Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name The Unnamed Part II [Mysa]

At this point in his life Théo had not truly believed in the Gods, he considered them stuff of fable even though in the past he had had encounters in a small degree with them. Whoever they were. Even the story of his grandpapa becoming one, was considered by him to be a way in which his parents had designed to comfort them against the loss of him. But Théo had wished it possible if only to find a sense of solace in the times of darkness, he could look to the Sun in hope.

But this was something different. Mysa ripped his attention to her, and he turned to look deep into her eyes, his face stoic as his uncles with brows pulled inward. Yet his gaze softened when looking upon her, his sister. She had every right to be concerned regardless of who this creepy old woman was, but he did not hold stock in this tale of Velkar and his so called evil ways. If one drop of his blood would get this old hag away and off their back, it would be worth it.

"It will be alright Mysa", he whispered trying to reassure her. And if they were truly stuck here in this plain between worlds and if this was the only way out? he had to take it for them. "You don't have to give blood", he said letting go of her and taking the small knife for the old hag. Honestly, it could not really hurt to do this could it?

He drew the knife across the palm of his hand, opening up his skin to bleed and before Mysa could stop him, Théo placed his palm to the cold stone of Velkar's sword. His blood mingled with that of others of the past sacrifices of lives taken in order to appease them. At least that is what the Valkyri of old had believed. He steeled himself for what was to come, some sort of revelation or past ghosts come to enter the scene but nothing happened.

Well not quite true. The old hag smiled wide as the his blood ran down the stone.

"There! you have your blood now let us go!". He took his hand away with disgust at this whole event.
[member="Asha Hex"]
That should do it, if the girl added to it, it would only make the summon stronger and the woman grinned with delight. They had played their part in helping his release from this exile this wretched curse placed upon him, the blood of the one called Théo would summon the great Hrothwûrm who had already entered the waters of the Maw coming to the isle. The old woman raised her arm, in invitation for the girl to proceed if she wanted, already a connection had been forged between this Théo and himself through blood, they would be forever intrinsically link forever more, so to would the girl if it comes to pass.

The choice was her's now.

Once the situation was made clear to him, the old woman bid them farewell for now at least, and send them on their way back down the slopes to the shore .. there was nowhere else for them to go. What they would find there however, would test their minds again .. and their belief. Although Velkar had a strong feeling that this girl held more belief in the Gods than the young man. One day he will learn the truth of it. One day very soon.

In fact .. they all would.
[member="Asha Hex"]
She could do nothing more than watch in horror as Theo took the blade, ran it along his palm, and added his blood alongside that of other Valkyri long since passed.

Mysa could not believe it. She wasn't always the most superstitious but when it came to the one God that should not be named? She could not help but feel sick to her stomach just watching someone do something related to him.

When nothing happened, though, she feared the worst: was this woman lying? Or did it truly require the blood of both of them to get them away from here and back to the mortal realm?

"Éar forgive me" she whispered under her breath, always having had more of an affinity to the Goddess over any of the others. The old woman seemed to be waiting for her to follow suit, but she wasn't doing it for her, or for Velkar, no. She was doing it for her brother, so that he could get away from this place.

Taking the blade from him she quickly cleaned it off on her trousers before doing as he had. She ran the blade against her hand, and very slowly brought it to the monolithic structure she was now stood before. There was a very obvious tremor to her hand, uncertainty and disgust running through her, but what choice did they have?

[member="Velkar Odiirson"] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The soft breeze clipped her whispered words and brought them to his ears. "No! stop this now", the words meant for the old hag. He took hold of Mysa's trembling hand before she could place it to the cold stone of Velkar's sword to mingle with his own. "She does not need to do this, you have enough". Théo pulled Mysa away from the giant swords and turned to her, as he lifted her hand bleeding with the cut and placed it within his own bleeding hand and held it there as he looked over her features of her face with a soft growing smile.

The day in which Mysa was taken from him, from the family had been so ingrained on his memory it still to this day impressed upon his heart with sorrow. A young boy unable to understand the situation, all he saw was two people he did not know, come to take away his sister. It was not something he could forget nor had he truly forgiven them all, including his parents. And even to this day, that whole event had torn them apart. Mysa had become isolated in her dealing with it as well, struggling alone to understand and although she is off blood to them, she will always be a Heavenshield. At least to Théo.

"Our blood now mingles together within this cut, and now we are blood". He wanted his sister back.

Mysa had been forced to do things in her life, some of which he had no knowledge of but that time was over and he would not allow her to do it again, to be forced to go against all that she believed in. Never for the sake of this old hag. He pulled her in close for a long embrace, resting her head against his chest while over her head Théo eyed the hag.

"We will leave you now, we have done enough". The old hag simply smiled and pointed back toward the shore line bidding them to leave. "Come on Mysa lets get the hell out of here".

[member="Asha Hex"]
He didn't allow it.

She could feel it through the Force, see it in his eyes when she looked up at him, he was done. Done with all this messing around. Done with all the hardship the pair had faced both at each others side and apart. His brotherly instincts took over, her hand was snatched away from the stone before it could meet and pressed instead against his. Palm to palm, blood to blood, connected as they always had been.

"Family is more than blood," she whispered to him, her eyes never once leaving his. She was tired, she wanted this nightmare to be over, and she refused to even acknowledge the existence of the old woman much less look her way. She did not have to, Theo was right... They had done enough, it was time for them to leave. Thankfully there seemed to be no fight from the hag. No, she accepted what had been given.

When he pulled her in close she wrapped an arm around him and was more than happy just to stand there against him, her face hidden from the rest of the ungodly world they were stuck within. And when he told her they were leaving she moved in conjunction with his steps, never once looking up, never once looking back. She did not move her head from him until the sound of crashing waves could be heard, once they were nearing the shore once again.

"I love you, Brother," she whispered then, when the woman loomed over them no more, "It's time to go home..."

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
"I know", he said softly in reply to her words of blood, "I was just making sure", Théo smiled. The old hag seemed to accept what had transpire before her, her eyes a bright as any gem he had ever seem in the galaxy, and so filled with life for one so old. Mysa would not look upon the hag again but there was something about her that Théo could not fathom but it keep his gaze as Mysa clung to him. "I will always love you Mysa, my sister".

No further words were spoken to the hag and finally Théo turned to take Mysa down the slope and up the rise before the view of the shore fell before them.

Nothing happened, only the start of a firm breeze that licked along shore line. They were both still in the predicament of getting off the Isle with their little boat shattered to pieces. He let out a heavy sigh of frustration, what were they to do? But as they approached to peddled beach, he stopped stock still as once more, he doubted his vision, surely his eyes are playing tricks. Astonishment in the events of the days that had past not over yet it seemed. For on the shore with gently water lapping against it's hull was their small boat, in tact completely and the sail that had flown from the top of the slopes near the stone swords, set upon the mast and ready to be filled with wind to take them home.

"This is a dream". It has to be? But Mysa in his arms was real and present, unless this was all some quirk of the force and they shared this dream. Théo turned to look back up the slope from which they came, the stone swords out of view from here but standing alone on the high hillock was the old hag watching them and just for a moment Théo could have sworn he saw a shifting of green light around her before she seemed to just move back into the air itself. It was strange but there was a touch upon his mind of words, only two. Your welcome, and they were delivered with a slight sense of mirth.

[member="Asha Hex"]

On the other side of the Isle, the great serpent slithered up onto the shore and began a journey toward the stone swords.

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