Never Hide Your Heart
Tags: Asher Hodesh
"My Father had the local authorities in his pocket. If anything they would inhibit our investigation, and even cover up tracks if he asks them."
Katarine had been afraid of that. It looked like it was down to the three of them to solve this, but she liked their odds. Three Jedi could accomplish wonders if they worked together. Before she could dwell more on this thought they were interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Hodesh. Katarine was glad he had finally arrived on the scene. He seemed genuinely curious about what had happened here. Was he the masked man and perhaps just a great actor? She studied his interaction with Asher as the two spoke.
"Yes.. well I doubt The Jedi would have allowed you to come. They are your family now.. arn't they."
Katarine's tiny hand slipped around the shaking fist Asher had made, a subtle warning to her maybe future padawan to control he feelings she knew had to be rising inside him. She could tell his father and him had a volatile relationship and that always made things difficult when it came to matters like these.
"Mr. Hodesh the Jedi have changed a great deal since the old days. Many Jedi today have families of their own and The Council would never deny Asher his own family, the chance to say goodbye to his mother, nor the chance to meet his... older... brother."
She watched the mans back as she let this statement sit. Katarine was no stranger to a little good cop bad cop and right now Asher was too emotionally involved to be the bad cop. She'd let him and Narr keep the peace and she'd poke the bear. She stood there at five foot two inches (1.574 meters) one hundred ten pounds (49.89 kg) calmly. Katarine didn't look very intimidating at all but her deep green eyes were raised slightly as she watched the fathers back to see how he would react. Perhaps upsetting him slightly would throw him off his game and get him to mess up when they questioned him. It would also give Asher a chance to keep the peace and show he was on his fathers side, at least in appearance.