At a glance, Nalargon appears indifferent from the average Mirialan. However, closer inspection will reveal a number of minor differences. In particular, Nalargon is devoid of the markings prevalent upon his people's flesh. Furthermore, a pair of antennae sprout from his forehead and his ears are significantly pointed.
Nalargon woke up alone.
What came before, he did not know. What came after, to this day, is a blur.
All that he could remember is a number of voices hovering over him. There was light...a sting as something was injected into his neck...and then nothing. The next thing Nalargon knew, he was wandering the streets of Nar Shaddaa. But this time, he was not alone. This time, he had an elder sibling who knew the way forward.
SHIP: ---
- NAME: Nalargon
- ALIAS: ---
- FACTION: Bounty Hunter's Guild
- RANK: Licensed
- SPECIES: Mirialan (Offshoot)
- AGE: Unspecified
- SEX: Male
- HEIGHT: 6'5"
- WEIGHT: 255 lbs
- EYES: Green
- HAIR: ---
- SKIN: Green

- Physique: Nalargon is at his prime physically.
- Dominance: Nalargon excels in a number of aggressive, Force-based techniques.
- Extremes: Nalargon is vastly intolerant to heat, to the point where stroke-like symptoms manifest easily on desert-biome planets.
- Stature: Although powerful, Nalargon's size begets slowness.
At a glance, Nalargon appears indifferent from the average Mirialan. However, closer inspection will reveal a number of minor differences. In particular, Nalargon is devoid of the markings prevalent upon his people's flesh. Furthermore, a pair of antennae sprout from his forehead and his ears are significantly pointed.
Nalargon woke up alone.
What came before, he did not know. What came after, to this day, is a blur.
All that he could remember is a number of voices hovering over him. There was light...a sting as something was injected into his neck...and then nothing. The next thing Nalargon knew, he was wandering the streets of Nar Shaddaa. But this time, he was not alone. This time, he had an elder sibling who knew the way forward.
SHIP: ---