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Catalog N&Z Umbrella Corporation Catalogue | Storefront

Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

...Transmission initiated
...line secure
...Incoming message

To the esteemed messenger of the Directorate,

Nargath holdings is glad you have chosen us for another list of contracts and the general board of directors of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation have looked at your requests with great anticipation. Though we must stress that these are NOT production contracts but supply contracts, meaning that Nargath holdings will gladly produce these ships within your territory, but we are not licensing them for the time being.

Peltast II Class Interceptor [Minor Contract] Access Granted
Gala Fighter MK II [Minor Contract] Access Granted
SDS-2 "Pincer [Limited Contract] Access Granted

In lue of the costs and difficulty of transport for the Avalon Class Orbital Platforms, Nargath Holdings implores you would cite an absolute number of platforms you desire to purchase. This to avoid destabilization within the region and to avoid exponential costs at our end.

With high regards,

Marquis Credius Nargath of the Eriadu System

...end of message
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Incoming secure transmission from Krovane Corporation headquarters. . .

Hello The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger ,

Upon reviewing your products and on behalf of Lady Krovane of Krovane Corporation we would like to purchase some of your droid products. We have included a list for potential invoice:

Payment can be made quickly and securely upon confirmation and approval, noting in relation to the product requested it will be used for personal. Lady Krovane would also like to inquire as to putting together a meeting with you to discuss use of your advanced droid brain technology in possible future development of agricultural and refugee aid technologies; the level of advancement subject to discussion in said meeting.

We at Krovane Corps thank you for your time and patience and hope to hear from you soon!
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon
...creating secure line
...Incomming message

Esteemed Amira Sadako Amira Sadako ,

We have gotten your request and are currently processing it,
Your order of a NZ ZMDII-P1 Protocol droid has been received and you may expect delivery upon any agreed upon period of time.

Further coorperations and agreed upon scheduled meetings can always be established through secure and more private channels.

With kind regards,

Credius Nargath

Primeval Narrative

By the Graces of the God's
The Primeval would like to request the following for an upcoming thread and would prefeabky like for this transaction to be delivered to the Kuati Drive Yards and the Xa Fel Yards, No Questions Asked:

  • Tyrant II-Class Missle Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Impellor-Class II Carrier Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Compellor-Class Star Cruiser [Minor Contract]
  • Paramont-Class Star Destroyers [Minor Contract]
  • Allegiance-Class Star Destroyers [Limited Contract]
  • Revenant Star Carrier [Minor Contract]
  • Imperius I Class Star Destroyer [Limited Contract]
  • Predator-Class Heavy Cruiser [Limited Contract]
  • 1 Dictator-Class Battlecruisers
  • 1 Custom Battlecruiser
- Signed, Archlord Deviant Gal, Warlord of the Primeval
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Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon
...securing transmission
...incoming message

Primeval Narrative

We have received your order in good faith, however with you being the third faction making use of certain Limited contract starships within our catalogue, we advise to only use them sparsely, as we do not wish to incur the wrath of the great and mighty admins upon our doorstep or to specify a number.

  • Tyrant II-Class Missle Cruiser [Minor Contract] --> granted
  • Impellor-Class II Carrier Cruiser [Minor Contract] --> granted
  • Compellor-Class Star Cruiser [Minor Contract] --> granted
  • Paramont-Class Star Destroyers [Minor Contract] --> granted
  • Allegiance-Class Star Destroyers [Limited Contract] --> granted under conditions
  • Revenant Star Carrier [Minor Contract] --> granted
  • Imperius I Class Star Destroyer [Limited Contract] --> granted under conditions
  • Predator-Class Heavy Cruiser [Limited Contract] --> granted under conditions
  • 1 Dictator-Class Battlecruisers --> awaiting faction admin approval
  • 1 Custom Battlecruiser --> awaiting faction admin approval

With Kind Regards,

Credius Nargath

...end of transmission
Hello, on behalf of The Dire Wolves Mercenary Company I would like to secure a shipment of ERsteel 145 and production facilities to facilitate the development and production drop pods, will be granting you sole sale rights in return for the pods. Will send you the BPs once completed.
Conqueror of Heaven and Hell
Greetings, The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger ditu
As discussed, I would like to commision a single Battlecruiser, with the following basic parameters-
1. Capability to dock with 2x corvettes
2. Higher Defense
3. Greater maneuverability
Do keep the more detailed expectations in mind as well, as discussed.
Thank you for your time.
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon
Greetings Imperius Imperius

Firstly let's discuss your second request, indeed we are interested in taking over this contract if you so wish for us to do so. We will discuss parameters and designs on a more private line.

In regard to the Arrow interceptor, It is duely noted and you may expect the delivery of these fine vessels wherever and whenever you so desire.

Kindest Regards,

Credius Nargath

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