Nadi Maarow
Kitty !
. . . . ______________. . . . Statistics

Name & Alias(es):
Naadi Maaro, 'Kitty'
Unknown (young adult)
Unknown, found on Coruscant
Order of the Silver Jedi
Height & Weight:
6'5" (2.0m); 180-200 lbs (81.64 - 90.71 kg)
Hair Color:
White, black stripes
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Distinguishing Features:
Striped Fur, Forehead fur crest-pattern, Deep Blue eyes
Force Sensitivity:
Notably High

| | Orientations | |
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Conduct: N/A ?
Sin(s): ?
Virtue(s): ?
Languages: Galactic Standard, Trianni, Galactic Sign Language, Binary
Occupation: Jedi
Residence: Unknown
Appearance Details: Purity

. . . ______________. . . Biography

Naadi as a cub/kitten/youngling. As rambunctious and as mischievous as she was cute.
Naadi Maaro's life before the Jedi Temple on Voss is unremembered and largely undocumented.
A Trianni foundling from the planet Coruscant, Naadi Maaro was discovered by a Jedi Master at the age of three during a mission involving cooperation with C-PD, and was tested for among other things, Force Sensitivity. She was found to be distinctly potent in the Force, and it was ultimately decided that she be raised in the Jedi Temple. As a youngling and initiate, Maaro was assigned to the Squall Clan with many other Jedi Initiates that she would live and train with.
Maaro considered many Jedi of all ranks to be among her cherished and admired friends, and among other things, enjoyed hanging out with them during spare moments.
However, even though she was very strong in The Force, performed superbly at physical feats, was very well intentioned and had a good heart, and was decently adept at other more peripheral skills taught by the Jedi, she was considered too reactionary and too hot-blooded to be a very good Jedi Padawan. Thus, when it came time for initiates to be taken as Padawans, Naadi was passed over by many Knights and Masters.
As Naadi watched her friends become Padawans, and go elsewhere to help the Galaxy at large, it was a blow to her confidence that she remained behind, in a sort of limbo; trained well enough to potentially become a great jedi, but not chosen to become a padawan. Eventually, she bittersweetly resigned herself to tending and keeping up the temple's various rooms and areas, and hunting mice at night for her food-jars.
remaining progenitor.

|| Strengths ||
Heightened Force Capabilities: One of Naadi's greatest strengths and skills is her ability to instinctively connect with and maintain her connection through the force despite its constant activity. She has the potential to focus on multiple things at once and channel the force for long extended periods of time. However, she a novice, and has trouble with certain aspects of The Force, such as meditation, healing, and other more involved Force powers outside of basic push-pull-hold physical Force powers, and her own Feline abilities.
. Though when she focuses hard enough she can sometimes call upon it and when she does she displays impressive amounts of sustainability for a padawan.
Feline Capabilities: Because Naadi is a Trianni, she has numerous inborn abilities beyond most humanoids. Naadi has a hyper developed sense of balance and body-coordination, has Perfect night vision to near absolute darkness (about 12 lumens of ambient light in an 8-meter square area), is very fast in speed and reflexes, and is very flexible and acrobatic.
Additionally, she has an acute sense of smell and hearing, and has retractable claws which allow her to climb and scratch markings into pliable surfaces and materials. Naadi is also strong enough to effortfully lift about 2 to 3 times her own weight, without the aid of the Force.
Highly Intelligent: Naadi, while sometimes looking like a wild animal with clothes on, is truthfully rather intelligent and creative.
. However, do not confuse her intelligence with knowledge. She is still rather ignorant of a large number of things and can easily be outsmarted in a number of fields.
Idealistic: Naadi is very headstrong on what is Right, and what is Wrong, in spite of any rules or procedures there are in place. She is very willing to right wrongs and fight for underdogs and little people, and break any rules which may be causing problems. She developed her sense of Morality in the Temple Library, ironically ,by studying various Codes and Laws and documented Oaths of ethics and morality. However, no matter the guise she may display at times one, thing will always be certain; She wants a better world....a better galaxy absent of war, poverty, bigotry, and cruelty. But she is fully aware that ideals alone cannot change the world...and thus she has adopted the mindset that if things are to change....then she must help to change them.... One way, or another.
|| Neutral ||
Substantial Force Control: One
Highly Intelligent: Blake,
Idealistic: It.
|| Weaknesses ||
Naive: Because of her strong but simplistic morals and ethics, she can be deceived that one thing is another, if presented to her in a specific point of view.
Temperamental: While Naadi is not usually especially violent, she does have a hot temper, and is rather easy enough to goad into shouting and yowling at either unsavory people or ranting to an empty room about abstract problems. True violence and wrath is is normally something very few actively see from Naadi, and is only seen when her patience has well and truly worn out.
Impatient: With some things, Naadi can be extremely patient, but more often than not, she is very distractible, and is usually annoyed with having to wait an undue long amount of time. Thus, tedious things such as mediation, taking elevators, or even trips through hyperspace tend to irk her greatly, and plays a part in battles where she may need to take it slow but is compulsive and eager to dive into danger if it means having a chance at doing the ultimately Right thing.
Rebellious: She will not keep quite, hold still, bow to unworthy authority, or even respect anything that looks suspicious, without proper reason. Naadi speaks her mind no matter how unfavored it may be, in her mind acting is better than standing idly by and allowing a fool or a tyrant to speak their mind and enforce injustice upon another. She does not hesitate and exhibits no restraint against enemies, especially in defense of others.
Inferiority Complex: Because she was delayed from progressing as a jedi until adulthood, she has developed rather wide streaks of self-doubt and self-depreciation.
Feline flaws: While Naadi does have the benefits of various feline capabilities, she is also subject to its weaknesses as well. -
Her heightened senses of hearing, smell, sight, and touch, can backfire on her, leaving Naadi vulnerable to loud noises, intense stench, bright lights, and extreme hot and cold sensations, as well as sensitivity to pain.
Pulling hard enough on the nape of Naadi's neck will instinctively cause her to go limp, although she can resist it with Force of Will.
Catnip effects Naadi much like a drug, causing a state of heightened ecstasy and depending on the environment, generally makes her either completely insane, slightly paranoid, and very rambunctious, or very touchy-feely and happy and snuggly. Catnip is mostly an olfactory experience. The symptoms one would usually associate with drugs are caused mostly by its smell. Curiously enough the substance is not addictive, nor is it in any way harmful. There is no craving or want for more after the catnip has run its course. However once in contact again the process repeats itself.
She is required to have an 80-percent minimum meat diet, with minimal bread and vegetable matter in the food, or else she gets severe indigestion, and in some cases, may become sick because her physiology rejects the food.
Other than the fact that her digestive system is built only to process meat, there are a number of foods which if eaten in significant amounts (about more than one-fourth of a golf ball in space-area), can cause definite reactions. Larger amounts can cause increasingly severe reactions, and portions larger than a softball can inflict Lethal Consequences.
- Onions, Garlic, Chives: causes anemia and stomach pains.
- Milk and Other Dairy Products: most cats are lactose-intolerant and can't digest it. (Naadi seems to be somewhat tolerant of dairy, so she occasionally indulges in ice cream and/or cheese.)
- Alcohol: Alcohol has the same effect on cats as it does on humans but to a much greater degree. Just a little bit of whisky can cause a coma.
- Grapes and Raisins: Vomiting, hyperactivity, and can cause kidney failure.
- Caffeine: Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a cat. And there is no antidote. Caffeine poisoning causes restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and fits.
- Chocolate: Can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, and if in large enough quantities, severe seizures and death.
- Candy and Gum: vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures, and liver failure.
- Yeast Dough: Before it's baked, bread dough needs to rise. And, that's exactly what it would do in a cat's stomach. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it produces alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.
Despite her enjoyment of being in reasonably warm or cool water (rain being an annoying exception), Naadi cannot actually swim or float on her own. In water deeper than neck-height, she would require a rebreather device, or risk drowning.
She is also unable to sweat, therefore she is vulnerable to hot environments with scarce cool water. Due to her typical lack of clothes, she may also be vulnerable to suddenly finding herself in an overly cold environment as well.

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