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Catalog N&Z Umbrella Corporation Catalogue | Storefront


Our Promise, Our Premise.

Experience, Excellence, Exemplary

Do you seek innovative creations that best suit your needs, ships and machinery that would put you ahead of any rival? Well, than you are in luck, for Nargath Holdings is an old, trusted and reliable company, which has gone through the test of time succesfully simply by providing quality and quantity at reasonable price and with discretion when necessary. We pride ourselves in both our own, selfmade programs and designs, but we do take requests for the betterment of our patrons. The advantage of our position in the market, is that we have many affiliated smaller companies, granting us a wider reach within the known galaxy. So, do not hesitate, browse through our portfolio and perhaps you may find exactly what you need. Should this not be the case, no worries, we also work on demand and are always willing to provide you with the exact item you need.

Monthly Deals

For this Month [October 2024] only, Commissioning a Dictator II-Class Heavy battlecruiser will come with the added bonus of a shipment of NZ Warp Star - Type RED Warhead . Contact us through the Storefront to agree to the loadout of your choice, any and all contracts and required permission requests will be handled by the N&Z, so you only need to enjoy the product upon delivery.

    • Legiones I-Class RI-1/A [Raider Interceptor] [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      A very agile, speedy and maneuvrable small craft capable of dishing out some serious punches to larger ships, with heavy armaments, a multitude of ordinances and a fully automated system to give this ship the specs one would expect from a top tier Raider or interceptor.

      Savant Class MP-BDT1 Support Ship [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Fast and agile support ship with more oomph in the armament department in comparison to comparable ships in its class.

      Savant Class MP-BDT2 Bomber [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Versatile bomber with high maneuvrability and armament, robust enough to go at it with comparable ships and even smaller starfighters.

      Peltast II Class Interceptor [Closed Market-Minor Production] Legacy
      Increased firepower over the Peltast I class, only current interceptor boasting the presence of two genuine turbolasers in its weapons package, lower defensive capacity, but higher technological standard, built in ZEUS droid brain for better maneuverability and slightly better hyperdrive to boot in comparison to the class I model.

      Peltast III Class Interceptor [Closed Market - Minor Production] NEW
      Providing a very good combination of maneuvrability and speed coupled to a decent armament, the Peltast III class interceptor provides a much needed update to the older Peltast class varieties, bringing better capability and a much needed technological revamp to the table. Useable in larger quantities and with much better defined roles when used by militaries or militias.

      Gala Fighter MK II [Closed Market-Minor Production] Legacy
      The classic low-tech swarm tactic starfighter, where quantity prevails over quality. Nonetheless, a sturdy little ship with no real extraordinary strengths, but also no real disadvantages either. Perfect for those who want a cheap and useful alternative to the many TIE's and X wings in the galaxy.

      Gala Fighter Mk III [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Superior to the MkII in every way, still promising extremely good value for money, but with the added bonus of actually being a very good starfighter decked out with a whole heap of the newest technologies and capable of performing on par with the cream of the crop in its class.

      Adamant Class MP-TTG1 Support ship: [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Well rounded Troop transport and load hauler ship, perfect as part of a capital ship's support and with ample use in both civilian and military operations planetside.

    • Levasseur Class Corvette [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Assault type corvette, with ample offensive capabilities and a very cost-efficient ship within its class.

      Halberd I Class Corvette [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Like to ram other ships? Like to be safe and secure when breaking through blockades or smuggling cargo? Than this is the perfect vessel for you. With an unmatched defense in its class and a shape built primarily to ram into other ships and board them, the Halberd class is a ship for those willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal.

    • Baron Class Escort Frigate [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Uniquely designed load hauler, with overall good speed and maneuvrability alongside a decent cargo hold. Perfect for smugglers or smaller privateer fleets.

      Loth Wolf-Class Patrol Frigate [Closed Market - Mass Production] LEGACY
      Stylish, cheap and reliable, three words normally not uttered to decribe a single object, but thanks to the advancements made by Nargath Holdings, this patrol frigate is the complete package. With good offensive ratings, high maneuvrability this ship can be the indispensible backbone of any planetary or system fleet.

      Skirmisher I Class - Anti starfighter Frigate [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Fast response, anti starfighter frigate with ample offensive capability and agility. A very cost efficient ship for its class.

      Pollux I - Class STS/01 Destroyer Frigate [Open Market - Mass Production]
      A overally reliable frigate, boasting high offensive and defensive capacity, allowing it to be the core ship for small fleets and a welcome addition to larger sector fleets.

    • Tyrant II Class - Missile Cruiser [Closed Market - Limited Production] Legacy
      Updated version of the Tyrant Missile Cruiser, has less individual missile tubes, but more modern operating systems and weaponry than the previous model.

      Tyrant III Class - Missile Cruiser [Open Market - Mass production]
      The most current update to the tried and tested Tyrant Class line of ships, decked out with much higher defensive capacity, more versatile weapons systems and with top notch integrated AI for better automation. Lower crew requirements and better overall build quality complete this package.

      Compellor Class Star Cruiser [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Allround cruiser, perfectly balanced to be used as command center and ship of the line for any smaller, yet ambitious navy desiring a dependable workhorse in their fleet.

      Castor I - Class, Carrier Cruiser [Open Market - Mass Production]
      A highly Capable Carrier Cruiser, with excellent defenses and an enormous cargo space for its class. Outfitted with the best of the best in terms of material, shielding and even weaponry.

      Szayel I - Class, Assault Cruiser [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Versatile cruiser with the capacity for very high speed or maneuvrability, combined with a large loadout of offensive capacity in the form of an up to date and quite impressive weapon's loadout.

      Szayel I - Class/CIS, Assault Cruiser [Closed Market - Minor Production] The Confederacy Exclusive
      Upgraded version of the standard Szayel Class assault cruiser, granting a better defensive capacity to allow for longer lifespan and survivability on board these ships.

    • Tiber-1 Class Modular Platform [Open market - Mass Production]
      A modular base ship platform which can be utilized as the basis for a wide variety of ships, space stations and more. A decent, barebones ship on its own, this modular platform allows for those utilizing it to have a reliable foundation when building their own ships or designs.

      Sunderer I-Class, Heavy Destroyer [Open Market - Mass Production]
      presenting a powerful weapons arsenal and clever shielding package, as an additional bonus, this vessel is capable of ramming and breaching enemy positions, capital ships and more. The perfect speartip for any fleet.

      Hammer I - Class, Heavy Carrier [Open Market - Mass Production]
      The perfect allrounder, with adequate firepower, large cargoholds and a very powerful defense, just like its sister-model: the Sunderer, this one is capable of breaching enemy positions, ships and fortifications thanks to the angular, reinforced plating specifically designed to allow and survive ramming.

      Barragan - Class, Versatile Assault Carrier [Closed Market - Mass Produced] New
      The Barragan is an experimental ship, utilizing the most recent developments within the N&Z's product line. Aiming to provide a perfect mixture of offense, defense and cargo space, while also focusing on allowing those who utilize this ship to have the dunctional choice between speed and maneuvrability at all times.

      Keres I - Class, Star Destroyer V1 [Closed Market - Limited Production] Sith Order Exclusive
      A ship design ment to modernize the Sith Order's fleet of warships and to add a veritable oomph to their fleet's power. Based on the Sunderer-I class in terms of basic mock up, this ship promises to be highly capable when engaging other ships, providing support in both spatial maneuvring with fleets as well as system suppression tactics.

      Sunderer I - class, Model ENS, Heavy Destroyer [Closed Market - Limited Production] Eternal Empire Exclusive
      An upgraded variety of the standard Sunderer I - Class, granting superior power and storage capacity, all the while boasting a more flexible electronic and cybernetic loadout and a larger variety of weaponry to truly hit home when it counts.

      Hammer 1 - Class, Model ENS, Heavy Carrier [Closed Market - Limited Production] Eternal Empire Exclusive
      An Upgraded variety of the standard Hammer I - Class, granting greater offensive capabilities and speed, all the while boasting a much broader and more flexible electronic and cybernetic loadout. Truly the perfect carrier in its class.

    • Predator Class Heavy Cruiser [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      A lighter, faster, but nonetheless powerful smaller variant of a battlecruiser, with a great balance between offense and defense and lighter construction, this ship is a faster and more maneuvrable mobile forward base of operation to any aspiring navy.

      Dictator II-Class Heavy battlecruiser [Closed Market - Unique]
      A new line of heavy battlecruisers replacing the original Dictator-class battlecruisers. One of the, if not simple THE heaviest, most powerful battlecruiser on the market, these battlecruisers are built by the clients specifications, retaining mainly its form, structure and propulsion systems. However, Nargath Holdings will not hesitate to provide all that is desired to truly make this into a battlecruiser designed to satisfy any customer.

    • Avarice Class ST2000 Superfreighter [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      Freighter with the size of a large star destroyer, decked out with enough defenses to haul any goods and material through even the most hostile and dangerous sectors of the galaxy with relative peace of mind and great personal safety, capable of hauling more than half a million of metric tonnes worth of goods or bulk.

      Docker I - Class Superfreighter [Open Market - Mass Production]
      The newest freighter in the N&Z line up, utilizing the strong Tiber I class superstructure as a basis and capable of hauling hundreds of suspension field containers in one go. Want to have the safety and the security your goods and material deserve and the peace of mind that these goods will reach their destination: in that case this is the ship you need.

    • Avalon Class Orbital Defense Platform [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      The ideal satellite to safeguard planetary assets, decked out with a variety of powerfull weaponry, a few squadrons of unmanned, droid starfighters and well protected by the use of a high variety of different shielding, dual layered and secondary shielding. No fleet will dare come close when you got a hundred of these orbiting your assets.

      Thanatos Class Orbital Planetary Gate [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      A large and imposing Space station, providing absolute security to planets via the use of a planetary gate, large hangar bay that can contain up to 30 squadrons divided between starfighters and support craft. The Thanatos itself can boast an incredible defense both physically and technologically, decked out with various types of shields, a point defense system and enough on board weaponry to make regular to large sized Battlecruisers jealous.


    • NZ FR-RL Speeder [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Fast and maneuvrable speeder with omnidirectional capicity and the ability to go quite high into the air unlike regular speederbikes. It can be purchased with or without weapons and is equipped with all necessary communications and sensory devices.

    • NZ MGV-1 Caesar [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Multipurpose, modular assault tank with choice between plasma cannons, missile launchers and Ionized Electromagnetic plasma canon as its main weapon. The ideal vehicle to spearhead a ground assault operation on enemy bases or to suppress enemy hidedouts.

      NZ MGV-2 Hailfire [closed Market - Mass Production]
      Very maneuvrable and speedy landbased assault vehicle with no need for manned personnel or crew thanks to superior droid technology, equipped with ample weaponry to route out and decimate enemy forces on the battlefield or within bunkered down bases.

    • NZ/BW-01, AT-AW All terrain Assault walker [Open Market - Minor Production] NEW
      Robust and reliable walker vehicle with excellent speed and practicality, allowing for greater terrain coverage and sustainability of ground forces. Designed to be the vanguard of any ground based army.

      NZ/BW-02, AT-SW All Terrain Storm Walker [Open Market - Mass Produced]
      A light and nimble walker design for its class as a medium walker, slightly bigger and bulkier than the AT-AW, this walker hits harder and is generally tougher, with the added bonus that it can double as a troop carrier with seating and cargo capacity for up to two squads of soldiers.

      NZ/ICE MLW-01 AT-IE "Xerxes" All Terrain- Imperial Enforcer [Closed Market - Limited Production] EotL/N&Z Umbrella exclusive, delivered on demand.
      A limited production Walker of massive size and weight, boasting a very well thought out and thought through loadout with ample offensive and defensive capabilities and capacity. While intended to be an Exlusive for the Empire of the Lost and in minor numbers to the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, other people can still acquire the right to buy this vehicle through a vetting process.

      NZ MAW-1, Mobile Artillery Walker [Closed Market - Mass Production] new
      Powerful, robust, yet somewhat slow mobile artillery. utilizing a small workforce to deal maximum damage to fortified positions, all the while having the utmost certainty that you WILL reach your target. The MAW-1 represents a pound for pound powerhouse in order to crush your foes.

    • NZ CVG-1 Hauler [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A tough and dependable loadhauler with extreme defenses to protect the cargo (wether it be goods or people) without fail, capable of hauling very large amounts of goods and troops, but can also be used for moving a couple of starfighters or vehicles of equivalent size and weight. Though it has no armaments whatsoever in it's standard form, an optional AFT FLAK turret can be installed at the cost of some of its cargo capacity.

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    • NZ LC-1 Laser Canon [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      A very reliable and usable standard laser cannon to be used on any sort of vehicle or ship, though it is a very average performer in all aspects, this also means there are virtually no concrete weaknesses in this design. Thanks to automatic systems, these cannons may easily form a perfect point defense system.

      NZ LC-2A Laser Canon [Open Market - Mass Production]
      The perfect weapons placement on small ships and vehicles. Simple, yet effective, delivering great output and destructive power with minimal input, with enough modularity to give people the choice between burst fire modus and single shot firing modus, granting a wide range of operational use, efficiency and oomph.

      Heavy Ion Pulse Canon Taurus Mk I : [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Large, heavy Ion canon, provided in tandem with RIAR, excellent stopping power and the bane of any enemy capital ship. Restricted use on anything smaller than a star destroyer due to sheer size and weight.

      NZ IPC-1 Ion Pulse Canon [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      A less cumborsome and heavy variety on the Taurus Heavy Ion pulse cannons, keeping practically all advantages of the heavy variety with just a bit less oomph for a much better price.

      NZ IEPC.4700 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma cannon 'Damocles' : [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Extremely powerful, specialized onboard weaponry for ships and large vehicles, capable of firing over incredible distances with an unmatched stopping power, a must have on any self respecting star destroyer, battlecruiser or dreadnaught.

      NZ IEPC.8000 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma Cannon 'Apollyon' [Closed Market - Semi-Unique]
      A natural evolution of the Damocles, boasting extreme stopping power and extreme range, capable of tearing capital ships asunder. Using liquid infinium 1458 stored in cannisters as projectiles, this weapon's shots result in a dual phase explosion consisting out of a primary pressure shockwave upon impact followed by an EMP burst, making for one fine weapon for any self respecting Battlecruiser or Dreadnought.

      AFT-PIC.445 Quad Plasma canon turret : [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Powerful plasma cannon turret, can be mounted on ships, structures and vehicles.

      AFT-14.4000B FLAK Turret [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Rapid fire quad barrel FLAK turret, based on the old 14.4000 series, but with more precision and more reliable.

      NZ HP1 Turbo Laser [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A solid standard issue turbolaser, an allrounder in its field with long range capacity and high firing rate.

      NZ HP2 Heavy Turbo Laser [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A solid Heavy Turbo Laser with higher output and power than the standard HP1 model, boasting the same long range capacity, but at a slightly lower firing rate.

      NZ ER-1 Electrothermal Railgun [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A very heavy and large railgun placement, perfect for star destroyers or larger, with virtually no operational disadvantages, granting very good long range capacity and destructive potential.

      NZ RTL1 Launcher [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      The standard Missile and rocket launcher of Nargath Holdings, designed to be able to operate with all conventional projectiles such as conner nets, barradium missiles and so forth, but also be able to use any and all missiles and projectiles of NZ or Nargath Holding's designs. A reliable weapon with no obvious disadvantages at the cost of no real discernable supremacy in any field.

      NZ HKAC/800 [Heavy Kinetic Artillery Canon] [Open market - Mass Production]
      Heavy and large artillery canon, capable of firing most known shells ranging from high explosive to incendiary. Due to its weight and size, these artillery canons are best used for fixed placements, large vehicles or large ships when used in a multitude.

    • TMG-S1 EMP GUN [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Pure EMP gun, useful against electronics, machines and even small ships and vehicles.

      NZ-PBR.445 Plasma Blaster Rifle : [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Powerful assault blaster rifle with heavy punch in manual setting and good use and rate of fire in automatic firing setting.

      NZ Modular Blaster-01a [Open Market - Mass Production]
      A user friendly and relatively low cost answer to the majority of standard blasters on the market, no training or experience necessary, just pull the trigger of this modular baby and you can start firing. It's modularity also allows it to be both a carbine and a regular pistol.

      NZ Modular Blaster-02h [Open Market - Minor Production]
      A powerful and reliable weapon with great modularity and surprisingly user friendly. This weapon can be both a carbine or a regular pistol, making it a perfect fit for officers and soldiers alike, with both lethal and stun settings it is a weapon of choice for any self respecting law enforcement.

      NZ/BP-45 Heavy Blaster Pistol 'Pistis' [Closed Market - Limited Production] New
      Extremely reliable and modular sidearm, made to be used in practically any environment and on any occasion without jamming or clogging. Generally only for the use by Empire of the Lost, N&Z and House Nargath Personel, though exceptions can be made.

      NZ HLR-330 [Heavy laserblaster Rifle] [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      A heavy laserblaster rifle for the experienced soldier or those with a strong physique, decked out to the max with scope, electronic safety and optimization features and a wide range of firing modi for just the perfect occassion and situation.

      NZ/HBR-01A "Haltbar" Heavy Blaster Rifle [Open Market - Minor Production]
      Durable and reliable blaster standard heavy blaster rifle with user friendly design and high ammunition capacity. The perfect workhorse for any military or mercenary organization.

      NZ-BG.400 Tactical Blaster Pistol : [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Easy and comfortable to use blaster pistol, for those who want reliability. Comes equipped with lasersighting and additional support parts for maximum comfort and precision.

      NZ-SV2.45 Anti Material rifle: [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Extremely powerful sniper rifle with all modern comforts and reliable construction. Has an optimal range of up to 1500m, effective range is topped at 2.500m.

      NZ RF-600 Rotary Blaster Canon [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Powerful rotary gun with high rate of fire and very high stopping power coupled to a relatively low recoil, very heavy and large weapon best used in professional hands and not for those with weaker physical builds. This weapon can be used as a secondary weapon placement on ships and vehicles as well.

      NZ RF-850 Grenade Launcher [Closed Market - minor Production]
      When you need power and range, the NZ RF-850 grenade launcher is your thing. Designed to be utilized either in manual or automatic setting and capable of being used with most common or NZ specific grenades, this grenade launcher is the heavy boy you'd need when trying to bust bunkers, break through heavily fortified enemy lines, etc.

      NZ HCR-SSA.350 [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Analogue slugthrower rifle, using live rounds of .350 caliber, this is a pretty solid assault rifle and sniper rifle mixed into one, capable of utilizing the company's own DSI rounds. Decked out with a multifunctional scope and targeting system, decent specifications in two choice settings of semi-automatic and manual, perfect for those who want something reliable in their arsenal.

      NZ-HCR-SSA.350 LM EDITION [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Analogue slugthrower rifle, using live rounds of .350 caliber, this is a pretty solid assault rifle and sniper rifle mixed into one, capable of utilizing the company's own DSI rounds. Decked out with a multifunctional scope and targeting system, Wildly impressive specifications such as range and stopping power, all with a generally low recoil and unlike the original version, this one is more exclusive to the gentlemen of the galaxy.

      NZ M7-350MM Multipurpose Launcher [Open Market-Mass Production]
      Based on a project meant to be for a large faction government contract, this version has had a multitude of tweaks and improvements over the prototype initially shown as a bid for said contract. With much higher firepower, better add ons and materials and the multipurpose launching capacities, this is a must have launcher in any proper military or militia.

    • NZ CPA-ExM (Collapseable Plasma Axe) [Open Market - Mass Produced] New
      Insanely hot and powerful combination of a plasmacutter and a battleaxe, allowing for taller or more hefty people to deliver blows that could even knock a jedi off of their socks. A bit unwieldy, but perhaps the deadliest thing in an expert's hands.

    • NZ RP-1CM Cluster Missile: [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Long range, high yield projectile useable either as a self propelled rocket or as a missile from a missile ortorpedo launcher, loaded with a multitude of seperated Baradium charges which are dispersed upon first impact, leading to a multitude of secondary explosions to widen the area of effect.

      NZ RP-2SB Short Burst Projectile: [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Small projectile with average range and low area of effect, but with the nice bonus of not just being an explosive, but also an incendirary, so while the effective range and area of effect may not be all that impressive, the incendiary carried within may pose a real problem depending on how it is used.

      NZ TDT-1 EMP grenade-IED [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      EMP grenade with adjustible timer settings, allowing for use in any and all situations, quick 'n easy throw or trapping others with a nifty placement in a corner, thanks to the modular timer, this baby can do it all. Comes in boxes of a dozen each.

      NZ AGG-25 Grenade [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Perfect for making short work of enemies in closed spaces, using the heavy Noxinium A gas, these bad boys are easy to use, not at all too heavy or cumbersome to carry around and above all, lethal as frick. The use for these can range from destroying your neighbour's crops to outright exterminating your enemies. Available in either a boxes of twenty or in 'ready to use' belt-strapped half a dozens.

      NZ RP-3GMIM Guided Mass Incendiary Missile [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Guided missile with extremely potent incendiary payload, with state of the art guiding and targeting system combined with the N&Z's patented Noxinium B gas as both fuel and explosive compound, the NZ RP-3GMIM promises that any and all targets to which this missle is pointed will be burned, incinerated and melted with little effort and with great efficiency.

      NZ DSI Rounds [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      N&Z corporation's Dual Sequence rounds, adorned with a poisonous Infinium 01458 tip, allowing these rounds to have lasting effects. The secret is in the microgenerator within each bullet which maintains the infinium tip's form. Upon firing, the current gets cut off and the tip will act like a high velocity slug, penetrating and releasing its current in a small EMP upon impact, with the metal's poison leaving a bad aftertaste for anyone unlucky enough to get hit.

      NZ Warp Star - Type RED Warhead [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      New and unique type of warhead, focusing on maximum destruction in a small epicenter with a huge area of effect heatwave and radiation fallout. Perfect for use against fortified positions and attached to missiles in order to take down large ships or space structures.

      NZ RWOE-01 Ranged weapon optical enhancer (scope) [Open Market - Varies]
      Functional and robust designed scope with an electronical and analog load out, with datapad connector to greatly improve accuracy and ease of use. Can be attached to almost all sorts of weaponry and is available in either the A series [open market - Mass production], the B series [Open market - Minor production], the C series [Closed market- Limited Production] or the S series [open market - Mass production] which is an enlarged version suitable for larger weapon installations.

    • NZ SS-1 Primera Shield System [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A versatile shield generator, allowing the option between two settings, one to deal with more prevalent kinetic and energy based weaponry, the other to have a higher security against EMP and ION based weaponry. With a relatively small size and a fast reloading time for the generator, this shield promises a good deal for any aspiring shipbuilder or naval power.

      NZ SS-2eks Secunda Shield System [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Electrokinetic shielding system, perfect against the majority of projectiles, slugs and even missiles, focusing its defensive power on kinetic and ballistic types of weaponry, while also performing admirably well against EMP and ION based weaponry, making this a shield system capable of withstanding some of the galaxy's most potent types of weaponry.

      NZ SS-3TR Shield System [Open market - Mass Production]
      Shielding system created to handle thermal and other radiation, capable of circumventing heat and reusing excess heat. Built in with preventative and response meassures to thermal weaponry and harmful radiation.

      NZ SSP-SIXTUS/A [Shield System Package] [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Combining all three previously designed shield systems and their specialties into a single, multilayered shielding system, making this one of the most versatile and efficient shielding systems around.

      NZ SSP-SIXTUS/B [Shield System Package] [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Much like the open market version provides excellent, efficient and multilayered shielding with a variety of options and choices for configuration on the fly, but comes with its own reactor and power source to lessen the burden on ships and placements.

      NZ ARD-1 Mono Type Point Defense System [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      An efficient and reliable point defense system, which when connected to the NZ LC-1 Laser Cannon, can make sure that those pesky starfighters and bombers will have quite a hard time to even come near your ship or station. This system can link up and synchronize with any number of the LC-1 laser cannons when specified.

      NZ SAP-2A SSA [Sensor Systems Array] [Open Market - Mass Production] New
      Replacement of an older sensory systems array, perfect for any size of ship, promising great selfreliance and selfsustainability, meaning utilizing this expansive array of scanners and sensors will not hamper the overall performance nor power of any ship's engines or powercore. Granting a wide range of options in terms of scanning and sensory detection, generally at the top of it's market's bracket.

      NZ MTS "Bloodhound" [Magnetic Targeting Sensor] [Closed Market - Semi-Unique Production]
      The Ultimate answer against Stealth technology with cloaking devices in particular. Capable of keeping track of the designated enemy through the use of magnetic, intrinsic and gravitational fields. This baby will spot the predator trying to take you down or when used in guided will take down the coward hiding from you.

    • NZ PS-1 Shield System [Closed Market-Mass Production]
      A device the size of a large grenade which allows soldiers, mercenaries, etc to set up a shield within their vicinity with an adjustible radius. This shield provides excellent protection against Energy based weapons and kinetic based weaponry such as slug throwers. The perfect solution for any dangerous situation and a must have for those who are expecting to end up in a shoot out with hostile forces.

      NZ PS-2A EKS Electro-kinetic Shield [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      An adaptive and reactive shield which can be installed upon and into any kind of armor, capable of stopping the majority of solid projectiles fired towards the user. It uses an electronic current to litterally catch bullets, rounds, etc preventing them from penetrating the shield and safeguarding the user. Though it does have trouble with incendiary rounds as those are prone to explode due to the contact with the electrical current and it also is not advised to be used against lasers or blasters of any kind.

    • NZ LHEA mk I Legionary Heavy Elite Armor [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Tough, heavy armor, perfectly suited against energy based and kinetic based weaponry, with good defense against the best slugthrowers and even lightsabers.

      NZ LHA Mk I Legionary Heavy Armor [Closed Market - Limited Production] Legacy
      Based on the LHEA Mk I, this armor provides an excellent defense against most common weaponry, with great modularity in regards to sensors, communication, etc.

      NZ LHA Mk II Legionary Heavy Armor [Closed Market - Mass Production] New
      Updated version of the LHA MkI and based off of the LHEA Mk II varieties, offering better protection, better movement and a much more sophisticated electrical and cybernetic loadout than the previous version, all the while boasting a much higher production level.

      NZ AMA-1 Auxilia Medium Armor [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Standard armor, granting decent overall protection of most common weaponry, with great modularity in regards to communications, sensors, etc.

      NZ AMA-II AUxialia Medium Armor [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Standard Armor, upgraded version of the AMA-I version, with a much more substantial load out and a much better promise of protection and maneuvrability.

    • SDS-1 "Scarab [Closed Market - Semi-unique]
      Small, light and very deadly droid interceptor, with impressive array of stealth and camouflage systems to turn an already good starfighter into a deadly force to be reckoned with.

      SDS-2 "Pincer" [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      A nimble little fleeter starfighter with no soul or room for error, the perfect swarmer when in space. Connectivity with other ZEUS droid brains allows for higher tactical abilities and better manneuvring. Lacks capacity to fly within atmospheric conditions.

      SDS-3 "Sparrow" [Closed Market-Minor Production]
      Very nimble and fast droid starfighter, perfect for swarming tactics, but with more chances of air superiority in comparison to most comparable droid starfighters. If you want the combination of excellence, purpose built and perfectly expendable without the usual downsides, this is your best choice.

    • Combat Droid: ZMD-C1 Mercury [Closed Market - Minor Production] Legacy
      Extremely versatile and agile combat droid with extensive martial arts and weaponry programming. Connectability with other Zeta-type (ZMD) droids for maximum efficiency.

      Security Droid: ZMD-C2 Jupiter : [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Heavy and strong security and guard droid with overwhelming offensive and defensive capabilities. Connectability with other Zeta-type (ZMD) droids for maximum efficiency.

      Combat Droid: ZMD-C3 Saturn: [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Well armed and armored tactical enforcer, can operate at any terrain and provides excellent support to ground forces. Connectability with other Zeta-type (ZMD) droids for maximum efficiency.

      Security|Observation droid: ZMD-C4 Neptune [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      Multifunctional security and observation droid, perfect for spy missions or targeted raids, provides great security to any base and can operate in any terrain. Connectability with other Zeta-type (ZMD) droids for maximum efficiency.

      ZMDII-IS1 'Invader' [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      The bleeding edge of slicer assistance. A droid with virtually no actual weakness, capable of spaceflight, capable of tearing through most ships' plating. This top notch Second generation ZMD utilizes the increased capacity of the ZEUS MK II to mess with systems on enemy ships, rig enemy bases, etc. The ultimate slicer droid, the top sapper, the only gift you give yourself worth a shiny golden wrapper.

      NZ ZMDII-AW Assault Walker "Pluto Type" [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      A heavily armored and armed droid walker, perfect for assaulting large and well protected bases with superior firepower, suppress rioting in cities and act as a deterrent to any and all opposition. Armed with either powerful turbolasers or missile launchers this beast of a machine is even capable of providing ground-air coverage when used as a defensive placement. A staple for any army worth their salt.

      ZMDIII- GPD type C 'Ceres' General Purpose Droid [Open Market - Mass Production]
      A versatile droid which from factory comes without any weaponry, and thus can be tailored to the respective customer's wishes. Providing excellent computing capacity and reasoning skills all in a very sleek and modern bipedal package.

      ZMDIII - TOD/1 "Cogliostro" Tactical Oversight Droid [Closed Market - Limited Production] New
      Modelled to function in the same way as the well known and infamous super tactical droids of old, but with an even greater understanding of the trickery used by organics and the capability to adapt to situations in a much more fluid way. The perfect commander for those who either don't have capable commanders or who can't afford to lose them.

      ZMDIII Type QB/L "Queen Bee"[Closed Market - Mass Production]NEW
      Control unit meant to oversee the operations of up to 12 ZMD droids or up to 24 Drones, capable of enslaving and dominating other droid brains up to and including limited production models. Allows for greater coordination of the workforce and remote activation, lessening the burden of command for biological leaders in the field.

      ZMDIII Type WB/1 "Worker Bee" [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Top notch drone, expendable and inexpensive, perfect for low cost, efficient security meassures, available in a variety of sizes and with different weapon load outs. Can operate alone, in group and in coordinated groups by QB control unit.

    • NZ ZMDII-P1 Protocol droid [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      Utilizing the latest in droid brain technology in the form of the ZEUS mk II, this droid is capable of translating practically any known language within the galaxy, but also act beyond and above its duty as a tutor, a speechcoach and be both a friend and companion to those they serve.

      ZMDIII Type QB/S "Queen Bee" [Open Market - Mass Production]NEW
      Control unit meant to control and oversee between up to 6 ZMD droids or 12 drones, allowing for better coordination of the workforce. Mainly meant to be employed either as reconnaisance or as a control unit for labor forces.

    • ZEUS AI | Droid Brain : [Closed Market - Minor Production] Legacy
      Multipurpose droid brain & AI, can be bought seperate from droid products, comes standard with all Zeta type (ZMD) Droids.

      KRONOS AAII (Advanced Artificial Intelligence Interface) : [Closed Market - Unique| On demand]
      Multipurpose AI control unit and infiltration Slave unit. With enormous evolution potential and custom personality imprint. Uniquely build to personal specifications, but can be used as template for personal requests.

      ZEUS Mk II [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Multipurpose droid brain and AI, upgraded functions and operations in comparison to predecessor. Very good for use in high tech droids and ships. comes standard with all Zeta type mk II (ZMD) Droids.

      ATLAS Mk I High Efficiency Droid Brain | AI [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      A highly efficient multipurpose Droid brain and AI, capable of operating anything from a single droid frame up to large structures and ships with the outmost efficiency and capacity. Capable of superceding more commonplace AI and droid brains, with the capacity to act as a control unit for large numbers of ZEUS and ZEUS mk II droid brains. The Atlas is an unmistakenbly powerful and highly adaptive AI with enormous processing power and ruthless logic. It also boasts an unusual resistance against EMP weaponry and is to date one of the hardest to crack AI's in the galaxy.

      Proton Mk I Droid Brain [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      A small sized, reliable and modular droid brain which can act as either an addition to other droid brains, droid cores and AI for added efficiency or to be used on its own as a slicer droid brain or mathematical droid brain.

      ATHENA DCOS-1M [DIrect Central Operating System] [Open Market-Mass Production] NEW
      Newest AI on the market, a licensed and adjusted version of hte standard HPI ECSAI modded to fit the ZEUS Mk II and PROTON Mk I droid brains, granting much greater storage capacity for a much smaller and more compact package, universally usable with practically all existing systems and modules.

      ATHENA DCOS-1L [DIrect Central Operating System] [Closed Market-Limited Production] NEW
      Newest AI on the market, a licensed and adjusted version of hte standard HPI ECSAI modded to fit the ATLAS Mk I and PROTON Mk I droid brains, granting much greater storage capacity for a much smaller and more compact package, universally usable with practically all existing systems and modules. This limited version of the ATHENA is much more capable and promises an even higher data storage and learning capacity than the standard DCOS1M model.

      NZ Theta-type Modular Droid frame [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      The sky is the limit, the Theta-type modular frame gives people the freedom to not worry about designs and parts for their droids, capable of running on practically any droid core or AI, this sturdy and reliable frame can be used as the basis for anything from protocol droids to combat droids, constructuction droids and security droids. Slap on some plating of your own design or request us to do it for you and you have yourself a droid tailored to your own needs and desires.

      NZ Epsylon-Type MDF-A [Modular Droid Frame] [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      A robust design with great flexibility, perfect for humanoid droid designs and offered with a PROTON Mk I Auxiliary droid brain within the frame to improve operational strength and versatility. Can be used with virtually any AI and/or droid brain on the market. The sturdiness and ample resistances of the frame would make it a perfect basis for anything from protocol to combat droids, though it should be noted that it does not have the capacity to be utilized in construction and hard labor droids.

    • NZ SSTC [Soft Slicer Technology Coupler] [Closed market - Limited Production] Legacy
      A secure coupling meassure which allows foreign AI to suppress a ZEUS droid brain, though primarily used on ships using the ZEUS droid brain, it may also be used on droids using the ZEUS droid brain, to allow control of the product using the droid brain in the hands of personal or other AI the client desires to use.

      NZ SSTC Type-II [Soft Slicer Technology Coupler] [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      An improved variety on the old SSTC, allowing customers who prefer utilizing their own droid brain of choice or AI of choice to suppress the ones installed into any N&Z product, gaining the added advantage of much larger storage capacity, slicer safety and operational performance to their choice of AI due to the coupling.

      NZ T.o.P. 1 Tactical Order Package [Closed Market -Mass Production]
      A simple program package to upgrade automation and accuracy of a ship's navicomputer, weapon systems and interface, while also providing greater calculative power and data storage for AI and Droid brains.

      NZ ZMD Performance Package [Closed Market - Minor | Mass Production] Legacy
      An upgrade package for all pre-existing ZMD models of military grade. Applicable to both ZMD and ZMDII models. updates the droid core when necessary, allowing for greater mobility, data storage capacity and processing capacity. Better shielding of the droid core will also be part of this package. Minor production for conversion kits using the NZ SSTC to allow external AI to better sync with the ZEUS Mk II droid core, mass production for packages NOT including the NZ SSTC.

      NZ ISW Datapacks [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Data storage system available in a variety of sizes, universally compatible with all AI and droid brains on the market, allowing for bettertransfer and storage of important data, includes slicer safety meassures.

    • Hermes LFD 760i : [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      Powerful, yet light fusial engines perfect for any size of ship. Very efficient design with no powerloss from start to finish, can be connected to any type of reactor.

      NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system [Open Market - Mass Production]
      Small, light and compactly designed propulsion system for ordinance and tiny vehicles, jetpacks or as auxiliary rocket boosters. This design allows for use in missiles, rockets, tiny to very small craft and utilizes Noxinium B as its fuel, granting longer range and better efficiency than any competitor.

      NZ SLAB-01 SubLight AfterBurner [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Superior answer to the SLAM varieties on the market, compact and light, this add-on to your engines will see you reach speeds you never held possible with your vessel.

      NZ AIMS-01 Active Internal Maneuvrability System [Open Market - Mass Production] NEW
      Counterpart of the SLAB, bringing forth the opportunity to sacrifice speed for the sake of a boost in maneuvrability, when it matters.

    • Repulsor Ion Arc Reactor : [Closed Market - Minor Production]
      Engine| shield generator reactor with massive, if not unmatched power output. One reactor is enough to power anything from a star destroyer to a super star destroyer, two can be fitted in order to have near limitless energy.

      NZ F.A.R. Fusion Arc Reactor [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      The newest reactor for ships, vehicles, etc... Promising near limitless power to provide for your systems and machines, using top notch fusion physics to grant every drop of energy necessary to safely and securely use any weapon or shielding system alongside the general accomodations. Do take note that ships using these reactos will need vents located near the engine pods for safe burning of toxic residu gasses.

      NZ C.H.A.R.M.01 [Concentrated Hypermatter Active Reactor Module][Open Market - Mass Production]New
      New reactor option for small vehicles up to enormous ships, first reactor of the N&Z utilizing Hypermatter rather than heavy metals, efficient and surprisingly clean energy in a compact and safe package for your power needs.

    • NZ OS-HD1 Hyperdrive System [Closed Market - Limited Production]
      The first Hyperdrive system built by Nargath Holdings, a powerhouse in its field with the ability for microjumps and Shimmering, which allows for ships to displace themselves into hyperspace without moving, granting a unique advantage in fleet combat. Can only be installed within Cruiser class ships or larger.

      NZ OS-HD2 Hyperdrive System [Closed Market - Minor Production] Legacy
      A slightly adjusted version of the original OS-HD, designed to be more compact so that this unique hyperdrive system can also be placed within ships smaller than cruisers. Just like the HD1, this version provides a unique advantage in traveling in hyperspace, but unlike the HD1 it can't do both microjumps AND shimmering due to the lack of powerreserves.

      NZ OS-HD3 Hyperdrive system [Open Market - Mass Production]
      A very robust and compactly designed hyperdrive system, capable of microjumping. Perfectly fitting for small starships up to frigates in singular form, but can be coupled serially for larger vessels, though this will come at the cost of its overall rating. With enough oomph to give small starships a incredibly high hyperspeed rating, the OS-HD3 is probably the best one could buy at this low price.

      NZ OS-HD3H Hyperdrive system [Open Market - Minor Production]
      Building on the OS-HD3 system, the OS-HD3H hyperdrive system has all the same strengths, but does erase one crucial weakness by having it engineered with an internal HIMS system, allowing it to be much more useable and less subject to gravity wells, be they natural or not. Perfect for small vessels up to frigates delivering incredible hyperdrive ratings, can be used for larger ships by coupling it serially, but this would lower the rating a bit.

    • NZ MAM Jet Maneuvring Gear [Closed Market - Mass Production] Legacy
      Forget clunky mandalorian jetpacks, this is the real way to use jet powered items. Zip through enemy lines, jump and leap as far and as high as a force user with a mastery in force body. Need to catch a fast criminal, a target that can fly, a force you too, just like the legendary Cad Bane can outsmart and outrun any target.

      NZ MAM MkII Jet Maneuvring Gear [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A modernized and upgraded version of the original MAM system, granting superior speed and maneuvrability alongside better crashproofing and safety features to ensure the user's survival no matter their level of experience. Fly faster and more precisely, use the MAM MkII.

    • NZ HASS-1A Drop Pods [Closed Market - Mass Production]
      A mass produced, sturdy mechanical drop pod which can be used to launch up to five people or droids or the equivalent in material or supplies onto planet surfaces from long distances, these take in a spot for a single starfighter each. Highly uncomfortable and not for those faint of heart, but an extremely useful tool during invasions, blockade running or simply when the atmospheric conditions don't suit your ship.

      NZ Cargo SFC - Suspension field containers [Open market -
      Mass production]
      Containers designed and engineered to transport and carry volatile, explosive or structurally instable material in the safest way possible, utilizing stasis field generators and automated systems to keep your material, produce or ordinance fresh, clean and in perfect condition. Available in sizes ranging from small compact containers up to very large container units for the largest types of freighters.

  • Ersteel 145 [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    A heavy, highly heat and energy resistant metal alloy, perfect for use in weapons, armor and ships, providing added benefits as a moderately lightsaber resistant material.

    Ersteel 1333 [Closed Market - Limited Production]
    An upgraded variety of the Ersteel formula, with limited production values in return for a superior quality alloy with applications in stealth, weapons manufacturing and ship hulls and shielding. Highly resistant to energy based weaponry and elemental damage such as heat and cold.

    Ersteel 12231 [Closed Market - Semi Unique]
    A strictly semi-unique variety on the original Ersteel formula, the best possible protection against energy based and heat based weaponry with great value for money in terms of resistances against most, if not all common sorts of weaponry. Ersteel 12231 is also perfect for use as a construction material for heavy and powerful weaponry such as railguns, ion and plasma cannons.

    Infinium 01278 [Closed Market - Unique]
    Extremely heavy neuranium, electrum and mercury based alloy with extreme resistance to lightsabers and elemental forces such as heat and cold, in a constant liquid state, perfect for generating electromagnetic fields and datatransfer when a steady, constant electric current is run through, forcing the alloy into a semi solid, semi-liquid state.

    Infinium 01458 [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    Extremely heavy neuranium, electrum and mercury based allow with good resistance against lightsabers and very high resistance against elemental forces such as heat and cold.Similar in it's state and the workings. However, due to the higher mercury content, this alloy is very dangerous to be handled by bare hands, somewhat limiting its applications.

    Infinium 013158 [Closed Market - Minor Production]
    The newest variation on the Infinium compound, lowering its poisonous effects and improving upon its conductivity by the addition of agrinium within the alloy. This variation is solid, no longer needing an electrical current to reach this state. It promises very good radiation and heat protection and has a high resistance against energy based weaponry, perfect for reactor or engine shielding. It also promises stealth applications, but must be used sparringly in those cases or with consideration of having external sensors to avoid inability for communication.

    Noxinium A [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    A poisonous, heavy gas, which is a by product of the company's renowned F.A.R. reactors, useable for dangerous weaponry such a gass grenades, defensive meassures for military compounds, etc. Explodes when there is prolonged contact with powerful heatsources, very deadly. Available in both large and small containers.

    Noxinium B [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    A poisonous, heavy gas, which is a by product of the company's renowned F.A.R. reactors, useable as very powerful fuel for reactors, ships, engines, etc. With a very good burning efficiency this fuel blasts Rodhium out of the water in that regard. Stored mainly in a pressurized liquid form and available in cannisters and containers of variable sizes. This fuel is great for those living on the fringes of society, unable to get their hands on great quantities of tibanna or rhodium, with still lots of applications to be discovered.

    Tetra-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound [Open Market - Mass Production]
    Flexible and lightweight multi-layered compound material with high thermal and EMP resistance, available in transparant and semi-transparant varieties and can be dyed in any color, perfect replacement for transparisteel, duraplast and plastoid compounds.

    Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound [Open Market - Minor Production]
    Upgraded version of the Tetra-polycarbonite lamellar compound, granting a much more durable version with greater resistances against thermal, energy and EMPbased weaponry or occurances. Perfect replacement for transparisteel and plastoid, and available in transparant, semi-transparent varieties with the option to be dyed in any available color.

    Reinforced Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound [Closed Market - Limited Production]
    Added armorweave layers within the multilayered compound grant additional strength and durability to the compound, though it loses a bit of its lightness and is now only available as semi-transparant material that can still be dyed in any desired color or color scheme, this variety offers very high protection against thermal, energy and EMP based weaponry with additional high resistance against kinetic damage.

    Artificial Kyber Crystals - Sanguinite Variety [Closed Market - Limited Production]
    After having harvested samples from Ilum, our best engineers have managed to artificially grow kyber crystals with a unique mixture of minerals and under quite peculiar and unique circumstances, leading to a naturally red colored kyber crystal with highly force resistant properties and a much higher intensity and efficiency as a focus lens when it comes to use in lightsabers.

  • NZ ABC - Aerosolized Bacta Cannister [Open Market - Mass Production]
    Quick fix medical spray, allows for better stabization of wounded people, works both in- and externally thanks to the added disposable respirator which can be attached to the can.

    NZ ABC-H - Aerosolized Bacta Cannister [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    Quick fix medical spray, allows for better stabization of wounded people, works both in- and externally thanks to the added disposable respirator which can be attached to the can. Utilizes Harris Compound, which is an improved variation on standard Bacta and thus promises even better results.

    NZ Medpack Display [Closed Market - Mass Production]
    No man or woman should run around not knowing their own physical condition. Install this into any armor, allowing yourself and those treating you afterwards to know where you got hurt, what is hurting you, etc.

    NZ ALL-Purpose Viral Suppressor [Closed Market-Limited Production]
    Originally concocted to combat the spread of the infamous Blackwing Virus , This viral suppressant is surprisingly effective in lengthening the spread of time in which symptoms appear, reducing the chances of rapid mutation of the virus and lowering the spread of infection. The downside is that it does not work on force-dead people and carries the risk of the suppressed virus mutating to combat this drug.

  • Custom Project 1: Heavy Battlecruiser Jormungandr
    Custom Project 2: Superior Security Droid ZMD-CX Romulus and Remus
    Custom Project 3: Dictator class Battlecruiser- The Valedictorian
    Custom Project 4: Dictator class Battlecruiser- The Anas
    Custom Project 5: Antigone Class Prototype Battlecruiser
    Custom Project 6: Brabo Class Prototype Battlecruiser Procured by Grayson Imperium
    Custom Project 7: Dictator Class Battlecruiser- The Radiance
    Custom project 8: Dictator Class Battlecruiser- The Annihilator
    Custom project 9: Dictator class Battlecruiser- The Vengeance
    Custom project 10: Infinity Needle for Ariela Ariela
    Custom Project 11: Dictator Class Battlecruiser- The Dark Zealot comissioned by the Primal Resurgence
    Custom Project 12: Centurion Maximus Class Supercarrier comissioned by Imperius Imperius
    Custom Project 13: Dictator II-class Heavy Battlecruiser 'the Phylactery' commisioned by Charles Castex Charles Castex
    Custom Project 14: Dictator II-Class Heavy Battlecruiser "The Mediator" Commissioned by Darkwire
    Custom Project 14: NZ Deinon-class - HTSE [Hypergate Transportation Station Experiment] [Hypergate contest|Hypergates Velusia & Chandaar] (Contest entry), Experimental space station, submission co-sponsored by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey allowing this character fair use of this sub in any codex or factory submissions of her own.
    Custom Project 15: Docker I - Class Military Refit model TT Extremely upgraded superfreighters to fullfil the desires of the N&Z Customer who required these immensely demanding specifications. Teckla Tane Teckla Tane

  • All members of the Eternal Empire have permission to use and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation up to and including limited production.
  • All members of the Sith Order have permission to use and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation up to and including limited production.
  • All members of the Empire of the Lost have permission to use and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation up to and inclusing Limited Production.
  • All members of the Confederacy have permission to use and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation up to and including Limited Production.
  • Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim [and all associated sub-accounts] has permission to use and access any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation up to and including Semi-Unique production.
  • Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss [and all associated sub-accounts] has permission and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella corporation up to and including Semi-Unique production.
  • Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta [and all associated sub-accounts] has permission and access to any and all products from the N&Z Umbrella corporation up to and including Limited production.
Last edited:

Jakob Benson

[member="Credius Nargath"]

I'd like to order 25 ZMD-C2's and 50 ZMD-C1's. You know where to ship them.
[member="Luke Kratos"]

The prototypes are each unique in their production,
Thus they are the veritable showcase of our abilities in shipbuilding.

To be granted a ship of a similar make and standing, you would indeed simply need to agree upon a contract with me.
Though the ratings of the requested ship may be less if the production number is higher (keep that in mind on request).
[member="Luke Kratos"]

Nargath Holdings proudly offers you the requested heavy battlecruiser, project name Jormungandr.

Delivery at your location will be cared for, do enjoy your purchase and we hope you will contact us for any further business.

Nargath Holdings, a subdivision of N&Z Umbrella Corporation.


Nargath Holdings has received your requested order:

3x Allegiance Class Star Destroyer
2x Revenant Class Star Carrier
5x Compellor Class Cruiser
3x Impellor Class Cruiser

Approval of purchase pending...

Approval Granted.

Payment of Order pending...

Payment accepted.

Enjoy your purchased goods on behalf of Nargath Holdings, we hope to see you again.
// Incoming order . . .
// Attn to: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

// Buyer message included . . .

"The Grayson Imperium's Ministry of Defense would like to establish a production contract with Nargath Holdings for select products from your catalogue. The full manifest of the desired assets has been included with this message. In addition to the contract, a separate purchase order has been included for exclusive items."

-> [Minor Contract] GF-11 Galafighter Mk. II
-> [Minor Contract] MP-TTG1 Adamant-class Support Ship
-> [Mass-Production Contract] LCC Levasseur-class Corvette
-> [Minor Contract] FL1 Baron-class Assault/Escort Frigate
-> [Minor Contract] Tyrant I-class Missile Cruiser
-> [Limited Contract] Tyrant II-class Missile Cruiser
-> [Minor Contract] Impellor I-class Carrier Cruiser
-> [Limited Contract] Impellor II-class Carrier Cruiser
-> [Minor Contract] Compellor-class Star Cruiser
-> [Minor Contract] Paramount-class Star Destroyer
-> [Limited Contract] Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
-> [Limited Contract] Revenant-class Star Carrier
-> [Minor Contract] Predator I-class Heavy Cruiser

-> [x1] Brabo-class Prototype Battlecruiser
-> [x1] Dictator-class Battlecruiser

// Transaction awaiting response . . .
// Secure line processing...
// Incoming message...
// Attention to Dak Dak

// Response to Buyer message

"As chairman of N&Z Umbrella Corporation and CEO of Nargath Holdings, I, Credius Arcossius Nargath have received your order wholeheartedly. Deliberation and internal discussionhas been made to process your order with the outmost importance and efficiency. Engineers and contractors will be sent to assess and calibrate any local machinery and oversee the production process to uphold our standards."

-> [Minor Contract] GF-11 Galafighter Mk. II Access Granted
-> [Minor Contract] MP-TTG1 Adamant-class Support Ship Access Granted
-> [Mass-Production Contract] LCC Levasseur-class Corvette Access Granted
-> [Minor Contract] FL1 Baron-class Assault/Escort Frigate Access Granted
-> [Minor Contract] Tyrant I-class Missile Cruiser Access Granted
-> [Limited Contract] Tyrant II-class Missile Cruiser Access Granted under Quantity restrictions
-> [Minor Contract] Impellor I-class Carrier Cruiser Access Granted
-> [Limited Contract] Impellor II-class Carrier Cruiser Access Granted under Quantity restrictions
-> [Minor Contract] Compellor-class Star Cruiser Access Granted
-> [Minor Contract] Paramount-class Star Destroyer Access Granted
-> [Limited Contract] Allegiance-class Star Destroyer Access Granted under Quantity restrictions
-> [Limited Contract] Revenant-class Star Carrier Access Granted under Quantity restrictions
-> [Minor Contract] Predator I-class Heavy Cruiser Access Granted

-> [x1] Brabo-class Prototype Battlecruiser The Brabo will be delivered to the desired location upon purchase, ownership tranferred to Grayson Imperium'sMinistery Of Defense.
-> [x1] Dictator-class Battlecruiser Your Request has been submitted to the board, design and production will commence after the manufacturer and the recipient have agreed upon the parameters of the construction and customization.

We thank you for choosing Nargath Holdings, a subsidiary of N&Z Umbrella Corporation as your preference in this endeavour and hope to continue doing businesswith you.


// end of transmission...
  • Like
Reactions: Dak
Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

The Directorate is willing to establish a production contract with Nargath Holdings. Here is a list of the preferred assets

  • Tyrant II-Class Missle Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Impellor-Class II Carrier Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Compellor-Class Star Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Paramont-Class Star Destroyers [Minor Contract]
  • Allegiance-Class Star Destroyers [Limited Contract]
  • Revenant Star Carrier [Minor Contract]
  • Imperius I Class Star Destroyer [Limited Contract]
  • Predator-Class Heavy Cruiser [Limited Contract]
  • 3 Dictator-Class Battlecruisers
  • 1 Custom Battlecruiser
// Incoming order . . .
// Attn to: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

// Automated message included . . .

"Message signatory: Grayson Imperium. Additional production contracts requested."

-> [Minor Contract] Imperius I-class Star Destroyer
-> [Mass-Production] MP-BTD2 Savant-class Bomber
-> [Mass-Production] MP-BTD1 Savant-class Support Ship

// Transaction awaiting response . . .
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

...transmission initiated
...line secure

...incoming message

Sir Maracel Yorkell II

Nargath Holdings hereby accepts your order and also agrees on the additional order of Three Dictator class battle cruisers and an additional unspecified custom battlecruiser. Arrangements will be made shortly for delivery and|or pick up of the requested ships and the contracts will remain in place until either party is unable to purchase or built the ships in question. We will also arrange for a deliberation on the specifications regarding the confirmed order of the aforementioned Dictator class ships and the Unspecified variety of battlecruiser per your request.

We hereby approve of the order and grant you access to the production lines.

  • Tyrant II-Class Missle Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Impellor-Class II Carrier Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Compellor-Class Star Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Paramont-Class Star Destroyers [Minor Contract]
  • Allegiance-Class Star Destroyers [Limited Contract]
  • Revenant Star Carrier [Minor Contract]
  • Imperius I Class Star Destroyer [Limited Contract]
  • Predator-Class Heavy Cruiser [Limited Contract]
  • 3 Dictator-Class Battlecruisers
  • 1 Custom Battlecruiser

A pleasure doing business,

Nargath Holdings
A subsidiary of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Dak Dak

...Transmission initiated
...line secure

...Incoming message

Esteemed liaison of the Grayson Imperium, Ministry of defense,

Nargath holdings has reviewed your order and will grant access to the production lines of the requested ship lines.

-> [Minor Contract] Imperius I-class Star Destroyer
-> [Mass-Production] MP-BTD2 Savant-class Bomber
-> [Mass-Production] MP-BTD1 Savant-class Support Ship

Pleasure doing business,

Nargath Holdings,
A subsidiary of N&Z Umbrella Corporation.

...end transmission

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