Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Image Source: [X]
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: Corporate contraptions and contracts
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Nargath & Zanareth Umbrella Corporation
  • Headquarters: Corporate HQ: Eriadu
  • Locations:
    • Balmorra [Engineering, Manufacturing]
    • Cathar [Training facilities]
    • Corellia [shipbuilding, Engineering, Manufacturing, Transport hub]
    • Coruscant [Engineering, R&D, Financial securities, Lobbying, Transport Hub]
    • Demonsgate [Engineering workshop]
    • Deneba [engineering]
    • Denon [Engineering]
    • Eriadu [Shipbuilding by secondaries, Security, R&D, mining, Transport hub]
    • Erinar [Engineering, Mining, Transport Hub, STS HQ]
    • Exocron [Training Facilities]
    • Kal Shebbol [Engineering, R&D, Research, N&Z Security HQ]
    • Lianna [Security facility]
    • Mandalore [Security, Mining]
    • Mygeeto [R&D, Engineering, EnSol HQ]
    • New Cov [under review]
    • Olvan [R&D, engineering]
    • Onderon
    • Orra [Training facilities]
    • Rishi [Under review]
    • Sanctuary [Manufacturing, Engineering]
    • Seswenna [Mining, Engineering, Shipbuilding, security]
    • Schesa [Engineering, R&D, HR, Advertisement, security]
    • Teth [Transport hub]
    • Velusia [Planned Transport Hub]
    • Xa Fel [Shipbuilding, Engineering]
    • Zakuul [Engineering]

  • Operations: Shipbuilding, Ship parts, Naval & Ground defense weaponry, handheld weaponry, AI, Droids, Military & Civilian Technology,Shipping and Transportation, private security, financial securities, military & civilian construction and demolition.

Nargath & Zanareth Umbrella Corporation is founded on the combined principles of the Nargath and Zanareth Holdings, meaning that they value their customer no matter their intent. The philosophy of the corporation is to look at business prior to politics, allowing for it to retain a neutral and more selfserving stance within the chaotic state of the galaxy's many affairs.

Though N&Z Umbrella Corporation deals primarily with large scale production and mass market products, they do not turn a blind eye to the world of money itself and the principle that in the end, those with enough money and willing to pay enough are without a doubt entitled to the best, most unique products their very minds may imagine and their very hearts desire.


The Intent of trying to take over Zanareth holdings came during Credius Nargath's Tenure as a member and associate of The Corporate Protectorate, alas due to a variety of circumstances, deals could not be made and the marquis of Eriadu had to turn his sight to his own planetary system due to an unexpected CIS incursion. The following degeneration and collapse of the Corporate Protectorate had effectively cut of most if not all ties and made it much harder to contact the original owner and proprietor of the Xa Fel shipyards and the entirety of the Zanareth holdings: Ari Zanareth.

Luckily, as Credius managed to locate her, a meeting was set up and a partnership created based on their own desires for the future. This way, the two Holdings of each partner have been folded into a overseeing corporation in which Credius owns 100 percent of the share, though Ari Zanareth holds Veto rights to any decision preventing the abuse of the full control within the company over the entirety of the company, but also forgoing any and all implementations of regulations and changes by either of the involved parties.

With the new relocation of the company headquarters, a large stake of its assets have been lost in CIS space, with most of its assets there either being absorbed by competitors, seized by the governments or taken over by companies which already had a stake in N&Z and did not suffer any loss of face during the turbulent moments of Credius' final days within the CIS.

The N&Z Umbrella Corporation these days remains steadfast as a provider of a whole range of products through many of its subsidiaries, ranging from simple med packs and handheld weapons to the most massive of space stations and battleships. They keep themselves afloat by having a hand in multiple businesses and by offering various items and objects no other company has on offer and as such have managed to stand against the test of time better than many of its former competitors.

With the disappearance of Credius Nargath though, the N&Z had faced some serious turbulent times, with stagnation in its sales, lowered production and a lack of proper oversight, with its chairmen seeking mainly stability and thus playing the stagnation in hand and further pushing the company down a slippery slope. Luckily with the passing of the former chairman, a new fresh wind has come to blow through the N&Z corporation, with Tertius C. Nargath taking the helm and promising to rationalize and streamline the massively bloated corporation's assets and business dealings, seeking to rapidly modernise and update the company's current line ups in order to bolster it for a better future.

Granting full and universal permission to use Company subs par regular codex and factory rules of having a mention in manufacturer to all members of senior management]

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Boardmember: OPEN
Boardmember: OPEN
Boardmember: Mir Rhor Mir Rhor
Boardmember: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss
Boardmember: OPEN

Chief Executive Operations: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Division Chief EnSol: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss
Division Chief USM: OPEN
Division Chief N&Z Security: Mir Rhor Mir Rhor
Division Chief STS: OPEN

Storefront: N&Z Umbrella Corp. Catalogue and Storefront

Subsidiaries and Divisions:

Company Share Holders:
  • House Nargath: 90% of full public Share
  • Tristan Evore 10% of full public Share
Corporate Interests & agreements:
  • 20% share in Arms Dynamics
  • 20% share in Sith Solutions for bloody battles inc.
  • Trade Deal with Tanlab Industries: Due to common interest, N&Z Umbrella Corporation and Tanlab industries grant eachother permission to use all subs when it comes to the creation or use for Former Zweihander Union specified assets. This arrangement excludes Semi-unique and Unique subs, which still require purchase or contracts through the marketplace.
Current Tier Listings:
  • Tier I
    • Series 100 Technology
    • Series 100 Industry
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Presentation for the Industrial 100 series License

With the Advent of Nargath Holdings (now part of N&Z Umbrella Corporation -defunct) Credius Nargath sought to consolidate the family's grip on the shipyards within the Eriadu planetary system, before later on expanding into the entire star system. Eriadu shipyards was thus aqcuired and put under full control of the Nargath House and subsequently put into the Nargath Holdings firm. This also included the creation of the Original Alpha site which handled engineering and production.

In the Early hours of the Holding company, it managed to start the production of a variety of new materials meant to be used mainly in industrial and military applications, such as the now well-renowned and often used Ersteel alloys, the liquid Infinium alloys and later on the creation of Noxinium gas. Subsequently, the company also started to invest into the creation of a first basic line up of reliable and robyst ships and weapons systems with an added focus on high automization of the products and ships.

Concurrently, the company managed to snag a few large deals with the now defunct faction of the Protectorate, later called the Directorate. Thus further boosting the company's share on the market and expanding its brand. By 840 ABY Nargath Holdings became part of the current N&Z Umbrella Corporation.

Company RP's:


Sales & Contracts:

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Presentation for the Technology 100 series License

The N&Z Umbrella Corporation prides itself on its technological capacity and the strength to not only look at the future for guidance, but also the past. We encourage our engineers to experiment, our scientists to think about their wildest dreams and if they are willing to do so; bring them to fruition in reality. Over the course of our existence, the N&Z has provided not just state of the art ships, but also numerous pieces of technology in terms of materials, droids, weaponry and even systems that could change the future not just for a select few, but for the entire galaxy.

New materials such as the most brilliant liquid metal alloys, a very potent if not superior fuel that is gained by simply utilizing the company's own F.A.R. reactors, thus turning what is essentially a waste product into a useable material. New technology such as the Theta type droid frame, the T.O.P. tactical order package to improve the navigational systems of ships and ofcourse many more items that while you can't always see them, are woven into the very fabric of our society today.

However, there are also more rare and highly technological designs found within the galaxy coming from the hands of the brilliant engineers at the N&Z, such as the Damocles weapon, which even to this day should and would be considered one of the most devastating and most brilliantly engineered weapons systems available on the market. Technology after all, in all its forms, both civil and military are focused on by the corporation.

Company RP's:


Sales & Contracts:

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Canon Links:
  • N/A


Presentation for the Tier One Specialization Weapons

As part of the N&Z's plan to truly expand its industrial and technological capacity and marketshare, the company started off with building its own basic laser weapons, soon followed by various types of Turbolasers and Ion cannons. Though these were solid builds with a good quality and ease of use thanks to the used materials and the simplicity of the design, clearly to truly leave a mark on the market, some more specialized types of weaponry had to be brough to the forefront of the company's storefront.

Later designs added in the Ionized electromagnetic plasma cannons which exemplified the N&Z's need to have some weaponry that could blow their competition out of the water, but the standard market had not been forgotten, because while they came up with highly experimental ship placement weaponry, the company also flourished with the more standard handheld weaponry, with a veritable plethora of heavy energy blasters, EMP guns and anti material rifles, allowing the N&Z to present itself as a generalist on this part of the corporate market as well, delivering both quality and quantity in equal meassure.

Thanks to these standards which were upheld within the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, the company flourished on the market for ranged weapons, both as ship placed weaponry and handheld weaponry such as rifles and pistols.

Company RP's:


Sales & Contracts:

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Codex Subs:

  • N/A

Canon Links:
  • N/A


Presentation for the Series 100 Spacer Series

With the Addition of Shipyards on Schesa and the further expansion of the Eriadu shipyards under the patronage of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, the company had set its sights on the lucrative shipmarket with the intent to expand its hold on several key markets within the galaxy and though the low brand recognition did hamper the initial entrance onto the shipmarket, having contacts through the Confederacy of Independant Systems and the further connection to small upstart factions within the galaxy slowly began to grant the company the recognition it both desired and deserved.

Not leaving any stone unturned, the N&Z ambitiously set off to pry open the starship market by entering not just in one of the typical starship class markets, but a multitude of them, beginning a veritable corporate offensive by offering not just starfighters, but also corvettes and frigates, quickly followed by cruisers, star destroyers and even battlecruisers for those that truly desired reliable and qualitative products and vessels that wouldn't let them down in the heat of battle.

Though there were some obvious hiccups, with the rapid advancement requiring upgrading a multitude of ships on a frequent basis, making it so that first gen models tended to become obsolete in a short span of time, the upgrades did allow for a rapid growth of experience and further brand recognition.

To not ignore the civilian market, transport and freighter ships were also being produced by the Eriadu and Schesa shipyards under the company's auspices, allowing for a great expansion in the starship market, culminating with the presentation and slow, yet steady sale of the Dictator I class heavy battle cruiser line, which promised the power of a dreadnaught or super star destroyer in a much more compact package. Only a handful of these were sold, but with the high mark up and the individual profit made on these, both in monetary and bran recognition value, it was considered the start of the N&Z's rise within the market.

Company RP's:


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