Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Murder On Bespin


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

"My Father had the local authorities in his pocket. If anything they would inhibit our investigation, and even cover up tracks if he asks them."

Katarine had been afraid of that. It looked like it was down to the three of them to solve this, but she liked their odds. Three Jedi could accomplish wonders if they worked together. Before she could dwell more on this thought they were interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Hodesh. Katarine was glad he had finally arrived on the scene. He seemed genuinely curious about what had happened here. Was he the masked man and perhaps just a great actor? She studied his interaction with Asher as the two spoke.

"Yes.. well I doubt The Jedi would have allowed you to come. They are your family now.. arn't they."

Katarine's tiny hand slipped around the shaking fist Asher had made, a subtle warning to her maybe future padawan to control he feelings she knew had to be rising inside him. She could tell his father and him had a volatile relationship and that always made things difficult when it came to matters like these.

"Mr. Hodesh the Jedi have changed a great deal since the old days. Many Jedi today have families of their own and The Council would never deny Asher his own family, the chance to say goodbye to his mother, nor the chance to meet his... older... brother."

She watched the mans back as she let this statement sit. Katarine was no stranger to a little good cop bad cop and right now Asher was too emotionally involved to be the bad cop. She'd let him and Narr keep the peace and she'd poke the bear. She stood there at five foot two inches (1.574 meters) one hundred ten pounds (49.89 kg) calmly. Katarine didn't look very intimidating at all but her deep green eyes were raised slightly as she watched the fathers back to see how he would react. Perhaps upsetting him slightly would throw him off his game and get him to mess up when they questioned him. It would also give Asher a chance to keep the peace and show he was on his fathers side, at least in appearance.

Mr. Hodesh stopping in his tracks as the Jedi Lady addressed him, attempting to inform him of the reforms that had taken place in the Order.
Turning, and meeting her eyes with his own he said,
"So then my Son simply chose not to come.. that is not much better."
He looking at Ash,
"Then again, what do I expect, you have always run away from things."
Asher felt the hand of Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah trying to steady him and he said with a soft voice,
"Where is she buried?"
The Father turning said,
"After Dinner I will show you. Come.. as promised we shall dine and you can ask your questions."

There was a brief moment for Ash to blow off some steam, he bowed his head and let out a breath.
"Forgive me Master, my Father knows how to.. how do they say? Press my emotional buttons."

Knight Narr drew closer,
"I can see why you left. He seems rather bitter."
Ash piped up,
"He was no always so.. when I was a child, he loved my Mother and I.. then when the Gas Business took off, he seemed to change.."
Looking at Master Ryiah,
"If it is alright with you, I will let you take the lead in questioning him. I will give you some signals wither what he says is untruth."
Knight Narr nodded,
"I think that is wise Young One. I will help make queries."

They began to make their way to the Dining Room where a long mahogany table stretched out, with chairs of gilded wood. Already sitting at the head was Mr. Hodesh, drinking another glass, beside him was Kadim, and Lucinda. Ash took his place somewhere in the middle, Narr sat across from him. Ash hoped Master Ryiah might sit beside him, her presence was soothing and calming to him, though he was afraid he was becoming a burden to her, that he was on this mission ruining his chances of becoming a Padawan. He needed somehow to take a step, to show that he could move past this emotional compromised state, and truly help solve this investigation with her, and Narr. Locking eyes with his Father, who seemed to look upon all three of them with a mild neglect most of the time.

Lucinda gave a smile and said, "dinner is served!" Some servers came out in blue uniforms with white collars, putting dishes of rice, noodles, and assorted meats out on the table. Mr. Hodesh looking at the Jedi was curious if they would eat much, they tended to look skin and bone, though as the Master had said, they were reformed.
"Now.. how is your investigation coming along Jedi?"
He broke the silence, his tone was rather abrupt, and yet effective at garnering attention. It was unclear if the victuals had made him thus or he always was this way, only Ash would know and he at the moment was concentrating on trying master his feelings and be useful.


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

Katarine was surprised that Mr. Hodesh could be so cruel towards his son. Asher would have had no way of knowing his mother died if nobody had told him. That wasn't the Jedi's fault and it certainly wasn't Ashers. It almost sounded like the father was feeling guilty and taking it out on other people.

"If it is alright with you, I will let you take the lead in questioning him. I will give you some signals wither what he says is untruth."

"Of course. Just remain calm. Remember if he has something to hide he will likely try to get under your skin to distract you."

They all took a seat at dinner and Kat sat next to Asher, wanting to be there in case all this emotional turmoil became too much. The father asked how the investigation was going as food was being served.

"It is in it's early stages. Though we do have some questions."

Mr. Hodesh taking a sip from his clear crystal glass, eyeing the Jedi Guests said,
"Ask your questions. I am afraid this is all the free time I have for a while."

Asher was allowing himself to breath, and concentrate, Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah warning him that His Father would no doubt use his emotionally compromised state of obfuscate. The Young Intiate had to bury his feelings deep down, and focus on catching this murderer who had marked him and taking a shot, well slice rather.
"Yes Master, I shall not let him play my emotions as he is want to do."

Knight Narr was focused on Kadim who kept looking at him with a devious smirk. This Brother who had an aura of darkness would seem a prime candadite, but the Attacker that assailed Asher did so while Narr and Master Ryiah were speaking to him and his Mother. How could he be in two places at once? Unless.. he had learned.. Similifuturus, an advanced power of making a short lived duplication of oneself. If that was the case, then they were not dealing with a mere acolyte of darkness, rather a Lord. However, evidence was not forthcoming, one could not prosecute if there was not way to identify him as the Attacker. Besides Mr. Hodesh was a suspect, he was absent when this strike on his Son took place. This paired with disdain in which he treated Asher made him a major suspect, and the powers that Ash had said he possessed to impend their investigation, and the people in which he did business made Narr think Mr. Hodesh could quite possibly be the Murderer. There was also the way he seemed to dismiss the death of his First Wife, he had not with satisfaction explained what happened to her, well he had not given any explanation. His hope is Ash would upon visiting the final resting place of his Mother, would glean that information.


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

"Ask your questions. I am afraid this is all the free time I have for a while."

"Well let's start with the basics. The man who was killed, did you know him? Did he work for you? What do you believe happened to him?"

She sat back slightly in her chair, her deep green eyes surveying Mr. Hodesh. She could feel Asher trying to breath himself into calmness beside her and that was good. She imagined Asher had his own questions for his father and if he wanted to jump in and ask them Katarine would allow it. She wanted to know when exactly his mother had died and how, and she also wanted to know when he had met Lucinda. Mr. Hodesh had not denied that his other son was older and that worried her. Maybe his affair had been known. All of these things were personal though and she had to focus on the investigation for now.

Mr Hodesh downed another clear glass of liquor and said,
"I knew the victim, they were.." He looked over to Kadim, "Well.. let's say a family friend."
He sitting the glass down said,
"His death was tragic, I am not sure why anyone wanted to kill him.. save that he had close ties to our family."

Asher was studying his Father and his new found brother, and abruptly said,
"Was he close to you Kadim?"
The Half Brother turning with eyes with embers seeming to burn in them replied,
"I do not wish to discuss it.. little brother."
Asher pressed,
"If it will lend light on this investigation, it matters. Did you know him?"
Mr. Hodesh held out his hand and said,
"Son, you do not have to answer that."
Kadim stood up from table, scooching the chair back.
"We were close.. I will not divulge any further about it."
Asher pressing more said,
"Fine.. you cared for him, do you know why anyone would want him dead?"
Kadim locked eyes with his Brother,
"Death comes for us all brother.. you are a Jedi know this do you not? It was his time.."
Asher raising a brow said,
"The Force does decide when our time is up, but murder is an act of subverting it, and playing god. I ask you, for the sake of your friend, why would someone want to kill him? We found.."
He looked at Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah and then to Knight Narr, He knew that giving what they knew could be risky, but he felt this was a trail opening to them,
"that his neck was snapped with no signs on his neck, and there was an object inside him.. one that we Jedi are familiar with.. though why it was there has remained a mystery and only clouded this investigation further."
Kadim responded in a somber tone,
"You speak of the Dark One.."
Mr. Hodesh leaned over to his Son,
"Kad.. you need say nothing more!"
Kadim pushed against his Father,
"Let me speak! I am tired to all the secrecy! Its suffocating!"
Asher seeing his distress was trying to discern if this was for show or was it genuine, it was hard to tell with so little time spent with his Half Brother.

Kadim continued,
"The Dark One appeared when your Mother died."
Asher felt his chest tighten.
"They killed her.."
Mr. Hodesh took his glass and threw it at the wall, the short crystal breaking into shards.
Asher looking at His Father was now on his feet,
"A Dark Sider killed my mother?!"
The Father turning to look at him said,
"Fine! Yes! You have to understand I have to sell Gas to Them! Just as I do the Jedi and The Alliance! They came and threatened me! What was I suppose to do?!"
Asher made a fist and placing it on table, the utensils, and plates beginning to levitate.
"I told you.. I told you!"
Suddenly the pieces of cutlery and porcelain flew into ceiling, be held there as they crushed, Ash's eyes were full of fire, the pain boiling up to the surface. Knight Narr rose up and placing his hand on his shoulder said,
"Ease down! Ease down Ash! Do not let it turn.. do not let it turn.. fight it! Fight it brother!"

Ash drew his lightsaber hilt to his hand, his eyes fixating on His Father.
"You! You killed her!"
Narr grabbing at his arm, trying to pull it away and stop him immolating the blade.
Kadim looking at his brother as tear cascaded down his cheek,
"See! They are all alike! You Force Freaks! You bring nothing but death!"


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

"Why didn't you say this when we arrived? If an organization of darksiders is blackmailing you it won't get better just because you do what they say. They already made an attempt on your sons life today." Katarine spoke to the father but the situation soon blew up.

Things quickly got out of hand. Asher stood up, anger and grief overwhelming him while Knight Narr tried to control him.

"Asher!" Katarine placed herself between Asher and his father. "Go in the other room with Sir Narr! Now! I will continue talking with your family."

Ash had almost drew his saber free of Narr's block, when the voice of Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah stopped him, it was sobering, and the tone with which she used was sharp, and it made him feel an obedience bubble to the surface, he suddenly became aware of his surroundings, as if he had been in a trance and he placed the lightsaber on the long table, Knight Narr taking it in his hand as he gestured,
"Come my friend.. lets adjourn for a time, leave this to the Master."
Ash gave a nod and said as he stepped away in his tunic, his eyes conveying contrition as they gestured towards Master Ryiah as it say how sorry he was. He had failed.. utterly failed before a potential Master, and even almost given in to the enemy of all Jedi.

Narr escorting him back to that room, resolved to not leave him alone this time, the marks of the attempt on the mirror. Ash looking from sitting on the bed at himself, the cracks dividing up his face as tears began to cascade down his cheeks. He looking up to Narr said,
"I am beyond hope my friend.. sobs.. I shall never be an apprentice.. I do not even deserve to be a Jedi."
Narr sat beside him and placing his arm on his shoulder said,
"Ash.. your grief is not evil, emotion is normal, especially in these circumstances. The issue is the dark side preys on even good emotions, trying to turn them to harm oneself or others. I am glad Master Ryiah was able to reach you, it is clear that you respond to her. As for the Order and your aspirations.. confronting darkness is the calling of every Jedi, and you took your first steps today. Give yourself a break my friend, you have had a great deal revealed this trip, and someone trying to kill you. Take solace in that the Darksider went for you, which means you are a threat, that Light is still strong about you."

Back in the dining room, Mr. Hodesh made his responses to the Jedi Master, "I could not say anything! They told me if I did they would kill my entire family, and I knew it was not a bluff because of Elise.. Asher's Mother, that was her name. So I deceived you only because I was protecting my family, even Ash, though it seems he is beyond my power to protect. Please.. help him.. he has lost so much."
It was not clear if the liquor had made him open up more or the absence of Asher.

Lucinda had retreated to the kitchen during the commotion, and Kadim was not leaving the room, as he said,
"I am going out.. I won't be back till late!"
He slammed the door.

Mr. Hodesh stood there in an exasperated state,
"It seems I am losing my family anyway. The choices I have to make Jedi are hard ones.. I do not know if they were the right ones, but I have done what I have done for the betterment of Bespin and my family.. I have to believe that."
He got a fresh glass and poured some more dark malt into it.
Ash leaning his head down between his legs on the bed, and cradling his forehead with his gloves. He responded to the Knight,
"I need to see my Mother's grave.."
Narr turning, his purple Squid Dreadlocks slipping on his shoulders,
"I understand, do you know where they would have buried her?"
Asher nodded,
"The Mosleum, it is in the heart of the the City. Everyone is cremated."
The Jedi Knight standing up said,
"Let's go then.. you need to do this. Master Ryiah can handle questioning your Father. Let me go speak with her and let her know we are heading out."
The Jedi Knight had reservations about splitting up, but if they could help settle Ash down, and banish some of the dark feelings that had overcome him, it was necessary.

As Narr made his way back to the Dining Room, Ash bend down and grabbed sheets and began to fold and then twist, making it into the one long rope as he then threw it off the balcony. He began to scale down, and reaching the floor of the city, he took one last look at his home, and then began to race towards the City Center. Making his way past all the inhabitants, he knew that he was taking a risk, the Killer would no doubt notice him, since they had tried to slay him. The truth is he did not care, he wanted to see the tomb of his Mother. Making his way into circular bundling with seven floors, he looked at directory to see where the different letters of names were, H was near the middle. He walking down the white circular steeps, which had the appearance of a web, with helix like spines rising up to fortify the rings of steps. He came to H, and made his way till he came upon Hodesh, Elise. The Light was out, most of them blue, and glowing, he saw that the compartment with the urn was ajar and he opening it, he found inside a lightsaber, taking it in hand he examined it.

Suddenly the glass dome at the top of the Mausoleum broke open, shards of glass falling as cape of black and hood fell and figure landed at the bottom floor. Ash taking the new saber made his way to the railing and saw below the Dark One which looking up with its mask, pointig its hand pulled at him, making him go over the railing and he landed, doing slight roll, and was on his knee. The Dark One igniting their crimson blade. Ash took the weapon he had found, and immolating it, a garnet blade.
"What have you done with my Mother's ashes!"
The Dark One lunged with both hands on the handle, the thrust he bat away with a heavy strike, the blades now crackling as the two began to exchange blows, Ash fought with a great rage. Swinging the blade widly, cutting at the walls and leaving black marks, as he began to press the The Dark Siders outside, the two were now in sqaure, the loud sound of their blade clashing filling the air as people began to scream and get away, they came to a circular black plate, and Dark One dove its blade down to hit a switch and they both fell down into the maintence shaft of the city.

Knight Narr had just come to the city center, and heard the loud sound of blades, he taking his saber in hand saw them dueling, the sparks flying as people began to flee the scene. He ran, but the Dark One seeing him released a trap door and both of them fell out of sight. The Jedi Knight got on his comlink and said,
"Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah ! Ash has engaged the Dark Jedi! I am in pursuit! They are heading down to maintenance levels!"

Ash rolled and landed near some console with an elaborate metal instruments with white florescent lights, and black steel, he got up as blade nearly cut his arm off, and finding his weapon, immolated the saber and began to re-engage the Enemy, their two blood sabers crackling as the Dark One came at him in winding strikes, which Ash had trouble deflecting, one burying the tip into his under arm as he cried out.
"Argh! You killed my Mother! I shall make you pay for what you have done!"
He then began to swing his saber wildly once more, the strokes to heavy with rage, that the Assailant began to back up, and went into a shaft of circular shape like a tunnel which suddenly illuminated with lights, Ash spinning the blade in circular fan, as he rushed, trying to cut the Enemy into pieces, they began to run, their cape caught by the saber and torn asunder and blade hitting back of their neck before they escape the blade. Now they were in a room with great window that had glass broken up into what looked like a target. The Dark One rushed at him swinging in an avalanche, and Ash caught it, and kicked with his foot beneath, knocking them up into the air of the glass of the window, causing it to crack. Ash then with his hand began to conjure the power, and he pointed pushing the Dark One against the glass with more force, the cracks beginning to expand and reach out from behind their hood and mask.

The Dark One was under his power, and he then with his saber threw the blade into the glass, breaking it and causing the Dark Jedi to fly out the window as if pulled by vacuum. Ash then leapt out as well and narrowly landed on long bridge with railings of black metal, all around was blue and the red shafts lit up that went all the way to the base of Cloud City. Seeing the saber he had thrown laying on the bridge, he called it to his hand, and began to search for the enemy, he walked over to what looked like great Weather Vane or terminal, below hanging and crawling underneath was the Dark One, who took their saber and snapped it, the blade rising up through floor and stabbing Ash in the foot as he cried out. He hopping back, he then took his saber with both hands and began to use it like a spade, cutting into the floor, making holes, the Dark One evading until one cut into the mask and sent sparks raining down and their was faint scream.
Ash! Are you alright!
Knight Narr came out of the room with the broken window and said,
"Ash are you alright?!"
Ash looking at where they were, took his blade and cut the railings, and then began to cut at the floor, isolating the Sith and making it so that when did the same to the other side the bridge piece would fall.
"Ash.. what are you doing?!'
Ash kept cutting, the Dark One had ceased jabbing from below, their vision obscured, and they sensed that he was cutting the entire bridge, they tried to hang and make their way to the terminal, hoping it would be their refuge.
"Ash.. stop! We outnumber them and they are injured!"
Ash felt the Knight grab at him and he pushed him away,
"It's not over till they are dead!"
The Jedi Knight responded,
"That is the not the Jedi Way! Let them surrender! We came to solve a investigation, not play Judge and Executioner!"
The Dark One at terminal was panting, they began to pick at their smashing mask, peeling layers off and tossing it into oblivion, until at last long hair began to flow out of brunette, and eye of orange fire, the respirator was sparking and they then tore it off and threw it, revealing their face.
"Ash.. listen to the Jedi Knight."
The voice.. Ash paused as if frozen in carbonite, he then let out a gasp as he looked up from his cutting work to see the Woman standing there at the terminal.
"M.. Mother?!"
She gave a smile,
"Look at you.. you have grown.. grown in power."
Knight Narr drew his saber and the blade snapped to life,
"Mrs. Hodesh.. you are responsible for the murder?"
She gave a nod, and said,
"I knew it was the only way to bring my Boy back here.."
Ash dropped his saber, it snuffing out with some smoke.
"How.. why?!"
Stepping back to the bridge she held out her hand,
"Did you ever wonder where your sensitivity came from my Son? Surly not your Father. I had hoped to train you myself, but you fled to the Jedi.. and I knew you would not easily be rent from their clutches."

Knight Narr looking at her said,
"Mrs. Hodesh, you are under arrest for murder, for attempted murder of a Jedi, and for black mailing your husband's company. These are your charges, surrender and you will be sentenced by the Jedi Courts."
She chuckled as she ignited her blade,
"Son.. now is your chance, help me and you will become more powerful than any Jedi!"
Narr looking at Ash said,
"Do not listen to her.. your Mother is consumed by the dark side. Stand with me."
Ash began to look at his Mother and Narr, his eyes dancing between the Sith Saber on the ground and his own Saber clipped to Narr's belt. The choice was his.. what would he choose? His Family or His New Family?


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

“Kadim I think you should stay here. It could be dangerous…”

Her words fell into nothingness as the oldest son left. Katarine sighed and turned back to Mr. Hodesh. Before she could question him however her comm unit chirped, and Knight Narr was alerting her to a new situation.

“Stay here. Lock yourselves in and call your security Mr. Hodesh.”


A short time later she had caught up to the duo but they were not alone. She could feel the darkside in the air as it activated the mutation in her blood and she felt the faint dizziness. She was surprised to see a woman id er the hood and she realized who the woman must be.

“Enough! This is over.”

TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

The Choice was before Ash, his Mother was bidding him to Fall, to join her side and what pull that was, The One that had carried him in the Womb insisting that he support her. Then looking at Narr who had been a brother to him, and all his aspirations of being a Jedi. Looking back and forth in this emotional conflict, The Initate made a decision, he reaching out with his hand, and did command the saber hilt. Narr felt the saber at his belt pull up, and he with one hand undid the ring as it began to float and Ash grabbed it immolating the bright larimar blue blade. Looking at his Mother he said,
"I am a Jedi.. I love you mother. What you have become, what you have done has ensured that I must do the unthinkable. Stand against a parent in combat. I urge you to surrender according to the charges of Sir Narr."

The Jedi Knight gave a smile as he held his blade, when a voice from behind came into this situation, that of the Master Jedi hereself. Narr kept his eyes fixed on Elise, Ash looking over his shoulder as he said,
"Master.. I am glad you are here."

Elise taking his saber hit and calling the one on the ground before them, it rolling down the badly damaged bridge until it flew up into her other hand.
"You disappoint me.. Son. I should have known they would brain wash you. I tried once to visit you are Temple, to free you from their lies. I seems now I shall have to free you in another way."
She snapped the twin blades to life, the blood sabers crackling as fire and sounding as if being squeezed, like metal scraping. She leapt on to the bridge and spun the blades around her in semi circles.
"I will not surrender.. you will have to kill me!"
She lunged, Ash charging forward and Narr as well with their saber, their blades meeting hers as the three began to move around each others, the beating of the blades causing sparks to rain down the great shaft below.
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Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

Katarine was pleased by the choice Asher had made but she was concerned what the act of killing a parent might do to him. If she could prevent this she would try everything to do so. She watched as the battle started and took a deep breath, steadying her mind and centering herself. A second latter a snaphiss sounded and her own white blade ignited. Katarine entered the fight and together she and Ash and Narr worked, a master, knight and an initiate dueling together as one organism the way the Jedi taught.

"Elise stop this! You know you cannot take us all! Think about what you are doing to your son! If you surrender now you can still be part of his life!"

She begged the dark woman to listen, knowing the alternative would be crushing.

Ash did not strike at his mother, that was unthinkable, he simply parried and kept her second blade occupied so that she could not sweep with both at Sir Narr. Narr was doing some Cho Mai attempts, cutting at her wrist, seeking to disarm, not harm. The pair was keeping her most busy, and she let out a cry of angst that it was stalemate, until the Jedi Master threw her hand into this conflict and was pleading with her to cease hostilities.
"You Jedi are overconfident! You do not know the Power of the Dark Side!"
With that she let go of her saber hilts that began to float and furry, cutting at Ash and Narr, when she extending her hands began to form a current and bolts of bright purple lightning began to arch and come as wave at the three Jedi. Ash was hit at once and began light up in bright white, steam rising from his shoulders as he fell down and began to cease, his body shaking all over. Narr took his saber and stepping towards Ash parried the sabers that would strike and tried to block as much of the lightning bolts as he could with his saber blade, but keeping the twin floating fangs of bked kyber at bay and catching bolts meant he was at one point or another open to a counter attack, and with that she cut some of his dreads off, and struck at the neck, making his fall, but he held his blade up trying to block as much as he could, Ash was still smoking from taking the full brunt of his Mother's attack.

It was becoming clear that she was not going to surrender and that he display of power had won her some favor in this fight, though her steps made the creaky bridge tremble, Ash had before cut a great deal of it, making it poised to break apart and make those on have the great fall. While legend claimed Master Skywalker had survive such a great descent, it was not wise to tempt the Force, better to prevent than hope you got the same grace from the Great Mystery!

TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

It was clear the darksider was not going to listen and worse the platform they were standing on was about ready to collapse.

Katarine caught the lightening that was sent her way and sent it flying back at the woman. She could feel the darkside welling up and had to grit her teeth to keep from surrendering to the dizziness. She swung her white lightsaber , attempting to end this once and for all. They had to get out of here before the entire platform collapsed!

The redirection of her lightning at her was unexpected, Elise drew back and then the Jedi Master began to assail, and the Darksider tripped, one of lightsabers she lost control of, it fell and rolled off into the long fall down below. On her back, The Dark Jedi began to crawl on her back, inching away as the white hot blade came near her, she looking at this Jedi with fire in her eyes and giving a snarl,
"You think you can take my place with my Son! He will never be a Jedi! I will see him dead before he becomes enslaved to your ways!"

Ash was still smoking and stirring a lit, his body was in shock from the shock. He could not yet force open his eyes, nor get oriented at what was going on. Knight Narr had taken several bolts and he took the position of trying to guard the Intiate and preparing to step in to be Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah relief if need be. He kept his gilded eyes on this Darksider, while she was at the moment humbled, that meant nothing. Those who gave themselves to the dark side were not predictable, they rarely followed the rules of combat. In this situation a Jedi would surrender, but this was no Jedi.

Elise held out both hands as she clinched her teeth,
"If my Son will not join me, then all of you will be destroyed!"
She began to make the metal creak beneath her and all of them, the bridge beginning to make a grinding metal sound, and small pieces breaking off and falling. She did not care that she would make her own self fall, this desperation was the nature of the Dark, victory above all else, even in death.

A railing tore off and fell, and the whole see through lined floor began to sway, as if it was becoming a rope to swing on a ship mast. Her eyes aflame as she let more lightning fly from her one hand at the Jedi Master. The entire structure they stood on was beginning to give way, Knight Narr grabbing Ash and throwing him over his shoulder began to sprint towards the door where the room with the great window was. Placing him safely against a console, he came back out and shouted,
"Master Ryiah! Fly! Its giving way!"


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

The entire structure was going to collapse under the Sith's intentional sabotage. Katarine caught the next round of Force lightening, swaying slightly as the dizziness overwhelmed her. If this kept up she would be consumed with her mutation and there would be nothing to stop it. She had to get them out of here. Sirr Narr had taken Asher to safety and was now back warning that Katarine had to get free as well.

As soon as there was a break in the lightening Katarine moved with haste, working to get her footing on more solid ground. The platform was going down now, there was no denying it. Before she reached safety she glanced back at the dark woman.

"This is your last chance! Take my hand and stay alive... for your son.."

If the dark woman refused she would likely fall to her death.

The structure was giving way and Elise looking at the Jedi holding out her hand fired another bolt of lightning,
"Never! I will never take your hand!"
As those worlds were said, the bridge broke apart and fell, the Dark Woman with, he black cape flying up as if a banner as she let out a scream, the metal began to hurl down.

Ash rose up in a shot to the window and saw his Mother falling with the bridge, he let out a cry,
Night Narr was looking out the open side of the building and shouting,
"Kat come on! This is about to collapse too!"

Elise fell and was tumbling with rails and metal floor pieces down and down to the circular vents at the bottom. The crush of the debris rang loud and the Dark Woman disappeared into one of the holes that lead to the weather vane's at the bottom of the City.

Ash collapsing on his knees before the broken circular window, the wind loudly howling, his shoulders shaking as he began to cry, burying his head down into his chest. He had been coping with the loss of his Mother when she was said to be dead, now he had lost her in person, to the dark side and then the abyss of the shaft. Looking down at those port holes way down, he contemplated conducting a search for her. He even in his state considered leaping from there as once Skywalker did to find her. What held him back was soreness of his muscles, the bolts of lightning had made him so physically drained, and the emotions of all this had sapped the rest of his strength. A part of him was grateful that Master Ryiah was the one to confront His Mother in the end, that he was taken out of the fight so as not to live with the guilt of hurting his own flesh and blood. How could it have come to this? How had he been so blind that his Mother was a Dark Jedi? Did he have the potential to fall as she did? His mind shifted to that moment in the dinning room earlier, how his anger rose up as the utensils did into the air, and that it took Narr and Master Ryiah to hold him back. He feared that the same weakness was inside him and that he would fail.

TAG: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Tags: Asher Hodesh Asher Hodesh

There was no helping the dark woman as she fell so Katarine and Narr raced to safety and to make sure Asher was taken to a safe place. When they were on safe ground the trio was panting with effort and the emotion of what just happened.

They would alert the authorities to what they had found and let them handle finding the body of Asher’s mother. For now their investigation was complete. They knew who the killer was and they knew her motive.

Katarine did not want to force Asher to leave before he was ready. Narr knew him best so she looked at the knight, a silent asking of what was next.

As Elise's body fell, it rolled and hit one of the circular vent portholes where she laid unconscious, then a trap door let her fall out on to a weather vane, the bright orange of sunset looking world, as her limbs barely kept her limp body caught on the dark metal spokes, as she hung there a black vessel came flying up:

A ramp was extended and the Woman began to float to it and pulled inside. Her breath was faint as a figure in absolute shadow stood over her. The Vessel then began to move away from the underbelly of the city and began to rise up into the clouds.

Aboard Elise was placed in a Becta Tank, standing there was a figure in black robes and hood, though no face peeked from beneath the shroud, no hand drawing forth, rather just a faint breath, like a whisper of the wind and nothing...
Ash had experianced a range of emotions in such a short duration of time. So many revelations, one more jarring than the next. As he returned to Hacienda Hodesh, he approached his Father and fell on a one knee,
"She is gone.."
The Father came to his Son and placed his arm on his shoulder.
"So you know the truth.."
Ash nodded, then looking up into his eyes he said,
"Why did you not tell me?"
The Father replied,
"The reason I never told you is I wanted to keep you away from her.. that is why I never contacted you, when you were among the Jedi I thought you'd be safe.""
Ash shook his head,
"You said she was dead.."
Mr. Hodesh nodded,
"She was.. the woman I married died a while ago. She no longer was who I loved.. I had hoped that you would not return, and have to face this, but the murder was her way to draw you out. I should have come forward, and told you, but she threatened Lucinda's life.. so I had to bite my tongue."

Knight Narr was standing with Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah , dealing with finishing up the report. He looking at Ash said,
"That young Lad has been through a lot.. there can be no doubt he is a candidate to be an Apprentice, for he resisted the dark side when a loved one was involved, that is no easy feat, especially when its a mother. I am going to give my recommendation to the Council he be trained at once, he needs encouragement after all this, and besides, he is a skilled detective, he needs to stretch his legs more."

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