Corporate Shogun

MultiPurpose Aerosol Vaccine - NEW
Designed to provide sufficient and permanent immunity to the Krytos Virus, Nebellia, Vira-606, Fear Virus, Rooze Disease, Blue Shadow Virus, Xenovirus Prime, Influenza Necrosi and Brain Rot. The MPAV must be taken in two doses, the second within a week of the first.
I71A Blackwing Vaccine - NEW
A rotten, unnatural plague that has harassed the living for millennia, the great minds at Nakaioma Medical's Biotechnologies department have finally produced an affordable, permanent and accessible vaccine for the 'Blackwing Virus'. Covering both vectors, airborne and the transmission of fluids from infected individuals, the I71A Vaccine must be taken in four doses over the course of a two month period, a week between each dose.

NEW - Q87 Kenshi Smart Blaster Rifle
Our latest in the SmartTrack line of smart blaster weapons, which utilize particular blaster gas particles to attract blaster bolts, the Kenshi's can automatically lock onto and follow a target once the rounds have already been fired, making it the perfect weapon for both long and short-range engagements, able to find enemies behind cover or on the move.
NEW - NK01 Fujita Rail Pistol
Packing superior firepower when compared to the Hogosha F-1, the NK01 Fujita pistol is a rail-propelled sidearm in use with Nakaioma Security. Able to pierce through a wide variety of civilian and military grade body armors and shielding, the Fujita is for when you want to make sure your enemies don't get back up.
NEW - Jūryoku 12 Repulsor Grenade
A (Mostly) non-lethal explosive device, the J12 takes advantage of repulsorlift and general anti-gravity technology to propel opponents and inanimate objects in any direction, even up, when thrown by the user. Boasting a very wide radius and powerful anti-gravity blast field, with the J12 in your inventory, you can be sure that you'll be able to keep any number of enemies off your back.
NEW - Viska Autonomous Reconnaisance Drone
Our general purpose reconnaissance, security and patrol drone; the Viska is a small and affordable fully automated drone equipped with a plethora of on-board sensory and scanning equipment. Able to be deployed to search for anything the operator desires, they are useful for general patrol and identification of individuals also. They maintain secure armor and a large collection of shields.

Long Range MultiScanner - NEW
Described by the development team as a universal scanning and sensory processing unit, the LRMS can be installed into any model of starship, speeder or land vehicle to provide a vast degree of monitoring capabilities. Including but far from limited to Life Form Indicators, Full Spectrum Transceivers and Electro Photo Sensors. Effective in planetary environments and in the depths of space, be ready for anything with the Long Range MultiScanner.

NEW - Saitou Manufacturing Synthicator
A sophisticated form of 3D printing, the Saitou can manufacture any material, technology or product that the operator requires once a detailed blueprint is inserted into the machine. It comes in three sizes; Lite, Baseline and Goliath, each designed for specific sizes or types of products.
NEW - NAKAIOMA Atmospheric Processor
Capable of changing an entire planet's atmosphere, the Atmospheric Processor by NAKAIOMA is an incredibly large atmospheric processing plant which accepts particles from a planet's atmosphere, or a third party source in the event the body does not have an atmosphere; and converts it into any form of atmosphere required by the operators. With sufficient numbers; entire worlds can be made habitable in only a few years.

Yoroi-Kikō Body Plates - NEW
Duraplate-Plastifold composite armored plating that is carefully layered over the customer's biological skin, this microscopically porous form of dermal armor allows the skin to continue to breathe and functional normally underneath it as it protects the user from harm in an intimate way not many armors can. Covered in countless micro LED lights, it can portray any number of skin tones, the user's original skin appearance, or even forms of camouflage, all at the flick of a switch.

Described by the development team as a universal scanning and sensory processing unit, the LRMS can be installed into any model of starship, speeder or land vehicle to provide a vast degree of monitoring capabilities. Including but far from limited to Life Form Indicators, Full Spectrum Transceivers and Electro Photo Sensors. Effective in planetary environments and in the depths of space, be ready for anything with the Long Range MultiScanner.[/FONT]
NEW - Security Officer
The bread and butter of Nakaioma Security, the Security Officer is an all-purpose patrol, enforcement, combat and supervisory form of security personnel and the bulk of our hireable employees. Skilled in various forms of combat, these officers are well-trained in individual identification, profiling, threat analysis, asset protection and general rule and law enforcement procedures. With our Security Officers, you can rest assured that your valuables and life are in safe hands.
NEW - Security Enforcer
Our very own corporate soldiers, Security Enforcers are highly trained and militarily equipped personnel capable of operating in a much wider range of environments and hostile conditions compared to our Officers. Boasting only the latest in military-grade weapons, vehicles and armor, these soldiers are suitable for dangerous regions of the galaxy, but do not lack training in tamer methods of protection either.
NEW - Security Technician
Immensely capable technological and mechanical experts, these intelligent personnel are the backbone of Nakaioma Security's plethora of automated protection systems. Already trained and talented in their own individual realms of expertise; ranging from robotics to vehicle maintenance, this is further enhanced by their use of our NeuroProcessors, allowing them to be flash-trained in any skill the client requires.
NEW - Security Operative
Talented bodyguards and special protection agents trained from a young age, our Operatives are immeasurably loyal to their clients, and will give their lives to protect them. Well-versed in all of the skills of the Officer, they combine this with the talents of the Enforcer, and the intellect of the Technican to form the apex predator of the corporate security line-up. Expensive, our Operatives can be found next to some of the galaxy's richest and famous individuals.
NEW - Internal Security Camera
Part of our DynaSec (Dynamic Security) line-up of products, the Internal Security Camera comes equipped with an array of sensors, and other scanning equipment. Allowing it to detect individuals via basic vision, night vision, infra-red, ultraviolent, as well as through thermal, audio and motion detectors. The ISC provides users with extremely high definition video and audio monitoring from as far as 30 meters away.
NEW - Togawa Intruder Detector
Once again part of our DynaSec line-up of products, the Togawa Intruder Detector takes the non-visual elements of the ISC and amplifies them to a far greater extent, allowing it to pick up movement, sound, heat and a variety of other traces from a wide vicinity surrounding it. Utilizing a sophisticated form of echolocation, it can notify users of a near exact location of any individuals it detects.
PRE-ORDER - Kakine Electron Wall
Taking what worked and improving on it, the Kakine Electron Wall is a Nakaioma-brand and specialized form of laser gate, capable of immediately vaporizing whatever touches it, the cost of the Electron Wall differs depending on the length of wall the customer wants, and type of surroundings the customer desires for it to be installed into. Powered by efficient generators, the wall itself is impenetrable to all forms of attack, and will remain functional so long as it remains powered.
NEW - Okiru 864 Safe
Protected by several layers of some of the galaxy's most durable materials; including but not limited to Phrik and Impervium, the Okiru 864-series Safe is an incredibly secure vault designed to hold your most precious possessions and valued assets. Its interior is maintained by a series of environmental control units, ensuring that even the most sensitive materials and items remain unharmed from the elements, and in-built ElectroMag Defense Units keep it safe from EMP and Ion weaponry.
NEW - Bizen Monofilament Screen Guard
Composed of extremely lethal monofilament wires, able to cut through anything that touches them, the Bizen Monofilament Screen Guard is a form of perimeter security able to be extended around any length of area the customer wishes, paid for by every meter it extends. It can be installed virtually anywhere it is required, and is notoriously difficult to see, making it very deadly to the unaware intruder or thief. Turn your would-be burglars to sliced sushi with the Bizen.
NEW - Mitsuama Security Turret
Launching high-velocity disks via the use of a guass-propelled internal weapons system, the Mitsuama is an active protection turret that will prove daunting to even armored intruders. Able to be installed into ceilings, walls or floors, it remains hidden within, until an intruder is detected, upon which it will emerge from its hiding place, and begin to immediately open fire on the hostile individuals. Interfacing with other DynaSec products, such as the ISC or Togawa, it will be able to jump into action within a second of an alarm being raised.