Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Na Shadda, Nar Haaska, Nal Hutta, Na what ever, all started with N, A, and all where crime ridden, could not care less what their names where, same old same old. Though that did make things easier when she had to fall back on a place to kick back relax and get away from the law. Her lats job not going so well, Apparently the person she gave a ride to having some people cashing after him, next minute Tin was face with several Dark Jedi people and mercenaries out to kill.
Not fun and to top it all off she never got paid, her customer fleeing and ship damaged, not all the Twi'lek wanting to do as kick back and take a load off. Where she did not care anyplace would do, maybe bash up a few thugs along the way or whatever, seemed people really liked picking fights with Twi'leks, trying to make her a dancing girl of what ever. Seriously seemed quite a lot of people saw her flashing mid-rift and suddenly 'oh you a dancer can I hire you'.
In retrospect she could do that, use the force to swindle people out of their cash and then high tail it away. "hmmm i will use it as a fall back plan", she muttered to herself in Rylothian while talking though the busy streets of Na Shadda.
Not fun and to top it all off she never got paid, her customer fleeing and ship damaged, not all the Twi'lek wanting to do as kick back and take a load off. Where she did not care anyplace would do, maybe bash up a few thugs along the way or whatever, seemed people really liked picking fights with Twi'leks, trying to make her a dancing girl of what ever. Seriously seemed quite a lot of people saw her flashing mid-rift and suddenly 'oh you a dancer can I hire you'.
In retrospect she could do that, use the force to swindle people out of their cash and then high tail it away. "hmmm i will use it as a fall back plan", she muttered to herself in Rylothian while talking though the busy streets of Na Shadda.