She was so sure that he was disappointed in her...

But as the meeting rolled on, Elise tried her best to follow events as anxiety swarmed her insides.


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Tags Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

Mig sat there, a Pantoran, Moi Veltos, in a flight jacket leaned back in his own seat, ready just in case. Mig listened quietly though, answering a few questions as the came up. It was good to hear Mia Monroe Mia Monroe reassure everyone that this new Mand'alor wasn't looking to make others follow, and just wanted to rebuild Mandalore again. He then heard Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir , and the mention of Kestri. Admittedly, it didn't exactly instill Mig with confidence. He wasn't a fan of the Enclaves shift to crusading, but he did hope maybe this meeting would change things. The was a face he hadn't seen in a long time. Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla . He smiled a bit when she mentioned they could just in other ways, offering the Black Fleet as support. He noticed another there too he didn't recognize, seeming a bit uneasy maybe? She had set herself a bit away from the meeting. Mig just took a breath, finally speaking up.

"With all do respect Sodd-Soll, Aloy's right. Want to restore Mandalore or not, you can still provide a gun and hurt the Sith if that's your aim. Still I have to admit I've been burned in the past Monroe.... But, my clan, and those like Moi here who joined us without taking the creed, know a thing or two about surviving harsh situations. Hearing that your focus is on rebuilding instead of fighting a war we can't win is reassuring to say the least. While I can't speak for the whole of my house, Clan Gred can at least provide assistances, engineers, even a few hulks to speed up some building, and we can see how things work from there."
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Arla smiled inside her helmet as Mia Monroe Mia Monroe built her up into a force of instant and effective justice. The compliment made her feel proud of what she had accomplished inside such a short time. The Journeyman Protector position Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel had named her to honoured her beyond measure, and she felt compelled to strive to do honour to the role. She listened while others spoke, standing still and watching the gathering. Arch was also in attendance, and the big man chose to speak, standing up while leaning on his axe. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira was there in the group, as was Mig Gred Mig Gred and Arla nodded greeting to each of them as they were recognized.

Arch began by giving Arla some trepidation.

"All due respect to the Enclave..."

Arla swore inwardly. He used that opening when he was about to drop some hard truth. Arch continued.

"While it would not be entirely fair to say that running away for want of a safer more comfortable home is the act of cowards, I find it difficult to reconcile the position that Mandalore holds no importance while putting another world in its place."

Arch held his hands around to encompass where they were and who was there.

"As you can see, Mandalore stands. The Mandalorians stand. This culture will not be driven from its home again. Not by the Sith."

The old man looked to Arla like he wanted to say more, but he recused himself by sitting back down, allowing others to say their say. To him, and many conservative traditionally minded Mando'ade, the Enclave were rudderless nomads playing at war. Mandalore was the home world, and the Clan Rodarch in particular would not abandon thousands of years of history and numberless ancestors.

Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla


Location: Mandalore
Objective: Attend the meeting
Tag: Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Mig Gred Mig Gred Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla
Equipment: In bio


Celt marched into the meeting accompanied by three hand picked Saxon supercomandos, she wasn't expecting trouble and she wouldn't start a fight, but if one did break out she would be prepared to end it. Her HUD had already picked up markings of a couple she might enjoy taking a swing at, Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla being one, in the name of her Alor. Then when Mia Monroe Mia Monroe said anyone who fell out of line would have to deal with Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch ? Well that was just added temptation, as an Alor's second, Mia was essentially the same rank within her clan as Celt, so her calling her out as her champion? It was an honorable accolade, and should ensure a fun match if things were to head down that path. She held no hostility to the Rodarch, she just liked a fight.

Mandalore meant little to Celt, she was born on Kestri, but she knew it had a special place in the heart of her alor, so she entered this place in good faith. She looked around at the various clan members gathered before she took her seat.

She listened to the other speak including another Enclave citizen, Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir , one whom she had had little to know dealings with. She eventually decided to speak.

"Gathered Vod, I Celt Saxon, Rallymaster of clan Saxon. Thank you for the warm welcome to my clan to our ancestral home, and thank you to the Alor Mereel and Protector Monroe for hosting this gathering of our people.

Like Sodd-Soll, I share little attachments to this place, it is the tomb of our ancestors and to myself it simply reminds me of times when our culture was brought to its knees.

But I don't speak for myself, I speak for my clan, and my Alor. We care about the history of this place, and to see it experience something of a recovery.

To that end I would like to offer the assistance of my clan. Militarily our contribution will be minimal until such a time as the hostilities from the Alliance reduce, but we will send ships, technical and economic support. The only thing we expect in return is the rights to our heritage territories."

An entirely reasonable and predictable demand she felt, the Mereel's had asked for no subservience and none would be offered, but if they truly wished to honor the old days, then Saxon would be right to expect the rolling lands it once called home returned. She hoped that this would please Romul Saxon Romul Saxon .


Ziggst Aruetii



The Circle was now brimming with the Representatives of the Mandalorian Clans, all gathered on the sacred grounds of Manda'yaim. They had come together to discuss the future of their ancestral home, which had suffered at the hands of various empires, from the Galactic Empire to the Sith Empire.

Sodd-Soll had already expressed his stance on Mia Monroe Mia Monroe 's plea for the Clans to invest resources in battling the Sith Empire and restoring their ancient civilization. He believed it to be a foolish notion, considering the Mandalorians had already migrated to the Enclave's Capital of Kestri to start afresh. Nevertheless, he was willing to hear the responses from the other clans.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla stepped forward, capturing the attention of everyone in the circle. With a pointed gesture, she explained that the Sith Empire Kainite Faction, led by the notorious Despoiler Kaine Zambrano, was still mining Beskar.

It was a strategic move for the Clans to
launch an attack on the Sith's Beskar Mining Operations as it would weaken their grip in the Holy Worlds and support the Enclave on the frontlines. The addition of the Black Fleet to the Protector's arsenal further bolstered their strength.

Mig Gred Mig Gred chimed in on the discussion, proposing that Clan Ha'rangir could contribute a blaster to combat the Sith. In fact, he was willing to offer engineers, assistants, and even some powerful hulks to expedite the construction of Mandalore.

However, Arch ( Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch ), joined the conversation with a more conventional perspective, emphasizing the resilience of Mandalore and its people in defending their culture against any invaders.

Celt Saxon Celt Saxon ; Rallymaster of Clan Saxon and Fellow Enclave Citizen was supportive of the idea of rebuilding their home world and offered small but
adequate support due to the ongoing war with the Galactic Alliance. She made mention that Clan Saxon would want their traditional territories on Mandalore for their support.

"The Sith Empire's Mining Operations do pose a threat to the
sanctity of Beskar; however it must be pointed out that Beskar is no longer a rarity amongst the galaxy for pretenders and vagabonds have integrated such material into their armors and weaponry. How do you suppose our Clans unite against the Despoiler; Darth Carnifex who has boundless resources and forces at his command." He would not rebuke the comments about cowardice or the foolish notion of restoring this world.

A cloak, a whisper. Death and shadows moved around Keldabe. Something old and something dark came their way-

He stood tall in Preliat's armor, wrapped in even the similar style cloak he wore when he was among mortals. He walked forward, a living testament to the survivability of the Mandalorian people. His father, Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis - The Wolf, seemingly walked among the living once more.

But Fenn knew that his father, the clone template of which he was born, was no more. And had not been for quite some time. Everyone knew that he had passed over, crossed into the worlds beyond that were difficult for the mortal mind to comprehend.

He watched, listened for a moment, then looked around the world. The Enclave here, the Protectors there, another group of wayward Mandalorians this way and that way.

It disgusted him. Fenn walked to the gathered Mandalorians, reaching up to his helmet with his spiked gauntlets, which had shed Jedi, Sith, even fellow Mandalorian blood. The Beskad that had once taken the life of Jasper Ordo hung across his back, on the side of his jetpack. For all intents and purposes, the Wolf of Mandalore rose again.

But he was his own man. And he was also his father's son. A man caught in a legacy, and the tragedy of his own life.

"We should not remove the blight of the Sith from our home because of a tactical victory. We can achieve many tactical victories against the Sith presently. We should remove them because it is right and just. It is an insult of which cannot go unanswered. Win or lose, we must make it clear to the Sith that the Mandalorians, the Alliance, that Mandalore is not a tool, not a resource. If they want our Beskar so badly, they can earn it with their blood."

He held his hands near his helmet, before removing his helmet, letting it fall to his side. He opened his eyes, hateful and prideful. Angry and tortured. A wayward son of Mandalore. Like so many of his brothers and sisters.

"We must prove to ourselves that we are in fact, Mandalorians of Mandalore, and not in name only."
It took everything in Mia's power not to take a step back, as Preliat stepped towards her, instinct made a hand move to the bolter at her hip, colour drain from her face, memories flitted across her mind, a dozen disagreements with the Wolf, the last fight with Ra on his knees, the little wolf Silas slammed into her knocking her away from him, skewing the battle. Mantis rarely meant good news for the Liberator.

She relaxed her hand as the helmet came off. Too young to be the Wolf himself, but he was definitely the spitting image of him. Mia let out a breath and closed her eyes for a moment. Settling her racing heart before opening them and speaking up.

"My gratitude to your offers of help. Mandalore is home to all, your right to your territories are yours. The protectors have no interest in keeping them from you should you wish to take them."

She settle her blue eyes on the one person here who seemed unconvinced.

"I understand your reservations, Sodd-Soll. Why keep restoring something to have it decimated over and over, sometimes by our own hands? Its the all encompassing definition of insanity." A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "If you're not invested, you're not invested. Kestri is your home, Mandalore is mine. We can leave it that, you can return to the Enclave and no one will think any less of you." She tilted her head. "But before you do, consider this, if you will. Enclave space has the Sith firmly pressed against its borders, and have successfully managed to piss off the one ally that could have helped you fend them off. If you don't think we stand a chance against Carnifex, what makes you think you will stand a chance against the full might of the Order and the Alliance combined?"

She shook her head. "Mandalore, has, and always will be the point in which we return. Investing in its restoration protects the future. Yours included."

Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Celt Saxon Celt Saxon Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Mig Gred Mig Gred Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
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Admittedly, Artemis felt like this was a lot of hot air getting blown right up someone's armor, but the points were made clearly. Help Mandalore. Rebuild Mandalore, again. Concord Dawn, Tanaab, Vanquo all sat rotting beholden to those who were not Mandalorians. The Enclave so eager for blood it seems have poked the Dragon and are dealing with the consequences. The lone Mando of House Verd listened as one seemingly put boot in helmet. Mandalore wasn't his home so why should anyone else consider it so? Kestri was where it was at, apparently. Another made the point of the Sith being there, part of her wanted to point out that there had been Mandalorians who have happily served the likes of the Sith, the Republic, and Imperials with no qualms whatsoever.

That was the thing, wasn't it? Mandalorians were a culture, a language, and within that there was power. Yet, like any culture or language there were fragments, disruptions, the perceptions thereof and the consistent need to tell everyone else that their way was the right way. When instead, they could have accepted the idea that there were in fact, different ways of being a Mandalorian. She appreciated the stance of the once-dead, and now-rather-alive Mia Monroe, the echoes from her supporters were clear. Artemis Verd looked away from the congregation, adjusted the beskar she wore, the way the Verd name seemed to be etched into it. "The galaxy is always in a cycle of life and death, that which is taken and that which is given. An agreement that the Sith need to be removed from our lands is rather understood. As of now our culture is fragmented, and doing what we have done for centuries, bickering with one another on who is true to the Resol'nare, which among us be the strongest to serve our cause."

She stepped forward making her way toward the front, helmet tucked under her arm. Tomahawk on one side of her belt, a blaster on another, "yet all this has done since the days of the United Clans of Mandalore, to the retched Purge, right down to this very moment, has divided us. Mandalore. Concord Dawn. Tanaab. Vanquo. These are our ancestral lands, lands which have been torn from us, again, and again, and again." Artemis took her helmet from under her arm and secured it over her head.

Artemis Verd gazed at those who were present before her.

The voice modulator activated as she continued, "so you can return to whatever you call home, you can return to your clans, your houses, but know that everything in which we are, and ever will be. Begins and ends, right here, on the very sands of Keldabe. I do not claim to know the will of your houses, whether they are made of straw or stone. I do know that me and mine, will be with you all the way," she said with a manner of pride, gazing toward Mia Monroe. "House Verd does not forget its roots. House Verd remembers its bloodied and storied history. Sith. Jedi. Alliance. Empire. They matter not to the iron and the hammer, to the fires and the forge of Mandalore. For at the end of the day, we are all Mandalorians, vode'an."

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Mia and Artemis could not have said better, having cut to the core of the matter, addressing the issues facing the Mandalorians with passion and pride, in themselves, their families, and their histories. She choked briefly, swallowed, and spoke more clearly. She was not used to allowing her emotions to capture her, but this was a passionate, deeply important topic for Arla, given her recent experiences.

"I look out on Mandalore, and yes, I see a ruined, destroyed planet. Of course it makes me sad. But I don't stay sad for long. I feel rage, anger, and a cold hatred for those responsible. I feel the need to struggle, to restore what was knocked down. I feel the need to make those responsible regret the day they ever chose to do what they did."

She'd said more than she intended, but her own passion and love, her bond with her people, pushed her on to say more.

"In many ways, the Enclave have the right of it. In a cold, logical, practical analysis, there is nothing special, unique, or strategic about the planet of Mandalore. Everyone is free to leave."

She sighed, a little sadly. "Well, I am not leaving. No matter what comes.

I am going to stay, and raise my children as Mandalorians. I will fight until my last breath. And one day, Kad willing, I am going to kick that sonofabitch Carnifex's ass so hard, that the next Carnifex wannabe is going to feel it."

Arch smiled at her and Arla felt her heart fit to burst with pride in the old Mando's approval in what she'd said, here and openly in front of others. This was not a time for division, or for old feuds or new ones. This was a special time for all Mando'ade, and they were all welcome to share in it freely, as little or as much as they wanted to. That was the spirit of Cin Vhetin with which they had all imbued themselves in the Protectors. Shit happened, get over it, this is a new era, an exciting era, a Mandalorian era.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Artemis Verd Artemis Verd Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir Mig Gred Mig Gred Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Tensions were always high when more than one clan gathered, even if represented by individuals. The urge to verbally duel her own kind was as present now as it had always been, even if she reluctantly kept herself in check, citing the last incident and the consequences it had for herself and what little remained of her family. Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir especially had earned her ire quickly, reminding her of everything she hated about The Enclave or rather, what it had become ever since The Quartermaster's death.

She longed for her guidance more than any seer's nor Mand'alor's.

Thankfully there were others who remembered the old ways. Or
Older than what this new enclave believed in, at least. Older faces who had lived through the same battles, the same struggle that Golden-clad lords had the luxury of skipping. Some here had been in the fight longer than Aloy even, making her feel like a young Verd'ika again.

Faces such as Mig Gred Mig Gred , Who had served with distinction during the same wars as she, and many more. His words were more comforting than any support levied by the newer, albeit good hearted protectors she had seen today.
Such a shame they hadn't the time to properly speak until now.

<"Su cuy'gar"> She greeted happily "It's been a long time since I recognized anyone from the liberation"

Even though she would have preferred to catch up now that they had some time off, given that their previous leader was likely dead, Aloy turned her attention to the group once more.

Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch set a tone that reminder the Vizsla of her younger self when she was still Alor of House Vizsla. There was a certain fire that she hoped would not be smothered as her own had, but perhaps burn brighter than she ever could.

Next came Celt Saxon Celt Saxon who, if this was the same voice she remembered, had fought by her side during the defense of
Ma'ar Shaddam. For that reason, The Saxon was afforded more respect than most, even despite the Alor she served or land grabbing. In a cynical way, she respected the move, being something she would have done herself had this been a different time and place, and not Manda'yaim in it's hour of need.

Still, Mia Monroe Mia Monroe 's confirmation of old territories was of some interest. At the very least, a liberation of Concordia would mean safe harbor for The Black Fleet in the war to come. Her ancestral home there was well hidden, after all.

But in a strange turn of events, it was Fenn Stag Fenn Stag whose call resonated with her the most. At least out of The Enclave's members here. The last time they spoke, it was all she could do not to challenge him, and she may very well have if not for Romul Saxon's own challenge.

"We must prove to ourselves that we are in fact, Mandalorians of Mandalore, and not in name only."

Aloy clapped, slow and amused, though certainly in agreement. She didn't know him by name, but if for no other reason, she would remember this.

"Finally we agree on something, Black clad"

She cared little for the rest of it now, everything that needed to be said had been said, by Monroe, by the Black Clad and by Artemis Verd Artemis Verd . With that in mind, she was eager to begin their work anew, politics were now irrelevant and every representative to have spoken knew exactly where they stood.

"Then we acknowledge this isn't a debate. Fight or leave, nothing is left to be said unless it is to plan our fight. I will place the fleet in orbit until others are ready to coordinate. Point me in the direction of the Sith and their shipyards and I will kill, steal and deliver their weapons unto Mandalorian hands once again"

Her posture straightened, hands clasped behind her back. She had been a soldier without a true nation for far too long. It felt good to be back.


Location: Meeting on mandalore
Objective: Declare allied intention
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel and anyone else

She had Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

<<Look up, you'll enjoy this>> a friendly voice chimed in the ear of Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch . She would recognise it as her friend Mairéad, Alor'ad of House Solus. In the distance above them, a trio of black cruisers had descended into the atmosphere and from them issued forth a group of dragon borne warriors, at the head of them, riding Snøvinge was Mairéad, the adopted daughter of Alor Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus chosen to speak for the house due to her growing friendship with the Marshall. With her was Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Skorvek Skorvek members of the House Solus leadership and rulers of Vanquo, in addition Taozi Fuuyan Alor of Clan Tal and warden of Tanaab rode with them. They were followed by numerous red and gold warriors of House Solus and the red and white of Clan Tal. The Alor of Clan Gred had already arrived and Mig Gred Mig Gred would recognise his house kin. This aerial display was a show of support and of strength. The rulers of Vanquo wished an alliance with the rulers of Mandalore and Mairéad had convinced her Alor it was about time they paid a visit. She was disappointed that Cynthia was unable to attend due to her pregnancy health, but the warriors here were perfectly capable of representing their vod.

The flock of dragons flew in a lazy circle before Mairéad dropped from the sky to a position nearby the other gathered mandalorians. Her dragon shifted into it vulpine form to accompany its bond mate and Mairéad quickly made her way into the meeting. She touched her heart with her fingers as a greeting to her friends Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch and Mig Gred , then put her fist against her chest respectfully to Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel . "Greetings from House Solus to the Protectors of Mandalore. I have been looking forward to formally extending our hand in treaty to your people. May our vod and yours share much prosperity." Mia certainly and perhaps Ijaat already knew Mairéad as a keen investor in Kelbabe infrastructure projects, ensuring money came through quickly. But now she was here to add the strength of Vanquo and the millions of Solus House members in friendship. She felt good about it, she hoped her hosts did too.


He had not planned on saying much of anything, just to listen to what the others said. But Sahan Dragr was not one to shy away from speaking, if he felt the need or urge to do so. He was not one to shy away from anything, really.
"If I may," he began as he strode forward, his golden armor gleaming in the sunlight. "I believe some of you may have a misguided conception of Kestri. It is just as much a part of our culture as Mandalore itself. It was discovered by the prestigious Clan Kyron long ago and is a natural source of beskar. I'm not saying we should not repair Mandalore. By all means, we should. And I will help fund it. However, and this is my personal view, so feel free to disagree, I believe we should claim all sources of beskar as ours, as it truly should be. I've heard rumors about other places where it can be found. Places where it is easily mind and sold on the black market. I say, once we rebuild Mandalore, perhaps we should track down these places and..." He cracked his knuckles. "Claim what is rightfully ours."

Sahan paused and looked over the crowd. "But I suppose that is an idea for the future. For now, we have plenty else to deal with." He looked straight at Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel . "Just know that though I will not claim this man as my Mand'alor, you are all still my vode, and I shall lend aid where I can. As Forgemaster and representative of Clan Dragr, I can assure you that the Lagartoz War Dragon is on your side, as we are for any brother or sister who maintains the Resol'nare and fights the fight." He walked to Fenn Stag Fenn Stag and clapped the man on the shoulder as a brother, though he personally knew the man not. "And I like what you said. 'We should remove them because it is right and just.' The Sith are a scourge on this Galaxy, as are many of the other sorcerers out there who think they know what is best for everyone. They have forgotten who we are. Though..." He gave a smirk of his handsome, tanned face. "The Enclave did provide a little demonstration recently to the Galactic Alliance. Imagine how much more fearsome and greater we would be to be united. As a people, regardless of faction or political beliefs. I have seen so many of our brethren hate each other simply because of the clan name we carry. This is foolish. At least have the courage to stand up and demand a blood duel! But I say this is no time for feuds amongst us. 'Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an!'" He sang the part of the war chant with his fist in the air, having gotten lost in the fiery passion he felt in his heart. He lowered his hand and rubbed the back of his neck, grinning. "Sorry, got a little carried away there."

Marshal, Journeyman Protector

This was indeed a momentous time. Fenn's words were direct, to the point, passionate, and Arla agreed wholeheartedly with all the sentiments expressed. Likewise, she saw that Aloy's perspective was correct. She had quickly come to like both of them immensely. That the Mandalorians would fight their enemies was inevitable. Mairead's arrival was as spectacular as it was welcome, and Arla took more than a few moments to admire her form as she joined their conclave.

<<Nice.>> Arla said, admiringly and privately.

Sahan's words moved her still, making her reassess her own perpective on the Enclave. They were more than simple pirates claiming the name and glory of a culture not their own. Political differences aside, she had to admit to herself, they were vode. And that meant that they were to be welcomed. It was a hard thing to admit to one's self when one might have been wrong. Arla didn't like to do it. But there was more to this than her feelings. Good commanders had to husband their resources, prioritize, and compromise to get the job done. The strategic situation was not good. And Mandalorians were, she knew in her bones, stronger together.

"Clan Dragr's words and sentiments are honourable. Clan Rodarch welcomes as vod any Mandalorian who will fight and serve the cause." Arch nodded and banged his axe in acclamation as she spoke for the Aliit. Others grumbled or voiced their assent. A lot of what some Mando'ade here knew of the Enclave came from news holos, propaganda, and rumour. This was, for many, the first time they had seen an Enclave Mandalorian in person. It was an interesting and enlightening experience for more than just Arla.

"We need bodies. We need arms. We need vehicles. We need ships. All support is welcomed and appreciated." Arla looked around, making sure to look in the direction and nod once at each of those who had spoken and offered pledges. Unity was important if the goodwill was to outweigh the misgivings, mistrust, and old feuds.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Artemis Verd Artemis Verd @Sodd-Soll Harangir Celt Saxon Celt Saxon

<<We'll discuss proper titles and more later. For now, all that matters is that Manda'yaim is restored. But I will say this. I will bow to no other Warmater or faction. Ever. If the Enclave wishes that, then they may keep their winter wonderland. This is for all Mando'ade. Not just those who follow them, or even those who recognize my claim. As well... Mig Gred Mig Gred ... Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla ... I meant no disrespect to either of you, and I acknowledge the haste in my words not allowing for exceptions to the cadence they claimed. Ni ceta... I am sorry...>>

It wasn't a hard look at Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr , or Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus . But it was pointed to show them the objects of his address in the beginning, and while pride radiated from him then, it was humility and regret as he spoke to the other Clan leaders.

<<If we're all of one mind, then I suggest we start in the equatorial region first. I've tested a few valleys and ranges with technology from the Phoenix Initiative from Akar Rhonvogg Akar Rhonvogg . It's proving fruitful. And the mythosaur habitate there as well. From there, we can disperse flora and fauna to the various other regions through their Clan stewards and resettle them. Agreed?>>

Turning, he faced Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla specifically, a cracked smile on his weathered face.

<<Say, don't I owe you a leg?>>

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

Ziggst Aruetii



The Alor of Clan Ha'rangir remained silent as Fenn Stag Fenn Stag decided to join them wanting to remove the Sith Empire from their home world and prove that they weren't merely a tool or mining spot for Beskar to the Galactic Powers through bloodshed if necessary. That was something that Sodd-Soll could agree on for once at this assembly; shedding the blood of their foes.

There was a glance at Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , as she delivered a scathing critique of his previous statements. She subtly highlighted the fact that the Mandalorian Enclave was completely surrounded by the Sith Empire, and that they had foolishly declared war on their only ally in the Galactic Alliance. Darth Carnifex, on the other hand, was an entirely different kind of threat.

He possessed an abundance of manpower and resources through his demon's eye station, setting him apart from both the Alliance and the New Jedi Order. Unlike them, who relied on vulnerable supply lines and
megacorporation's to sustain their war efforts, Carnifex had no such weaknesses.

Artemis Verd Artemis Verd , a member of Clan Verd, took the floor during this intimate gathering. She highlighted the disarray within Mandalorian Culture, with different factions arguing over who truly adhered to the Resol'nare. However, despite this division, she firmly supported the motion to restore Mandalore, throwing the full weight of her House behind it.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , on the other hand, was willing to humble herself and offer her services as a powerful weapon against the Sith Empire, aligning herself with the Mandalorian Protectors.
Additionally, Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus from Clan Solus made an appearance at the assembly, although her presence seemed more like that of a corporate pawn rather than a true Mandalorian Warrior.

Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr , a member of Clan Dragr, took on the role of mediator within the group. He cleverly pointed out that Kestri, being home to Beskar depots and discovered by a Mandalorian Clan, was also a part of Mandalorian Culture. He made an intriguing suggestion that they should reclaim all the sources of Beskar in the galaxy, even considering delving into the black market to acquire it.

The Rekindler, also known as Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel , stepped forward to address the gathering. With a hint of amusement, he chose to downplay the significance of the Mandalorian Enclave. It was disheartening for him to witness the Enclave being reduced to a mere source of mockery by the Mandalorian Protectors, especially considering their initial intentions were pure. Unfortunately, that trust had been shattered, as evidenced by the disrespectful tone.

"The Citizens of the Enclave came here in good faith as was requested to represent our individual clans; yet this faith is being thrown back at us by old fossils and vagabonds that inhabit these Protectors." Sodd-Soll said with venom behind his words; glancing at each and everyone of them.

"As my Clan is a member of the Enclave, Any misfortunate directed towards it reflects
negatively to Clan Ha'rangir's honor and that I cannot permit. Since you are the leader of the Protectors, this fault entirely lies on you Mereel. But I am above the pettiness of a personal challenge, so I will leave this assembly on my own good faith." Sodd-Soll proclaimed; moving away from issuing a personal challenge and leaving the circle to return to Enclave controlled space.

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled a bit, nodding to Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla with a smile as she greeted him. "Su cuy'gar, Aloy. Really has been too long. Oh, and this Moi Veltos. Basically represents those who aren't vod under the clan." Honestly the Pantorian would've been fine not being spotlighted, but still he'd be respectful. He was still surprised Mig wanted him here to say the least. Mig would also notice Celt Saxon Celt Saxon . Last time he'd seen her was when she was inspecting a mining charge transport. Interesting talk. Then came the rest of his house, nodding to Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus as she spoke up.

He'd try to keep note of what everyone had said, some good, some not so receptive to the idea, or being irritated that Kestri seemed ignored, but at least to Mig it'd never be home. Not like Concord Dawn, or now Taanab. Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel would then speak up, catching Mig's attention. He admittedly smiled a bit as he took note of his swift claim, and apologized for it. It was honestly a surprise, but not as much of one as what came next from Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir . Mig admittedly glared a bit at the "vagabond" comment, but held his tongue, while Moi looked back at him.

"Well you said this would be interesting Sparky." The Pantorian noted, getting a slight chuckled from Mig as he tried to stay calm.

"And this is usually what happens when you get a bunch of Mandalorians together."

Artemis words that followed her own brought a smile to her face. "Vode'an." she echoed softly, inclining her head in thank of her support. She and Isley Verd had been friends once, it was strange to see kin of people she'd fought hard and grown alongside

Of course, house Solus had to make an entrance. Disrupting the meeting that was well underway. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and cast a glance to Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel her expression reflecting her annoyance. She managed a tight smile in response to Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus 's greeting. "You're late to the party, and you've missed most of the discussions, Solus. While we appreciate your support and recognise the strength of your House, you should try subtlety, might suit you better."

Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr had a lot to say, as did they all. Another one in favour of support. This was going far better than she had anticipated. United against a common enemy.

Mia let out a sigh as Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir departed. It could have gone a lot worse, but with the overwhelming response in favour of supporting the Protectors he was hard pressed to step away. She would reach out to him again, if only just to repair any harm caused by the dismissal of the Enclave. they were spread too thin as a culture to be able to have animosity between them simply because of differing views.

She stepped back, letting Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel take centre stage to coordinate their efforts.

Mig Gred Mig Gred Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Artemis Verd Artemis Verd Fenn Stag Fenn Stag

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