Kila Cadau
Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
It's with great regret that I declare that...
Kila will have to go.
I'm not pleased about this, but here's why:
I will almost certainly be making a new Mandalorian. Chances are good that she'll be a better thought-out and sophisticated character than Kila was. And hopefully I can manage to make this one actually interesting for me to roleplay.
So, now that I've broken one or two hearts, let me tell you her fate.
Kila mentioned a bounty in her congratulations letter to her friend Ordo. That bounty was the death of her.
The young Mandalorian woman had set out on what seemed like a routine job from a politician. Unfortunately, this politician was particularly crooked and didn't want to pay, so he set it up so that both hunter and prey would be killed. It worked.
Kila fell right into the trap, and her ship was borderline scrap after she crashed. She was also injured, but pursued her quarry regardless. Along the way, she ran into a sarcastic teenager with a knack for a blaster who was going after the mark for 'personal reasons'. The two struck a chord almost immediately, and the teenager - Kara Cabor - helped Kila patch herself up. Then, together, the two of them sought out their quarry. They succeeded, but it cost Kila her life. When she was dying, Kila gave Kara the knife Ordo had given to her, telling her that she could find a place amongst the Mandalorians if she wanted, and that she could show this knife to Ordo, a man with a scarred face, if she needed help.
And then Kara shall come to join the Mando'ade.
Kila will have to go.
I'm not pleased about this, but here's why:
- My muse for her is practically dead, I've lost touch with the character.
- The Mandalorian faction is not something she's proud of any more (not the faction's fault, just Kila's IC views), but she won't leave at risk of being called dar'manda.
- I haven't written her in ages anyway.
- She's stagnant and hasn't moved forward.
- The fact remains that she was a poorly thought-out concept of a character that was pushed into a surprisingly accommodating galaxy that eventually stagnated because I didn't really know her.
I will almost certainly be making a new Mandalorian. Chances are good that she'll be a better thought-out and sophisticated character than Kila was. And hopefully I can manage to make this one actually interesting for me to roleplay.
So, now that I've broken one or two hearts, let me tell you her fate.
Kila mentioned a bounty in her congratulations letter to her friend Ordo. That bounty was the death of her.
The young Mandalorian woman had set out on what seemed like a routine job from a politician. Unfortunately, this politician was particularly crooked and didn't want to pay, so he set it up so that both hunter and prey would be killed. It worked.
Kila fell right into the trap, and her ship was borderline scrap after she crashed. She was also injured, but pursued her quarry regardless. Along the way, she ran into a sarcastic teenager with a knack for a blaster who was going after the mark for 'personal reasons'. The two struck a chord almost immediately, and the teenager - Kara Cabor - helped Kila patch herself up. Then, together, the two of them sought out their quarry. They succeeded, but it cost Kila her life. When she was dying, Kila gave Kara the knife Ordo had given to her, telling her that she could find a place amongst the Mandalorians if she wanted, and that she could show this knife to Ordo, a man with a scarred face, if she needed help.
And then Kara shall come to join the Mando'ade.