Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Motors and (Maybe) Murder

Jennifer turned her gaze towards Jan, blinking as he turned on the music "Off with the music, Jan. We won't go in guns blazing and if they know something is up it will be harder to distract them. And just follow me with the car, we'll go in once the guards are distracted."

It was unusual for Jennifer to get short handed with people, but the attitude of Jan was poking her in the side for a reason she had yet to figure out. Perhaps she thought that the single year between them mattered a lot, nevertheless, even if it could turn out to be impossible she wanted this to go smoothly. It was the first operation she had proposed. And if it went sour it would be on her.


Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
"Fine, fine."

There was a dull whine as the jammer deactivated, and I grinned wearily.

"But now it will seem like something went wrong. The music was a relatively benign reason for the disturbance on their end."

I could understand Jen getting angry, if this was her op. But still, it's not like I worked without a reason. Going my way, we wouldn't have alerted them, or their backup to anything unless we literally dropped down on top of them.

"I'll follow, then. Just tell me when to get the motor running."

It didn't faze Xalus in the slightest that this Twi'lek had already summed him up, and enjoyed what she saw. Crucially, he wasn't the kind for reproducing or getting involved with any of that "love" stuff that most other beings cared for. Perhaps his people had some culture standards about it. He'd never know seeing as he had practically grown up these nine hundred years alone. You learned a thing or two about survival and didn't exactly develop a tendency to appreciate orders or standards of any kind. Oh well. He had to admit, he liked little orange already.

Just as the mission was given a 'go' did Xalus pull out his own equipment bag. It was large enough to carry a body or two, and being a duffel bag didn't exactly help his excuse for "going to work" when questioned about it. Most people just assumed he'd killed someone(s) and was about to dispose of them. Well, at least Xalus could tell them they weren't kittens and toys but they weren't dead bodies either. Rather, they were something much more fun.

Oh yeah, the mission. Hell, Xalus didn't even know what he was really doing. Were they stealing something..or? Didn't matter, sometimes it literally paid to pay attention. With a mental shrug, the Gen'Dai heaved the bag over his shoulder casually and glanced at little orange. She seemed like a pro, not expendable at all. He'd keep her alive.

[member="Jace Beleren"], [member="Jan VonFowl"], [member="Jen"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
"Off I go then, wish me luck!"

Chiasa cheerily blew a kiss at the group as she headed for the spaceport cargo area.

All right, time to get into character. As hungry as the drivers and haulers would be to believe that she wanted to pay attention to them, they would need a reason to believe this was so. She had to assume they weren't completely brain-numb, and might wonder what a twi'lek looking like her would be doing talking to them.

She sighed. She was going to regret this.

Pausing, she raised one foot behind her and with careful application of force, and perhaps just a touch of the Force, broke the heel off. They hadn't been that expensive, and this was a paying gig, but it still hurt all the same. She had liked them. It took a lot of effort to find a comfy (or as comfy as they got anyway) pair of heels. And now she was going to be uneven and have to hobble, which, yes, was the point but she was a vain and proud little peacock.

We are going to rob them. There is that. So help me if I have broken these shoes and hobbled in public and they do not pull this off.. Most vexed!

The delivery speeder hadn't pulled in yet, but it ought to any moment now. Between the bay number and simply looking at where there weren't already other vehicles, and were folks lounging around like they were waiting for something, Chiasa figured she'd found the right place. Might as well start, she could pick up the Drivers when they got there. Heads were already starting to turn as the Twi'Lek, hobbled into the yard.

"Yoohoo, gentlemen? I was wondering if I could ask your advice.. My speeder broke down, don't worry, I had it towed! But the quote they gave me.. I think I can do the work myself, I just need a little advice.."

Attractive damsel in distress who wanted to know their opinion in something they were probably knowledgeable about? Check. They were standing up or trying to sit straighter already. The Twi'lek grinned internally.

"Well, I reckon we can help you out Miss?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! Nisha."

Not that that would help when you were as easily recognizable as she was, but sinc eshe tried not to be seen by too many officers of the law and the name wouldn't connect to her in any way...

[member="Xalus"] [member="Jan VonFowl"] [member="Jen"] [member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"] [member="Jace Beleren"]
"Lets try to keep the killing at a minimum, just.. Make sure no one gets in there once Chiasa have cleared it out, then I think we will be all good." Jennifer said, shrugging afterwards as she slowly started to move her feet across the concrete below, tense in posture as headed towards the spaceport. Missions like these who in concept were easy, always had it with turning out a lot more complicated than anticipated. Jennifer for one reason or another sensed this.. Something was almost surely meant to go wrong. Or maybe it was just her imagination playing tricks with her mind, who knew.

Her eyes followed the freighter until it disappeared from view, having finally landed inside the spaceport complex. "Alright.. I suggest you find a good place from where you can keep track on the guards. I suppose the rest of us will go in there and casually wait outside the bay unti-" She froze midsentence, the echoing machine noise of a large speeder heard right besides them. And sure enough a large white speeder transporter were driving right past them where they stood, in rather fast manner heading for the spaceport. Just on time it seemed.

Jennifer would only need to confirm that they had the right engines, she would let the rest of the group work their magic as it seemed like it was time to shine. Hopefully without too much killing. The guards here weren't some sort of henchmen anyway.

((Edit: Feel free to add guards or obstacles yourselves :) ))​

[member="Xalus"] :: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] :: [member="Jan VonFowl"] :: [member="Jace Beleren"] :: [member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]​
Jace shrugged at Jen's reply, he was disappointed at her orders, but for now at least, he would comply with her. "I'll wait here for now then, I'll keep an eye out, if they come, I can take some by surprise."

It wasn't like the seven foot tall suit of walking armor was gonna do anything that involved talking. This life was all he knew. Why would he need a speeder or anything technical to get this job done? He didn't. Xalus' own two feet were good enough and anyone courageous enough to tell him otherwise was a moron. Oh well. These people needed a distraction or something, he hoped. Cold steeled eyes washed over the crowds of people milling to and fro on the sidewalks while speeders and bigger variants of them buzzed by on the lanes.

Ooh. I've got an idea.

Casually moving away from the group, the Gen'Dai kept the duffel bag full of mysteries thrown over his shoulder and almost seemed to skip like a little girl. This was gonna be fun, might as well take it in stride as if he were prancing through a bed of flowers or somethin'. A predatory smile spread across his features from behind his helmet as he stepped straight into traffic - more accurately in front of a fething speeder. Either this dude was busy, probably chomping on McYoda's or talking to a gal, or he was simply horrid at driving. Either way, it was too late in a single second.

Xalus was hit by a dull thud in the side. Ouch. He thought as he spiraled through the air and smashed into the stopped speeder near the one that had hit him. Pain was already seeping through his body, but it started to hurt less and less in mere seconds as his body naturally cut off areas from the heart to commence healing. It probably wouldn't even take two minutes to recover from a few scratches in his muscles and nerves. Xalus wasn't too worried about his injuries and was already starting to sit up by the time two, probably even more, drivers got out of their speeders and starting yelling at each other about costs and injuries.

Some passerby stared at Xalus with mouths agape. I mean, he just took a frikking speeder to the chest in stride. If this little speeder repair place wanted some business to keep it busy, this particular mercenary was more than happy to lend a hand. The nearby hospital would probably getting a few patients soon, too. Well, only if Xalus got things the way he wanted them.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Jen"], [member="Jace Beleren"]

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
I grinned, and gestured to my speeder, looking at Jace. I jokingly clicked my tongue at him.

"No, no... You don't get to sit and mope while the rest of us have all the fun. Hop in."

I winked at Jen, and quite literally hopped into the vehicle.

"If it looks like they're getting away, I'm gonna zap their repulsorlifts. They're pretty close to the ground, so it should be okay."

[member="Jace Beleren"] [member="Jen"]
It seemed that the speeder was seen way too late for anyone in the group to come with any proper warnings. The thump heard upon impact made Jennifer wince, her gaze turned towards the sound only to see Xalus sprawl through the air and crash hardly onto the pavement below, by holocrons and light sticks, this guy was done for. Or? No? Well the impact had set up a small chain reaction, some speeders had bumped straight into the one who had crashed with Xalus and so on. Creating a mess of a trafic jam around him. But he didn't look hurt, not the slighest actually.

And it seemed that some of those who had previously been by the Spaceport had noticed this commotion and had come running out towards Xalus and the other people who had now crashed, checking if they were alright, oddly enough however they were armed. Guards. This left some room for them to get in there easier. Perfect.

Glancing briefly at Xalus, Jennifer decided to press on, it was probably a distraction and judging from how calm the masked giant looked, he was probably alright, and right now they had some motors to catch. But upon entering the complex and sneaking closer to the designated bay she heard voices echoing throughout the hangar and into the hall they stood in The delivery van had just entered and she was unsure where Chiasa had disappeared to. Hopefully she would take care of it, otherwise they would have to. With a trafic jam started, and with some involved potentially hurt, the idea of law enforcement showing up drastically increased.

Xalus :: Chiasa Kritivaas :: Jan VonFowl :: Jace Beleren

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