Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Catalog N&Z Umbrella Corporation Catalogue | Storefront

// Incoming order . . .
// Attn to: The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger

// Automated message included . . .

"Message signatory: "The Murderhawke Mandalorian" Leon Hawke. Politely requests the purchase of the Following "

-> One [1] NZ-BG.400 Tactical Blaster Pistol

-> One [1] NZ-RF-600 Rotary Blaster Cannon

-> One [1] Case of NZ-TDT-1 EMP Grenade-IED

// Transaction awaiting response . . .
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon
...securing line
...incoming transmission

Dear Leon Hawke Leon Hawke ,

Your order has been received and approved. We hope you enjoy your purchase and hope you come again.

With kind regards,

Credius Nargath.

P.S. As per the continuation of our Item of the week Promo, you may be expecting 2 rather than one case of NZ-TDT-1 EMP Grenade-IED

...end of transmission

Leon Amun

The Murderhawke Mandalorian
// Incoming order . . .
// Attn to: The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger

// Automated message included . . .

"Message signatory: "The Murderhawke Mandalorian" Leon Hawke. would like to inquire about purchasing some Ersteel 12231 to make some armor with, if ever possible


// Transaction awaiting response . . .
Artificial Intelligence
|Encrypted Message|
Hello organic, I would like to place an order for a custom ship. One that can host one or more of my own Artificial Intelligence programs and let me control it as well as commit to cyber warfare in fleet engagements, staying invisible or alive for me to take the enemy out. I am the A.I so I don't need one made by you. It would be a bonus if the ship could be used to sneak operatives or HRD's places they shouldn't be.
|End of Encrypted Message|
The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger

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