Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First Order

Protection. Support. Security; We are are the First Order, and we bring these to the sectors under our banner.

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Name Update

skin, bone, and arrogance
Hello friends!

Another writer has approached me about wanting to use the name First Order for his faction and, in the spirit of cooperation, I've changed the name of this minor faction to The First Order Crown-in-Exile to avoid any confusion as to which is which. I may be making further updates to the materials in the faction to reflect the current state of play in-character.

I don't anticipate a resurgence in 'our' First Order here, but if anyone is interested in looking up Natasi Fortan or Renata Westaway, feel free to swing by the Renascent Republic for a cup of tea and some hospitality. Drop me a line if you'd like. As always, I hope you're all staying healthy and enjoying yourselves, even if we aren't currently writing together.

With warm regards,

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