Father of Titans

It has been a few days since Mordecai had left.
Sitting there after the fight with a dozen or so Dragons, We had grabbed our eggs and left. While taming a beast was good, Altering it to become something stronger was a different matter. It would take longer, and the effects could kill the dragon from the influx of power surging through its veins. We went our separate ways. Each determined to finish our projects on our own. This is where I sat. In a Hotel room with a brown and red egg sitting in my lap. My hands around the base of the egg. Slowly watching as the light seemed to reflect off of the egg shell. Reflecting the light much like a jem or a ruby. I was fascinated by the fact that a creature that could breath fire, tear humans to shreds, and fly as fast as the wind could create something so beautiful, so mesmerizing.
Sitting there, I heard a knock at the door. Quickly I put it in the fireplace and placed a log in front of it to hide the egg. keeping the egg warm so it could incubate. Rushing over to the door, I wiped off my hands and opened it. The manager of the place asked if he could come in. Allowing him, He began to talk to me.
"Young man, I am not sure who you are, but whatever you did up in the mountains with that man, needs to be fixed. If you took something it needs to be taken back. Fair warning if you encounter something on your way."
Looking at him as though he were a crazy fool, I scoffed and shook my head. He took that as me not listening and left the room. Closing the door. I turned around to look at the egg. It was still there. Reaching into the fire once more, my shaping abilities allowing me to deal with the heat, I pulled the egg out and looked around. Finding what I needed, I smiled. Placing the egg inside a pressure cooker, I then grabbed coals, and burning wood to place next to and around the egg. keeping it warm. I knew that to have the baby hatch, it had to be warm. So sealing the lid on, but taking off the safety valves and the spinner top to allow hot gasses to leave, I slowly eased the pot into a bag.
I knew just the place to keep it where it was safe, and warm.
Sitting next to me on the Vornskyr Troop transport, the bag was still warm. Every once in a while I would close the holes to keep it warm enough in there, and every so often I would use my shaping skills to keep the coals nice and warm. Harem, the man sitting next to me looked at me confused. Wondering what was happening, he decided that he should ask the question all six of my men had in their heads."Um sir, what is with the pot?"
Looking up at him, I smiled. Brightly. He got this look on his face like he had just asked a child what was his favorite toy, and could see how he had asked the wrong question. I tapped the pot with my hand as I spoke. being careful not to say too much.
"You remember a few days ago when a Sith Lord and myself went into the mountains to search for something? Well each of us found one thing we wanted. Inside is what I found."
I didn't even want my own men to know. It was a secret that I wanted to keep from everybody. So much so, that even those I cared for won't know if it's existence. Harem nodded and went along, knowing I wouldn't tell him any more. Once reaching the spot where we had been at a little more than two days ago, I stepped out with the bag, plugging all the holes up after I had fed the flames a little more. Now the trek back into the mountains.
It was about an hour later when I found the spot. A large natural cavern that had been hollowed out by a trickle of water that had turned into a small stream for a time. Now it was still there, however, very small of it's once former self. Standing here, I smiled in amazement of how warm this place actually felt. Probably because it was hidden away from the wind, and the gathered moisture in the air created a mist of humidity. It was warm. Perfect.Looking around, I would need to find materials to make a nest for the egg to rest in, as well to keep it warm. The entire planet was made of ice and snow. So I decided that this would take many trips back and forth to get all the right materials.
Smiling, I called in on the radio, "Harem, I need you to get some things for me."
It was about two hours later that all the stuff was here. It had taken a total of two trips for me to get everything. Well, more correctly, My men to take two trips while I stayed with the eggs to prevent too much movement. While the first shipment came in, It was standard building materials made of wood, some iron, and tools. I began to work on it as the were getting the rest of the items I needed.First, using a pickax, and a shovel, I began to work on digging a hole. Deep enough for a fireput, nice and oval, clearly going to be filled. Once that was done, I began to build a fire by hand. Letting it burn down to coals while I was building a small box. Using some of the wood planks, some nails, and screws, I built a small l frame for me to take some thin sheets of iron, and nail and screw them into place. I was not a construction worker, but it will do for now.
Second, I build a nest inside the box using shaved pieces of wood, broken pieces, weaving them together to create a small bed. Seeing as how this was my first time weaving, I was doing pretty well. making a small bed, and laying other such leftover pieces over the top. I smiled as slowly I reached for the pot within the bag. Opening it to take the egg out very carefully. So much so that I might have grown a beard by the time the egg was in place. Once there, I took the coals left over in the pot and added them to the fire as it was settling down. Smiling, I slowly eased over the box to the hole in the ground. Letting the iron sit over the top of the fire, with the egg placed safely on the bottom. Heat would travel through the metal, however, not enough to burn everything topside.
A few holes were placed around the sides of the sunken in rock to allow air flow, and for more wood to be added. Smiling as I had created a makeshift nest for the moment, I wanted for my men to return with the rest of the gear in tow.