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Approved Vehicle MPLW-3 Akaanedee

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A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

  • Intent: To Create a Standard Issue Walker for the Mando Protectors
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: GASW-26 Bobcat
  • Manufacturer: Si Tech
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: Mandalorian Protector Light Walker Model 3 "War Jaws"
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Paint Scheme
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Beskar, Reinforced Durasteel, Reinforced Duraplast, Seigurium, various electronics
  • Classification: Personal Walker
  • Role: Reconnaissance, Personal Transport, Ground Support
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Armaments: High
  • Defenses: Extreme
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Propulsion: Bipedal
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 1
  • Passenger Capacity: 0
  • Cargo Capacity: None
  • Long Range: The Sensor package included on the WarJaws includes a long range radar, as well as several other pathfinding options for special operations
  • Gyroscopic!: The War Jaws, naturally, has gyroscopic stabilization. This allows it to traverse any terrain, keeping the driver stable while climbing even sheer surfaces.
  • Up we go!: The feet are designed with tractor field generators and are magnetized, as well as heavy apposable claws, that allow the War Jaws to climb entirely vertical. Combined with heavy cable launchers, this allows the War Jaws supreme maneuverability on the battlefield, making them all-terrain.
  • Space is the Place: While the War Jaws is small, it is pressurized as a measure to prevent chemical attacks. This, combined with it's magnetized feet and heavy climbing claws, allows it to act as a space bound walker if needed.
  • Integrated AI: Designed to be built into the War Jaws is an AI system that links up with the owners Beskar'gam, allowing for remote access to the walker, and remote control of the walker if needed.
  • Quick: The War Jaws is a nimble walker, designed for special operations and recon, allowing scout troops and rangers to climb any mountain, and ford any stream. While nowhere near the massive beasts of Si Tech designs, it does allow the boys on the ground a lighter, more swift option for ground support in difficult terrain.
  • Quiet: The War Jaws, while still a walker, is somehow practically silent in it's movements. By no means 'stealth', it does allow for some quick ambushes, and ground support for troopers wanting a bit more of the sneaky approach.
  • CHOMP!: The War Jaws is equipped with several heavy blaster cannons, and a rear mortar, allowing for surprise attacks, and indirect fire as needed.
  • Still a Chicken: The War Jaws, much like bipedal walkers of days past, still suffers from the same inherent flaw that others of it's kind do. Take out one leg, and the whole thing tumbles.
  • Hefty Boi: The War Jaws is, much like any walker, designed to be heavy. It's ability to move on loose ground can be hampered by this, and it's 'all terrain' moniker can often be circumvented by swamps and sandpits.
Based on the Bobcat, the War Jaws acts as a contracted modification to it's previous iteration, favoring defense and firepower over it's lighter contemporary. Drego Ruus asked for a walker that could "Solo a Stormtrooper battalion", and Si Tech delivered, giving the Mandolorian Protectors a new tool against the coming horde of Sith and Imperial war machines.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Very cool sub!
  • Your ratings are one highter than balanced, please fix it.
  • And the Deployable Probe Droids has only Minor production rating, not Mass Produced. I would like to ask you to edit this too.
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