1 Matalok command cruiser.
1 Uro-ik v'alh battleship.
2 Miid ro'ik warship
1 A-vek Iiluunu fighter carrier
1 Vua'spar interdictor
Aboard the Matalok Command Cruiser, Unknown Name.
Above Munto Cudro.
Tormax walked along the bridge of the Matalok Command Cruiser. The Yuuzhan Vong ships were quite impressive in themselves. Completely organic, and the dovin basals. Quite the thing.
He looked out of what happened to be the viewports. He saw the star destroyer of the Army of Light and the dropships being deployed. He wondered if the planet continued to resist off the Republic, or submitted. Though he doubted it, the Sith wouldn't stop until they were dead. At least he hoped, for he was Sith too and he would accept nothing less.
Though some would consider Tormax as a traitor to the Empire for joining the Yuuzhan Vong, he considered himself smart. The Empire was being attacked all throughout the Galaxy and the Yuuzhan Vong were the one people who could help keep the Sith alive and conquering.
"Open fire on that ship with the yaret-kors. Deploy the coralskippers. We will hold off on deploying the ground troops." He said, clasping his hands behind his back. When the time came, the Warmaster would be deployed with the Matalok's ground forces, hundreds of Yuuzhan Vong, though the ships were capable of holding, thousands.
He watched as the rest of the Taskforce's yaret-kors ((yuuzhan vong equivalent of turbolasers.)) began to fire upon the Star Destroyer. If any fire was returned the dovin basals would deal with it as if it were nothing. The yaret-kors were pumping out hundreds of plasma from them.
If the Star Destroyer didn't leave soon it would be destroyed.
Only moments had passed since Tormax's previous orders and he looked to the side to one of the Yuuzhan Vong officers and said, "jam their communications. They shall not be receiving reinforcements." He said with an animalistic grin on his face. "Contact the Interdictor, we shall keep the Star Destroyer here. It must not know the Yuuzhan Vong have returned." He said with another short smile, though it didn't fit on his face.
He continued to stand in front of the viewport with his hands clasped behind his back, while the plasma shots continued to travel towards the Star Destroyer, as the hundreds if not thousands of coralskippers were deployed from hangars and went into orbit of the planet to deal with the AoL Gunships and their own fighters. Even as the interdiction field from the Vuaspar ship projected it's field across the system. No reinforcements would come to Montu Codru for the Republic, and with no escape, and with no sort of communication..The Yuuzhan Vong would not be heard of returning..At least not yet.
If any transmissions had gotten through, the ships continued to jam and would intercept any and all frequencies.
@[member="Manu Xextos"]