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Approved Location N&Z Research and Development Center [formerly known as N&Z alpha Site]

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  • Intent: To revive the N&Z Original R&D headquarters on Eriadu under new management
  • Image Credit: [X]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Structure Name: N&Z
  • Classification: Research facility, Architectural and engineering departments, development site.
  • Location: Eriadu
  • Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
  • Accessibility:
    • Limited Access: As to be expected from a company which generally speaking has mostly military clients and produces by far mainly military products, it is no surprise that there are various sets of security clearancy on several levels, with restrictions in place for personel and public at almost every level. In general the public or non-clientele would never get any further than the actual lobby of the central tower of the Alpha site. However, potential customers, important officials and even actual reporters can be given limited access with escort beyond the lobby after they have made an appointment and have been subjected to screenings depending their background and trustworthiness.
    • Security Clearances: Each member of the company will be given certain security clearances, these are based mainly on merit and value. The more you can offer the company, the more important you are for its progress, the more clearance you get. The exception to these rules are ofcourse boardmembers of the company, the COO and the CEO, though they in turn can be restricted by the chairman of the board, should he feel the need to do so. Security personel is thouroughly screened and always have a fixed space of work, meaning that in their case security clearance is unrestricted in terms of physical restrictions, but they have no access to holonet files of the company.
  • Description:
    • Lobby: This is where people are greeted, make appointments, etc. It generally also serves as the place where most of the employees enjoy their lunch, breaks, etc. It's a large open space at the lowest level of the large Alpha tower which dominates the Alpha Site.
    • General Offices: The general Offices where one can find the board rooms, the meetingrooms for personel, offices of the financial department, offices of security and so forth, can all be found within the central tower, above the lobby.
    • Research facilities: the research facilities which consist of both the architectural and engineering department, but also the basic science department are all located in the various large hangars and facilities sprawled out over the large site's area, with testing facilities located actually the closest to the general offices as that is logistically the best place for reviews and to see wther or not products follow the parameters and standards set up by the higher ups within the company.

  • Alpha Tower: With its redesign completed, the Alpha tower is now somewhat rounder and smoother in shape, having a less menacing appearance to convince the people that N&Z is in new hands and that a brighter future awaits the company.
  • Level: High
  • Details:
    • Security Personel and security clearances: With a large amount of security personel, combined with a multitude of clearances which are routinely checked, ammended and altered, and which require in case of the highest security clearances a multitude of biological imprints and codes, this research and development site should be considered to be top notch.
    • Ray shielded, Ersteel shielded Tower: In case of emergencies, the central tower can activate a large ray shield and an ersteel plating which will cover all the structurally vital areas and potential weak or vulnerable spots in the building to minimize damage during emergencies which call for such actions.
    • Blastdoors: This entire site has a lockdown procedure, which means each section will be cut off entirely by heavy blastdoors and airfiltering systems in case of emergency, making it a lot harder for intruders to get out or any hostile forces with ill intent to get to where they want to be within a short timeframe.
    • Military Hardware and equipment: As this site is still part of a company renowned for its various military products, it wouldn't be hard to understand that the Alpha site houses an extensive armory for its security personel, with standard weapon caches and riot armors available, but also several MGV-1 Caesar's present and a detachment of 500 ZMD-CI Mercury and ZMD II Jupiter droids present. The site also has a small hangar for a squadron of Peltast III class interceptors at the ready.

The Alpha site's construction started somewhere in the mid- 830's ABY, though at the time it was simply meant to be the facility headquarters of the Eriadu Manufacturing Shipyards. It's original construction was completed in 834 ABY and mainly consisted of several hangars and an at the time much smaller central tower. This changed for it to become the company headquarters of the Nargath Holdings in 855 ABY when it became clear that Nargath Holdings would start selling under its own name rather than the EMS name. In this period, the smaller office building was gradually being broken down and replaced what is now the Alpha tower, which in turn gives the Alpha site its name. Over the period of about four years, many of the old hangars were either torn down and replaced by more modern facilities or repurposed for security reasons or as storage facilities. In 859 ABY it yet again changed, to become th central hub of research and development for the relatively new N&Z Umbrella Corporation, which would be the parent company for the vast holdings under both the Nargath and the Zanareth name. This change saw the introduction of larger compounds for security personel, a larger armory and the creation of the large lobby and recreation space at the base of the Alpha tower.

After the disastrous decision of Credius Nargath to pull most, if not all of the company funding away from the Eriadu system, all N&Z assets fell back into the Nargath House's hands and were as such in their curatorship. At first, Wilhuff Nargath; brother to Credius Nargath and Marquis of the House Nargath after Credius' denouncement, utilized the site to further Eriadu's own defense forces in cooperation with the decrees and edicts put upon the rebellious world under the C.I.S., Together with his son Armand, he decided to actually lease out the Alpha site and the Eriadu shipyards they had in their possession to Eriadu's Defense forces. However, poor maintainance and financial woes, especially duing the second hyperspace war saw the site become dilapidated and put in a state of severe disrepair. Luckily, after the Second great hyperspace war, the lease on the building and the compound expired, returning it fully into the Nargath family's hands and at this time by extention back into the fold of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, which after the disappearance of Credius Nargath had also ended up in the noble family's hands.

Plans were drawn up to revamp the building back to its glory days, to reinstate old and new engineers and scientists, to clean it up, repair it and the surrounding facilities in order to be able to use the site back in its intended role; being one of the company's largest and most valuable assets in terms of research and development. However, due to the stagnating sales of the company and the liquidation of some of its assets, this remodelling and renewal was a slow and ardeous process and even when the original Alpha site had been brought back to its former glory, the shoddy leadership of the N&Z corporation made it somewhat impractical to use it. Luckily, very recently the new Head of House Nargath; Tertius C. Nargath had decided to go big or go broke; investing large sums of the family's wealth into the company's research and development department and thus slushing large amounts of credits back to the old alpha site, hoping that with its revitalized exterior, interior and personel; it may be the key to revitalizing the entire company as a whole. Now boasting the denomination as the Nargath And Zanareth Research and Development Center.
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Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

Pretty straight forward! Even though this is a resubmission, codex guidelines do not permit links to the archives:

Do not place links in submissions to threads that are within the Archives or anywhere that cannot always be publicly viewed. (Ex. Faction Groups/Google Docs/Etc)

If you could remove that this can be easily approved.

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