Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Much Ado About Jedi

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ



The gardens were calming, flora neat and maintained and clearly cared for.

Jand found it hard to recall a place similar, which he could say was as filled with life, as the temple gardens. Every tree and plant and flower seemed to bristle with the utmost of growth. It was likely a statement to the effort of the Jedi tenders, those that preserved the natural space, though in the end it didn't little for the Nagai. Jand had sought a secluded spot, somewhere that might allow him time to consider, to pierce the veil of issues and concerns he had over his place in the Jedi Order... yet, despite the insistence by a fellow Padawan of the serene garden environment, there was little comfort in it all.

As such, Jand sat on a bench in the middle of the colorful locale, his legs crossed atop the seating.

His lips were tight, neutral.

His gray eyes open but unseeing as he stared at a particular tree.

His mind... still troubled, however.

Jand sighed as he glanced down and began to pick at the frayed strap on one of his dark brown boots, as he wore the typical Jedi robes as he normally did. And as was usual, the Padawan had his assortment of personal belongings, prone to wanting to be prepared at a moments notice for danger. Truthfully, with the escalation in hostilities between the Alliance and the Empire, Jand began to suspect that even the Jedi Temple on Coruscant might not have been as secure as some believed.

Or perhaps it was simply his suspicious nature.

It was difficult to say.

Nonetheless, Jand exhaled and tried to find that calm again, even as another approached and drew the subtle shift in his gaze toward the movement...

With her duties done for the day, the exhausted padawan decided to have some fun with her brand new guitar in the gardens. Luckily the sun was still shining for a bit, bathing the cityscape in golden light before the time came for the sun to disappear entirely. She refused to argue or express any type of dissatisfaction with her sentence. She had to accept responsibility for her actions. However, the gruelling hours and hard work, coupled with her training and studies as a Padawan on top of it all, was taking its toll on her after a month of constant work.

She had to make some room for herself and find some enjoyment that wasn't related to any work or sentence.

The best thing she had now was her guitar. She still didn't know how to thank Iris Arani Iris Arani properly for such a gift. Simply paying her back wasn't enough. Ara walked with her case in hand through the garden, looking for a good place to sit down and let go with some music. Her plans seemed to take a turn, though, as she walked past a bench with another Padawan sitting by it. He seemed in thought until his grey eyes shifted to look at her. "Oh... what's up." She greeted as she paused.

"Don't think I've met you before. Name's Ara Sheridan." She greeted as she set her case down and extended a grease-stained hand to him. No amount of scrubbing was going to get the faint streaks of black out of her skin, not as long as she had to continue working in the hangars. "Sorry 'bout the mess, I just finished up in the hangars." She apologized with a chuckle as she nodded down to herself. Her blue jumpsuit's top was tied around her waist, allowing her upper body some wind through her tank top. Her gaze lingered on his for a moment. "You okay, dude? You look a little off." She asked him calmly.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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Jand noticed the odd-shaped case the other sentient carried, though he was unaware of what was inside.

"Hello," Jand said with a nod, as he remained tight-lipped and stoic. "And nothing is up, presently."

When the jumpsuit-wearing individual approached and sat, the pale Padawan turned toward her, and observed the stains. They were oil, Jand could tell, from the scent alone. He was also familiar with the after effects of the substance on skin, the Nagai all-too-familiar with engineering as a species, and he was no exception.

Jand took the offered hand.

Oil didn't bother him.

"I am Jand Talo," He said simply, before he considered. "And no, we have not met. The oil does not bother me, it's fine... what were you working on?"

When Ara asked if Jand was okay, the Padawan considered, before he exhaled. He didn't like to share too much about himself, largely a habit formed within his culture, but had been trying to break that cycle. Jand wasn't solely a Nagai now, he was also a Jedi, so...

"I am uninjured, yes. Though, I have been questioning my place in the Jedi Order, and whether someone of my species and cultural philosophies can truly fit in with the Jedi. It has become a persistent cause of contention, I am unable to solve it adequately, and I feel my connection to the Force has suffered as a result..."

Jand glanced back to Ara.

"But I am working on it."

Jand also raised his eyebrows.

"You are the sentient that smashed a girl's head into a bar, yes?" He asked, his tone kind of nonchalant really. "I have heard gossip around the temple, which happens a lot. I also do not recommend attempting that with me. Why did you do that?"

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Ara was immediately taken back by his odd way of speaking. Very direct. Though he gave her hand a firm shake and introduced himself, going on to brush off her concerns about the oil stains on her hand. "Bunch of stuff. I'm workin' in the hangars when I'm not busy with my lessons... it's a... punishment of some sort." She explained to him. She certainly didn't want to go into detail about why she was looking like a grease monkey.

Upon asking him what was bothering him, Jand explained a personal conundrum that Ara could empathize with. She gave a nod as he explained it all to her, reassuring that he was trying to work on it. A smile formed as the Zabrak looked away for a moment. "Yeah, I'm with ya on that one." She muttered as her gaze returned to his. With everything going on, she was still questioning her value as a student to the Order.

"You are the sentient that smashed a girl's head into a bar, yes?"

Ara's eyes went wide and a deep blush set in as she stared ahead. She knew that her name had a hefty reputation to it now... but to hear someone ask her so bluntly about it was jarring to say the least. Though she wasn't angry by any means. It felt like the first time someone really asked her about what happened from an objective point, not out of anger or shock.

"I have heard gossip around the temple, which happens a lot. I also do not recommend attempting that with me. Why did you do that?"

"Why, you think I can't take ya?" She teased with a half-hearted smile in hopes of breaking the tension. But it disappeared as she mulled over his question. "Basically..." She started with a heavy sigh, her face darkening somewhat as she stared at the ground beneath her feet. "The dude that girl's dating right now? He's my ex." She spared a glance at him before looking away again. "Me and Kyell have been friends for... three years, by that point. I took a chance and asked him out, 'cause I really liked him. He said yes... but about a week or two after that, he left on a mission for his master, and then went on to go fight on Empress Teta. In that time away, he met her." She let out a long, shaky breath as she composed herself, recalling the horrid memories.

"From what he said... he knew her for only a week or so. But in that time, they slept together and he took a bigger liking in her. He cheated on me with her. When he got back... it karked me up. Loyalty's a big thing for me, ya know? I... I lost my shit completely with that. I popped a couple of stun bolts into him... and when I saw them together at the gala, I snapped." She took another deep, shaky breath as she looked back at Jand with a mixture of pain and shame. "That's why I'm in the hangars. I was supposed to go to prison, but my shuttle got shot down over Panatha and some psycho Sith harpy karked me up there. When I got back, they reduced my sentence and allowed me back into the Order... so, you see why I'm also feeling a little off about my place as well?" She finished with a half-hearted chuckle, but it didn't last long.

"But hey... if that ain't a second chance at life, I don't know what is." She admitted as she stood up and paced a bit, trying to shut down the vile memories creeping back into her head. "I'm sorry... you probably didn't need to listen to all that." She offered with a light frown as she picked up her case. "Was good meetin' you, Jand. I hope you can hang out sometime." She offered with a faint smile as she held a fist out towards him.

She only realized just how big a hole she likely dug for herself with his extremely literal way of thinking and talking...

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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"Really?" Jand was perplexed. "I do not see working on mechanics as a punishment. That is something I would elect to do."

Not everyone enjoyed engineering or technology, he supposed. But, everyone used it. Ironic, perhaps.

The question about the bar seemed to bring about some embarrassment for Ara, which hadn't been Jand's intention, he had simply wondered if it was her or not. It seemed it was, especially when the newly introduced sentient began to explain the situation, with quite a bit of complexity, and essentially laid bare the entire circumstance.

Throughout, Jand remained neutral, passive, as he watched with gray eyes and listened with his pointed ears.

When Ara was done, she excused herself and stood up. Jand watched her reach out with a fist - and he believed her to attempt a strike, though further consideration at the speed and lack of intent caused him to reconsider - before he looked up and blinked slowly.

"It seems to me that you let Kyell off easily. Such an action in my culture would result in the loss of his personal honor, with the expectation Kyell would accept his reviled status and end his life," Jand shook his head. "He should count himself fortunate not to be Nagai. And as for the other sentient involved, she at least seems to have gotten justifiable retaliation for the insult... barely."

There had been some curiosity over the potential for prison, however.

"Prison? For defending your honor? That seems laughable. Next time, might I suggest an honor duel, as it should cover the confusing legalities of this government."

And when it came to Ara's apology about the shared information, he added.

"And I do not mind being told. People tend to talk to me, about many things. I believe I am a good listener."

Still, whether Ara intended to leave or not, Jand raised his eyebrows:

"If you feel the need to leave, because of some degree of embarrassment from your story, you do not need to. I am not affected by the events, and actually believe you were in the right, even if your reaction was rash. It is completely up to you... though, I am curious about the case you carry: is it a weapon?"

What Ara expected from him, as far as her knowledge of Nagai went, was something along the lines of apathy, neutrality or perhaps a bit of condemnation for her actions. That she should have chosen a more honourable approach to settling the situation between her and Kyell. What she got instead was a response that earned a laugh of disbelief.

This was the first time anyone told her that she did the right thing... or rather, that she was too soft on them. It didn't sound remotely right to Ara, though she chalked that up to Jand's culture. "You know, that's the first time someone told me I did the right thing." She admitted with a laugh. "I'll admit, if you told me this a few months ago, we'd likely not be talkin' because I'd be sitting in prison for murder. But it's definitely a different way of lookin' at it." She continued, looking at Jand as a smile adorned her features. "I might have to join Nagai society one of these days, sounds like stuff's a lot more straightforward." She picked up her case.

Just as she suspected, Jand's way of looking at the galaxy was a lot more literal than other people. She was rather intrigued by it all. If she had met him a few days earlier, he would have been a massive help for her task on the Nagai. However, her plans on leaving to save her little bit of dignity fell flat when he asked about the case.

Immediately her attitude changed from embarrassment to excitement as a grin took hold. "Huh? A weapon? Nah... I mean... you can probably use it as one, it's sturdy enough. But..." She set the case down on the bench and opened it up, showcasing her brand new guitar. "Get a load of this bad boy." She picked it up and held the spotless guitar out for him to take.

She watched him for a moment, naturally concerned that he would drop it or mistreat it somehow. But he looked competent enough to handle it. "You play by any chance?" She asked him with a grin as she rested a hand on her hip.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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Jand raised an eyebrow.

"I suppose not all species hold mating arrangements as highly as the Nagai," He said simply, sure that was likely the case in this instance. "Important social status can be gained or lost depending on them, at least for my people... so I admit that my understanding, and expressed advice, may not align with your own. Or other, more maudlin-like cultures."

Nonetheless, the suggestion from Ara to join Nagai society caused Jand to chuckle.

"Our society is very hard to immigrate into. Many do not have what it takes to succeed."

But that was of no real concern, as Jand suspected it was a frivolous statement, perhaps one made to ease discomfort or awkwardness. The topic also changed to the case the Zabrak carried, to which Ara replied in response to Jand's question about it. There seemed to be an instrument within, though the Nagai was unfamiliar with the type, though the most obvious signs of a stringed percussive apparatus were present...

"What is it?" Jand asked, eyebrow raised. "I am not familiar with the design or its use, no. Are you?"

It was a surprise to hear Jand laugh. For a moment, Ara was taken back by the action. So far, he didn't really seem like one to laugh often, given his relatively rough demeanor and disposition. He went on to ask about the guitar, earning a proud smile from Ara.

"It's called a guitar. Electric guitar, specifically. And yeah, I play... wouldn't exactly describe myself as a pro, but I'd like to think I'm pretty good." She admitted as she set the case aside and rested the guitar in her lap. She turned the fancy guitar on and dribbled her fingers against the side as she thought of a melody to play.

She decided on the same one she played for Iris when she got the guitar, though she kept the volume of the song low enough to not be overbearing.

"It's a great way to vent and work things out, I've found. Helps take your mind off, or it can help you get through difficult stuff." She admitted as she spared a glance up at him. "Gotta admit, though. Sounds like honour and loyalty is a pretty big deal for you and your people." Her gaze lingered as she thought over what he said, remembering a comment he made earlier.

"You said you're struggling to figure out your place in the order or something, right? You, uh... you wanna talk about it? I'm probably not the best choice for advice but I can try to help you out." She offered with a faint smile as she looked down again at the strings and notes.

"Unless... you wanna do it your way and talk it out over a duel." She teased... and immediately regretted it. "I mean... don't really mean, like, for real or nothin'." Her playing ceased as she raised a hand wuth wide eyes. The last thing she needed was a fight to the death against a Nagai that could probably wipe the floor with her.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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An electric guitar.

Jand eyed the instrument, before he glanced back up to Ara, to listen as she explained. Then the Zabrak began to strum on the guitar, playing a low tune, which caused the pale Padawan to look back down and watch the strings being plucked. It was an interesting apparatus, Jand supposed, though it seemed to lack some of the charm of the more popular instruments he knew about.

"I see," Jand said, when Ara mentioned how the guitar was good for venting. He didn't understand how. "I much prefer venting frustrations with intense meditative combat... but if playing the guitar works for you, that is good."

The statement about honor and loyalty made Jand look up and blink.

"Yes, specifically clan and personal honor," He clarified, his voice low. "There is an incredible amount of social stigma for those that embarrass themselves or family. I am the first Jedi in my clan, for example, so I cannot fail or it would dishonor them."

And in some ways, that explanation probably gave Ara more of an idea about Jand's situation. When she mentioned the struggle the pale Padawan faced, he could only nod, before listening to the rest of what she had to say. Seemed Ara was willing to offer advice or a willing ear, though Jand did perk up at the mention of a chance to talk while in a duel.

But Ara clarified quickly.

A shame...

"That is possible, dueling does ease the mind and allow for clarity," Jand said as he considered, as he rubbed his chin. "Do you have your lightsaber? Is it a training variation? As it wouldn't do to kill you in the duel, and after your insistence, I assume we need non-lethal weapons."

Ara couldn't help but laugh at his method of venting and relaxing. "Oh I'm with ya on that one. Keep forgetting the name but it's that weird type of meditation you do with training. But... it's good to shake it up, ya know?" She admitted casually as she continued to softly play her tune.

As she played, she looked up and listened to his explanation of his culture. It sounded very similar to Zabrak culture, or even the Mandos from what she read. Thiugh the bit about screwing up and dooming one's family was a bit of a bad situation. She didn't get a chance to comment on that, though, as he asked if she had her lightsaber. She blinked and paused with her playing as she pulled her lightsaber from her belt. "Hell yeah. Got an intensity setting for training and stuff. But hey... I ain't that easy to kill." She flashed a wink and stood up, storing her guitar back in its case before she switched her weapon to its training setting.

The fact that it looked like a hydrospanner probably didn't help her overall impression.

"Alright, mister confident, let's do this then." She quipped as she backed away and into an open area, waiting for him to join her.

The unstable blade burst to life in its green glory as Ara gripped the weapon with both hands, taking a deep breath before she made the first move. A powerful slash at his neck, quickly retreating to cut at his hands before she backed off, holding her weapon at the ready. "Alright, so you're nervous abiut screwing up as a Jedi. You think you won't be able to make it or what?" She asked as she noved in again with a quick cut to draw his blade.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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"Meditative combat, yes," Jand nodded. "It merges the best of both exercises."

The guitar had an interesting sound, Jand supposed, though it did seem somewhat limited by the number of strings. There were only so many notes that could be produced, which was inferior to what a Nagai could do naturally, with only vocal use. All members of the species had incredible control of their voices, able to modulate and tailor their voices to any that could hear and understand them.

As a result, Jand was an excellent singer.

"I have not seen you fight," Jand said in response to Ara's claims to be difficult to kill. "I cannot say. But we shall know, soon."

As Ara prepared, Jand pushed to his feet and stepped down from the bench. He pulled the training lightsaber from his belt, which was located next to his personal lightsaber, as it had become common for him to have the alternative on hand at the Jedi Temple. His own weapon had no power modulation.

Ahead, Ara's lightsaber snapped to life, and appeared to be quite an unstable green blade.

It also looked to be a hydrospanner.

"An interesting design," Jand said in a low voice. "Efficient."

Jand activated the training lightsaber, as the blue blade burst forth and thrummed. He walked over to the open space, near his - now - opponent, and prepared to engage. However, Ara attacked first, as she delivered a swing for Jand's neck. He rotated his blue blade, which caught the green blade, and blocked it. Then Ara back stepped and gave a quick slash toward his hands on the weapon handle - a less unorthodox move - to which the green blade singed Jand's skin, stinging him, as he watched the attack graze him.

Unorthodox it would be.

"I see," Jand muttered, as he regarded the burn. "Very well."

Jand adopted his defensive stance, the hilt near his naval, the blade tip toward his opponent. Ara moved in with another cut. Jand twisted his blade, caught the middle of the green blade with an inside defensive block, then continued to step forward - as he parried the green blade to one side - and aimed to deliver a weighty shoulder into Ara's chest with several stomps at her.

"Because of my lightsaber capability, I do not fear being removed from the Jedi Order. Warriors are needed in war time. Still, I would like to excel as a Jedi, if I am able... which is where my concerns stem from, as my Force use is lesser compared to my peers."

Throughout the initial stages of the bout, Jand's face had remained neutral and calm. He didn't appear to be strained with effort.

"In some ways, it makes me feel inferior," Jand worked his jaw muscles. "And I am limited in how I can overcome the problem here. In my culture, I would request an honor duel, and the result would be what it was. But not so as a Jedi."

The Jedi frowned on killing peers.

"What about you? Have you found your place in the Jedi?"

Ara carefully watched Jand as she retreated, keeping her guard up as she circled him. It was his turn to attack as he moved in, trapping her blade for the moment. Though she immediately realized what he was trying to do. The Zabrak twisted and moved past, moving her foot to lock behind his before she delivered a shoulder bash of her own in hopes of sweeping him off his feet.

"Can't be usin' my tricks against me, man! Come on!" She teased as she backed off with her blade at the ready. "Honestly, I get the Force thing. It's tricky. Best advice I could find is to keep a clear mind, but that ain't so easy." She commented with a shrug as she watched him. The mention of an honour duel to sort out his position as Jedi earned a strained smile from the Zabrak. "Yeah... don't think an honour duel's gonna help much in this situation." She snickered as she moved in again with a flurry of attacks. Strong, simplistically elegant strikes to keep his blade busy as she tried to put the pressure on him.

"What about you? Have you found your place in the Jedi?"

In a brief lapse of control, Ara launched a kick at his gut and a push from her palm through the Force before backing off again. "Sorry 'bout that... let's just... say it's complicated, huh?" She muttered, giving him a chance to recover before attacking once again. "After what happened... I've been feelin' like nobody wants me around here..." She spoke through her strikes and slashes. "Makes figurin' out why I'm still here a pain, especially when I can live with my mom and join the Mandalorians. But Sheridans ain't quitters. The Order gave me a chance to be something and I'm gonna do it." With another strike, she attempted to parry his blade aside and strike out with a fist at his gut.

"So is it just the Force thing for you, or other stuff too?" She asked with a breath.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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Jand watched Ara sidestep the shoulder, gray eyes observant, even as she gave a shoulder bash of her own. The impact made Jand stumble, as they parted, the other backpedaling for space. The Zabrak gave a quip, which Jand ignored, before she spoke about possible advice for attaining a more improved connection to the Force. But, the suggestion wasn't helpful, as Jand was more than capable of clearing his mind through physically active combat meditation due to his upbringing.

"Unfortunately that is not the solution."

Ara began to attack again, as Jand kept his lightsaber in front of himself, in a standard defense. Hilt at the naval, blade tip toward the opponent, aimed at maximizing distance. Though while Jand moved his own blade in subtle parries, taking advantage of short concise movements to cover his body, it seemed his query caused Ara to lose her focus for a moment--

* Thud *

--Jand took the kick to the stomach, as he grunted and stepped back. The Force push that followed earned a growl, as the Nagai clenched his teeth, and slid back several yards from the impact. The pale Padawan shook his shoulders, as he righted himself, and brought his weapon back in front of his body. Aside from the initial missed shunt, Jand had focused on bladework, though it seemed the vocal Zabrak wanted to bring melee strikes into the spar.

"I can understand it being a troubling situation," Jand said as he - once again - started to defend against the more aggressive sparing partner. While the Nagai was typically fond of going all out in a spar, this one seemed more focused on discussing what troubled them, and so wasn't necessarily the focus of the exercise. "I cannot comment on what others might think about your presence here. It is possible that the gossipers have told others about the bar incident, which may have them wary of you."

It was one possible answer, Jand supposed. Then Ara threw another melee strike, a punch to his stomach this time, which became something of a final straw for him. There seemed to be a discrepancy in the pair, compared to what each expected from the spar:

"I had been focusing on other aspects of this spar, conversing and working on troubles we share," Jand said simply, his eyes narrowed. "Yet, you seem inclined to want to inflict some degree of injury. If that is how you wish to spar, very well."

Jand moved significantly faster than before, his Nagai speed and dexterity revealed. There was a stab with a thrust, as he lunged, but he altered his footwork and instead kicked off into the air beside Ara, as he lashed out with a passing kick - aimed for the upper body - and landed in a crouch behind. Jand twirled the blue blade, aiming several repeated slashes for Ara's legs with quick back-and-forth counter crosses, as he crouch-hopped after her, his body low to the ground; and once he felt the repeated strikes were predictable, ripe for counter, he pushed out his palm and delivered a similar Force push, aimed at stumbling Ara back...

"The Force eludes me in ways it does not for others," Jand said as he stood and leveled his weapon toward her, point aimed at Ara's chest, ready for her to come. "Where some can lift multiple boulders, I struggle to lift several rocks. Where some see prophetic visions, I see the back of my eyelids. It seems my capacity for the Force is diminished compared to others... and I am trying to find out why."

Or, at least, Jand hoped there was a reason.

It was also possible his connection to the energy was just... lacking.

Ara's heavy handed approach to the spar seemed to get a bit of a rise out of the Nagai as he stepped up his game as well. Ara gave a shrug as she waited for him to get ready again. "Hey, the Sith or Imps won't be going soft on either of us. Better to hope for the best and prepare for the worst." She remarked as she watched him. When he moved again, Ara was caught a little off guard by his swift attacks.

The Zabrak was quick to match his movements with quick blocks of her own, though it was clear that he was drawing a lot more concentration from her in the moment. She managed to hold out and strike out a few times at him as well, though the push sent her flying back a few feet with a loud grunt. She was quick to recover and raised her blade again with a daring grin. "Now that's more like it, huh?" She quipped as she attacked again.

"Honestly... you gotta talk... to Master Valery or Zhea." She spoke over her attacks, moving from left to right, back and forth, a wild pattern to throw off his game. "You know... you ever tried relaxing?" She asked with a curious look as she struck down to trap his blade for a moment. "I don't mean in the fight... just... goin' out and spending time with friends, living a little, if you get what I mean." She asked him with a smile. Breaking off the attack, Ara stepped back and held her saber at the ready in case he pursued. "For me, makin' friends and learning to relax helped me out a ton. Stuff's sketchy now but that's because I'm in an awkward spot these days. Almost... like... learning what the Force is, or something. They tell us the Force is around us and it's what gives us life... I understood what they meant when I went out into Kashyyyk's wilds with my master." She explained to him.

It wasn't the best advice and she was no expert... but he needed someone to talk to and she was going to do just that. "Otherwise... I dunno, honestly. I ain't the 'talk to for Force advice' friend, I'm just here to have a beer and a burger with friends if they're down." She quipped with a laugh.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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Throughout the spar, Ara maintained solid defenses, as Jand steadily increased his speed and dexterity. The conversation between strikes gave some proverbial food for thought, however there was presumption that Jand hadn't done exactly what was suggested. He had, in fact, spoken to several senior Jedi regarding some of the issues, and while the insights had been helpful, it ultimately came down to the Nagai to walk a path for his improvement.

"I have spoken to Knights and Masters," Jand said simply. "It seems to come down to my own perspective and decisions on how to overcome limitations, as each Jedi walks their own path."

Jand watched the increasingly wild attacks from Ara, which came from various directions in an effort to confuse him. It didn't work. Jand maintained his forward guard, and fell back on fundamental blocking and parrying moves with the top end of his lightsaber blade. So long as Jand kept his center mass covered, minute twists and parries could reach the wilder pattern of strikes coming toward him, where his stances would naturally keep his limbs in motion to oppose the strikes.

"I do relax, I do spend time with friendly acquaintances," Jand continued, as he narrowed his eyes, observing Ara's movements closely. "But, being from my culture, I feel most alive in combat. That is my past-time, it is how I was raised. And while I have gained other interests, they do not compare."

Ara backed away, lightsaber held ready.

Jand remained at a distance, for the time being. He listened, gray eyes staring, as he took in the words. The pale Padawan wasn't one to dismiss opinions, but he was critical of them and always approached taking them on board carefully, yet some of Ara's points made sense. The mystery surrounding the Force itself was one that Jand also struggled to understand, beyond the obvious, beyond the superficial...

"Yes, the Force is still a mystery for myself, even after half a year with the Jedi," Jand agreed. "From what I understand, even Masters do not fully understand if after a lifetime... so it does raise some concerns, and implies personal development might be a constant pursuit."

Jand shifted his stance, he now had more of an idea of what Ara was capable of, combat wise. His posture was now that of Djem So, known for its more powerful strikes and bolder movements in combat, and given his opponent's reliance on speed and parries... well, now the Nagai planned to batter them down.

"I am too young to drink," Jand said, as he rushed forward, using all of his considerable natural speed. "I have not been to Kashyyyk, but there remains potential with my mentor, Master Vanagor. What did you learn there?"

Without skipping a beat, Jand came in fast and hard. He began by delivering several overhead slashes, before he pivoted to one side and swung his lightsaber heavily for a left to right horizontal slash, his movements supplemented by his faster-than-average Nagai physiology. And Jand would aim to be unrelenting, avoiding giving Ara room, as the Nagai kept close and continued to batter and smash with his blue blade, aimed at overwhelming his opponent.

Each strike and slam was delivered with all the power Djem So allowed, as the basis for its form.

"How many have you been to beer and burgers with?" Jand asked, as he finished his attacks, and peeled away to pace for a moment. "That sounds like a potential method to overcome discomfort others might have with you?"

As Jand continued to slow walk around Ara, he kept both his lightsaber arm and blade pointed toward her, extended, waiting...

Jand admitted to already talking to some of the Masters in hopes of figuring it out, so that bit of advice was out the window. But he did bring up some interesting bits that stood out to her. "I mean... yeah, getting better at something ain't a one time gig. It... never really stops. Not just the Jedi stuff... just anything overall. Fighting, mechanics... who you are... all of that." She commented with a shrug as she pondered over it.

Jand moved in again on the offensive, pushing Ara to defend and try to find a gap in between his strikes. He didn't leave a lot for her. His change in approach left the Zabrak on the back foot as he battered against her defenses, though she held up for the moment. "On Kashyyyk?" She repeated his question. "Dude, it's beautiful! My master took me into the wilderness to help me get a feel for the Force. How it works and stuff. Helped me a ton. Also the first planet I've been to with that much green and life." She explained, though the lapse in focus earned her a slap against the arm from his blade.

With a faint hiss, Ara stepped back and rubbed at the spot where the training blade singed her. "Wait... how the hell are you too young to drink? You twelve or something?" She asked him with a confused frown, though it quickly turned into a smirk. "Hey, you're only too young if someone finds out. Me and you gotta grab a drink sometime. Trust me, you'll love my burgers." She quipped with a laugh.

"How many have you been to beer and burgers with?"

"That sounds like a potential method to overcome discomfort others might have with you?"

The question earned a groan from Ara as she relaxed a bit. "Yeah... probably... but the trick's gettin' someone to tag along. So far it's only been Jasper and Iris. But the rest... stuff's still tense. It's as easy as invitin' someone but that don't mean much if they don't wanna come with." She explained to him. "Like, would you want a beer and a burger with me?" She asked rhetorically, not exactly expecting an answer.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
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The information about Kashyyyk was promising.

Jand did hold interest in seeing the planet, the Wookiees, not to mention other places and cultures. As a Nagai, his upbringing had been somewhat isolated, mainly because of the stigma felt by his people about the Tof and events from the past. Since he had become a Jedi, it felt as though Jand's experiences and knowledge about the galaxy had increased a hundred fold, and he saw little reason to stop discovering.

"I do look forward to it, yes," Jand commented with a nod. His blade found her arm, as he added. "It makes me wonder about other worlds, too."

The query about being too young to drink was met with an eyebrow raise.

"I assume due to my age, which is not twelve, it is sixteen," Jand said simply. "I have never been in a position to drink a beer, or other similar beverages. And I do not think that is how it works... someone knowing is irrelevant to being too young to drink. Yes?"

Jand lowered his lightsaber and deactivated the blue blade. He felt that perhaps the spar had come to a natural conclusion, as Ara began to speak more than duel. That was acceptable to the Nagai, he had been training for quite some time prior in the day, so ending exercises would allow him some rest. Besides, the garden was meant for reflection and meditation, and the clashing of blades might have garnered attention...

"We can conclude the spar," Jand said, before he regarded the other. His unfamiliarity with galactic basic often resulted in literal interpretations, as was the case now. "Why must you trick others? Is that part of the problem? Both of those sentients are well-known and respected in the Jedi Temple, perhaps you could extend invitations to them, to then invite their acquaintances?"

Jand wasn't much of a people person, he certainly wasn't an introvert, but it had just never been something he pursued. Until recently, anyway, as he aimed to work and develop himself. The question hung in the air, before he replied:

"If it is specifically a beer and burger, then no."

The Nagai raised his eyebrows.

"But if another beverage suitable to my age is permissible, then yes."


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