Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Na, Na, Na Na Na Na Na


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Wait her saber? so that was what that sound was, seemed that the faulty wiring did prove to be rather catastrophic in the end, though was she just not able to feel around for the crystal? Or had a life of a slave made her force powers rusty? 'Never mind not my problem, just get grandmama back into the ship before her breast call any unwanted attention', seriously for 40 her body and 'assets' where banging, but froce sensitives often aged gracefully, and Twi'lek often kept their stunning looks. It was one of the main reason why they where so sought after as slave along with Zeltrons and Tpgrutas.

Slowly walking up the ships ramp she made sure this time to close it and keep clear, Tin did not need another bounty on her head, by the force half the galaxy would after her if certain people knew she was still alive. "Look sister, I know you are in a hurry, but this is Na Shadda, for forces sake when I found you it looked like a murder scene, then we got into w fire fight and ya think just strolling out of the ship by yourself will not get you killed". "I am not angry, how could I when you flashed my your fun bags, just a little worried, slightly annoyed to, just gave you that suit, I kid of course".

Tin gave a small sigh, putting another round into the revolver, after ejecting spent cartridge, "Whatever the case, if you are going out to serch for that 20 year old ship bring me along, one step out that door alone, and you are back into the slave life, capishe".

She gasped as she heard her private parts referred to as 'fun bags' She tightened her grip on her tight jump suite and pulled them over her yellow 'fun bags' But what she was saying made sense. It would be better to travel with her. She looked around and then smiled at Tin. "Listen. I realize that you are confused and perhaps my story seems a little strange. But if we are going to travel together then we are going to have to trust each other. We need.. Hey! Eyes up here." She said laughing. "Before we get going I need a new outfit." She said looking hopefully at Tin.

She followed her down the dime halls and into a room. Lia'ssa opened a drawer and saw a couple outfits. She gasped and pulled out a loose and extremely revealing outfit. "Is this yours?" She asked holding back a giggle. She eventually found an outfit that was similar to the med jump suite she had on. Only it was black and low cut. "This will be good." She said shutting the door and slipping on the outfit. As she slipped into the new clothes she noticed the kyber crystal still in her hand.

This crystal had been with her for many years. It was her hope of escape for twenty. She gripped it tight and closed her eyes. "Nomira my sweat child.. I will find you." She whispered.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Trust, Tin had not really heard that word recently, but if it was anther Twi'lek, then that could pass, though again, her breasts, dam they where nice, she was quite envious, and they where a rather nice site. "Ah sorry sorry, there just so, eye catching, and yes I have a few more outfits out the back, most of them I've collected during different jobs", old robes from when she was a Ren, pilot outfits, flack jackets and tight fitting suits from back in her smugglers day.

Walking back to the her crew room she allowed [member="Lia'ssa"] to rummage through her old clothing, most in really good considering, mainly due t unwilling changing jobs every few days. As for 'that' suit, "yeah back when I was running with another crew, me an the cap, well let us say we provided entertainment to the crew, but forgetting that, find a suit get changed and meet me in the kitchen". Leaving the Twi'lek behind Tin made haste back to the lounging area, brewing a small pot of Caf while waiting for her new companion, still what type of ship did that other person leave behind?



Every rose has its thorns
petal slow stumbles into the kitchen groaning and rubbing her eyes being suddenly woken but an odd shot of [member="Tin'tinag"]s gun and now the smell of coffee on the ship. "C-captain whats... *Yawns* going on"



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"Oh ye Petal, just got a passengers, will be out of your Lekku in a bit".

[The following hour or two was spent looking for [member="Enos"] ship, until eventually the two force users parting way, a new sense of responsibility coming over Tin'tinag... perhaps she should spend more time helping people]
Lia'ssa chuckled as she woman left her. Looking throw the outfits she found one she rather enjoyed. It was very open and fitting for a twi'lek yet had some protection. Perfect lightweight stuff for a force users as well.. Lia'ssa grabbed the outfit and quickly slid it on. With a quick look in the mirror she realized how relived she was to be out of the slave life, and slave outfits.

She let out another chuckle, looking over to her quickly constructed, and honestly poorly made, lightsaber parts. She had gathered only a few things. A crystal, and a few burnt scraps of metal. A deep frown spread across her face and she walked over, tucking the cyber crystal in her pocket and heading out the door.

The ship was pretty nice.. Not as stylish as the ships of the Hutts, or the faint memory of the cruisers she traveled in during her brief time as a jedi padawan. She made her way to the common area and noticed a young pink twi'lek sitting there with a tired expression on her face. "Why hello there." She said giving a faint and friendly smile.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
The former Jedi had not wasted much time getting the freighter into the air and out of the planets orbit, 'note to self don't go back to Nar Shadda for... 3 weeks, yeah that sounds about right'. She was not getting another bounty on her head this time, even if Petal was able to fake capturing her once, claim the reward and void said bounty easily in the past.

Setting the auto pilot on Tin walked back into the lounge room, seeing [member="Lia'ssa"] conversing with [member="Petal"], "nice to see you two getting along, though be careful, pinky can be a little shy". "Oh and if you want to give her a look at your mismatch saber, she is a wizz with electronics and that sort of stuff, I got a spare saber kit too if ya want to make a new one".

No.. she couldn't make a new one right now. She.. she had no parts and she needed to find some sort of way to get to her daughter. There was more to making a lightsaber, in Lia'ssa's mind, then slapping one together in a few hours and claiming that you still had a similar connection to it was if you spent more time thinking about it. Lia bit the bottom of her lip looking at the pink Twi'lek, maybe...

Lia'ssa looked back at Tin and smiled. "Perhaps.. I could talk to you in the other room." She began. "In private?" She spoke with a quick glance towards the pink twi'lek. Not that she didn't like this.. Petal. She just received the idea that she was an unwelcome guest.



Every rose has its thorns
*still rubbing her eyes she gave [member="Lia'ssa"] a small wave with her lekku and began to slowly sip on her cup of coffee as she looked at the new passenger* "s-so h-how long are will you be traveling with us?" she also noticed the distinct outline of old slave collar scars *subconsciously rubs neck* memories of her life a year ago flashed in her eyes as she looked at the yellow twilek. Im......

Tin'tinag said:
"nice to see you two getting along, though be careful, pinky can be a little shy". "Oh and if you want to give her a look at your mismatch saber, she is a wizz with electronics and that sort of stuff, I got a spare saber kit too if ya want to make a new one".
lightsaber!? petal perked up a bit she enjoyed tins lessons on how the Jedi weapon was repaid and maintain over the few months of travel the had to gather but as much fun as it was for her to fix tins sabers and give them a weekly maintains ( at petals persistence) to work on a completely different one was....
Lia'ssa said:
"Perhaps.. I could talk to you in the other room." She began. "In private?"
*slowly slides back into her seat mad at herself, of course, the one time she thinks she thinks she can trust someone other than tin and may become friends with the have to go and tell her to get lost *slowly gets out of the seat* "i-ill be i-in my r-room"


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin could not help but snigger a little at @Petals shy nature and love for the mention of a light saber, come to think of it when the girl got a little better with using the force perhaps it would be viable to get her one. Maybe a saber that looks like and operates like a spanner, sh'd like that but only problem is getting a crytal. Questions for another time, right now she had to see what [member="Lia'ssa"] needed in private, her tone rather stern all things considered. "Follow me to my cabin, and yes see you later Petal".

Leading the similar skinned Twi'lek Tin brought her to the captains cabin, closing the door behind her, carrying a just as stoic face upon turning around to face the former slave. "So, what is it that you wish to talk about, I know that look and feeling in the air, something i troubling you, and considering the state in which I found you in it is not a very pretty story". Understatement of the year most likely but she had a firm belief she was about to descend into a rather complicated story.
"I haven't told you everything. I wanted to be in private because I can tell that [member="Petal"] might be sensitive to this sort of talk. As you know I was a slave. And a former jedi padawan. I spent a year as a slave to the hutts trying to rebuild a saber so I could escape. And I was almost there until.. well.. One day a man came. And we had a night of passion together. It was wonderful, however, it left me with child. That also left me with the responsibility to care for her." She said.

"And as a slave not being able to care for a free daughter properly it got in the young girls head that she could help me. But instead she got herself into slavery. The next years I spent trying. Trying so desperately to find a way to get us out and keep her out of harms way that.." She sighed and laid back against the wall. "That I was forced to neglect her. Recently a dark jedi arrived and took her as an apprentice. And I need to find her. So where ever you are taking us I need to find a place where I can find my own ship." She said with a slight dark tone.

After they had talked for quite sometime they both left the cabin and Lia'ssa began to search for the younger pink skinned twi'lek. She arrived at another cabin and lightly tapped the door with her knuckle. "Hello? Is anyone inside?"

[member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Petal"]


Every rose has its thorns
slightly loud metallic thud comes from another side with a muffled "shit" then the sound of slight rummaging up "One second"
the door slides open to reveal a grease cover petal holding a fresh bandage on her hand "I've told you before cap.....*slightly jumps upon notice that it was the yellow twilek ( [member="Lia'ssa"])* *turns a little red* Oh umm H-hello need anything?


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
She gave a small nod, Petal was a former slave herself and quiet the shy one, it would be difficult to hear what ever [member="Lia'ssa"] had to day about her past. Giving a small nod she sat down on the bed, listening to the older woman, not really reacting to anything, but definitely getting why she was so serious, the mention of a dark Jedi being something to take note of.

"I see your problem, as for were we are going, CIS space, heading to the home world, making a few stops here and there, that sort of thing, you are welcome to tag along as much as you want". "Rest relax and tell me if you have and healing, been something I've learnt a little bit about and wounld't mind the practice, I'll go prepare a room for you". Leaving the woman for a few moments she wandered into one of the spare rooms, getting the bed ready for it's new occupant. Not the largest of cabins but considering her back story it would be quite the relaxing nights sleep.

[member="Petal"] l [member="Lia'ssa"]
"Um.. hello young one. I just wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. It was in pour taste and you didn't deserve it. It is just.. I know how you feel. The way you act the way you talk. You were once a slave yourself were you not? "She asked taking a step towards the younger twi'lek.




Every rose has its thorns
the yellow twilek was very close upon closer look at her she indeed had a body of a dancer her chest very close to her making petal blush "I-Its o-ok and yes I-I was.... *takes a step back composing her self* until recently. A-and you umm... y-you never said your name"
Lia'ssa gave the young twi'lek a little bit more space. "My name is Lia'ssa. If you don't mind my asking.. who were your masters?" She asked making sure that she used a calm and trustful tone. She could tell this young twi'lek was a little scared of.. well not scared but definitely nervous about something. "Don't worry young one. You can trust me.." She began just then she saw the captain [member="Tin'tinag"] just out of the conrner of her eye.



Every rose has its thorns
"M-My Ex master was a slave trainer on Avarxes." *petals mood begins to slightly darken as she remembers how she got her freedom* *slight nervous cough* "D-did you want me to look at your saber now? .... S-sorry I'm just not good at talking with people much"

[member="Lia'ssa"] [member="Tin'tinag"]
"Speech is not a trait you need, if you have a good heart young one." She said giving a compassionate smile towards the younger twi'lek "As for my saber... I am not sure that building it here will be adequate. I am not trying to build a simple saber.. I am trying to build a powerful one." She said trying to help the younger woman understand the more spiritual side to making a lightsaber. It was, in fact, not something that a lot of jedi would do. The weapon itself was more then enough to defeat an enemy in the right hands of the right jedi. But the foes that Lia'ssa would encounter.. a simple saber would not due. Her poorly made one was not enough to stand against the weapon of the sith. And her skill with it meant nothing. "I apologize for the intrusion. I just wanted to make sure you knew where I was coming from." She gave a light bow to the girl and stepped back looking for the captain.

She walked down the halls to a room. She lightly tapped the door hoping that [member="Tin'tinag"] was inside.


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin was about to wander out of the room after getting it set up when the door opened in front of her, eyes falling upon [member="Lia'ssa"]. "Ahh, see you have you talk with Petal, sweet girl, shy but a good mechanic, wouldn't replace her with anyone else". "Anyways, rooms all good to go, need anything else just ask, within reason of course, don't have a huge stack of credits at the moment". Hence why the duo was headed to CIS space, plenty of work to pick up their.

"Sooo, may I ask what you plan is when you get off? if you get off, assuming you go after this dark Jedi you speak of". "Though considering how badly wounded you were such a person it quite skilled, you will probably need some training and help before facing them again".

[member="Lia'ssa"] [member="Petal"]
"I will stay until next we doc. As long as that is alright with you captain." She said walking over to her bed and leaning over it, one of her lekku's slipping from behind her shoulder and dangling from her head. She turned her head and body to face Tin at the door. She walked in an alluring manor over to the woman and clutched her outfit. "As for my payment for this voyage. I have no credits myself. But if you are open to other ways I am willing to submit." She said in a alluring voice.

She didn't think of [member="Tin'tinag"] as the kind of woman who would bring people onto her ship, have an encounter, then dump them. Lia'ssa was not sure she even needed to suggest such a thing. She did it half expecting she would say no and say the voyage would be free. However, in case she did ask for payment. This was the only kind she could afford. Lia'ssa had a mission. She had to use whatever she had to her advantage. Even if it was unmoral.

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