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Approved Tech Mundus Ruptor | Saint Augustine's Power Hammer

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  • Intent: To make a unique personal weapon for Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova, out of the remains of a historical weapon from the ancient past of Spindle VI.
  • Image Source: Credit to Creator
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Power Hammer | Sith Sword
  • Classification: Power Hammer
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Armor-to-hammer connection [The Mundus Ruptor is connected with the Armor of Saint Augustine through the use of very powerful magnetics within the hammer itself. Having a permanent south pole, that allows it to be attracted to the permanent north pole of the armor. Making it seem like the operator is able to use force pull to bring the hammer back to his hand but in reality is just magnetic forces reacting to each other]
  • Laser-reflective armor technology [Deflect incoming blaster bolts with the head of the hammer]
  • Maximum setting ultrasonic vibration generator [Generates enough vibratory force to rip through flesh, armor, stone, and even durasteel plating. Slightest touch from weapon could cause horrible gaping wounds and even dismemberment in some cases]
  • Shockwave Generator [Creates an intense sonic wave that would tear apart a target that was hit by the energy created from the device]
  • Repulsor Generators [To give extra strength and power to the shockwave generators, using the ability of known power hammers. Which can send even heavily armored opponents flying across a room with their armored shattered]
  • Force Alchemized [Alchemical Alterations allow the hammer to block incoming lightsaber attacks, as well deflect and redirect blaster bolts in much the same way a lightsaber could]
  • Many Generators allowing more effectiveness in combat against opponents with a variety of different abilities.
  • Natural Benefit of Power Hammer, Allowing opponents to be smashed back with their armor shattered
  • Force Alchemized to better be able to stand up to lightsaber attacks and protect against blaster bolts
  • Laser-Reflective Armor Technology better allow the weapon to deflect incoming blaster bolts towards an opponent
  • Extremely Durable to stand up to immense amount of punishment
  • An effective blunt weapon to use against opponents if generators failed.
  • Cumbersome weapon to wield in combat, making it not suitable for facing faster opponents unless the operator has specifically trained in the use and knows the limitations of the hammer and its abilities.
  • Heavy in weight, making it not an effective weapon unless wearing the Armor of Saint Augustine or having strength cybernetic enhancements
  • Reliance on Technology infused within the hammer can lead to it being affected by heavy emp/ion weaponry that an opponent may have
  • The Generators often counteract each other within the hammer, making it short cricut and leaving it as nothing but a heavy blunt weapon
  • Reacts to lightside force powers due to heavy dark side alchemized process for the hammer to be as durable as it is. Making the weapon lose some of the dark side enhancements upon it.

The Mundus Ruptor otherwise known as World Breaker is the Ancient Power Hammer of the Patron Saint of the Knightly Order of Saint Augustine. Once belonging to a powerful neutral sorcerer, named Enstrom Kalune before his coming to the Industrial World of Spindle VI during the Old Republic Era of the Galaxy. Enstrom Kalune would have arrived to the first technological city built on the surface, the Capital of Halbarrow otherwise known in the present day as the Old City of Halbarrow, having descended from a once mighty industrial powerhouse settlement to a criminal haven where various different criminal gangs plundered for profit. Offering his talents in the force to treating various diseases and other plagues that affected the population, Enstorm would establish himself in the Imperial Monarchy of Spindle VI, underneath the Emperor-President Cerebellum III De Munto Castrousn as the Chief Medical Officer for the Nobility. Knowing to himself that as the chief medical officer, he was bound to fight in the world's wars using his medical talents. Unsatisfied with the inequality between the masses and the arrogant nature of the nobility, Enstrom would lead the first rebellion against the Imperial Monarchy that the world had ever seen. Knowing to himself that a massive war was coming, Enstrom would pour himself into ancient knowledge that had been left by jedi missionary and sith forces that briefly occupied the planet during the Old Republic Era. At the time, the Mundus Ruptor was an ordinary hammer filled with the power of the dark side and achelmized with the local metals on hand. Enstrom having equipped himself with both armor and his hammer would lead his forces through the Sovereign Gorge to face the Imperial Army underneath Cerebellum, both armies would face each other on opposite sides of the gorge itself. Cerebellum and Enstrom would engage in a titanic battle between their forces, each of them would lose hundreds of men which only motivated the armies to fight with each other more vigorously for their causes. The War would eventually come to an end, with the death of Cerebellum by the Mundus Ruptor, hailing the leader which had got them victory over the imperials. The Warrior-Saint as people came to call him would found the Knightly Order of Saint Augustine and as their patron saint, take the name of Augustine to rally the Industrial World into a golden age. After the Warrior-Saints passing and burial beneath the Cathedral of the Knightly Order and be kept as one of the most important artifacts of the world. It came into the possession of Monkrove, when the House of Moldova came to inherit the debt of the Knightly Order and demanded payment and the installment of Monkrove's Daughter Ophelia to the position of Supreme Knight. Conceding to the demands, The Knightly Order would hand over the only thing of value that would matter to the house of moldova, that being the ancient mundus ruptor.

Knowing to himself that the weapon wasn't effective anymore in a modern sense, lead monkrove to have the hammer be rebuilt to matter combat opponents that he would commonly face on the battlefield. The Craftsman Guild of Spindle VI and the University of Scientific Progress & Astromancy would both lend their aid to the reconfiguration of this weapon. The Craftsman Guild would be the ones that installed modern things within the weapon, such as laser-reflective technology, 3 generators that would give the weapon a superior edge against opponents on the battlefield. The University's Dark Houses would begin the process of bringing back the dark side properties within the weapon and reusing the alchemy techniques within the massive library at the school to make this weapon able to stand up to lightsabers and assist in deflecting blaster bolts. The New Mundus Ruptor came with many benefits and strengths, such as having the brute force of a power hammer to be able to send back armored opponents and have their armor be shattered due to the immense amount of force being generated upon a single contact point. The installment of 3 generators would also give the weapon a few more abilities to assist in combat, such has having a highly dangerous ultrasonic vibration generator that allows it to rip through flesh, stone, and armor to name a few of them. Due to having sith alchemy and the laser-reflective armor technology within the hammer, it is effective in blocking lightsabers and reflecting and blocking incoming blaster bolts. Also due to sith alchemy is that the hammer is extremely durable, making it not easy to break on the battlefield. The last strength is that even if the weapon's generators go offline for some reason, the weapon still has enough force to be effective in using brute force. Although the New Mundus Ruptor does have many benefits, it still as weaknesses like all weapons do even after modification. The first weakness is that it is a cumbersome weapon to use in combat, making it not very well suited for engaging in faster opponents on the battlefield, however a person trained in month long use of the hammer, allow this weakness to be lessened due to knowing the limitation of the weapon. Another weakness is that it is heavy in weight, allowing it not to be used by smaller species or even regular humans without the aid of either the Armor of Saint Augustine which is linked to the weapon or having cybernetically enhanced strength of some kind. A dual weakness would be the generators because they can be knocked out with heavy emp/ion weaponry, making it not as effective as before but still having the brute force necessary to engage opponents, adding to that would be that the generators sometimes overlap with each other and short circuit. The last weakness would be that it is affected by light side force powers because it is infused with the dark side of the force, making the dark side enhancements to the weapon become almost non-existence, and leaving the weapon not as durable or sharp as it normally is.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

This is a very cool war axe! One thing, please link the Force Alchemy (Sith Alchemy) to the materials. And one note, Force Alchemy could be neutral or light side too. However true, you can find only Sith alchemy on the Wookieepedia, but not only Darksiders could use the Alchemy.
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