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Dominion MP Dominion of Ancora ~ Primal Alliance


Objective Two - Northern Defense
- Er'Kit Forward Operations
Tags: I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon , Open

That moment of breath. A moment of reflection came and went as I noticed the larger man who came to stand before me. Stating a recognizable image of when I had showed up to the little meeting of the minds. Nodding my head, he would hear the smile in my voice as I spoke after his explanation. My own hand reaching out in kind to his own.

"Tarre Priest. Alor of Priest. Currently I have my Commandos teaching basic firearm drills. If you would set up a station of Communication and Recon deployment, that would be the best place to start."

My attention was taken away from them with how small this Forward Operation was at its current time. Hopefully there was a chance in which these Er'Kit would be able to be a good military force on their own. Militias so they could protect their own people and govern themselves without us. Only our hands acting as a guide for them.

"With so few who are seeking to be in a Military, we need to teach them Recon and better communication methods so that guerrilla style warfare is more effective in smaller groups. If they can work small, then they can work even more effectively in larger groups."

My helm came back to face the man. From my stature, I had to look up just a little to reach his eye-line. Sure, I may have been slightly smaller, but that didn't matter in our culture. It was about how much fight you had in your soul. Absolutely there was an aspect of all Mandalorians that had the initial thoughts of "Could I take 'em?" And for me, with how often I had fought Force Users, I felt like I had a chance. Yet I put that aside for us to work together.

"So long as you don't go butting heads with the locals, I think we will be good."

A small chuckle came from my own voice. A smile in its tone at the previous comment of him getting his ass handed to him by another Mandalorian. It was how we worked. Respect through combat and fighting. So to see that he accepted such, so easily, told me all I needed to know of this man. In a fight, In combat, I could trust him to get the job done to his best ability.
Location: Er'Kit Forward Operations

Objective: 2, with the help of The 1st Gargon Foward Recon, assist the Priest clan with training guerilla forces.

Forces: 1st Gargon Forward Recon Platoon "Rats of Gargon"

Tags: Tarre Priest Tarre Priest Tarre Priest Tarre Priest

The mention of guerilla warfare brought a smile behind his Bucye , the concept of striking hard and fast before withdrawal against a larger force represented the mand'ode. They picked a fight with the entire galaxy and had almsot won, despite the galaxy being larger then they were. Had the damn jedi named Revan not intervined, their fast strike would not have forced them to withdraw. One thing was certain, for whatever reason since the days of palpitines empire. Sith forces had always struggled to defeat rebel or guerilla forces, they relied on fear to make a population give up. But against a population willing to fight to the end, history had shown they always would lose to that.

Priest and Gargon were not here to teach them how to fight just because they were looking to gather more members to the defensive federation. They both were here because the sith needed to be stopped, they were snowballing in strength. If mandalorian training could help the Er'Kit kill some sith then he did not mind it.

Tarre needed him to begin teaching groups how to set up signal posts and quickly, and that was something the 1st Gargon Forward Recon excelled at. Their handshake was quick before getting to work. The figure nodding at the comments of the commando, as to what was needed to be done. Tarre had balls to tell him to treat the locals lightly, especially with a hint that their could be problems if he did not. He chuckled at that comment, "Ahu uba coweuah. (Alright you pistol.)" , a compliment to the mandalorian commando and his spirit.

Walking away he and his men began setting up a station, around properly setting up a signal post.
"I want all my signaler, Comm, and equipment specialists here now! It's time you learned how the sith took heavy casualties at Empress Teta." . He began waving over the specialists to his station, waiting patiently before he began his lesson like Tarre's boys had. Marksmanship took precedent, it did not matter how versed one was in equipment if one cannot fire a basic service weapon. Soon his lesson would be the next step for the militia.


Mia couldn't help but smile, she was sure that Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla would be more than happy to allow such a thing to be built around Concordia if it meant better defences for all of them. She made a mental note to ask her about it next time they met. "We can take it up with Caln Vizsla when we get home." She replied snapping her attention to the approaching royal. Mia gave a small bow of her head in greeting, eyebrow arching in surprise at the use of mando's, though as she spoke of Mig Gred Mig Gred the greeting seemed less out of place.

Her eyes shifted to Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt "You should come to the next Oyu'baat meeting, that'll be a calibre of meeting you won't get anywhere else."

She extended a hand to Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium "We appreciate you taking the time to see us, your highness. i'm already impressed by the station so looking forward to seeing it in greater details."

She gave a nod towards Mig. "Good to see you, vod."

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


"We can take it up with Caln Vizsla when we get home."
"I haven't had the chance to speak with the Vizslas yet. Only word I've ever got on them was one of them trying to murder a bunch of padawans on Ukatis back during the Enclave invasion. Then again, that's par for the course with that group. I'd be happy to meet with some vod who aren't hellbent on crusading against our allies."

Drego paused, looking to Sanya. "Oh thank god, I was praying we wouldn't be sitting in another office space." He let out a hearty laugh, rolling his eyes under his helm, moving his head with the motion to allow the others to follow the gesture. "I'm sure you understand how repetitive those can be, your highness. Just...endless meetings."

The sight of Mig gave the Warmaster hope this would go smoothly. If his Vod has already secured a small portion of the ring for ship building, clearly there was precedent to allow them to use it more.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt

Mig smiled, nodding to Sanya as she nodded him, and then heard the note about the meet possibly moving to CST's berth here. He nodded, finally speaking up.

"Sounds good to me, ma'am. We've got a Valiant in the berth for a change instead of making a shipment." He said, looking at the others, smiling at Mia's response as he took a step aside to make room for everyone going to the CST section of the ring.

"Good to see you as well, Mia. Hope things have been going smoother than my day."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


"That's excellent to hear Mig," she said with a smile on her face glad that there was something going on. It was rare after all that she would be able to do this kind of meeting. Turning towards Mia her head nodded in a way to show gratitude for the kind words said. "I'm glad you are impressed. This station has a long history, but I wont spoil that surprise with words. Besides I am sure this place would be happy to have to have all her docks running again."

Hearing Drego's relief not to be sat in a meeting room the Monarch felt glad to have decided a more direct approach. "I very much do." Sanya said with her own soft chuckle. "Well I remember them at least. I will admit to using the privilege of always having the choice where to have meetings amongst my own. Besides it's important the people see those tasked with leading them take interest."

Sanya could feel the excitement coming from the eccentric mandalorian with a strange shaped buyce. It made her think of oceanic worlds where structures stood above the water on many supporting pillars or floating."I am sure you will find yourself entertained thoroughly as we walk towards CST's area," She said looking towards Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt without elaborating further. After all the Mandalorian Scribe did not know what layed on the other side of the doors. It was the more scenic path given this section separated between what Inquisition industries and what she was up for lease in the deal.

Sanya, gestured to follow and strode purposefully towards the space station's corridors. Flanked by a handful of guards, their black armor gleaming under the station's lights. The hallways and spaces of the station were steeped in the history of her people, a poignant reminder of their near-extinction and remarkable survival. The station, once a temporary haven, now served as a museum of sorts, commemorating the desperate days when her people fled their doomed homeworld.

Sanya paused by a large mural, its vibrant colors narrating the story of their exodus. It depicted the chaos and courage of those times: Families clinging to one another, soldiers forming protective lines, engineers and craftsmen working tirelessly to ensure the station's functionality, and the Outer Rim Coalition's ships, their engines blazing, towing the station through the stars to safety.

"The station was our lifeline," Sanya explained to her guests, her voice steady and clear. "When the catastrophe struck, we had just enough time to evacuate most of our people. This station and the starships that accompanied us became our refuge, our home in the void. The Outer Rim Coalition played a crucial role in our survival at the time, guiding us to what eventually become Ancora."

As she led, Sanya pointed out various momentos that would carry on to become artifacts someday that lined the corridors. There were display cases filled with unique tools made by engineers, holographic photographs of soldiers in makeshift barracks, and personal items from Families who had lived through those harrowing days. Each piece told a story of resilience and hope.

The corridor opened up into a larger chamber, where a grand mosaic dominated the length of the space. It showed the station's journey through space, pulled by he Outer Rim Coalition ships, and the eventual arrival at Ancora, a planet depicted in lush greens and blues. The mosaic was a masterpiece of artistry and history, capturing the essence of their odyssey. Well, to the kids, who made it out of smooth coloured glass, it was a masterpiece.

"This place is where we rebuilt our civilization," she said, her voice filled with pride. "I do not wish to see it disappear." It was a sentiment she hoped those here all felt. As they approached the starship dock, the atmosphere began to shift from the solemn reverence of history to the bustling energy of a functioning spacedock. Engineers and technicians moved with practiced efficiency, preparing ships parts, conducting repairs, and ensuring everything was in order.




Mia allowed Drego and Sanya to take the lead, the Warmaster had a better knowledge of the planet and its history and despite being the leader of their war efforts was proving himself to be a good diplomat. She herself fell in step with Mig. "Yirhaou asas htaye asas a striil b shebs." she said in a low voice, careful for it not to be picked up by their companions. Kebise cuyir am, mhi ganar ne'waadas be gar norac yaim, meh gar malyasa'yr olaror."

She didn't give him anymore than that, not wanting to risk exposing their biggest problem in such a delicate setting. she focused her attention back on Sanya and the memorials displayed around them as they walked. The mention of the ORC bringing a smile to her face. "You couldn't find a better collection of misfits as the Outer Rim Coalition. They were good people." She'd had some good friends in the ORC Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill for one. She hadn't bothered to reach out for old friends to see if they were still walking. Knowing Rel and Cory were gone was enough to turn her away.

Mia fell quiet again, as the entered the long corridor, her gaze following the crudely depicted story in the large mosaic, a small smile on her face. "Believe me, your highness, we understand. As a people who have come very close to extinction ourselves we won't nothing more than to help preserve your civilisation as much as we wish to preserve and restore our own."


Objective Two - Northern Defense
- Er'Kit Forward Operations
Tags: I'dadr Gargon I'dadr Gargon , Open
As Gargon was giving out orders to his men to begin setting up their own training regiment for the locals, I nodded at him. Calling me a damn pistol. To be fair, it was a true assessment. I could pack a punch, but was quick on the draw when something was needed. Now that it was time to stand up for our people, I did so without hesitation. I needed to do this. A smile was held beneath the helm as I walked on over towards my own Priesthood. "Officer" was the one leading in teaching how to properly use weaponry. As such, when I showed behind her, she turned around after speaking to one privately about how to better hold the rifle in the pocket of their shoulder.

"If you are coming to check up on me, then you must know I already have it handled."
"That was never in doubt. I just want to see how its going."
"We have a couple natural shooters. Some were previous military, or just hunters who knew a good deal of how to operate firearms. The rest are brand new. I feel we will need to expand this venture."
"How so?"
"Weed out those who need extensive training and get mentors to work with them one on one to show them how to really shoot weapons. Where as the ones who already are good, can then be trained to teach others as well. Makes them more self sufficient."
"Always thinking like a Commander Vheth. I like it. If you can get more from our clan to help you set this up, you have my approval."
"Thank you."

She bowed her head to me as if customary of her own species. Yet, I found it flattering she would do so towards me. A former Sky-Walker of her kind. At that moment, Esok came up to me. His voice rather loud as he spoke.

"Damn these locals. They are not learning how to use melee weapons!"
"First, lower your voice. I am not the target of your ire."
"You understand my anger, why limit it?"
"Hearts and minds Esok. Hearts and minds."
"That means nothing."
"Train them like they were your own children. Show them how to do it properly. Know that it will take time for them to learn. Then you will find success."
"They ar- I see what you are saying."

He took a moment. The old man then looked to my helmet. Placed a hand on it and slapped my cheek as if he could reach it.

"You are beautiful you know that? No wonder why you lead."
"I try my best Katkeraor."
"You know I hate that name."
"Use that anger to teach them. Not to harm them."

He slapped my helmet softly before he walked away. Almost like he had new strength in his steps. Now that I have checked on my team, giving them a little aid, I would be making my way back over to Gargon and his people. Helping them set up their situation. As was my job, and purpose as a leader. Even if that leadership was newly found.

"I am sure you will find yourself entertained thoroughly as we walk towards CST's area,"

Zel, of course, was eagerly listening to what was being said about the station, recording every word and location as they moved through the tour. To say that he was entertained was to put it lightly. There was certainly a spring in the unusual man's step as they proceeded.

And what a tour it was. Remnants of a past time littered the halls, artifacts retained from events that had lead the people of Ancora to this planet in the first place. A nexus point of cultures, where people had crossed roads and are now crossing roads again. History in motion, as Zel liked to call it. After all, time was a living, breathing thing. It did not stop to wait for others, nor would it still its breath. There was only information to be documented and understood for the future of the civilized galaxy.

"Believe me, your highness, we understand. As a people who have come very close to extinction ourselves we won't nothing more than to help preserve your civilisation as much as we wish to preserve and restore our own."

"The history of our galaxy is one of unification in times of perril," Zel noted. "Our cultures are known for linking arms with neighbors and weathering storms. If there is a will to survive, it shall be seen through by such."

Perhaps a bit poetic, but the scribe had always been a theatrical man.


"This place is where we rebuilt our civilization," she said, her voice filled with pride. "I do not wish to see it disappear."
"Up until a couple decades ago, my species didn't exist. A long extinct race that was wiped out by the First Galactic Empire. Ole' Vader didn't want folks like us rising up, too hard for a sith like him to kill. Trust me, I understand." Drego smirked under his helm. He wasn't usually one to flaunt his species, in fact, he hated telling personal details in general. His life behind the helm was his own, and he preferred to keep it that way.

But there was something to be said about opening up in the name of diplomacy.

"Our cultures are known for linking arms with neighbors and weathering storms. If there is a will to survive, it shall be seen through by such."
"And that, my friend, is why I think the Sith will never truly win. Or the Imps, or whatever bastards call themselves the righteous saviors of the galaxy as an excuse to be monsters. You talk about nihilism all ya want, that defeating the darkness is an insurmountable task, but at the end of the day, when the chips are down and your planet is on the line, it don't matter. People are gonna fight against it, regardless of the odds. When the world is on fire, it doesn't matter what your grudges were before, it doesn't matter who you hated. All that matters is that everyone hates the guy trying to burn your house down."

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked at Mia as she walked up, hearing her low Mando'a noting that things were changing? Great. The way she said it made it sound like this wasn't good. Tion'jor vaabir Ni mirdir ibic Kelir nayc at cuyir jate? , the Alor asked in a low voice. Somehow, he knew this wouldn't be good.

Then they came the mural. It was something that always reminded Mig of Clan Gred's own past as a vanguard fleet. Travelling the stars. Making their warships to protect a large civilian fleet and just house more people. Days that were hard, but they made it. He took a breath, listening to the others. He wouldn't bring it up. Honestly it just wasn't his moment. Still, he listened on. They'd all been through a lot, and it sounded like that wasn't about to end anytime soon.

Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


Her orange eyes with black slit pupils looked at the three Mia, Drego, Zel each of them saying something similar adding onto something they had in common. "I am very aware of Kaine Zambrano's brutal assault on the mandalorians many years ago. So aware it left me two billion gc poorer." Of course she was talking about her not so known role of what would be called the Treaty of Vanquo - Sale of Indentured Mandalorians. The details of she found out much later through people like Mig Gred Mig Gred and Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus .

"As someone who once followed the jedi path and a person who is friends of the mandalorians I could not sit by and do nothing when I heard. So your scribe is right, we are used to linking arms with the mandalorians. It's easier to know where to stand with your culture than it is with the internal politics like others or deal with the oppression of those who follow darker desires."

"I know it probably took a while to get here and I assume you all have questions or requests? I am keen to hear them out and negotiate if needed." Her attention turned to Mig as this section held his work before the group. "Mig, burc'ya if you are okay with it, would you be okay with explaining to the others from a Mandalorian perspective about the facilities here?"

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled and nodded, happy to explain the ring to his vod.

"Of course. While CST mostly works on cruisers here, what you've got is gonna be pretty similar no matter which bays are being used. Currently we're working on an arms freighter. Well armed for a freighter, but usually they're the ones bring weapons her, not getting fitted. Either way, the yard has handled pretty much everything we've thrown at it from ground up construction to refitting. Freighters to fast attack corvettes, to pocket star destroyers. Plenty of space to store materials, and plenty of equipment already in house.

He'd look at the others, hoping the quick explanation helped. He'd gotten pretty good at marking the high points before getting too technical, just to make sure he didn't speak over people. Wouldn't do any good if he was the only one who knew what he was talking about.

Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

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