Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Murder in the Mansion | EE Populate of Dasoor




Like every year, Halloween is celebrated even in the Eternal Empire. This is typically done on the moon Endor, where many strange creatures can be found anyway. In any case, in many places this holiday is about when the dead are closest to the world of the living. Well, in this Galaxy, that's not necessarily true, thanks to the several rifts and portals to the Netherworld; and it's also the start of the Ewok New Year. But this did not cause problems for the host to combine the two holidays. In this way, they can remember the victims of Panatha, and the New Year at the same time.

On the one hand, the House Samhain celebrates the New Ewok Year here, and also pays tribute to the other tradition. It is precisely for this reason that they hold a masked ball in their own huge, archaic mansion on the moon of Endor. Invitations to the ball were sent out to completely random people (anyone who came got an invitation); there were two rules, you must arrive in costume and you must not bring a weapon. After all, the laws and regulations of the Eternal Empire must be obeyed.

The family also took part in the huge mansion, of whom we know that there are many, they are media mogul company managers who have been dealing with this for several centuries. And it's a well-known fact that they hate each other. As for the guests, they are invited from many places, from different social classes, to make the costume party as diverse as possible. For this very reason, there were even special programs for children, if someone wanted to bring their family as well.

The program for young people and children was to collect sweets and watch holo cartoons, of course in costume. And for the adults, a ball in the great hall, where they could meet the family and many new people in the company of high-quality drinks and food, as well as music.



Objective 1: Dancing session
The ball, which takes place in the great hall, the mansion is huge, so hundreds or even thousands of people can fit in this large ballroom. A variety of food, drinks and music await visitors. The atmosphere is guaranteed, which can be made even more exciting by the various personal dramas, since the members of House Samhain are shouting and fighting with each other even in this place. And, to be fair, can this spoil the fun, or does it actually make it better? It's a matter of point of view, but the fact is that this can also be avoided if someone doesn't want to hear them. They just need to walk a little away.

Objective 2: Killing Session
In the rest of the mansion, a children’s game is being played. The host has invited guests who may not enjoy large balls to join him in a game of Mystery. Where one of the players is found “dead” somewhere in the mansion, and the rest of the players must find out who the “killer'' is. Join Mr. Samhain in this game, and find the “killer” before more players are “killed”!

For legal purposes, no players of Mystery hosted by Mr. Samhain will actually be harmed. All “dead” players will be free to enjoy snacks and drinks in the library while they play dead.

Objective 3: Bring Your Own Objective Session (BYOO)
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planet and in the hex. Exploring and examination of the planet, exploring ancient ruins, fight with the pirates and outlaws, possibly searching for older Rebel or First Order facilities, contacting the locals and all that could be listed. The point is to make everyone have fun.

OOC: Thanks to Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan for the objective 2

Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective: To get to know who is the killer
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: N/A
Tags: Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
"Galactic basic" | ~ telepathic communication ~

The truth is, Dis the Shadowcat has always found events like Halloween interesting. After all, the line between Realspace and the Netherworld is always thinner at this time. They liked to observe this anomaly. In other cases, it was not so interesting for them, since they could easily travel between the two worlds. It wasn't all that complicated, especially for a being like Dis was. After all, they were also one of the Netherworld beings, so it was the reason why it was easy to travel between dimensions for them.

True, they could have almost no effect on Realspace unless they acquired a host for themselves, but Dis didn't really like that. They mostly hid and were just observers. In most cases, no one knew they were there somewhere. They were basically invisible and hid their presence in the Force. Although they weren't very powerful, stronger Force Users with brighter auras could spot them if they were looking for something in the Force. But most of the time they managed to stay hidden successfully.

They knew that there was a rift on this planet that didn't lead to the Netherworld, but to another plane, but that wasn't why they were here now. Today they were not attracted by this, but by the ball that took place in the big mansion. They walked invisibly through the small town around the castle, then between the walls of the castle, in the ballroom, watching the dances, the children playing with each other, playing catch. And it could list what Shadowcat saw. However, that was not what caught their attention.

They were quite close when the event happened, so they felt it in the Force, although by the time they arrived there was no one around, so they didn't know who did it, how it happened. All they saw was a "dead" body lying on the ground. A life that was still alive a few moments ago, but now it is "extinguished". The Shadowcat sat invisibly on one of the tables, from where they could see both the room and the body with the neon text "dead". For them, this was interesting and they were also curious about the reaction of mortals...

After all, they were curious. And they are didn't know yet what kind of game is this.


Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Having Fun
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: Costume || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The truth is that I don't like these kinds of gatherings and events. I mean, yes, the balls, because you can make great acquaintances, but not the costumes. They always expect it to be striking, ostentatious, sexy. I hated wearing sexy clothes in public because it was so objectifying or generalising. It's hard when the twi'lek's daughter is a twi'lek and not a human. And here, well, I don't think I have to explain much what people expect or what they think.

That's why I put on a much more conservative costume now, a witch costume. I look more like an old woman than a pretty young woman. Yes, I think it's a perfect choice. Unfortunately, I did not expect Arturo Braga Arturo Braga to be here today. I would be very happy for him, but I don't think he will have time for it. In any case, I sent him an invitation and left a message that if he had time, I would be here. This place is close to Kalidan, so you can even come as a surprise guest.

You couldn't bring weapons, so I felt a bit uncomfortable. Because of what's happened lately, the Maw's multiple attacks, my double fight with Kralmus, and everything. I didn't like going anywhere without weapons and my armour. As for that, I could have carried weapons here, I had a permit. I was hoping I wasn't making any huge mistakes with this. For sure, the castle looked great and so did everyone else in their costumes.

The castle was huge and beautiful, the kind we used to see in holo-horror movies. But maybe this holiday was just about that. I wasn't too familiar with it, I don't usually keep it. In any case, it seemed positive that there were whole families here, including children. In any case, I soon arrived at the huge ballroom, which was decorated with pumpkins and similar holiday elements.

Cosy. I got a glass of pumpkin drink and looked around the room at the attendees. I was wondering if I could see people I knew, or if I could even see who was here.




Objective: Have fun
Location: Mansion of Samhain
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera


This was Anashja's first trip off of Taanab since she had been rescued by the Eternal Empire and she was glad to be out, she had spent a week in bacta for multiple injuries before finally being reunited with her tiny daughter Vercopa, tucked safely in her exo-womb as though nothing had happened. Several months later and Vercopa was now "born" and her hover pram hummed gently as they walked down the path as a Family together. Her husband was on baby duty and Anashja, after a little protest due to the separation anxiety her incarceration had caused, had agreed to go and mingle.

Her two eldest children bounced along in front of her, already probably too full of candy. Ti'zan had just turned six and was going through what her cousin referred to as his "superhero phase" he had decided to come wearing a puffy human toned muscle suit and had his coral coloured skin painted in a more human tone. He had a robe on and an oversized toy light saber, the periodic shout of "Captain Vanagor to the rescue!" had punctuated their journey here from Taanab. Little Fel'ann was only three, but had insisted on being dressed as a spider after she had overheard her parents talking privately and had it explained that "The spiders rescued mummy" she laughed, and wondered if Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a would be here tonight.

As they came to the point where parents and children would go their separate ways Anashja kneeled down and cuddled Ti'zan tightly, like a mother who was now worried that every time was good bye forever. "OK, Ik'aad, remember, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor loves his family very much, you will protect your sister tonight for your buir won't you?" she looked at the boy who smiled back at her "Buuuiirr! I'm not Ik'aad any more" he replied, looking a little upset by his mother's over emotional goodbye. "My mistake alor'ad, just look after her. Buir will only be in the next hall." she hugged then squirming jedi until her husband put his hand on her shoulder and she finally let them go and play with the other children.

"Vi an kar'taylir darasuum gar Anashja" Her husband comforted her as they walked in together before kissing and parting ways as planned. He would go and see the boys, probably gamble and drink as was his pleasure, but as she looked over, his little group of friends that he had known for most of his life were accompanied by not just Vercopa, but two other new hover prams. No wonder he was so keen on father duty tonight, they were developing quite the collection between them and all the fathers beamed proudly as they all showed off their precious cargos.

So, time for some fun she guessed, she grabbed a drink and looked around for a familiar face, spotting the distinctive pink lekku of Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera from across the room she made a beline for the twi'lek woman. "Silhana, it is lovely to see you, SNAP!" she said and pinched the edge of her own witches hat. Anashja had written letters of thank you from her family to each and every one of the mandalorians involved in her rescue, including Silhana. She knew it wasn't necessary, mandalorians acted for duty rather than gratitude, but it had been part of her own healing process. "I love your costume, did you have as much trouble as I did adjusting the hat?" she laughed and pointed to her Montreal sticking out of the top of the had that had clearly not been designed for such head shapes.

Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Survive
Location: House Samhain's Mansion of... Murder?
War gear: Suit
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open

It had been a long time indeed since Arturo Braga had attended a ball. But it was Halloween. One had to cut loose every now and then, otherwise you'd go insane. Get stressed out. Plus I wouldn't get to see Sil all dressed up, Arturo thought, striding into the great hall as one guest amongst hundreds. Thousands, even. It was early, but already the evening was shaping up to be a lively one. People from all across the Empire's territories were making the trip to Endor for this year's Halloween celebrations.

Of course, if they really wanted a fright, they could have always taken a shuttle into Maw turf. Guaranteed spooks, there.

That's where Arturo had spent most of his time as of late, around the fringes. Border raids and skirmishes had always been a common occurrence with those warmongers. Fortunately, making war had been Arturo's business for the last decade. Perhaps longer. Gang wars, mostly, but he hadn't forgotten his duties as the Contractors' Guild's head honcho. He had tried to make Ingrid proud, and what with the recent spike in traditional warfare, finding new talent had been as easy as shooting Mawites in a barrel.

Tonight was not for business, however. Tonight, he would let loose... maybe get a little drunk. And that was a hard maybe.

Casting a look about, the mercenary put his skills to use. First, he found himself a drink. Champagne. Not any of that pumpkin juice the waiters and attendants were serving by the trayful. Then, he went in search of company. One person, to be exact. The only woman that really mattered 'sides Her Eminence, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir .

Slipping through the crowd, Arturo did his best to blend in as he attempted to find his target. It didn't take him long to find her. Her pink lekku were a dead giveaway for starters. And that hat... there was only one person that Arturo knew who was brave enough to wear such a crime against fashion in the presence of Barons, Baronesses and socialites.

Sidling up behind Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , Arturo greeted his girlfriend by sliding his arm around her waist. "Now what's a woman like you doing in a place like this?" He would ask, a sudden tight feeling in his chest causing him to smile. "Nice outfit, by the way. Designer?"




Location: Mansion of Samhain
Objective: Have fun, enjoy the company
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Loadout - no weapons on person

Putting some finishing touches to her costume, Asaaj admired the fine silken cloth that made up the wings, she was dressed as a highly venomous moth from her home of Qina, she had joked with her date, about arriving in her vampiric form, but it wasn't really a costume. She did however allow her fangs to extend, the moth in question being famed for its vicious bite. Sometimes it was fun to hide in plain site.

Gently waving her hand she reknit some minor damage that the delicate material had taken during her journey here, being aboard Star's ship was apparently not a safe place for one in such an easily damage garment. She laughed and took the hand of her date, "Ready?" she asked the green twi-lek as she began making dathomiri symbols with her fingers that burnt the air and pair began to burn with the magick fire before vanishing in a cloud of dark smoke and burning embers.

Moments later, an acrid smell and a light scrackling heralded their arrival just outside the mansion. Dark smoke was first to form and the embers quickly coalesced into their physical form as in burning in reverse. The ritual finished and Asaaj casually flicked the last remaining glow off of her dress before striding forwards. "Come on, let's go and have some fun" there was a wicked smile on the witch's face as she looked back at Stardust, she was very glad she could look like herself today and proudy wore her dathomiri tattoos. The last time the had danced was at the Ashlan ball where she had disguised herself as Ivy, she wondered if that Contractor commander would be about, the name escaped her at this moment, Arturo Braga Arturo Braga ? Something like that.

The pair hadnt yet decided, the dancing hall, or the murder mystery, it was a tricky one, Stardust knew Asaaj wished to dance, but a murder mystery could be fun. Although Asaaj was tempted to take Stardust to her old hunting grounds on Ubelixa and create their own murder mystery.
Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

Star adjusted her costume, deciding to go as something rather simple and cliche for her but a bit mroe elegantly designed. A dress of scale that covered her body and flowed down before stopping at her ankles, she came up behind asaaj and grinned seeing the clothe being mended that star had accidently torn not to long ago

let's go, you'll here this plenty but your absolutely amazing looking

Taking a breath she smiled as she placed a arm around her as they were whisked away via magik down to the surface, the glow rolled off the scaled dress as she brushed a bit awhile and took the hand of asaaj as she glanced about trying to figure out what she wanted to do, star didn't dance often and it would be the place of most social concentration

let's go dance yes? Not often I get to enjoy a party like this
Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Having Fun
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: Costume || OPBC-01m
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For now, I was still looking at what and who were here, when I saw that Ana was also here and was approaching me. I would have started in her direction and waved, although I saw that she noticed me. But I couldn't do it, because at that moment I felt arms around my waist, even before I heard his voice, I smelled his scent or face lotion’s scent and I smiled. I didn't turn around, I just gently leaned back into his arms. With my hand, I placed the horrible pumpkin juice on the nearby table, then reached up to his face with my now free hand and turned his face towards me.

"I'm waiting for a man like you!" I flirted a bit, smiling and then kissed him. "I missed you! And this outfit suits you very well. You're even more sexy in it! A sexy bad guy." I winked at him.

I didn't have time to answer the compliment and the question in this situation, because Ana got there at that moment. Luckily for me, Ana also asked about my dress, so I had the opportunity to answer both of them. But first… I don't think they've even met before.

"Thank you, I don't know who the designer is, I just ordered it on HoloNet, and that's why I didn't have to suffer with the hat either. You don't know each other yet. Ana, this is Arturo Braga, my boyfriend. Arturo, this is Anashja Tal, a fellow Mandalorian. We freed her at Panatha." I introduced them to each other.

I stood a little further away so that they could shake hands or introduce themselves in any way they wanted. At Panatha, not only was I injured, but so was Ana. But unlike her, I didn't let them put me in the Bacta bath for too long. I hate not being able to do what I want. Probably because of this, my wounds haven't healed properly and I still had abdominal pain after a quick or sudden move.

To tell the truth…

"I didn't expect either of you, both of you are a really pleasant surprise tonight." I told them.




Objective: Have fun
Location: Mansion of Samhain
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Arturo Braga Arturo Braga open


I just ordered it on HoloNet,

"Well, that would have been the sensible option, but I ended up in this lovely little boutique on Taanab and I just couldn't say no." she laughed and extended herself hand to Arturo Braga Arturo Braga , a well dressed man introduced as Silhana's boyfriend.

"Anashja Tal, we havent had the pleasure yet have we?" she had a think, the name sounded sort of familiar but she was fairly confident she hadnt met him in person. "You have a very good woman in the Alor'ad here. I hope you are taking care of her while she heals up." Anashja was a doctor and with every medical intervention available, there was still no replacement for the support of a loved one or family member during a difficult time.

"I didn't expect either of you, both of you are a really pleasant surprise tonight."

"Likewise, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it tonight, I haven't felt myself since my rescue, but I'm glad I came. My husband is taking charge of our youngest tonight, we named her Vercopa, the others are filling themselves with sugar in the other room. Jaron was very keen for me to get out too. "Listen to your own advice Baar'ur"" she mimicked her husband and looked over towards him and his little "dad pack" lovingly. "I don't mind giving the two of you a little space if you like." she said, not wanting to feel like she was preventing the loving couple from enjoying her even if she might secretly be quite disappointed to be shooed away. Her body was healing well, but the mental injuries needed a little work and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.
Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Say hello
Location: Samhain's Mansion
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

"No, we haven't," Arturo smiled, shaking hands with Anashja. Listening on, the Lord of Mercenaries Eternal nodded as the togruta woman expressed her hopes. "I fully intend to," he said, shooting a playful glance sideways at his partner. "All depends on how lively things get, really." Though he pretended to not put much thought into the circumstances that had led to Silhanna being wounded, Arturo couldn't help but feel concern for his girlfriend. Panatha had been one giant mess, after all. So many dead. And the planet...

Well, the planet didn't bear thinking about.

Pulling the twi'lek close, Arturo resolved himself to not let go for as long as she would let him. If he had been there, during her fight with Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr aboard the Devourer, things might have turned out different. Yeah, Arturo thought, hiding his simmering anger behind a smile. Had he been on the ship, he would have likely died there alongside the Empress, though, a part of him refused to believe that last bit was true. If she was dead, her daughter would have known. Her daughter, the acting Regent, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir .

The Spooky One.

Taking a drink of his champagne, Arturo held up a hand as Ana offered to excuse herself. "No need," he said, looking at Silhanna with mischief in his eyes. "My verd'ika would appreciate the company. 'Sides, the night is young. There will be ample opportunity for the two of us to catch up later. For now, stay! Partake of the festivities with us."



Location: Mansion of Samhain
Objective: Have fun, enjoy the company
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Loadout - no weapons on person

let's go, you'll here this plenty but your absolutely amazing looking

"Thank you, I know" she replied to Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae flirtasciously. "You look fairly stunning yourself as always."

Asaaj let the taller woman lead her in to the dance hall where dozens of people gathered wearing various disguises and costumes, she saw a couple both dressed as dathomiri, one of them looked mildly awkward when they saw Asaaj walking nearby. Asaaj wouldn't say anything to dissuade their discomfort, despite not caring what they did to their faces, it was more fun to let them worry.

Asaaj turned and began to dance with Stardust, they were both naturally very strong creatures so could take it in turns leading, but Asaaj chose to be first and danced to impress her date, allowing the long flowing material to dance around her as she did. Drinks were freely available as per usual at these sorts of events, but Asaaj just wanted to dance and let her long white hair down. She pulled a small white flower out of her bag and placed one of its petals into her mouth before offering one to Stardust. A very mild euphoric flower that would only serve to further enhance their enjoyment.
Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Having Fun
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: Costume || OPBC-01m
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I tensed for a moment when the topic of children came up again. I know that for most Mandalorians it was very important to have many children, a big family and I could go on and on. Fortunately, Vaux Gred Vaux Gred supported me and assured me that she doesn't want a family either and that I shouldn't worry about what is important to other people. The only problem with this was that I wanted to be completely committed to Resol'nare, and that included that. But I wasn't sure I wanted that. I mean, a child, into this world, in a place where there are so many atrocities. It was enough to look at the Maw, and they were right next door and not to mention the Sith in general, or previously on Bryn'adûl.

True, part of that was the fact that I didn't know what Arturo thought about it, I never asked him. Mostly because I didn't feel ready yet. Maybe I never will. Time will tell, I was still young. So I just smiled in confusion, I couldn't say anything to that.

"Oh no, please stay. As Arturo says, we'll still have plenty of time to be together, in private. And it's always good to meet friends." I said honestly.

I smiled at Arturo when he said he intended to take care of me. However, I tried to calm them both down and let Arturo pull me closer. I tried to remain more discreet and hugged his waist barely perceptibly.

"I'm fine, really. I only... rarely feel the pain in my abdominal wall." I explained to them.

The muscle heals more slowly than the rest of the body, so this causes even more pain. In fact, I was already so well that the doctor allowed me to go on missions, I had already been on two. Fortunately, you only had to fight on one, not the other.

"Isn't it inconvenient to constantly travel from the other end of the galaxy to the territory of the Eternal Empire?" I asked Ana.

Taneb was quite far from here, I didn't really understand why they didn't move closer, or why they didn't cut ties with the people here. After all, this is Taozi's business, not mine.

"Have you heard that mobilizations and redeployments are about to begin so that the Eternal Empire can begin to free the Empress?" I asked them.



Objective: Have fun
Location: Mansion of Samhain
Equipment: Treats for cats, treats for kids and various foodstuffs
Costume: This
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

Tovald had spent the last 3 weeks on homeworld to help with the mourning process. The trouble was, how could he tell them what he saw? Would they believe him? But he managed to save someone, which was the best way to feel.

But yet, he sat in mourning and recited the mourner’s prayer along with the family that poor soul belonged to. He cannot imagine the heartbreak, nor can he begin to be able to comprehend the last moments of Cid’s life to be a screaming vortex of pain.

When the funeral services were over Tovald tried to make himself scarce but Cid’s parents hugged him, he did much for them by bringing back his scalp and armour to them. An empty grave is just as bad as them never knowing.

Once he jumped into Hyperspace, he busied himself with feeding his many Loong and Moth Cats and then renegotiating the pantry treaty with his spiders. They’ve been helping themselves to his unleavened bread. The unique communicator pinged with an initiation to The Halloween Ball, he was hardly imaginative so he had wanted to go as a brick or a cardboard box. Yet, he decided to drop one of his folklore books and make a costume for whichever creature came up. A werewolf wasn’t too hard, he worked on finding one of his old costumes to rework.

Donning his costume he parked the Venomoth in a bay and paid the docking fee, so now he was to head to the Mansion, all he had to do was follow the signposts, the EE sure know how to throw events. He could swear the Banshee's eyes were following him as soon as he saw Anashja Tal Anashja Tal he walked over to greet her.

<"Hello there. Atmospheric isn't it?">


Objective: Have fun
Location: Mansion of Samhain
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a


Anashja was enjoying the relaxed demeanour of the evening and the pair she was speaking to were very pleasant, even if couldn't help but feel the tiniest piece if her being the third wheel. But if they insisted, she had to trust that it was fine and she was here to enjoy herself with friends.

"Isn't it inconvenient to constantly travel from the other end of the galaxy to the territory of the Eternal Empire?"

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little inconvenient, but its home isnt it? And Tal'Din Is a medical frigate with a number of long term patients so I am able to carry out my duties whilst in transit."

Anashja quickly looked nervous and her eyes darted about as if looking for another topic to distract her. "I do have a home on Evaar'la Yaim, but I haven't been back since the Mawite attack... I suppose if they are mobilising us I might be back there soon.... Tovald!"

She spotted the perfect distraction from this potentially unpleasant line of thought, she would get over it, she had to, it was not the way of the mandalorians to cower before difficult situations, but she was allowing herself a little time. The mobilisation might shorten that time, but she wouldnt stand by when she had jusy been rescued from a similar situation herself. Ana looked at Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a before peering curiously over his shoulder. "It is so good to see you my friend, did you bring any you little accomplices with you tonight? If you see a small togrutan girl running around dressed as a spider, tell her you are her buir's Punkyr burc'ya" she laughed and sipped from her drinks. Tovald had dragged her out of that prison complex and accompanied her back to her homeworld, for which she was grateful.

The music was becoming more lively as they spoke and Anashja was feeling the urge to dance in her black witches costume. She gestured to her little group to head towards where the music was coming from.

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

not often I get to dress up and be a woman instead of a warrior encased in mandalorian steel

Star accepted the petal and placed it in her mouth as she closed her eyes and let the sweet feeling fill her sense as she grinned and took lead of the dance going into a fiery dance befitting the dragon. Dipping low she looked on with fiery passion as she leaned just a bit further to steal a quick kiss before she laughed and rose up bringing the dance back to a steady pace

my wife may have my heart and soul, but you my dear witch are so alluring a dangerous flower I cannot help but be around

A pink figured caught her eye, a familiar one at that, her head turned to focus on it as she began to grin and let a breath out before she got a troubled look and looked away from Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Mingle
Location: Samhain's Horror Mansion
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

"Have you heard that mobilizations and redeployments are about to begin so that the Eternal Empire can begin to free the Empress?" I asked them.

"I may have heard a few whispers on the wind," Arturo replied, Sil's question eliciting a small smile from the mercenary. "Nothing concrete, of course. Let's just say the Contractors' Guild has been rather busy as of late... and leave it at that." Yeah, that seemed wise. Though he could trust Silhanna not to spill any information he told her, the same could not be said for her Mandalorian friend. It wasn't personal. But loose lips sunk ships, and Arturo had plans to board one. So, too, did the Empire.

For the Empress. For Ingrid.

My friend, Arturo thought, feeling a frown coming on. He hid it by seeing off the last of his champagne. There was a time where she intimidated me, I recall. Odd how time changes these things. In truth, she still did to some extent. Someone that capable, that calm... sometimes it was uncomfortable to be in the same room as her. Now, though, now the place felt lesser without her. Clearly those higher up the chain felt a similar sense of loss. Of wrongness.

Arturo did not doubt that they would get her back, eventually. Whether she would be the Empress they all remembered and respected remained to be seen, however. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Arturo thought, swiping another flute of champagne from a passing waiter. The sombre thump of music followed. Arturo nodded as Anashja gestured for them to follow.

"Come on," he said to Sil, attempting to lead her by the waist. "Let's go see if I've still got the moves."



Location: Mansion of Samhain
Objective: Have fun, enjoy the company
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Loadout - no weapons on person

As the pair danced, Asaaj wrapped her arm around and up behind Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae a smile crossed her face "You should introduce me to your wives, just think of the fun we could all have, the Mandalorian Alor and the Firrerreo, I think we could be a handful even for you." she laughed. Star hadn't told her much about Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus or Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae but she had told her enough for the witch to understand who they were and fill in the blanks herself. She continued to dance until her eyes followed Star's to the pink twi'lek dressed as a witch across the room, surrounded by several others.

"That man over there" she pointed to Arturo Braga Arturo Braga "He and I had a minor falling out over the inadvertent killing of some of his men, I beleive we have an accord now." she smirked, she couldnt quite remember how far the hatchet had been buried with the man after her aggressive nature had gotten the better of her and she had killed some of his mercenarys. She wasn't worried he might do anything, she was certain they had moved beyond that, but wanted her date to be aware if there was any tension in the air.


Asaaj's flower was taking wonderful effect on her now and as she spun around in her date's hands the people around her took on a slightly misty countenance as if they left smoking trails in their wake as they moved. It was a very pleasant feeling and she enjoyed the smoky trail that her own moth costume left in its wake as she danced.
Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Having Fun
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: Costume || OPBC-01m
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"In any case, I'm glad that I only have to go to Denon and not Tanaab." I replied to her.

In order to avoid such trips, I tried to come as close as possible to this place. I nodded that she hadn't been "home" since the attack. I was not a doctor to say that one of the best ways to overcome fear and trauma is to face our fear or what caused it. But, she was the doctor, she should have known this, definitely better than I.

While we were talking, a familiar person appeared and came right up to us. It looked like maybe he didn't see we were here too because he was just saying hello to Ana. I cleared my throat a little. After all, we've worked together enough that you shouldn't be looking at me and Arturo as if we were nothing or ghosts. I didn't even want to bring up the fact that I was even his boss. I didn't like being someone's boss, I much prefer equal working relationships. Or one that is based on mutual agreement.

"Hello Tovald!" I greeted him as well. "How are you?"

After that I looked at Arturo and nodded to him. I was not present at the meeting when it was discussed, I left immediately after receiving the award because I had other work to do. But one thing was for sure…

"Everyone has a lot of work to do lately. The Maw are here and since Darth Mori leads them they are even more bloodthirsty than before…" I told him.

So I could only agree with him. I looked up in surprise when Arturo hugged my waist and Ana motioned for us to go in the direction of the music. I didn't really like dancing, too many bad memories and discomfort. Back when I was a slave and forced to dance. Of course, a ball is still different from a disco or a similar place. Even so, my whole body tensed for a moment. I then nodded and let him guide me in the right direction.

"I have a feeling, Ana, that you have too much energy even with the children. Is your husband tired instead of you?" I teased her a little.

I sighed for a moment and "hugged" Arturo's waist.

"Do you really want me to dance in this witch costume?" I asked him silently.




Objective: Dancing Session: Socializing a.k.a. Eavesdropping
Location: Mansion of House Samhain, Endor
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistol | Lightsaber
Tag: Open


No rest for the wicked. A party ranging so far in geographical and sociological demographic is rife with secrets ready to fall from loosened lips. Business or personal, both are useful, business or personal. The event itself is, of course, enjoyable.

Soulcatcher dresses up as and acts as himself, favored garb being sufficiently appropriate for a specter. The myriad of voices that might change with each sentence make a great novelty hear. The kids love it, mostly. He even joins in on the dancing, a fair foot albeit unfamiliar. Diplomacy being an old hat, he catches on quickly.

While keeping an ear out for any trouble, the occasion goes a long way to catching up on recent galactic events and varying opinions on such. He's as much Psi Corp as rogue element. The juxtaposed duality is easy to manage for one with mental schisms that, in the long term, work in discordant concert. While the job is a nice niche, his sights are set higher in scale.


Objective: Have fun
Location: Mansion of Samhain
Equipment: Treats for cats, treats for kids and various foodstuffs
Costume: This
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal


Tovald did not leave without his Spider Entourage, they insisted on tagging along, even though they were not in the battle and because they follow him everywhere, he even found some spiderlings using his candles last month to construct their silk nests. Ana could see a few purple/green ones slip into the shadows behind him, out of sight and doing their own thing. Tovald had a handy language book with him so he looked up what Ana called him, very fitting and he liked it.

Very few people dressed up as spiders these days so it was nice to know that someone other than him liked them. He would be sure to keep an eye out for the youngster. He was glad Ana was doing better, they escaped by a non-existent hair from The Devourer.

The werewolf mask did constrict his vision a bit so he didn’t notice Sil until she cleared her throat, only then did Tovald turn around, his cheeks pinkened with the realisation that he accidentally ignored her, he turned to face her as she greeted him.

<"Hello, doing pretty good, how about you?"> He says, giving Sil his undivided attention while following the group to the dancing. He's vastly improved his dancing since the last few balls.

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