Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mr. Blood Bones

Name: Mr. Blood Bones
Faction: Freelance
Rank: Freelance
Species: Cyborg
Age: 2,545
Height: 9" 10'(Nine Feet, Ten Inches)
Weight: 100 Pounds
Eyes: Standard Droid Red
Hair: None
Skin: Lost that long ago
Force Sensitive: No


(+)Extremely Increased Lifespan: Blood Bones used to be human, now a bony, bloody, metallic freakshow that, with the aid of Life support and other parts that will keep him alive for almost hundreds of thousands of years...or they should, anyway.

(+) Camouflage Unit: He built himself with a Unit that allows him to impersonate other people and species perfectly (See Proxy from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Reference), being able to use this ability to get into wherever he wants to.

(+) Language Barrier, Nonexistent: since he is technecally a Protocol droid, knowing 16 million languages, this being a boost to the camo ability.

(+) Human Like: Since his Skull holds the brain of a human being, he has the intelligence and uniqueness of one, being his own free droid.

(+) Large databank: The databank in Blood Bones is a combination of information his maker placed into the droid for several Decades, from information about different types of ships and their specs, to useless tid bit information, like smuggling routes.

(+) Computer Interface: Blood Bones has a part of him that is capable of interfacing with most computers, hacking into them for his use, whenever he needs to use a computer that isn't his.


(-) Bare Bones: Blood Bones has no armor whatsoever, literally not even having an external frame, since that's mess with the disguise ability.

(-) 'Good Luck in a Fight': Blood Bones may sound like a droid that's won many battles...but in fact, Blood Bones has no combat capabilities whatsoever, him being more for reconnaissance. If he does ever get a kill, it will most likely be by accident, since he doesn't fight at all.

(-) Meatbag Brain: Blood Bones' Skull holds the brain of his creator, and is basically who he is. The Skull is a human skull, just with some metal lining inside the skull, that could make him rather susceptible to headshots.

(-) Cowardly: Blood Bones doesn't stand his ground too often, taking into his account his lacking of armor and combat skills. He normally will keep himself camouflaged as someone in what he perceives to be dangerous situations.

Appearance: Blood Bones shares a similar appearance to Proxy, by the build, except for a few key differences, one of them being that Blood Bones is basically the Human Skeleton with droid parts all across it. The Jaw is capable of moving, and he walks just like a human. The Bones are somewhat charred, seeing several forms of wear and tear, though there are holes in some areas that show a Metal interior of all the bones, hence why they're capable of being use for a droid of this parameter. Most parts that keep him functioning are in the Torso, though all of the body has droid bits all over it, making Blood Bones a sight to see.

Biography: Blood Bones was a nearly 80 year project by Michael Lortap. Lortap wanted to keep himself alive for thousands of years, since he never did much in his life, but build Blood Bones, since he was 10 years old. The last thing that was done by a different Doctor was to Instal the brain into Blood Bones, which was a success, with one draw back. Michael Lortap lost a small portion of his sanity, making a dark, cold man into a lively, and sometimes crazy droid. He soon started to travel the Galaxy in this new body, planet Jumping as he tested it out over the years. He had seen the fall of both the Republic, and the Fall of the Empire, and is still functioning today, using himself for many different purposes.

Ship: N/A

Bounties Collected: N/A

Kills: N/A

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