Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Multiple Characters Shenaniganinans (Wowie Wow)


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
When I first came to this site I was super glad about the multi-chara system. It's amazing really I love it. But I was wondering in the beginning.

"Couldn't someone just make like eight characters and get them all together and just do a lot of stupid things that one normally couldn't do alone."

Yes it's possible, but I haven't seen it. Mainly because I realized something, mainly that pulling that off is hard. I've been relatively active on here for a while and with four characters none have even come close to bumping into one another. I mean two characters started on the same planet but this universe is so big that it's hard to meet people which actually is really cool. I mean, I came to this site as a joke in all honesty. I came here to make a ridiculous character and troll, but I couldn't after I started playing the community here is too great and I love the way it works. It's gotten me back in writing and I love it.

But this makes me curious, and here comes the discussion question...

TL;DR: Wow this place is cool, what is the most ridiculous thing you could do if your characters met one another.


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Personally, for humor and ridiculous out of characterness and to lead by example...

I'd have Raachwaroo meet [member="Anton Nadramie"]. Mr. Nadramie owns a lightsaber crystal factory and is starting to do custom orders for lightsabers. I'd give Waroo a big ridiculous custom made lightsaber four hander with resistant armor and have Anton train him in the force. He'd become a juggernaut and wreak havoc err'ywhere.

But of course I'll never do that because that's absolutely ridiculous. But this is the purpose of this thread.


Spirit of the Shadow Guard

I've been planning a little fiasco with three of my characters revolving around an idea I haven't gotten to yet. I've even attempted in a thread to engage two of my characters, although sadly it seems that thread is discontinued for the moment. But ya your right, it's still nice that people are more willing to engage others in a 'chaotic' environment instead of doing things with only their characters which would make things a lot more controlled.


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer

Yeah haha, we take our action figures and play with other people on here. It's much better that way in my own opinion but I started this mainly because I think two of mine might briefly meet soonish. Both are likely to join the same faction and such. But the diversity on here is real. People have characters that do legitimate jobs. I was expecting an unending line of bounty hunters and edgy sith lords fighting for power. But then all of a sudden bankers, private eyes, I saw a taxi driver on here man. This place is awesome I wish I was more popular so I'd get more roleplays because I haven't seen two same characters on here yet.
As someone who has lots of characters and tries to do small parts with several of them, yes you can do this, but you can do it with one and NPC's just as easily.

Treat people well and there'll rp with you in the future, if you don't, they don't :D
Vengeance and my Fleeter were in the same room together during a fraction thread but didn't interact.

More recently Vengeance and my soldier were in the same faction thread with only a single sentence exchanged between the two.

Skylar Ichor

If Skylar and [member="Tindōmiselde Tokani"] met... they'd be best buds, they have very similar personalities, but not so similar that they'd hate each other. I can see [member="Pyro"] and [member="Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker"] meeting, and her kind of taking them in as younger siblings since she's the youngest of her "family". If [member="Alatar Istari"] and [member="Casey Romarin"] met they'd probably fight and then go out for drinks.

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