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Junction [MP/EOTL] Savage Solutions - Proxy War on Gala and Gromas | MP/EOTL Juction of Ord Tiddel and Celanon

Location: Gala
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Objective: Fields of Gala
Tag: Cerria Desyk Cerria Desyk Rickhardt Netherbane Rickhardt Netherbane Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Vaukhus Vaukhus

Ivixa continued to scan the Mandalorian lines through her electro-scope, taking note of possible targets, terrain characteristics, enemy disposition, and a host of other factors as she did. It didn’t take long for more Mandalorians to arrive, in the form of a full company of walkers that quickly disembarked from a number of dropships. Studying the new force with the practiced judgement of a veteran sniper, Ivixa worked quickly to pick out the commander. As she did, she caught sight of a cluster of small UAVs which had been launched from the walkers, that then proceeded to race towards Imperial lines.

“Checkmate 10, reporting small UAV clusters heading your way. Watch the skies. Seven, out.” Ivixa reported, before activating her armor’s concealment system as an additional precaution, leaving only the feed in her electro-scope visible to the naked eye. All the while, the sniper drew her sights in on a figure ( Drego Ruus Drego Ruus ) that she hoped was the enemy commander, or at least one of them. A quick check of her HUD, told her that she had the correct ammunition loaded into her rifle—beskar sabots, specifically intended to penetrate beskar armor. It went without saying that Mandalorians were hard targets.

However, even from just under five klicks away from her mark, Ivixa was a good enough shot that penetration capabilities of the ammunition were only a secondary measure.

The tiny sniper quickly zeroed in her scope, mentally compensating for a host of factors as she did. In doing so, she suspended her breath and placed her crosshair in such a way that her slug was aimed to potentially strike the commander in his neck—a presumably semi-armored area between beskar plating.

As soon as she had her shot, Ivixa squeezed the trigger. On cue, a single, hypersonic slug exploded out from the barrel of her rifle with a soft pop, before racing across the enormous distance between shooter and target in the effective blink of an eye.

  • Ivixa scouts Mandalorian lines and reports presence of UAVs, before activating her armor’s concealment system as a precaution.
  • Ivixa hones in on Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , aiming to strike him in the neck.
    • She squeezes the trigger, firing a APFSDS-B slug at him from just under five kilometers away.

Exhiliration and jubilation swelled his every cell.

The moment the sound of the shot cracked his eyes narrowed towards the being that had aimed his rifle at him. The very same being he had selected as his focal point just moments earlier. Counter to what most might have expected, however, the Gen'Dai made little effort to compensate for the coming round and instead allowed it to careen with the sizeable plate that covered his chest; leaving a reasonable dent. A concussive shock that rippled through his muscles, shoving an audible grunt of protest through his vocabulator as he dug his feet into the ground to halt his movement.

"HA HA HA! GOOD, MANDALORIAN! GIVE ME MORE!" He boomed through his vocabulator amidst a moment to scan the rest of the soldiers that gathered in fours around his opponent. Pulling free the weapons stored at his sides, he armed himself with the pair of verpine shatter pistols and, with assistance from the targetting system of his helmet, began to take a number of organized shots towards what he believed to be the openings between the plates in their armor.

Heaving his breaths against the still resounding waves through his body, the current taking time to calm, he eventually brought a number of shots to bear upon the being that had fired upon him. He cared not if the shots connected, or if they made any significant damage, only that they understood the same feeling he felt in that moment. The thrill of combat and the rush of adrenaline that it sent coursing through his veins.

This was what he lived for.

Having their commander as a distraction it made for a somewhat feasible opportunity for the Trandoshans to make their own move. Panning out into the groups they had formed, readying their weapons for the coming fight, two from each squad tossed out dioxys grenades towards the spanse between themselves and the enemy lines.

While the center line remained clear, granting the Gen'Dai a line of site, the clouds of gas would act as a visibility hindrance to their enemies. An opportune environment for their natural ability to watch track their enemies body heat as they closed the distance.


Tags: Bella Bella
Vaux's eyes widened, looking down at the fireballs, gripping hard on the stick before finally spotting something flying fast.

"Bogey on the deck. Roughly 2'o'clock. Dive in full speed cause they're flying fast." The fighter banked hard, turning fast into a dive after the enemy fighter. Vaux knew what the spaceframe could take pulling up after this dive. As the fighters darted through the atmosphere, Vaux pulled a bead on the enemy fighter before giving a quick trigger pull, sending particle bolts flying, as she pulled out of the dive, trying her best to keep as much speed from it as possible.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Diplomatic Conference

The marshal finished her rounds, letting her Journeyman Protector presence be felt around the security perimiter. Her walk brought her all the way around the temple complex to Ordo's position before the main doors. He cut an imposing physical presence, and played to perfection the role of deterrent to any sort of shenanigans.

The City tribe delegates hadn't turned up yet. Arla wasn't concerned, they weren't late yet, but as head of security, it was her job to be suspicious and cautious. She wasn't going to order Ordo Ordo around, she held far too much respect for him for that, but she'd make sensible suggestions.

"Once the delegates are all here, nobody leaves." She didn't want to leave today without some sort of agreement between the three tribes of Gala. Diplomats could be notoriously prickly and flighty, and she wasn't going to pander to their whims. Their job was to hammer out a peace treaty. Her job was to keep them safe.

If shenanigans were to happen, then they would happen here, where she was as prepared as it was possible to be. Whatever might go on elsewhere wasn't Arla's concern, and she wasn't going to let the conference fail.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Drego Ruus Drego Ruus


Sneaking Suit
E-5s sniper rifle
IG-14 Blaster Pistol
x 4 Flashbang
x 4 Thermal Detonator

As much as Lutin developed a growing loathing for the new NISB Director: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , for the sake of the Empire, he had to do what she said. His mission was to disrupt the meeting of the between the tribes and kidnap a key target: A noble by the name of Aithne of the Charr family. Recently, the family has been forming a faction south of the Kessel Sector. Despite the Empire being unusually tolerant to minor factions, the one that the Charrs were running are different. They despised the Imperials and cared about their own independence; this confederacy of the Scar Worlds could be a problem. Especially with reports of that they were building a mysterious army, the Emperor felt it was best to kill off any notions of fighting the Empire. The NISB was sent to kidnap Aithne as a form of blackmail.


Walking on the rooftop, Lutin clutched his sniper rifle positioning himself above the spacepad. Aithne is rumored to arrive very soon. "I need to confirm her presence," Lutin muttered placing his rifle on the floor and peering through the scope. "She might be accompanied by a guard as well."

Aithne Charr Aithne Charr , Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles

Tags: Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni Ordo Ordo Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch
Location: On board the Initium, attacking the Hill Tribe at home


In the horizon, from where Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch spoke with her Journeymen, a series of explosions erupted and destroyed the tranquillity of the proceedings. The radios that the Mandalorians held were suddenly alive with incoming reports that the Hill Tribe had been attacked. Not at the Temple of Peace but at the the home dwellings that the Hill people held near the Capital. Birds flew up and scattered as the clouds of fire, smoke and dust begun to settle or disperse in the air.

Darth Ayra reactivated the Eligor Cloaking Device on board the Initium as she finished deploying the Minelayer device. Leaving the homes in flames she piloted the ship back into the skies and waited to see what the response would be of the delegates sent for the peace talks, and perhaps more importantly, the Mandalorian Protectors hired to protect them.

Near the Temple of Peace- mere minutes after the attack reports were coming in- the City Tribe's delegates arrived at the Temple to attend the conference. But they had come too late to hold peace talks.

Someone- somewhere- had just stopped them. Potentially giving Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni an opportunity to begin his work on capturing Aithne Charr Aithne Charr .

As it had been planned.

Location: Imperial Assembly Zone 001
Current Action: Organizing Unit
Allies - Bella Bella Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Vaukhus Vaukhus
Enemies - Rickhardt Netherbane Rickhardt Netherbane Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

Cerria had the twinge, the one that always came just before trouble, her eyes darted around trying to register whatever her unconscious mind had figured out, and then came the high-pitched whine of incoming mortar rounds. She had just enough time to throw herself under an IFV for cover and shout over her radio.

The warning, unfortunately, didn't come fast enough for some of the logistical support staff as a mortar round struck a pallet of autocannon rounds, sending detonating ammunition flying across the assembly area and any Dragoons not already mounted up in their vehicles diving for cover. Cerria quickly crawled into her vehicle using the underside escape hatch and got into her spot in the commander's cupola and kicked her driver in both shoulders to tell them to drive straight ahead as she got on the regiment comm channel and issued a quick order. "Break up and move by platoons keep close enough to support each other but don't clump up and make a nice target for Artilley."
Heart Breaker and Life Taker

Mandalorian Armor

"Whatcha lookin at?"

A Blaster Cannon was pointed next to the small Imperial Assassins blue head. Inside of her Mandalorian armor Hilal gave a smirk, though Hilal had some disagreements with the Mandalorian Protectors namely their friendliness with the Galactic Alliance, they were her people at the end of the day and they finally secured Mandalore. The fact that her people got their home back after years of being nomads felt liberating. Hilal spent most of her time at Mandalore looking over ancient lore and trying to preserve what was left of the planet. While she had yet to find any information about her parents, Hilal had a feeling that they were there buried beneath all of the rubble.

All in all, Hilal was just happy to be on the home planet and see the works of great warriors and forgers. She thought she would die never seeing the homeworld. But now Hilal needs to defend it from hostiles starting with her former employer: The Empire of the Lost. "Hands up!" Hilal barked. "Don't fracking move or I'll incinerate your brains!"

Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Hilltop Temple

The universe had a funny way of showing its amusement. In an instant, shenanigans happened, and Arla felt her mission fail, in that same instant. Some moof milker was blasting civilians to ashes nearby. Clearly, to her mind, the City tribe and their allies had chosen war over peace. The flames and explosions from across the way, where members of the hill tribe dwelt were obvious. Fine.


Arla suspected a trap, and she suspected the Sea tribe of complicity. She wasn't above suspecting traitorous elements among the Hill tribe either. The City tribe hadn't even taken the masquerade of attending the conference, clearly to her mind, to avoid the consequences of their actions. She did not like to be played. She activated her comm link to the Protectors.

"Stand down security protocol. Arrest and detain all the delegates. We have been betrayed." Arla let that order sink in, delivered in a cold tone.

All around the temple, Mandalorian Protectors turned their weapons on the attendees, ensuring that everyone was covered, and prepared to begin their temporary detention inside the building. Everyone not a Mandalorian Protector was ushered inside, including Aithne Charr Aithne Charr and the Cuy'val Dar who maintained their cover as diplomatic aides. The troops were firm and unyielding, willing to use non lethal means to ensure compliance, but seeking to quickly get everyone out of the open to where they could be kept safe, and under guard.

Arla switched channels, already switching to a less protective and more aggressive posture "Defensive detachment, end concealment, weapons free."

Around the base of the great hill upon which the Temple of Peace stood, activity swarmed. All the flak batteries and missile launchers were on command, brought out from hiding into the open, their tracking systems activated and searching. If the City tribe wanted a war, then the Journeyman Protector would give them one. She knew the situation and her personal communications were monitored by headquarters, and so didn't need to order reinforcement.

Black bagging all the attendees was a drastic measure, but it reduced their risk in what had now to her mind, become a war zone. The conference was over. Now it was a fight. Arla looked to Ordo Ordo , who always looked ready to fight.

"Now, it's a war."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
"Now, it's a war."
"It was always going to be." He said as un holstered His ripper from His hip, "Some people don't learn. I conquered this world the hard way last time too."

He turned as someone tried to open the door and walked into the delegation chambers with the curious little politician held by the collar and stood in the doorway as the Protector's security forces flooded in and began the detainment.

"I only came to your world for this peace delegation as a favor to our Mand'alor." He said as He pushed the politician into the waiting hands of a Mandalorian with binders waiting, "And you repay His kindness and respect of your people with betrayal and cowardice? I don't like cowards, but the consequence of betrayal is death. Be glad I'm not in charge here, but one wrong move and I just might forget."

He thumbed the Ripper saftey and waited for someone to turn from scared to stupid. It was another thing that was only a matter of time. Seconds, probably.

Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni
Objective 3: Just Visiting

Aithne's Clothing


Allies: Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles
Enemies: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran (whoever your alt is) Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni
Others in the Area, Possible Friend or Foe: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell @Ordo Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

To be honest, she probably could have guessed this would happen.

Something in the back of her head told her peace plus Mandalorians didnt exactly go together very often and as she heard the first set of Explosions she would open her eyes and look up at the sky. Her mind went through the thoughts of how close the explosions likely were and if the ship was under any real threat, the thoughts ending with her sighing and sitting back up. She would drop down from the wing, looking for Tuuli quick and shouting out to him as she grabbed a blaster and a personal energy shield, activating it but keeping the setting low so that she didn't have to worry about anyone thinking she was an active combatant. The saber she kept hidden on her back under the cloak secured to make sure she could get to it if needed.

"Ill be back Tuuli, might be worth keeping the engines hot incase things are worse than I suspect."

She had no idea what to expect but the woman would secure her cloak, straighten out her clothing and start to walk out of the docking area that had been theirs.

Well... jumping out of it. Her form would launch up and over the low wall that encircled the docking area, rolling her neck around after she landed and looking for the trails of smoke. She would notice people being ushered into the buildings in the area and would leave Tuuli to bother dealing with anyone that showed up to bring them into a safe area or take them in for questioning. Aithne herself was curious as she stretched her arms and started to walk through the city, heading for the smoking buildings and wondering just who she might find there. There was a small itch at the back of her mind, keeping her looking over her shoulder, not sure why but certain something was going on.



Work was fairly methodical on the fishing vessel ; pull traps, dump, sort through the crustaceans. It was fairly quiet out, the usual lapping of waves and cries of various fowl. In fact, the only thing unusual was the raucous laughter aboard the family owned fishing vessel. Sun was high in the sky and it was break time ; cold beers had been procured to celebrate his upcoming nuptials.

Seats had been found where ever and he was currently kicked back on a cooler, the vessel slowly drifting towards another string of traps in the area. They were on break after all, the buoys in the water could just wait. A long swig of beer was swiftly interrupted not by more relationship advice but by a series of explosions off in the distance. Iced blue eyes immediately searched the horizon, smoke drifting up from the horizon.

"Looks like the tribes are at it again. You know the Sea Tribe was supposed to intervene again? Looks like the Elders didn't get through to someone. Not surprising, its been like this for years. Would have thought it stopped after the entire planet was enslaved for that period of time, guess folks forgot about that quick."

Makai nodded to his grandfathers words, not quite as versed in local politics. It was be useless to try to convince his mothers side of the family to move ; they had lived on Ceto but left once his parents separated. Gala was their home, they intended on staying.

Watching the smoke rise, comm buzzed in his pocket. Makai fished the device out, sorting through the news updates on the bombing. There was only one he was concerned about, a message about his new mining headquarters. It had been caught in the crossfire and the structure wasn't looking good.

A sigh. Couldn't these idiots leave private holdings alone? Now his insurance rates were going to skyrocket. Shit.



Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Ordo Ordo Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Location: On board the Initium

In the Capital city of Galu a breaking news story is playing. Circulated by the HoloNet News (an Imperial run news network based in Lianna City) it is played all across the Empire of the Lost, and more significantly to Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , Ordo Ordo and their Mandalorian Protectors it is about the attack that just happened on the Hill Tribe and the peace talks that were supposed to be held at the Temple of Peace. If the situation could not be anymore suspicious to the Mandalorians and what was happening today it was clear that someone, somewhere at set up these talks not to create peace but to set up a prelude to a long conflict, and war on Gala.

B R E A K I N G N E W S:


HoloNet News plays a recording taken from the Hill Tribe's dwellings of the bombing. Out of no-where a series of mines fall from the sky from an unidentified object (which looks like this) and they detonate on several buildings belonging to the Hill people. There is screaming and pleas for help before the recording abruptly ends just as the unidentified ship activates a cloak and disappears from view.

As the Mandalorian Protectors seize the delegates of all three tribes attending the peace summit it raised some questions. Who was behind the bombing of the Hill Tribe? If this was supposed to be a peace summit then why had the City Tribe been late to the meeting? Why were the Mandalorians arresting the delegates? Had the Sea Tribe- who had invited delegates to attend these peace talks- set this all up to attack the Hill Tribe?

Where was that ship now?

Darth Ayra piloted the Initium through the skies of Gala as she listened to the HoloNet News broadcast play in the canopy of her ship. The New Imperial Security Bureau had done their work well. After bombing the Hill people Ayra had contacted the organisation back on Lianna (under the disguise of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey ) to get the news network to begin broadcasting the story, and a recording of her ship bombing the villages (taken by her probe droids) in order to ruin the peace summit while creating the chaos and strife that would set up a future conflict for the planet.

With the Mandalorian Protectors on one side, backing what was left of the Hill Tribe, and the Empire of the Lost backing the City Tribe on the other all the while implicating the Sea Tribe as co-conspirators with the Empire war was now inevitable. All under the disguise of getting the Hill Tribe delegates to leave the summit immediately to return to their homes in a bid to protect their people from further attack. At least that had been the plan.

Ayra activated the gravity stabilizers to hover the Initium in the skies above the Temple of Peace and turned to look at her probes as they continued to navigate the area. She watched as the Mandalorian Protectors turned to arrest the delegates and pouted her lips in annoyance. The peace talks had been ruined, so in that the Empire had accomplished what they had come here to do today, but in the form of her assassination orders she had yet to comply with them. The gambit had not worked as intended. Instead of leaving the Temple of Peace to return home immediately their Mandalorian security forces were arresting them and the other attendees.

Well there were other things to accomplish here. Programming the probe droids to record the arrests, as the delegates were ushered into the building by Ordo Ordo , Ayra prepared to implicate the Mandalorian Protectors as being involved in the bombing. The arrest footage, combined with the unidentified ship, would surely cause more tension among the delegates, and what if they tried to force their way home only for the Mandalorians to begin shooting? It was a fascinating thought . . .
Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Hilltop Temple

Ordo Ordo finished securing the delegates inside, and Arla was impressed with the swift way the civilians had been brought under control. The temple itself was now secure, and everyone was safely inside. The Protectors secured the doors, sealing the building. Arla was about to address the assembly and explain her actions when the news broadcast came on.

She watched carefully, listening, minding the fact that the news outlet wasn't local. Suspicious, yet someone had not only caught the bombing live, but within minutes, had gotten the footage to the Holonet News. And within minutes, that footage had been checked out and the news had broadcast it along with a report.

Arla came to what she felt was the inescapable conclusion from that there was some hidden and nefarious hand manipulating events. There were news monitors inside the temple that the delegates could see, and everyone had been watching.

Who benefited?

Arla couldn't put a face to the hand, but the evidence of manipulation was to her, quite clear. To what purpose, she did not yet know. Certainly whoever it was did not want peace. They did not want Mandalorian Protectors making peace, perhaps. She considered each of the tribes suspect, but each stood to gain more from peace than war. She did not think this was a local effort. Someone beyond Gala was trying to play puppets, but there were no strings on Arla.

No strings, at all.

She addressed the delegates, some of whom she knew were her own Cuy'val Dar, as well as her troopers. "This planet is now under martial law. That means we can shoot you. It's what we do.

But, we'll probably just decide to beat you unconscious instead, so sit tight, and behave until we can get the situation under control."
Ordo, she knew, would enforce her edict with pleasure.

Her comlink beeped right on schedule. Grand Admiral Hades dispatched a text message quickly to her datapad on her arm. "Marshal. We've arrived and are dispatching reinforcements to your location, please stand by."

Arla smiled behind her T-visor. She turned to Ordo and pointed up. "Cavalry's coming."

The Mandalorian fleet made up of more than a dozen capital ships was an imposing and deadly formation. Planetary occupation was more than within their realm of capability, and it was certainly still an option available to them. Four heavy cruisers moved into low orbit for potential bombardment, while the bulk of the force held in high orbit, dispersing their fighters for patrol and escort duties.

For the first wave, a speartip of heavy troopers and armored units with air cover was deployed to Arla's position at the Temple, fighter wings escorting the transports and dropships down to Gala's surface.

The temple was secure, the delegates were safe, all the Journeyman Protector and her people had to do was wait for reinforcements to arrive. And, she thought, to see what the hidden hand did next. Arla wanted them to show themselves, make a mistake, or give her another hint as to their identity and intent. Then, she could respond appropriately on behalf of Mand'alor and Mandalore.

And if nothing else worked, she knew what Ordo could do.

The heavy troopers moved into the area surrounding the nearby spaceport, and the approaches to the Temple. Civilians were moved aside or detained. Two squads stopped and detained Aithne Charr Aithne Charr . After some discussion they agreed to convey the individual to their commander, and Aithne was escorted up to the Temple where Arla could answer for herself. Alerted that the arriving troops were bringing someone to speak with the leader of the Mandalorian Protectors' delegation, the Journeyman Protector was intrigued. At the very least she might get some answers.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni Drego Ruus Drego Ruus
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Lutin Corveni Lutin Corveni Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Aithne Charr Aithne Charr Ordo Ordo
Location: On board the Initium.
Objective 3: Kill the peace talks.

As Darth Ayra admired her work on the viewing port, as she watched the HoloNet News Network commence with the propaganda campaign now being circulated by the New Imperial Security Bureau, Ayra nodded in approval to her seminal efforts and realised that her work here was done. Had she assassinated the delegates as ordered? No. But given the defence of Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch at the Temple of Peace that hadn't been possible right from the off. Whatever Velran Kilran Velran Kilran had to say about today, one thing was for certain: the Mandalorian Protectors had lived up to their name. They had protected the peace talks with a rigour Ayra somewhat admired, and as for the catastrophe now being reported in the Capital city of Galu, that was something that nobody would have expected.

The dark side of the Force worked in it's mysterious ways, with it's logic often murky and illogical to those who did not practice it, and yet in her cunning Ayra had secured the civil strife that would now plague Gala for the next decade as the Protectors moved to secure the system, and bring it into the fold. With the Empire and it's organisations in the shadows, providing support to the City Tribe, the new occupiers of Gala would find themselves with their hands full. As one side in the Hill tribe lamented their inability to defend their homes from the attack that cost so many lives the other two- in the Sea and City Tribes- would find themselves rebellious to the people that they had allowed to come to their home planet to protect them, and were now would-be invaders looking to occupy their world.

All the while the delegates that had come seeking peace were arrested- most falsely charged- with a conspiracy that implicated them as being behind the attack on the Hill Tribe's homes. The Lost Emperor would have his conflict, and over the next coming weeks, the NISB's propaganda machine would pick and prod at the Mandalorian Defender's for their inability to protect Gala from attack. They would question the legitimacy of their occupation of the world, and their arrests of the delegates. Sow deceit and mistrust among the populace as to who really attacked the Hill Tribe in the first place?

It was already happening. As Aithne Charr Aithne Charr was ushered in by the likes of Ordo Ordo into the Temple for detainment and arrest the HoloNet News Network continued to circulate these questions while playing images of the Mandalorian Protectors arresting the peace delegation while juxtaposing it beside the images of the unidentified ship that had bombed the Hill people. The messaging was clear: the Mandalorians were responsible. If not for their failure to protect the Hill Tribe but certainly through the "false" arrests that were now going on at the Temple of Peace.

Ayra averted her gaze from the streaming broadcast to the other side of the viewing screen which indicated that power was low for both the Eligor Cloaking Generators and Portable Dampening Field that Ayra had used to orchestrate these events. It was time to leave. As she took back control of the ship and aimed it's nose towards the skies to break free of Gala's orbit Ayra had the navigational computer charter a course for the Lianna system.

Minutes later the Initium decloaked just as the hyperspace window formed and it disappeared as it's owner begun to traverse their way back to the heart of the Empire.

Last post.

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