Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unreviewed M'un'rior Bog

  • Intent: To Create A Territory For The Nardithi Nightsisters
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N / A
  • Permissions: N / A
  • Links: N / A
  • Landmark Name: M'un'rior Bog
  • Classification: Swamp
  • Location: Dathomir
  • Affiliation: Nardithi Nightsisters
  • Size: Large (260 kilometers)
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: The entire area is inhabited only by the Nardithi Nightsisters. There are no outsiders.
  • Accessibility: The accessibility is not an issue; anyone can stumble upon the territory; but the Nightsisters treat this as sacred grounds and do not take trespassers lightly.
  • Description:
The M'un'rior Bog is a sprawling swamp, whose waters possess a healthy look and are filled with massive amounts of nutrients to sustain several species of plant and animal life. The swampy water has a mist-like green aura radiating over the entire bog, which is believed to be spirit and or magic ichor. The bog has been redesigned to be a homestead for the Nardithi Nightsisters.


  • Huts
  • Tombs / Burial Grounds
  • Temple
  • Training Grounds
  • Farms


The newly formed Nardithi Nightsister Clan conquered and took control of the M'un'rior bogs from those inhabiting it before their arrival. They began to settle the bogs to fit their needs. First, they erected huts for living quarters for the sisters and at times as breeding grounds to swell their ranks. Secondly, they began cultivating the land in the form of farms. Here they would grow crops for survival, eventually adapting the farms into having live livestock. The animal pens of the farms serve as a backup food source as the sisters like to hunt for live game in the area. Both hunting and the pens provide the necessary food source for the clan.

As the clan grew, so did their belief in the ancient religion. Temples were constructed in honor of
The Fanged God where the sisters would worship and lay offerings to him. It was believed hundreds of years ago that the Fanged God was a manifestation of The Son because of his association to the dark side and the connection the Nightsisters had with the dark side. The temple began to attract exiled sisters to the bog, who were either killed or incorporated into the clan. It was now believed that outsiders could pose a threat, and thus the training grounds were spawned.

The training grounds did what the name represents, it was designed to train warriors and protectors of the clan, forging a strong and powerful force to repel any threat. From the moment a young sister could walk, her training had begun. Through the life of a Nardithi Nightsister, she was dedicated to training her mind and body as a weapon. However, death was much as real as life; and the sisters of the clan did not believe in the ancient burial pods, electing for a more traditional burying. Hence the tombs, or burial grounds.

A swath of the bog was blessed and designated as sacred for the burial ground, where tombs of the fallen would house the dead. The burial grounds being sacred as they were, any that was not of the clan trespassing would do so on the pain of death.

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