Sapphire Siren
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Objective: Fields of Gala
Tag: Cerria Desyk Rickhardt Netherbane Drego Ruus Vaukhus
Ivixa continued to scan the Mandalorian lines through her electro-scope, taking note of possible targets, terrain characteristics, enemy disposition, and a host of other factors as she did. It didn’t take long for more Mandalorians to arrive, in the form of a full company of walkers that quickly disembarked from a number of dropships. Studying the new force with the practiced judgement of a veteran sniper, Ivixa worked quickly to pick out the commander. As she did, she caught sight of a cluster of small UAVs which had been launched from the walkers, that then proceeded to race towards Imperial lines.
“Checkmate 10, reporting small UAV clusters heading your way. Watch the skies. Seven, out.” Ivixa reported, before activating her armor’s concealment system as an additional precaution, leaving only the feed in her electro-scope visible to the naked eye. All the while, the sniper drew her sights in on a figure ( Drego Ruus ) that she hoped was the enemy commander, or at least one of them. A quick check of her HUD, told her that she had the correct ammunition loaded into her rifle—beskar sabots, specifically intended to penetrate beskar armor. It went without saying that Mandalorians were hard targets.
However, even from just under five klicks away from her mark, Ivixa was a good enough shot that penetration capabilities of the ammunition were only a secondary measure.
The tiny sniper quickly zeroed in her scope, mentally compensating for a host of factors as she did. In doing so, she suspended her breath and placed her crosshair in such a way that her slug was aimed to potentially strike the commander in his neck—a presumably semi-armored area between beskar plating.
As soon as she had her shot, Ivixa squeezed the trigger. On cue, a single, hypersonic slug exploded out from the barrel of her rifle with a soft pop, before racing across the enormous distance between shooter and target in the effective blink of an eye.
- Ivixa scouts Mandalorian lines and reports presence of UAVs, before activating her armor’s concealment system as a precaution.
- Ivixa hones in on
Drego Ruus
, aiming to strike him in the neck.
- She squeezes the trigger, firing a APFSDS-B slug at him from just under five kilometers away.
- Ivixa’s Phase II “Glitter Ghost” Sniper Armor
- Gauntlets
- FAE/M-02 Energized Gauntlet Vibroblade (2) - R/L
- Droid
- Energy Shield
- Gauntlets
- Breshig War Forge Consolidated AMR-4M Verpine Shatter Anti-Materiel Rifle
- CP-01R CryoBan Pistol (2)