Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Na, Na, Na Na Na Na Na


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Na Shadda, Nar Haaska, Nal Hutta, Na what ever, all started with N, A, and all where crime ridden, could not care less what their names where, same old same old. Though that did make things easier when she had to fall back on a place to kick back relax and get away from the law. Her lats job not going so well, Apparently the person she gave a ride to having some people cashing after him, next minute Tin was face with several Dark Jedi people and mercenaries out to kill.

Not fun and to top it all off she never got paid, her customer fleeing and ship damaged, not all the Twi'lek wanting to do as kick back and take a load off. Where she did not care anyplace would do, maybe bash up a few thugs along the way or whatever, seemed people really liked picking fights with Twi'leks, trying to make her a dancing girl of what ever. Seriously seemed quite a lot of people saw her flashing mid-rift and suddenly 'oh you a dancer can I hire you'.

In retrospect she could do that, use the force to swindle people out of their cash and then high tail it away. "hmmm i will use it as a fall back plan", she muttered to herself in Rylothian while talking though the busy streets of Na Shadda.

Lia'ssa stumbled across the hard ground. Her bare feet bleeding from the cracks and cuts. Her blood stained bra and under wear doing a poor job protecting her from the harsh winds on Nar Shada. In her hand she clenched her lightsaber. Although unfinished and missing a few pieces it still almost managed to defeat the sith that stole her daughter. Lia groaned as she slipped in the mud just outside of the brightly lit city covering her already dirty clothes in slimy mud water. She frowned and stood up wiping the slime from her face. "I need a place to stay. I won't last the night on the streets. Not with my looks." She thought to herself. And by no means was she being cocky either. If you were pretty on Nar you either danced for money or danced for your master.

Lia felt her heart sink the more she thought about her daughter. She was probably a slave to that vampire. Who knows what poison she was feeding the young girls mind. She had not known all the circumstances surrounding her escape. Using the force to blast her way out would have resulted in one of them dead for sure. She knew this. Lia doubted her ability with the force. But not with a lightsaber. She was an excellent swords-woman. Her saber was also near completion. She needed a month, maybe two then they would have escaped to the ship the mysterious sith woman offered her. "Wait that is it! That is how I find Nomira! The zeltron, Balaya Praelior she will know where the vampire's base of operations is!"

Suddenly Lia'ssa slipped on the blood she was tracking though the streets. She fell onto a person and they both hit the ground with a thump. Lia'ssa landing on top got on her arms and knees and looked down. below her was a pretty orange twi'lek woman with a discussed face.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Walking along the busy streets and odd smell wafted through the air, blood, she had smelled that flavor many times over, but why here? yes Na Shadda was riddled with crime, but most muggers and criminal preferred to use cheap blasters, those leaving a more burnt smell. No this was different, perhaps made by cuts or another wound, and if that was the case something of interest was up, heck maybe she'd become a knight in shinning armor and save someone, maybe get something out of it.

Rounding the corner she was surprised to be, tackled? no it was to clumsy, besides there was no indication in the force of any danger, so what had happened? Glancing down her yellow eyes fell onto.. another Twi'lek, one a similar shade to her own skin, smelling of blood, in quite the, shabby clothing, like she had just escaped a sex dungeon of sorts. Wait could that have been the case? possibly but what seemed even more interesting was the force signature coming from the woman and a, "is that a lightsaber"? The woman did not seem like a dark sider, and the saber was, quite, patch work, she had to be a slave, there was not other answer, she had to help, one Twi'lek to another, *in rylothian* "Are you okay, who did this to you"?

Lia'ssa looked down at the woman she was on top of. Her first reaction was to stand up, however upon trying she slipped and fell down on the woman again. "I am so sorry." She said in an annoyed tone. Pain rang from her feet and.. the woman put an hand on her face. She spoke in a soft voice, in her native language and asked weather she was alright or not. This seemed strange to Lia. She hadn't heard that language used since before she was a jedi. The woman helped her up and brushed her off. The woman looked down at her lightsaber. "Yes.. it is a lightsaber, however it is no.. Ahh!" She grunted in pain.

She fell into the arms of the woman and noticed her force signature. There was far to much pain to know whether it was dark side or light side at this point. She put a hand over her chest and looked the twi'lek in the eyes. "I need a med center... please.. my daughter..." And with that last word Lia'ssa passed out and fell to the dirt floor.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
A light saber but was not ah? she assumed the woman meant working, and considering the state she was in it did not serve to well, what ever the case she needed to help, but her request for a medical center was easier said then done. "Hold up sister, if your an escaped slave walking into the nearest medical center is not a good idea, unless you want bounty hunters coming after us, we need to be careful, I can 'persuade' the personal but I need you to take a breather and stay calm". What was more the talk on a daughter, was it a family of slaves? had someone bought the child and she tried to stop it? 'wait wait wait, trying to do too many thing's at once, get her to a clinic then talk'.

Placing her arms under [member="Lia'ssa"] limbs she lifted the wounded woman up, using the force to enhance her strength, with a flick of the wrist calling the crude light saber to hand, "just hang in there". With a force leap the Twi'lek smuggler launched into the air, heading towards the more respectable area's of the moon, hoping from roof top to rooftop, Lekku flowing in the night air.
*GASP!* Lia'ssa breathed deep as she woke up. On her face was a mask and she could see she was in some sort of white room. She tried to sit up yet she felt a sharp pain in her side as she did. Looking down she could see was in some sort of medical suite and in some kind of blue liquid. A bacta tank most likely. She then remembered the woman from before. She began to breath heavily as a med droid pulled a switch and made her float to the top of the tank.

She was helped out of the tank by another droid who wrapped her in a towel. She stepped down onto the floor. Her body dripping with the medical liquid she had just been floating in. She rubbed her left head tail with the towel she was given letting it slide off her smooth lekku and onto the ground. "Your clothes were inferior so we had them destroyed." Said one of the medical droids. "What? Those were my only clothes!" She snapped at the droid. "I am sorry ma'm it is protocol." The med droid walked away. "What am I supposed to wear now?" She called out.

Looking around the room she saw many computers and another bacta tank on the other end. That is when memories started to flow back to her about how she got here. She remembered the woman who she fell on. She remembered how her feet and side were bleeding. She.. "Oh no.. my saber! What happened to my saber?" She looked around the room searching under desks and in lockers but she couldn't find anything. Suddenly she heard a voice and looked over. At the door stood the twi'lek. Holding her lightsaber.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"Ya looking for this sister"? she remarked waving the crude weapon around in her hand, giving a small chuckle while pacing forward, "just hanging onto it for ya, not sure the hospital would all this sort of stuff, and I can only use mind tick on so many people". Inspecting the other Twi'lek the bacta bath had cleaned her up nice and well, though it seemed that snappy and panicking attitude was still around, but she understood, herself being in such position many times over. "Here you are, just be careful with it, maybe later you can remake it with proper parts, looks as if it would explode upon switching on, but considering what you used, well it is quite the cobble work, impressive, but not onto the real issue... who are you"?

Everything had happened so fast she never really had time to consider what was happening, she had theories, but at best assumption, nothing really to go on, "sit down and explain to me what happened to you, and do it sloooowly, rushing won't help". It was at times like this she wished powers like force calming where at her use, but at the moment, letting out a light side force signature and soothing words would have to work, Tin'tinag leaving the woman over to a nearby seat, both taking rest on the cold metal furniture.

Lia'ssa took the saber from her hands. "I guess remaking it would be beneficial for me. Certainly won't cause problems." She sighed and sat down beside the twi'lek. "I.. was a slave. Taken as a jedi apprentice and forced to be a dancer." From there she relaid her entire story. Well most of it anyway. She did leave out some of the encounters with people around the galaxy. Strangely she had only ever met one force user in her time as a slave. And she was a dark lord. She told her about the day she found out she was pregnant and how scared she was. Not knowing who the father was and feeling like she was now stuck. "My plan was to make the lightsaber and escape. But.. that would be harder as a mother." She explained how she never hated Nomira. How she was proud yet was unsure because of her jedi values.

The twi'lek looked a little shocked after realizing her entire life was mostly in a slave chambers. She had realized that with Nomira's escape and turn to the dark side she no longer cared whether she was free or in bondage. Betraying her jedi teachings to stay unattached she loved her daughter and would not let her be consumed by the darkness the way so many force users had. She looked towards her twi'lek companion. "Thank you for saving me and taking me here. It is much appreciated. Now if you would be as kind to tell me where some decent clothes are and where I can find Nemii starport? I have a ship waiting there that will take me off planet to find my daughter." She said placing her yellow hands on her hips.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin stood there nodding respectfully to the woman's as she, well pretty much told her life story as a slave. Maybe not as exciting as her, smuggler to disciple of Ren to Jedi Knight then back to smuggling once the order she was apart of came under attack from the new Dark Jedi Order, but still it was no bore, but he felt the woman was leaving out certain details. Why? That was not her business, she had to have good reasons for keeping some parts secret, "well it seemed your plan came a little late, but I will be glad to help you, I don't have much but you can use my old Jedi robes if you want". Said robes being brown and orange with steel arm and leg guards and gloves, something she not longer used with her new more stylish outfit, "if you want I can give some parts for you light sabre, maybe a decent hilt to start off with".

She had been reconstructing her own saber, mainly due to the fact the one she wore was made back during her days as a Ren, but this woman needed them more then herself, "just your standard single blade hilt covering and some better quality wires, should be enough to make that thing safe". "As for the clothing that is back at my ship, myself parked at Nemii as well, we can drop by my freighter and then you can be on your way, but where are you going? have a long lost master"? Either that or a contact once she escaped, she did seem to have a plan, she would do her due and then see her off, not point getting into this sort of trouble again, last time it almost cost her a Lekku.


"The parts and outfit would be much appreciated." She said bowing to the woman. "As for location.. I am unsure. The shuttle I am picking up will take me to.. an old friend. She should know where to find my daughter and where I should start looking." She said as she gestured the woman to follow her. "You may call me Lia." she said realizing that she had not introduced herself by her real name. They walked out of the med center and into the night time air of Nar Shada.

As they walked Lia'ssa asked questions about the girl. "Where are you from? What is your story?" She listened intently to what she had to say. As they walked however she noticed both of them getting strange looks from the people passing. Lia'ssa instantly knew why. Looking down at herself she found she was still wearing her tight med suit. It resembled a one piece bathing suit. It revealed much of her long legs and cut low down her chest. She gasped as she felt something pinch her buttocks. "Excuse me!" She shouted turning.

She looked at a scruffy man she growled. The man just laughed. "Hey baby how many credits would it take to get a dance?" He asked. Lia'ssa tried to ignore him and turned around to start walking. "Wait. Is that? A laser sword? This girl is a force sensitive!" Shouted the man. "Oh no." Lia thought looking around at the suddenly very interested crowd. She knew she should have done better to conceal her weapon. She saw two men draw blasters and a woman pull a vibroblade from her belt.

"I don't wish to harm any of you. But I will defend myself and this woman." She said sternly gesturing to the twi'lek beside her. Her senses jumped and she ignited her lightsaber the green blade shining against her face in the darkness. She deflected a laser bolt and blocked an slash from the vibroblade. "So much for a peaceful solution."


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Her own story, now that was a doozy, "Well I am from Ryloth, nothing really new there, spent most of my childhood doing what I could to get by, doing not so legal jobs until I got enough money to by a ship, when I did, well I was out of there". "Became a smuggler like a good majority of our race, but fell into the wrong crowd, ended up getting captured by the First Order and forced to be a Ren or die", well that was if this woman knew what a Ren was. Considering her back story she had been in captive for over 20 years, the First Order emerging around 15 years ago at the edge of wild space, several sectors away from Lothal.

"In a nut shell escaped from there, joined up with The Jedi Order a kind of ye old traditionalist order, different from the more military Silvers or peace keeping New Jedi Order of the Galtic alliance". "That did not last long, some new Dark Jedi order from the outerrim coming and attacking the place, calming not to want violence and just that the only way to bring peace was to destroy those causing harm to other.... fucking typical Dark Side users". She would have continued when the sudden 'eep' from the woman now calling herself Lia put Tin on edge herself turning around to face the man who had become a little frisky.

'Crap, this is not going to end well', she had run into these types way to often one way or another a fight would break out, but he situation only increased when[member="Lia'ssa"] saber was noticed, something you did not want others seeing on this planet. "I wanted to take the night off, do something fun, but nooooo people just had to be dicks", she replied taking her revolver and taking a shot at the woman with the vibro sword, the slug hitting against the metal blade, the force making the attacker drop it. "I am not sure what Jedi taught you Lia but on a planet like this there is not such thing a s a peaceful resolution", she replied , holding out her hand, a blinding flash being sent at another opponent blinding him for the time being.
The twi'lek shot a blast at the woman making her drop her blade. Lia'ssa raised her blade to strike down at the woman but three blaster bolts came towards her. She used her saber to send them back towards her foes hitting one of them in the leg. This gave the woman time to retrieve her weapon and clash with Lia once more. Lia moved her foot stance in a way that made the woman jerk forwards and loose her balance. She used this to parry the vibroblade and slash at the woman's legs. The green blade cut through one leg and left the other one baldly burned. Lia looked to see her twi'lek friend in a gun fight with the other street thugs. She pun her saber and focused on the blaster one of the thugs was holding. "One.. two.. three." She timed in her head getting a feel for the timing of his shots. At the precise moment she turned his gun towards his companions and her fired killing him.

With two down and one incapacitated Lia'ssa found this as an opportunity to escape. With more and more people joining the fight Lia knew they either needed to run or die. "Lets go!" She cried ducking behind cover.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Ting would have loved nothing more then to charge in and slice the enemy to ribbon with her saber staff, but she needed to keep her identity as a force user hidden to some extent, even if Lia had blow her cover Tin had not, so for the moment she just used her slug revolvers to do the work. Distracted by the fire fight she was unable to notice the other Twi'lek take down her quarry, quickly turning attention back to the two remaining member, dispatching them quite easily mind you.

"I am right behind you, lets go", she called out as they made a hasty retreat, Tin slightly shifting her hand a little, making a speeder move in fron of their oncoming attackers, giving them a somewhat clean get away. "You sure took down that girl fast, sure you a force user and all but how has a slave been able to keep up that amount of skill"? She asked as they neared the freighter, Tin pulling out a remote to make the ships bay open, "hopefully they will leave once we are inside". Running up the ramp the Two Twi'leks would enter the ship escaping the mod outside for now, making their way to the crew room, herself flopping down onto the sofa.

That was close. Too close for Lia'ssa. "Wait wait! My ship! Where is my ship?" Lia shouted. "That ship would take me to the person that could find my daughter!" She sat down on the sofa beside her. She knew there was nothing they could do about it. If they left then they would be found out. Lia scolded herself for not hiding her lightsaber better. She looked over at her twi'lek firend and frowned.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"Seriously you got to calm down, we can look for you ship in a second, first things first get changed and get something to eat", she was unsure how long this 'ship' of her was laying in wait for, maybe it was stolen, maybe it wasn't. "After that we can do a diversion thing, we look similar, most humans have a hard time telling Twi'leks apart, I can lead the crowd away while you head for your ship or what ever, don't worry I can handle myself just fine, I know people around here too". A certain affluent Trandoian trader that she dealt business with being one of them, if push came to shove sh'd be able to get help from him and his spunky Togruta side kick.
Lia took several deep breaths. She needed to stay calm. She had't thought about food in a while. Her stomach arced with pain. "Maybe food is a good plan.." She said after a few seconds on silence. Her friend smiled and showed her where to get food. She took out a stick of tan tan and shoved it into her mouth. Food like this was less common here on Nar shada. Mostly there was just stew in order to boil out any harmful substances. Lia ate whatever food she was given with visor and as quickly as she could. After all, she still needed to find her daughter.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin usually had quite the array of food stuff on the ship thanks to [member="Petal"] being a good cook, another Twi'lek who was in her crew, and [member="Lia'ssa"] seemed liked she had gone without a good meal for quite some time. "Just make sure you do not get indigestion, you stomach may be unused to such high quality foods and in such high quantity", he replied with a small worried smile. "So do you having any ides where this ship of your mays be? liwhat type was it, how lloong has it been waiting for you"? The sooner they got away from this planet the better.

"It was left here by a.. powerful force user. 20 years ago.." She said just now realizing how silly it would seem to the Tan. It seemed like not so long ago. Plus the sith's last visit to Nar was just 5 years ago. For all Lai knew the woman could be back any day now. But the ship was a gift. "Um.. on second thought maybe I should go look for it alone." She said standing up.

She made her way to the exit of the ship. The ramp was still open. "Weird why wouldn't she close the ramp." Lia thought stepping outside. She was distracted by her flowing thoughts. "Even if I find the ship then what will happen? She wanted me as an apprentice.. and she dose not yet know that I was a jedi. Her sworn enemy. She still thinks I am a priests of the Whills. And if I go to.. AHH!" She screamed dropping her lightsaber as a hand reached around and grabbed her mouth. She tired to yell for help but the large trandoshan put his finger in her mouth. She tried to fight him. She bit down on his finger but his scales were too rough. "Mmmm!MMM MM mm!" Lia said trying desperately to spit out the finger. He bent her over and grabbed her hands putting them in shock cuffs. If she moved.. he could end her life.

"Well look who we got here. A pretty little jedi.. I could sell you for a lot of money jedi.. but I am sure my employer won't mind if you are.. used." The lizard said licking her face. He took his claw and ran it down Lia'ssa's outfit cutting it a line down the middle. Lia couldn't move. If she did he would activate the cuffs. Fear swelled within her. She had never, not even in the Hutt's palace felt so incapable. A tear fell down her face as the reptile licked her face cackling to himself. He looked down and grinned as he saw her lightsaber. "I have always wanted something like this. A magic sword.." As he spoke she looked on his belt. There was the controls for her cuffs. She looked up at him as he tried to turn on the weapon "Don't!" She screamed turning her head. She used the force to take the device off his belt as the lightsaber exploded knocking the trandoshan to the ground with his face scored.

She looked up at the ramp as she saw [member="Tin'tinag"]. She ran behind her and unlocked her cuffs.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
20 years? well if it was well stored then perhaps it was still around, but in that time frame who knew what could happen, heckTin was only a few years old at that time, "wait 20 year, but with the recent building, new lord.... errr". Lost in thought over the fact of trying to find a 20 year old craft she did not notice [member="Lia'ssa"] leaving the, turning around suddenly at a scream and sensation in the force, 'oh come on, does that woman have not sense of self preservation? by the stars she is so childish, but supposed to be what like late 30's early 40's'?

Upholstering he revolver the smuggler quickly racing down the ramp as the other Twilek raced back up and behind herself, a lizard faced slaver close behind. "Really? I only just gave you those robes *sigh*, what ever let me deal with this stupid green skin, and we will do thing's my way for once, on Na Shadda you have to show power, then people leave you alone". Sauntering down the ramp Tin quickly raised her revolver, a loud back ringing out as the slug thrower discharged it's round, the steel bullet impacted against the Trandohsians knee cap, blood splattering against the ground.

"Listen here but, you touch this woman again and my next shot will be aimed higher and between your crotch, got that? the never of you people, trying to capture slaves at the space port, did you want to get shot"? Considering there was no real law on Na SHadda, just personal enforcers for Hutt Lords, there would be no real problems with shooting at someone with good enough reason. "Now limp away and don't come back, I've got work to do and would rather not have delinquents like you ruin it".
"Thank you Tin." She said bowing. She walked out from behind her as the creature walked away. Where was her lightsaber crystal? She got down on her hands and knee's and scoured around for it. She heard a groan from behind her. "Oh hush! The whole reason I am alive is because that stupid slaver activated my lightsaber and.. it blew up." She said in a half laugh and half disappointed tone. She looked around for the small crystal. She saw a glimmer and moved over to it. "Here it is." She lifted it up and dusted off her knee's holding the kyber crystal in her hands. She had just noticed that the med suit she was wearing was exposing her chest almost completely to [member="Tin'tinag"]. "Um.. about that new outfit?"

Once on board the ship Lia'ssa had to ask. The woman seemed so annoyed with her when she was the one who almost got captured. Seems like a strange way to greet someone who almost died twice in one night. "Why are you so upset with me? What have I done to anger you?" She asked stopping in the hallway and pulling both half's of her tight body suit together to cover up herself better. This conversation was one Lia'ssa hardly felt necessary yet.. she needed to know why this woman was so angered to have her on board.

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