"Of course." Kole subtly mouthed, his lips had barely moved as nothing but incoherent air ventured forth in a raspy fashion. The Droid had always found it interesting, if not amusing as to how Lyn never failed to have a story -- good or bad -- pertaining to the current situation. He didn't have a lot of stories, and even then they weren't the kind you told in passing, or at all. Yet, he had found her rather talkative nature was capable of being used as a radar of sorts. Lyn typically kept her mouth sealed tight when in over her head, similar to the situation in the Babylon. It was only one of those things he kept to himself, not wishing to make her try and actively work against it as the stubborn individual she often was.As he shuffled his way into the seat, his legs finding themselves beneath the dash he motioned to close the door behind him, spotting a pair of sunglasses in the door. He hadn't exactly handed them to her, more along the lines of a half-assed toss in the Zeltron's direction. They were what she was after, oddly enough- but they hadn't suited her at all.
Kole shifted his gaze onto Lyn as she gave her two cents, replying with a slight nod his head and, "Apartment it is." It always paid to be able to defend yourself with more than just your fists, or some hammer you found nearby. His eyes wandered against the transparent glass, seeing straight through it as his arm propped itself up against the door. It crossed his mind to open the window, but who knew what was capable of flying in?
[member="Lynnori Cruz"]