Velok Brokentusk
A simple fortuneteller
From the gantry, barely concealed by the edge of the command booth, Velok watched the shuttle come to life. When the hatch opened, he felt relief and disappointed resignation in equal measure. But at his best he ruled his feelings, not the other way around. He'd determined his intention. Now he simply had to follow through.
A Force jump took him out over the hangar. The hovering shuttle rocked under his mass and grated briefly against the deck. He fit himself through the hatch and down into the cabin.
The shuttle had no seat in his size, or controls for that matter, so he crouched behind the copilot chair, headrest against his chest, and reached around it to tap the controls with the tips of his claws. The shuttle began moving through the atmospheric field into the hyperspace bubble of hard vacuum around the Longjumper's Mark.
"Well thieved," he said to
Lily Rhodes
A Force jump took him out over the hangar. The hovering shuttle rocked under his mass and grated briefly against the deck. He fit himself through the hatch and down into the cabin.
The shuttle had no seat in his size, or controls for that matter, so he crouched behind the copilot chair, headrest against his chest, and reached around it to tap the controls with the tips of his claws. The shuttle began moving through the atmospheric field into the hyperspace bubble of hard vacuum around the Longjumper's Mark.
"Well thieved," he said to