Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Myths and Mandas (JAX) - COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Manda (planet and system)
MISSION: Investigation
Jax Thio Jax Thio

[We are approaching the "Manda" system.]

Thank you, D-1. Connell was busy in the common room practicing his lightsaber technique. He was not the expert in multiple forms like others were, make no mistake, Connell was more than capable in both Soresu and Djem So/Shien, as well as "The Way of the saber"(his father's customized technique) but he was always working on improvement. Every bit of free time in this context (traveling) when not reading up on an assignment was spent working on his craft.

[Would you like to study the "Manda" system?]

Connell just smiled. I already did. When I received the assignment I spent the first few hours reading. That is why I slept in my quarters when we launched.

[Oh, I see. Shall I contact the local authority to let them know we are arriving?]

Shaking his head "no", the young Jedi Knight stopped and sheathed his weapons. I will. Thank you. Walking up to the bridge and sitting down at the "comms" station, Connell pressed a few commands into the system, offered his security code and soon the blue visage of a member of the Baobab Merchant Marine filled the holo.

[Translated from Bocce - You are entering Baobab jurisdiction, please state your authorization, submit your flight plan and shut down your engines.]

Greetings… I

Clearly annoyed, the officer spoke up. [Translated from Bocce]PLEASE state your authorization in your submission, submit your flight plan and shut down your engines. Failure to comply will result in your destruction.]

Hands up in deferment, Connell nodded to his pilot droid, who shut down the propulsion systems and there they sat as the Marine disappeared from the player. He silently complied with the orders and waited. A few moments passed before another figure, one who looked to be more of a command rank, appeared. He looked to be somewhat apologetic, but only somewhat. "Welcome to the Manda Sector, Master Jedi. This is your first trip to our planet, so I would like to apologize for the inconvenience, normally we receive word of a Jedi's arrival sooner."

His tone was more instructional than condescending so Connell could take it in stride. He already had no ill will as the officers were simply following their orders and protocols. "We are also notifying all involved that you are not fluent in Bocce', so you will not be inconvenienced there. I must ask you to wait for your escort, so that it will be an easier approach to the Starport and welcome to Manda."

Thank you, Constable. Feeling a little odd at the pomp and circumstance, Connell went to get properly dressed in Jedi garb and grab his gear.

[Would you like me to stay with the ship?]

WHOAH! Falling to the floor, one leg in his pants, one leg sort of halfway as he looked at his astromech. You could have waited to ask.


I think you will be able to roam the area if you wish. Shouldn't be a problem.

[Thank you. Any orders for me while I do?]

Cocking an eyebrow, it was a good question, but a weird one at the same time. Pay attention, but no… just explore where allowed. We are guests here after all.

[Will do.]

As the droid rolled away, Connell could feel the tug of the ship getting underway as he continued to change clothes. By the time he was geared up, Vanagor could feel the ship slowing down and settling onto a surface. They had touched down. Lowering the ramp, Connell led D1 roll down ahead of him as he followed and was met by security. He was busy entering the security code and lifting the ramp as they eagerly waited. "Welcome, Master Jedi. Rest assured, we respect your privacy and you needn't worry about your ship being boarded.

Appreciate that, though I have nothing to hide.

"If you follow us, we will lead you to the Promenade. Your fellow Jedi, Master Jax Thio is on approach."

Thank you. Do you require anything for my astromech to be able to roll around?

"Just that it remains in and around the Starport."

Just landing on the planet in case certain Racoons read this. ;-)


Location: Manda
Equipment: Casual Wear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Jax Thio removed his white hat as he waited for Aric to land. Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble had assigned Jax and Aric a mission to patrol the borders of the Mandalorian space and find out what their next move was. Right now, the Alliance was still reeling from losing three major battles against the Mandalorians a real black eye to the GADF and the NJO after they drove the Sith to the fringes of the Outer Rim. Already the Senate were scrambling to cover their hides after declaring another war which led to the deaths of multiple people.

"War," Jax thought. "What's it good for exactly?"

He continued to observe Aric approaching him from the Starport. "Been sometime Aric!" Jax said smiling. "I trust you've been keeping well! Things aren't looking too good for the Alliance at the moment. The Mandalorians have become bold in their crusade and we're struggling to form an effective counterattack. Did a bit of sleuthing while waiting for your arrival. Mandalorians have been here doing some digging for an artifact. I'm not sure what it is, but it's very important to them."

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Manda (planet and system)
MISSION: Investigation
Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Aric"? Oh yeah…

Offering a respectful Bow, Connell decided it was time to come clean. He wasn't lying to the Jedi Master, but his middle name is not something he was used to going by. I have a bit of a confession to make, Master Thio. "Aric" is my middle name, my full name is Connell Aric Vanagor.

Connell listened as he watched his astromech go off and explore the Starport. It's unfortunate that the Maverick seemed to be such a defeatist, but that was his path to walk and he had to live with the destination. Connell did listen to what Jax had to say about the current events of the Alliance and the NJO as a whole and while he did not think that this was something to be talking about out in the open, it did serve as motivation to turn the proverbial tide.

What was troubling for Connell was to hear talk of the losses and of a "counter offensive", should they really be thinking about this sort of thing? Sure, "War is Mustafar" but this was also something that the people around him may be even more concerned over. The talk of the Mandalorians made him think about his encounter with the Mandalorian Celt Saxon Celt Saxon in the dome, that was a harsh experience. There was something to be said for being open and honest, and not covering things up, but there was also something about their stations that inspired or defeated others just in their words. The young Jedi Knight did not profess to know at all what the man had gone through to bring him to this point, but still "attitude is a reflection of leadership." Hopefully things can get turned around for him, and hopefully it starts today.

I've been reading up on the situation. I think as long as one of us remains breathing, that we can bend, but will never fully break. Even if we lose ground, we can always gain it back.

That sounds like something Father would say.

Did you find a location where this artifact was said to be? Or perhaps where the stories about this emanate from? The Master was definitely the lead on this, so where Jax went, he would follow, he just wanted an idea and would try to offer what he could.

Also, do you have transportation set up? I have two speederbikes in my cargo hold if we need them.

Just landing on the planet in case certain Racoons read this. ;-)


Location: Manda
Equipment: Casual Wear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Jax heart stopped the moment Aric, no Connel told Jax his actual name. Connel Vanagor he couldn't be related to Catlin could he? "Connel Vanagor?" Jax said those words slowly as if it was the first time he had heard of it. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Catlin Vanagor are you?"

The Jedi Master failed everyone from the NJO, his friends, and loved ones. But most of all: Caltin the man who was Jax's long lost ancestor. Catlin may have been gruff with Jax, but he believed in him and did what he could to help Jax overcome the dark temptations from his father. Yet, Jax ultimately fell to the Dark Side allowing Carnifex to not only maim Jax's stepdaughter but cut off Jax from the Force and banished him to the fringes of the Outer Rim. He'd been traveling around alone drowning in regret wondering what people like Caltin thought of him.

"It's somewhere in the mountains," Jax said trying to maintain his composure. "Northeast from here, I rented a speeder but we have to be careful. I sense a foreboding presence."

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Manda (planet and system)
MISSION: Investigation
Jax Thio Jax Thio

A bit embarrassed at the look on Thio's face, Connell winced a little. He wasn't ashamed of being his parents' child but that he felt the need to carve his own path in the manner he chose Caltin is my father, yeah. I sincerely apologize for the deception, but wanted to try and carve my own path and not be considered only for my surname. Yet with recent meetings, this choice has been deemed "unnecessary."

The more he thought about this, Connell wondered if this was the “relative” he had in the Order that Mother and Father had spoken of. That was a conversation for another time as the task at hand was important. The use of an actual speeder was better than bikes and Connell took the warning seriously. Nodding, he patted over his gear.

May the Force be with us then.

Just landing on the planet in case certain Racoons read this. ;-)


Location: Manda
Equipment: Casual Wear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

It was shocking that the big guy actually had a child, Catlin never told Jax about his son. He guessed that he wanted to keep his privacy, but it was disheartening that Caltin didn't think to tell Jax: Someone who is a blood relative that he had another member of the family. "Then again I did fall to the Dark Side," Jax thought. "Don't think Caltin would even want Connel to be around me since I was a bad influence."

"Did..... your father ever say anything about me?" Jax said while approached the speeder. "I'm just asking because..... let's just say your father and I left on very bad terms."

And Jax lost the trust of a man who believed in him, the good side of his family. Jax was so focused on Carnifex that he never realized the tough love that Caltin gave him. But Jax fell, and Caltin sensed it and from what Jax knows, he ceased all communications with him. It was probably for the best, he bought shame to Caltin and the Vanagor name. "In any case," Jax said trying to change the subject. "I highly suggest you wear something more casual. Don't want to alert the Mandos to our presence. Best to remain discreet for now."

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Manda (planet and system)
MISSION: Investigation
Jax Thio Jax Thio

The Insecurity.

When mentioning the name of father, there is sadness.

The "cousin" father mentioned must be him.

Though he was reluctant to discuss it, the young Jedi Knight did learn about Jax from his mother, and a bit from his father. Jax and mother hadn't met, she had mentioned that, but they In spite of the fact that they did not meet personally, she told him stories of Father and her own feeling of failure. Was it his place to tell the Jedi Maverick that his father was embarrassed to approach? Was it more deception if he did not bring it to the forefront? If Caltin did not want his son to meet his “great x8 grandson” then why would he know about him, at least in general.

Suddenly, Connell realized how sore a subject this was for Jax as he suddenly changed the subject. The young Jedi Knight did not see the problem as he was in “civvies”, but he did not want to argue, so he nodded and slowly began to make way for his ship. He said nothing until they were walking up the loading ramp and he stepped into his quarters, shutting the door behind him, but speaking up loud enough so Jax could hear.

He told me that I had a cousin in the Order. One who I could count on if he felt that he could trust me. Unless I have another relative around somewhere, I’m guessing that is you. I don’t know what happened, and I won’t ask, but I think you need to talk to him. If you are worried, you might ease his mind. I’m pretty sure he regrets failing you.

Connell wasn’t sure how father had felt, but he recognized his “tells” and emotions and it was clear now. Stepping out, he was putting a jacket on, but clearly not standing out anymore.

Just landing on the planet in case certain Racoons read this. ;-)

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