Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Murakami Initiative | SO & GA Junction of Bith & Colla IV



902 ABY
Murakami Initiative

Amidst the tumult of a galaxy at war, the specter of the dark side looms ever larger. Embroiled in the divisive clutches of Darth Ophidia's civil war, the Ouroboros Crisis of the Sith Order rages on. The Emperor and his followers, Darth Empyrean's Eternalist Sith, clash with the rebellious legions of Ophidia's Tsis'Kaar in an effort to quell the uprising and cull the treasonous.

Seeing opportunity in the strife of their rival-Sith, the Order's warlords set their sights on the lost Holy Worlds of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Ziost, in a ruthless bid to reclaim those sacred dominions. Generations of Ashlan inhabitants were cast aside as these venerated planets fell, one after another, into the shadow of the Sith, their cries for justice echoing through the void. As the Sith Order's displays of viciousness and power escalate and their territories encroach upon the galactic core, they threaten the hard-earned stability enjoyed by the Galactic Alliance.

Emerging from the crucible of battle on Thule, whereupon the Alliance opposed the relentless expansion of the Sith within the Holy Worlds, the Jedi now stand at the precipice of a new and harrowing conflict and disturbance in the Force. Uncovering an agenda on behalf of the Sith Order to claim the dark side world of Odacer-Faustin, the Galactic Alliance marshals its forces and dispatches its second military task force in as many months to the foreboding Sith Holy Worlds.

Odacer-Faustin, a world veiled in ancient secrets, radio-silent for some six thousand years, was once home to a sprawling Sith academy, founded by the Sith Lord Darth Drear. Beneath the hallowed halls of its sprawling libraries lay a dark and foreboding temple which concealed the arcane secrets to eternal life. A potion, brewed from the rare and powerful Murakami Orchid, with a macabre twist: immortality at the cost of individuality. At the heart of the Academy's ancient grounds lies a great, towering black spire, within which remain the clandestine laboratories of Sith Lord Darth Scabrous— he who dared to try unlocking those accursed secrets for himself. Instead, he unleashed an unholy terror which consumed the world— a ravenous horde of cannibalistic undead to consume the world.



In Orbit

Abruptly, the dappled star-line of empty space is blotted out as massive vessels of war drop out of hyperspace along the Daragon Trail. For the first time since the Caldera Crisis over Elom, Sith Order and Galactic Alliance forces meet for war within reach of the Sith Holy Worlds. In the near distance, looming and massive, lay the bleak and cold, dark world of Odacer-Faustin. Storm clouds churn across the planet’s surface like ink thrown into soapy water, the writhing mass momentarily under-lit by flashes of ultraviolet lightning. Blockading the world in a thick, bisecting belt, across from the emerging fleet, the Sith vessels of war lay neatly scattered like so many flickering asteroids.

Already, troop carriers and shrieking starfighters launch like swarms to engage in mass deployment efforts across the planetary battlefront. Orders are simple: protect your lander-class support craft, wipe out the enemy, and disrupt their own landing efforts at Odacer-Faustin.



Outbreak Ground Zero

The library was silent and empty, no doubt the largest and oldest structure within both the Academy and on Odacer-Faustin itself, which also meant that it was in the worst condition. Centuries of perpetual ice storms and shifting planetary tectonics had savaged the Academy’s many reaching towers, closing off entire chambers, stairways and corridors beneath tons of snow and ice. From within, it resembled nothing so much as a grand monument, walls black with soot and ice, torn apart and frozen at the seams; one massive, cracked cathedral ceiling at the building’s heart.

The Sith Academy, once a bastion of dark knowledge, now lay frozen and forsaken. Few yet knew the secrets this place held, secrets granting eternal life at a terrible cost. Deep beneath the library, hidden from the eyes of all but a select few, lay a Sith temple containing the malevolent secrets of its founder, Darth Drear.

With a sprawling campus and access to various subterranean passageways, Odacer-Faustin’s Sith Academy represents a potentially high-value and defensible territory. However, as Sith Order and Galactic Alliance forces deploy, they do so oblivious to the many macabre secrets hidden beneath the snow and within the frozen ruins. Silent and hungry for eons, thousands of undead abominations lay dormant, encased in the ice and lurking in the shadows, immortal guardians of a world lost to apocalypse.

Then, somewhere amidst the howling winds and biting cold, a simian scream pierces the air, bellowing, sounding deranged and wet, then another, and another, and another.




The Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order have set their sights on Mortis Bio-Spire, an ancient albeit prestigious military science facility shrouded in bone chilling rumors and guarded by hordes of the dreaded Sithspawn undead.

Built upon the secret command of Darth Scabrous, the facility hides many weapons which even the Sith have come to dread. Among them, the knowledge of a bioweapon known as "The Hunger," along with countless other sinister creations.

As forces from both sides converge on Mortis Bio-Spire, they must prepare to navigate the treacherous corridors and dark passageways leading deeper and deeper into the darkness, all the while knowing that immortality may not be the ultimate prize, rather a curse which could consume them all.




Objective: 3
Equipment: Skinsuit, Full Gear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil - Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tags: Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn

The exterior had been bad enough.

The howling along the surface of the planet growing ever closer and more persistent until it had died away suddenly. Which really wasn't in any way helping the sense of urgency Lossa felt, finally getting near enough to see the place. And while it definitely matched the pictures. The word ominous didn't really paint it well enough.

Whether the place had been beaten into submission, left to its own devices to rot and crumble, or simply been ignored and ravaged by the local fauna, certainly gave it a far creepier visage than she had expected. Which really hadn't been anything bright and cheery given the fething name of the place.

Even behind the layers of her gear, she still felt a zing of clod crawl from the soles of her feet and clutch firmly every spot up to the back of her neck.

It all felt wrong. And the echo stone beneath her gear shared the sentiment as their surroundings given the growing dark fleck at its core.

Her hand lingered on Turmoil, the strange noises ahead causing her to glance back and forth. The growing feeling of being watched upon her. Keeping her steps light, the debris and rubbish beneath each attempt forward sounded like a chorus of wookies to her own ears. And she was certain something had caught that last crunch of... something, beneath her boot.

"I really need to get a better day job." Scolding herself behind her helmet as she let her eyes peel sideways and glance at the faltering radar in her helm.

The urge to calibrate it with a few solid thumps ignored for the moment as it floated between a great number of unknowns, and then showed the all clear. Nerves clearly rattled by the growing depth of Dark side present in the area as she shut off her annunciatior.

"Let's help people Lossa. Let's put our nose where it doesn't belong Lossa. Let's see what the Sith are up to Lossa. Fethin Stupa." Voice reverberating inside her helmet as she kept her eyes peeled. Her personal saber in hand but silent for the moment.


Post: 1
Location: Mortis Bio-Sphere
Objective: Monster Inside
Equipment: Green MidNight Duster | Fiend | Solar | Sith Armor | Wrist dart launchers & Wrist Lanvarok (Electro-darts & Explosive darts) | x2 DL-44 heavy blaster pistol | Sith Helmet Mask | Stun gauntlets | X2 Sith Daggers
Tags: Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie

There is an endless hunger, a thirst for blood, a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

No care for the destruction and pain it brings. No remorse for its actions.

All it wants is to see worlds laid to waste then move on.

I understand the monster because I am to a monster.

One born of pure rage.

Red hair with fading brunette dye streaks pulled back tightly. Eyes closed calming the mind with slow deep breaths. The floods of dark energies flowed around her trying to bite at her soul. She would not let them, would not let the darkness inside of her fully consume her anymore. The rage demon inside snarled in and snapped in her mind to let it loose. Let it consume, be free once to unless hell on the worlds.

This place was dark, some might call it evil if a place or object could be evil. In truth it was scarred by it's past just like Cords soul and aura. It's darkness similar to her own in that it was a permanent fixture that could never be fully cleansed. Even if you washed it with a purifying light the pain and the memory would remain and linger in its foundation. Even if you burn it all away the ground soil it was raised from would still have the stains of blood soaked into it.

There was no redemption for the evils of this place as there was no redemption for Cords soul. Still out of that darkness the light could shine. It would never erase what happened, but it could better itself and change become something, a beacon of hope in spite of the past. Now it was time to fight for that hope.

A gloved armored hand reached down and grabbed the ancient sith mask of amethyst and silver color with gold writing in the ancient sith language scrawled across it. These writings in the sith tongue the sins a thousand and one in total that of Cord Starfall. The daughter of psychopath and a pirate, the granddaughter of the rebel sith and the demon witch. Cursed and scared, a dark soul who sought to make up for the evil she had once brought as Darth Sekhmet.

Her two gloved thumbs pressed the sides of the helmeted mask as she put it over her head and sealed it on. Only her glowing orange, the only visible thing of the face that resided with in. She stood up from where she was meditating with a quick check over her armor and weapons. The complex just ahead and Hunger with in, the thing she hunted a monster just like her.


"They were given authority over a quarter of the Earth, to kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of the beasts of the Earth."
0300 GST
Aboard an emergency response craft...
The ship rattled and shook as it closed the distance to the world, breaching the atmosphere with a rabid intensity befitting the emergency they had been called for. Aboard were a variety of Jedi who were present in the Outer Rim at the time; quickly calling them from their personal lives and meetings to respond to a critical mission. They were briefed on board, about how the Sith had come in Force looking for something on Odacer-Faustin; and after the collapse of the Empire, it was clear they could only be there for a single thing.​
"I don't much like the thought of 'saving the Alliance' on short notice...", an older Jedi said, scratching at his beard. There was a mix of dirt and oil in it - not even given the time to shower and prepare. He was pulled from his retirement, or perhaps deep cover assignment, and put aboard the transport with nary a moment to even collect his wits.​
"Would you want anyone else to do it?", a younger woman said, carefully adjusting her lightsaber handle from its quick dissasembly and maintence. Done so quickly it was second nature - many onboard the ship doing the same. They sat huddled together on the freighter, shaking every few moments as it hit a buffet of turbulence, bringing them ever closer to their drop off - directly in the way of the Sith and their goal.​
"Got me there.", he said with a smile and a scoff - as though he knew this was always going to be his journey. To return to the Light, to strike out and save everything he fought for in the creation of the Alliance, the death of the Empire; he was to always be its protector, whether he wanted to or not.​
"Five minutes out.", an intercom said overtop - letting them know their landing was coming, and coming quick.​
"Smoke 'em if you got 'em.", it said only to electronically cut out with a sharp bzzzt.​
The girl finishing her lightsaber's last adjustments and wrapping cringed at that, glancing towards the speak hidden in the ceiling with a frown. She began to speak, asking what that was, but an answer met her before she could reply; everyone in the freighter's main room could tell. The air seemed to vibrate, as though a bass speaker rapidly pushed it back and forth with such oscillations the people only a few feet from them seemed to blur.​
As though on command, the ship's frame began to cry out and shake in turn - only for the whispers to begin. Soft and delicate, lights began to fall away as the dozen Jedi stood from their seats and held themselves in place with the Force. Shadows crept across the room, visions played tricks, and the ship began to struggle to stay aloft. The lights finally gave out, and a moment of silence filled the freighter as it began to free fall through the air - only for the red emergency lighting to ignite.​
Before them was the woman Jedi they had seen a moment ago; but her eyes had changed. She shook in a spasm for only a moment before she looked up - and in her eyes there lay nothing, only a black void from lid to pupil. With no emotion, she ignited the blade, washing the room in a mix of blue and red - purple accenting their features as he whirled and turned on the Jedi nearest her. Showing more strength and power than she ever had alive, her blade lashed out at the old man first.​
He, in his age and refinement, ignited his blade just in time to catch it before it decapitated him. He called out to her;​
"Kami - what in the hells are you thi-", but his defense shattered in the span of two more blows. A blade of azure judgement impaled his heart, and with a hand the Jedi known as Kami lifted him up from the ground. His death groan came quickly, and Kami still showed no emotion - only the soft descent of tears on an otherwise placid face. She let go of the man, and he fell towards the ceiling as the inertia of their fall began to take hold on all the loose objects in the freighter.​
"You will not interfere with my plans.", her voice said, engorged with the sound of Death - a voice of a Corpse puppeting her every muscle.​


2: Odacer-Faustin

A crack of light emerged at the base of the heavy stone door. Chasing the light, came the howl of the wind. Dust and ice blown into the corridor that had remained untouched by the light for a long time.

The door continued to lift, revealing the dark silhouette of a cloaked figure. The storm raged behind him, but he stood still. One arm held up to keep the stone door rising.

Kadann stepped into Drear's Academy. He had come alone. The door slammed shut behind him. The sound of its closure echoed down the dark corridors ahead.

Kadann slowly removed the gloves and mask that had shielded him from the biting winds. He unclipped his lightsaber from his belt.


The orange blade illuminated his surroundings. Kadann stretched out with his senses. This was a dark place. A prize waited to be discovered, but he suspected that the weather outside paled in comparison to the dangers lurking within.

OOC/ Representing Golden Covenant. Open to story engagement/fighting.
Remain steadfast and you are never without hope

103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"


181st Tactical Starfighter Wing “Voodoo Wing”


78th Support Air Division “Ares Wing


SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.


For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Angellus "Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO"

ORDERS: OBJ I (Bring in @Connell Vanagor)
WINGMATES: Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet

ENGAGING: Sith Order Fleet

In a snap of light, the relatively small Olymprian carrier dropped out of hyperspace. This was not a Galactic Alliance fleet, but the Admiral "called ahead" and were simply "dropping off" a passenger. The carrier "Celestial City" was a buzz of activity, while they were not necessarily here for a fight, all were on alert. "General Quarters" had already been sounded and fighter squadrons were on "ready" status, catapults were launched and lined up with fighters. They were not allowed to engage, but if they were to witness a hostile act, they would indeed return fire.

The Bridge was locking down as Admiral Angellus was walking his uncle (it's a long story if you don't already know*) Jedi Knight Connell Vanagor to it.

You ready for this, kiddo?

Yes I am Uncle Liram.

Your father, more importantly your mother would have my head if I did not give you this.

Handing him a small device, Liram looked back out over the viewport. Naturally Connell was puzzled at what he was holding.

I appreciate that, but what is it?

A transponder. If you're in trouble, or need an exfil, just press it.

Connell just smirked, Liram could tell what he was about to say.

Thank you, but…

Like I said, kid, your mom would have my head if I didn't give it to you. I know you'll be fine.

A quick hug goodbye, Connell was on the lift heading down to the launchbay and his ship. Liram was walking back to the bridge.

Tactical/Conn, Report!

"Sir, it's a warzone out there! Sith Order ships landing, and warships trying to choke supply lanes." Shouted a member from the station. Another continued "Recommend moving to distance."

Negative, we remain here until the Jedi lands as well. Arm weapons and have firing solutions ready. Comms keep channels open and contact any GA ships in the area. Let them know in case they don't we're not here to fight unless they need us to.

For those who do not know, Caltin Vanagor is 940+ years old and his sister married Arestul Angellus, Liram's descendant. So in a manner of speaking, Connell is technically Liram's great(+8 I think) uncle, but is older than Connell so the roles are honorarily (is that a word?) reversed.)

Granny Yevschenko


TAGS //: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand



Click click click

The sound of ornate boots onto stone floors was ever present as the Merchant of the Sith moved swiftly passed columns and pedestals which held the academy structure from total collapse. The Sith Order was preparing a major junction with the Galactic Alliance over this frozen wasteland and there was little doubt that if the Alliance came then so to would the New Jedi Order to squash the sith as they always had in galactic history.

They were here to unlock the secrets of the Odacer-Faustin Academy by any means necessary's but that did not mean that they had to act without caution or restraint. The world was known to be cursed due to a failed attempt to gain immortality which still haunted each and ever visitor or explorer to this very day. He himself had witnessed the horrors on a separate trip to the world before this mission was announced.

Lord Avgustor would glance behind him from time to time; taking in the defensible features for when the Alliance Defense Forces made landfall in directly one hours time. Clutching the simple lightsaber within gloved hands whose digits were covered with ornate jewelry's, a golden chalice was in the other hand to provide him with substance during the engagement with the alliance army and the Jedi sent his way.

"Everything is prepared, let us await the curtains to open on this play."

A soft voice wafted through the abandoned halls..



Odacer Faustin
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Makani Kandor Makani Kandor

"Are you ready, private?" Valery asked Makani Kandor Makani Kandor after she had made her appearance seemingly from nowhere. His squad was deployed to target the Mortis bio-sphere and face the undead within, so she had offered herself up to command to assist them in the intense battle. It was likely unexpected for the soldiers that she had shown up, but she had a feeling that they'd be pleased having some back-up for this mission.

A horde of undead hidden within an old facility wasn't going to be easy to fight, after all.

"I hope you all brought plenty of ammunition and grenades. You're going to need it." It was perhaps strange for her to talk about gear, considering she hardly seemed to be dressed and geared up for battle on an icy world like this. Yet, the cold barely seemed to phase her at all and her intense fiery gaze was already scanning their target up ahead.

They had little time to waste. There was a bioweapon she wanted to secure.

"I can take point and provide cover, but if you guys want to lead the way, I'll follow right behind."

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Drear's Academy
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast / Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Ancient Sith worlds, especially those with structures and areas that had withstood the tests of time and war and were still somewhat intact, were a favorite of his to peruse. He only wished that he had the chance to do so under more favorable conditions. Darth Strosius could feel the cold seeping in to his bones even with the protective robes and armor adorning his form, a far more physical freeze than the usual chill that worlds seeped with the Dark Side gave off. "Is that fething breaching charge in place yet?" The annoyed yet courteous head shake from the soldier planting an explosive on the pile of rubble that had once been a doorway did little to soothe his mood.

The halls of the ancient academy were only barely warmer than the harsh cold surface of the world itself had been, any chance of insulation lost with the great holes and scars that marred the building's exterior. Said wounds in the structure would make it difficult to defend whenever the Jedi made landfall and blew open their own entrances. As such it was only natural that they try and find a more fitting area to sit up an ambush than the collection of dismal and frozen hallways they had entered into.

If he was going to be forced to defend the academy as part of his "penance" then he'd make sure they could actually do so, no matter how many corridors they had to blow a hole into. Thankfully the soldiers they had been ordered to serve with were demolition experts of some sort. Even if their whining about the cold did eclipse his own. At least he wasn't alone in this endeavor. "Malum, any word on potential landings from the Alliance yet?"



Odacer Faustin
Outfit: Shocktrooper Armour
Weapons: DC-15A Blaster Rifle | DC-17 Blaster Pistol
Equipment: Thermal Detonators | Medpac | Multitool
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Though he was seemingly well dressed for the occasion, snow building in the crevices of his armour and piling up on his shoulder plates, Makani was the only one who was still shivering as he raised his hand in a brisk salute. He didn't quite know himself if he was more worried about the threat of the enemy ahead, or the pressure of being accompanied by an esteemed member of the Jedi Order.

It was just his luck that he had enlisted just in time for a major offensive into sith-contested space. All the effort put into his training and all the benefits he had been promised back home would hardly mean much if his corpse was being gnawed on by sithspawn in the dark underbelly of an ancient fortress. Makani took a breath. Such thoughts were unbecoming of him. He was here because it was exactly where he needed to be, but now the responsibility fell to him to make good on his oath to the Alliance.

With that in mind, he listened carefully as the Jedi spoke, and stepped up to her side.
"Ready for anything, ma'am. We'll kick the door in and make a mess of the place, but we might need a bit of help with directions." The trooper took a glance back at the others assembled behind him. A lot of rooks like him, but they were fresh and motivated, and no doubt galvanised by the presence of a force wielder. It didn't matter that he didn't actually know who she was yet, nor did it occur to even ask.

Words weren't on his mind as he started to march across the frigid snowdrift. There was work to do.
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Relationship Status: It's Complicated




WEAPONS: Wolfsbane | Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
TAG: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

They were purging the world, or so Gerwald chose to see it that way. Empyrean moved about continuing to do as he pleased, and using the Holy Worlds to draw out his enemies. It was a wise plan, and Gerwald was determined to see it through. There was a recent tension between the two. Gerwald would resolve it without issue. There was no reason for him to keep his distance however, and as long as Srina stood at the side of Empyrean, he had the benefit of Gerwald’s loyalty no matter what transpired between them personally.

It had taken some doing, but the wolf had already proven he did not need the resources of Jutrand to secure his own transportation to the battle. There were displaced Knights Obsidian which still needed a home, and held Gerwald in high esteem. Their assets were now his, and the superior technology of the old Confederacy would soon be at his disposal. The wolf simply needed to obtain the means by which to secure the deeds and rights to the property.

He grinned as the dropship descended and left him near the landingzone. The others would join him in time, but Gerwald had arrived at the laboratory for a specific reason. There were critical ingredients to an ancient potion which he could use to barter for what he wanted. The wolf would rise, and not because he had been handed anything, but simply because it was his time.

It radiated with darkness. The wolf could feel how thick it was with each step. Something deep within called to him, pulling at the beast inside. Gerwald could feel it, the residual effects of whatever alchemy had occurred in the tower. This place was not just a place of science, but it was a place filled with the practice of dark experiments which shrouded the atmosphere around them. They were overshadowed by it and enveloped within its influence.

The wolf drank deep as his blue eyes shifted color to a pale and sickly yellow. Today he could reach the darkness with relative ease. Everything done on this world would only make him stronger.

<< “Scout ahead. Tell me what you find.” >>

The Skelmorn ran ahead of him with purpose and stealth. A silent predator more deadly than the wolf, this beast would not fail in whatever task Gerwald gave it. They had forged a bond as it had been curious about him. That curiosity had been the thing which had kept Gerwald alive when they had met. It had been hunting him, but it did not kill. Now it killed for the wolf, a faithful and loyal companion. Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath would have to meet it. There would be a day when she may need to command it.

Gerwald had no doubt the beast had cleared a path for the wolf, so he pressed ahead. He would be to the heart of the tower before long, looking for whatever passageways were hidden among the place. There would be at least one. No sith would have left their secrets out in the open, and it would soon be a race against time to find it.

Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Objective | 3
Weapons | HX-Revolver [2] ; H1 Sniper Rifle
Equipment | Breaching Charges ; Thermal Detonators ; Cortosis Gloves
Tag | Makani Kandor Makani Kandor ; Valery Noble Valery Noble

Tod stood on a hill overlooking the entrance, his rifle was slung over his shoulder and resting on his back. Snow covered him and his coat making the top of his clothing white. Staring at the building he thought about his goal. His mission was to find random artifacts, take them, and sell them. Though due to it occurring during someone else's battle, he could only grab smaller ones as he didn't bring a backpack. He also had a scientific goal of gathering data about the zombies and some samples to study and maybe sell his research.

Looking around he spotted a group of clones walking with someone who seemed grossly underprepared for the weather. Though they may use some sort of heating system that he couldn't see with his eyes. If they were to peer in his direction they would be able to see the red glow of his goggles following their movements.

Watching them he decided to follow the group into the building as it was an easy access route for him. They will create an opening and he will wander in after them. As long as they didn't start a fight with him, he would not attack them. Still he had no idea of their intentions and decided to maintain a distance if they decided to get closer to him.


Anak Darkstar




The Trek on the surface wad horrowing. The chill of the planet reminded Anak of the coldest depths of Chaos, that frozen prison reserved for the most degenerate of dark lords. The Son of Darkness had seen Darth Ruin and Darth Gravid there, one who made a cult of himself, the other blasphemy of destroying Sith relics.

The Academy was ensconced in ice and the howl of a biting wind, not the most welcoming place. The Son of Perdition made his way across the campus, his foot steps making crunch noises in the snow, and his belt of chains ringing as they beat each other at his waist, heirlooms of his captivity.

The Son of Shadows was not trying to hide his presence, he preferred to announce himself. His great long red cape draping above the snow pack, and his mask tilting as he saw The Great Library of Dread. Inside it was said were secrets of the Sith, and he knew many would be absconding with volumes, which meant he better go inside armed. Sith when they get their hands on holocrons and relics tend to lose themselves to covetness, which meant they would maw at anyone, even a friend. Anak took his saber hilt in hand and entered the threshold of knowledge.

Inside was a mess of fallen book shelves that towered over 3 meters in height, books were strewn about, some light flooded the room from skylight, its bright white blinding rather than helpful in illumination. There was some candles on stands with books, Anak waves his hand and the wicks lit, some pages turned without his touch. Behind his head a book floated past. He turned to see, sensing something, the book now resting on a shelve. The Son of Darkness returned his attention to the parchment in front of him, it had runic symbols in Sith that read,

Tave Uzdar Kia Tave Jena'tes Kash Tave Irus’: the secret to the darkness is light.”

A riddle, and yet Anak understood it better than most, he having trained in The Jedi disciplines was altogether more aware that dancing with Ashla made him crave Bogan, that only in being blocked from the dark side did he desire her all the more. However, he felt this text portended something else, perhaps something Darth Scaberous had meant to leave for those who survived.

It was then that Anak became aware of creaking noise. He followed it into a class room, where a ceiling to floor glass window with a latch was open, beating in the wind.

Someone was here…

TAG: Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari

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We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Odacer - Faustin
MISSION: Mortis Bio - Spire (Ob 3)
TAGS: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner



He had made it safely down into the atmosphere and down onto final approach. The Force was pulling him to the Bio-Spire, not just because of the chatter on comms. There was something about the area that would require him to be there and try to make some kind of difference. There was the images of innocents dying in the streets that flooded Connell's mind. Not necessarily here, but out in the galaxy, should the Sith Order find and confiscate some of the rumored weapons in this facility.

This was a sickening site, all of the darkness, the anger that permeated the very air he was breathing was almost choking him. The young Knight was not unaware to this and able to control his mind, but the overpowering stench of rage was threatening to break through. This was a time where he wished that father was here, not because he was not skilled enough to handle this, but this seemed to be right in Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's proverbial wheelhouse. That was a part of his training and heritage that Connell would have to tap into if he was going to survive this.

"Survive"... interesting word choice.

Grabbing his gear and getting out of the ship, Connell came across Alliance Defense Forces entrenched and battling Sith Order troops. They were going to be overrun without some kind of miracle, and not to say that Connell was one, but he understood part of what was calling him here. No, this was not it, but he would help them while he could. Cover me!

Pulling a move out of his father's repertoire, Connell leaped through the Force, drawing weapons fire and charging at the ground troops. He wasn't as good as the elder Vanagor at this, and in no way could handle the situation long, but he did long enough for Alliance troops to seize their open window and attack.

Once they were able to hold their own, Connell was able to answer the call of the Force, so he pressed forward. It did not take long for the young Knight to find a terrible beast ripping through foes as if tearing into a fresh kill (which they were) and then pressing on. This animal was not what was drawing him though, it appeared to be on a mission not related to any Sith History, it was not mindless, but not direct in that thought either.

This would be Connell's clue though to what he would find.

There was nothing he could do for the fallen Alliance Troops, not even chase after this beast attacking them for it had already moved out of site. What he could do was face down the s... wow... this man on the other end of the corridor was strong... it didn't matter. Taking "Alpha", his lightsaber into his right hand engaging the blade:


There is a reason whatever is rumored to be in there has never left this place. What say we keep it that way, yeah?


Objective 3: Mortis Bio-Spire
Location: Odacer-Faustin

In the distant reaches of the galaxy, where few dare to tread, lies the cold and inhospitable planet of Odacer-Faustin. Its surface is a twisted tapestry of jagged mountains, barren tundras, and icy chasms, a testament to the unforgiving nature of the cosmos. Yet, despite its foreboding exterior, the planet holds a dark secret, one that has drawn the attention of the mighty Galactic Alliance and the enigmatic Sith Order – the Mortis Bio-Spire. Which houses a superweapon known simply as the "The Hunger".

As the stars dimmed in the sky, casting a shadow over the landscape, a lone ship descended from the heavens. Sleek and dark as the void of space, the vessel bore the unmistakable mark of the Sith. From its ramp descended Darth Kentarch, his very presence emanating an aura of dark authority. His cloak, as black as the cosmos, billowed around him as he took his first steps onto the frozen terrain.

Soon the Jedi and other Sith would be upon the Bio-Spire. The interior was a labyrinth of corridors and chambers, each more enigmatic than the last. Yet, for Darth Kentarch, the path was clear. He could sense the bio-weapon, its dark energy calling out to him. An army of the dead would stand in his way. Their spirits, trapped for eternity, whispered secrets and warnings, but Kentarch remained resolute.

As Darth Kentarch approached the Mortis Bio-Spire, he could sense the dead in force. From the main entrance figures, eerily silent, with hollow eyes that told tales of eons past. These were the undying protectors of the spire, remnants of the ancient Sith Darth Scabrous, now risen from their eternal slumber to defend the sanctum and its ancient secrets. But Kentarch had a simple plan, slip in unnoticed and grab the weapon for himself, as a master infiltrator the undead would serve as time delaying obstacle for the Jedi and the GA.



Drear's Academy
- Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru -

The endless halls of the Academy library were still. Ancient tomes, unlit candles, long-decayed bodies, silence. One wouldn't think, save for the distant battering of blaster cannons, that war had found the skies above Odacer-Faustin. Then, there was a shade of a shade. A nearly imperceptible cold.

Alicio Organa had convinced his guards to stay behind, though it hadn't been easy. They had been sworn to protect him with their lives, his six dark-plated Alderaanian soliders and the Jedi Shadow attaché. But leave them behind he did, to watch the insertion point the he and the Jedi had made with their sabers. The Future was difficult to navigate, especially in the midst of a battle, especially with the Fog of the Dark around them. But he knew, for a fact, that if they followed him into the belly of the beast, they would die. At least this way, they wouldn't throw away their lives trying to protect his.

So it was Alicio alone who crept along the deep shadows of the library, draped in dark colors, grip loose on his lightsaber, using only his passive Future Sight to guide his footsteps, and keeping his presence in the Force small otherwise. He was a leaf in the wind, blown to and fro by dark beings projecting their power... but also like a leaf, he slipped past their perceptions, nothing more than a shadow on the wall, pale eyes in the dark.

Until the Future shifted. It whispered to him, singing in dulcet tones, sweet syrup on his tongue. Danger, it cooed. Old enemies.

The Count frowned. Straightened his back, and stepped to the center of the aisle he'd been creeping around. And he waited. She would find him soon enough.
Rage ate at him, fear wrapped itself around him, anger... Palpable, is what it was. This place was dark and it was evil...and it was so intoxicating... He smiled, despite himself, as he stepped off of the ramp of the transport. There was a singular beauty to being so small and insignificant. You were below everyone's notice. He wondered, if his master understood the power of being so small, being so under the radar. Surely she did, or else she would not have taken him on as a student. Lightly, he reached up and traced the scar that she'd given him. He could still recall the screaming pain and the warmth of the blood that had raced down his face.

He would no doubt have already been beaten to the punch by others: Galactic Alliance, other sith, independents. It didn't matter. He would do this, if for nothing else than for his master, the woman that he hated. The one that had taught him how to be powerful and strong. She'd taught him so much. She'd taken him in when the light, when the Jedi, had abandoned him to that planet of hell and into her claws. It was the will of the Force that he be delivered to her, that she punish him for not returning, for allowing the jedi to sever their bond...

He saw the door. Undead all around it. He'd not proven himself enough for her to teach him to bleed his lightsaber but he was certain that soon that silver light would burn a bloody red. For now this sickening light would have to burn through the undead, no matter what. He wold recover this weapon of the ancient sith and deliver it to her. None of those fools, save perhaps, the Emperor himself, had any right to such a thing.

That was when it touched him. A presence... so familiar and warm... He inhaled as the presence of the light struck him. Valery Noble Valery Noble ... Why was she here?! Gritting his teeth, he did what little he knew to quash his own presence in the Force, though that would be piecemeal. He had to go. She couldn't find him. if she did, then she would take him away from his master again. That was the one thing that he could not allow.

"...damn Jedi..." he muttered as he approached the door.
Objective 3
: Inside the Bio-Spire
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

With a horde of tightly-controlled Sithspawn trailing behind him, Silas Fogg gently lowered his burden to the ground and paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. “Well, we’re here,” he said, holding out his arms to the Mortis Bio-Spire around them. “And we made it in one piece.

Wrapped in a blanket at his feet lay the shivering, shriveled form of Khayyam, one of the great Sith Alchemists of his age. The Chadra-Fan’s wet eyes roamed over the towers and overgrown walls of the academy with quiet reverence. “Thank you, my friend.

“Don’t get sentimental on me now, you old rodent,” Silas muttered half-heartedly. After years of experimenting with alchemy, pushing the very boundaries of what was possible with the Force (“all things” as he would say), Khayyam had reached the end of his short lifespan. His dying wish was to see the ancient Bio-Spire in all its glory. For Silas to have risked his life traversing a battlefield just to fulfill the final request of his weak and withered partner, rather than simply putting the old bat out of his misery, was perhaps the very definition of sentimentality. But Silas did his best to ignore this. He wanted to see the ancient academy just as much as Khayyam did, after all. There was certainly nothing selfless or kind about it.

He rested his hands on his hips and pretended to be interested in the furniture. He was afflicted with uncertainty. Khayyam had been his teacher and partner for decades. He had fulfilled his promise of passing on all his knowledge to his student. But Silas didn’t know what to do without him. The Chandra-Fan was… a well-worn habit, and habits are hard to break.

The Force suddenly made him aware that someone was approaching. That was to be expected—there was a battle going on nearby, after all—but this one’s aura wasn’t of the Light. This brought no comfort. Palming his lightsaber, Silas turned around to face the stranger, only to blink in surprise. “Arcturus Thesh?

The figure who entered the Bio-Spire had the shape of the young red-haired Acolyte whom he and Khayyam had guided through the creation of his first Sithspawn so long ago. But despite having nearly identical features, he was not the same. Khayyam was the first to name the differences. “He's much taller than Arcturus ever was," he said. "And Arcturus’ eyes were blue. This one’s are green.

The boy smiled faintly. “I have my mother’s eyes.

By the Force, has it really been that long? He knew it had been at least a decade, but seeing the teenaged son of someone he had trained in their youth was jarring. “I take it you are Arcturus’ son?” Silas asked stiffly.

My name is Marcus.” The boy stepped forward, looking down at Khayyam before turning to Silas, who was taken aback by the intensity of the youth’s gaze. “No need to introduce yourselves. I already know who you are.


I see things,” Marcus answered, tapping his temple.

A seer? With Sith philosophy revolving around seizing control of one’s destiny, such individuals were quite rare among their kind, but not unheard of. Silas tamped down on his curiosity. “Yes, well—Could you mind your own business?” Silas took a step between Marcus and Khayyam. He knew how power-hungry Sith could be—he was one, after all. Who was to say this young upstart wouldn’t try to devour the dying master’s life force to feed his own ambition? Khayyam was irritating, but he didn’t deserve such an undignified fate.

"I have need of your services," Marcus said.

We’re a little busy here. Whatever you want, it'll have to wait.

Another blip in the Force drew his attention away from the boy, peering through the doorway behind him. Marcus glanced over his shoulder as well. “It looks as if you’ll be having more company,” he said. “But I don’t think this visitor will be very friendly. I will fend them off. You can stay here and guard your friend.

He’s not my—” But Marcus had already disappeared down the corridor with a flourish of his black cape. Grumbling under his breath, Silas uttered a command in Sith, ordering the dozen or so Sithspawn under his thrall to find and kill the intruder...


Objective: Dregr's Academy
Attire: The Panther (See Bio)
Friends: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Iris Arani Iris Arani
Enemy: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

The trip to the frozen planet was quiet. Now the Panther, the cathar kept to herself. Her allies were unfamiliar to her, and she could feel the spirts of her crystals unease within her soul. She'd consulted with her mother's ghost, a former shadow before the mission. They were headed towards the edge of sith space, and just north of Imperial space. In some ways, it felt almost nostalgic, in all the worst ways.

As the ship they had been taken in landed, The Panther looked out on the frozen hellscape, and the sith temple that loomed in the distance. A snarl could be heard by the others before The Panther started their trek outwards.


The trek led the Panther to an overlook. The sith seemed to be trying to break into the ruined temple with demo charges. IF she could prevent that, that would impede the sith's plans. She knew she couldn't reveal herself just yet in the force, so...

It was a good thing she came prepared with some thermal detonators. Lining the walls of the cliff with them, she set a charge, waiting for just the right moment before...


An avalanche...
Outbreak Ground Zero

So, what brings us to this forsaken planet, Venge? Another one of your hunches," Darth Amarok asked as he and Lady Venge left their ship, The Dark Embrace, and began searching for a way into the ruins of Darth Drear's Sith Academy.

"Purely academic interest," Venge replied, as her eyes scanned the ruins. "It is said that over 4,645 years before the Battle Of Yavin, a Sith Lord named Darth Drear discovered a means of cheating death itself, and the secret is still hidden somewhere in these ruins."

"Immortality? At what cost,"
Lord Amarok pressed.

"I don't know," Venge admitted. "I'd like to examine whatever it is that Darth Drear left behind, and see if it's actually worth the risk."

"You want to live forever?"

"Name me one SIth Lord who hasn't entertained the thought,"
Venge said with a grin on her face. "I'll wait."

"I haven't,"
Lord Amarok answered.

"Not yet," Venge countered, a knowing smirk slowly replacing her grin.


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