Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moves for Protection

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek couldn’t help but smirk as he shook his head. To say that the Viceroy was incorrect was a lie. The security here was lacking, especially when looking at Technate-Techno Union facilities, that are worlds more secure. Could blame that they were on Hypori, and that called for a lot of security. Really, it also came down to money. Marek didn’t necessarily believe in a religion of the state, for Force users, and that meant he’d help when asked for security.

But Verd never asked, and now things were going differently with the System Authority, so who knew what was going on. But with The Protectorate breathing down their neck, they had other focus points.

Y’know, a war, and survival.

Looking over, at Gerion/[member="Darth Janus"], another one who would Hail Hydra bring Glory to Tion, he shook his head in the negative. “I did not. That’s one I’d really like to review, see what it can help me learn and accomplish.” Because that was why you read holocrons, wasn’t it?

Well, interacted.

“Yeah, I’m not so sure throwing in with the Knights Obsidian is the best move, and… what, are you using an intermediary to do your bidding in Tion, until it calls for your level of finesse?” Marek himself found a lackey that he kept on a special pay roll.
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

"You'd need only ask. Once the station is complete, it will be easier for everyone to have their fair share access to the Telos Holocron."

Naturally, by everyone, he meant the people within Tion he trusted. Strangely enough, he trusted everyone that was a member of their coalition except [member="Rave Merrill"]. Rave Merrill probably thought that Tyrin hadn't heard about her fortress ship being hijacked and the holocron trove on board it being stolen. Rave Merrill probably thought it wasn't the end of the world. After all, it was only the Belila Darzu holocron that had been lost. A holocron that explored the incredible intricacies of mechu-deru and merchu-deru vitae like no other holocron. Nothing important.

Well, she wouldn't be left alone in the library, is all he was saying. And wouldn't be left in there for more than twenty minutes, also.

The duo and the seven droids marched further into the vault, eventually arriving to the locations of the holocrons proper. There were several there, including a few that Tyrin hadn't been aware of being in the holdings of the Obsidian Knights. Whatever, that worked just fine for him. The more holocrons bagged, the merrier.

"I'm currently in the process of procuring a large droid manufacturing company." Tyrin explained. "Once that is finished, my contributions to Tion will become a great deal more meaningful. Suffice to say, my intermediary will probably take the form of a large volume of battle droids."

The droids set about delicately removing the holocrons from their pedestals, placing them gently into designated holding units within the crate they had brought with them.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
He figured he should only ask. The Inner Circle was important, and well, they worked together. Marek was just a bit nervous about the situation in these halls. Who knew if there was a bug watching them or anything, so he wasn’t coming out and saying it. “I’d much like to see that, once we have the proper facilities in line.” And he could do a bit of work there with it.

Plus the others, aside from the ones that were lost, he even knew about that. Marek liked to keep his hands on everything, just to know the who-what-when-where-and-why. Simple, really.

And he was procuring a company? “Which? Any I’m familiar with?” He knew Industrial Automaton, and was working on a deal with Cestus, plus his own firm which was now under Santhe… There were a lot of companies, but it would be nice to know. Give contracts where they belonged. “And battle droids are always useful. Haor Chall has been putting out a few lines.” Just small talk, really.

Watching the droids taking the holocrons, he nodded. “I guess this was really that simple.” Not a good thing.

[member="Darth Janus"]

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