Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Naomi Winchest: Merchant, Inventor, Engineer

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"I've never been the 'normal' one. Always the last one picked. The loner, the freak. Just one of those kids- the kind that grew up to fast. Nowadays I'm just trying to pick myself up, get back on my own two feet, and move on. All in a galaxy that seems to hate me."
NAME: Naomi Winchest​
NICKNAMES: Alice, Freak, and Stargazer​
AGE: 21​
GENDER: Female​
SPECIES: 75% Echani, 25% Human​
HAIR COLOR: Traditional Echani white​
EYE COLOR: Dark green, inherited from half human mother.​
SKIN COLOR: Pale white​
HAIR STYLING: Kept short. Either swept to the up and to the right (with help from hair spray and gel), or let hang loose, with a beanie to keep it out of her way.​
RANK: N/A {Merchant}​
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 7 inches​
WEIGHT: 193 pounds​
PIERCINGS: Two on each lobe of the ear, three on cartilage of left ear. Small ring on right nostril, not always worn. Another that's not often worn, or noticed, is the tongue piercing Alice has.​
TATTOOS: Tribal tat on left hand, done by Telja's Tats. The words "Fear, Hope, Pain, Gain" are written on her right hand, along each finger excluding the thumb. A small cartoon heart sits behind her right ear, colored a light red. Silhouettes of birds flying follow along the back of her shoulders, underlined with the words "Courage is needed for all things."
FORCE STATUS: Not force sensitive​
"They say ignorance is bliss. That's 1000 freaking percent true. Most kids grow up, thinking about how kriffing amazing the galaxy is. For them, they don't have to learn about the tough parts of life until later. I didn't get that. The world was not my playground. It was my hell. At least it made me stronger, and who I am today."
No one, especially those at the Coruscant Advanced Academy, can deny the fact that Naomi is a genius. Not only did she start creating tech at 13, she also graduated two years ahead of her classmates. The Echani was ranked 1st in all but one class, and got straight A's. Along with her heightened intellect, the young girl has shown a knack for designing (and sometimes building) weapons and starships.​
Brains over brawn isn't always a good thing. Naomi is sometimes considered a disgrace by other Echani. Her eyesight sucks (she has to wear glasses or contacts 24/7), she barely can fight, and she's practically physically pathetic. Even her own dad considers her a complete, and utter, failure. If Naomi is ever but into a combat situation, she has to rely solely on the tech she develops to scrape by. And even then she's still likely to lose a fight.​
SHIP: None at the moment.​
KILLS: None at the moment.​
BOUNTIES COLLECTED: None at the moment.​
Gather round, take a seat. Have some popcorn and some StimCaf. Enjoy the story...​
"According to them, I will never be good enough. According to myself... I wasn't, I am not, and I will not be good enough. At least if I let them keep me down. Dad may hate who I've become, may say I'm not his real daughter, but I say feth that. Sure, I'm almost legally blind without glasses. Sure, I suck at fighting. Sure, I may be semi-scrawny and pathetic. But you know what? I can build things. They may know how to fight, but without people like me, they'd have no swords. No guns. No starships or speeders or space stations.
There wouldn't be medicine, or lights, or really any technology.
One doesn't have to be a fighter to do something great. All one needs is a will to live, and a will to do something. And I have both of those. My ignorant and arrogant classmates have failed. Unlike they suggested so many times, I have not killed myself. Instead I have proved time and time again that I deserve a chance to live. One day they'll beg me to forgive them, saying they didn't mean to hurt me. That they didn't mean what they said.
I will laugh, and I will say I never was mad.
And life will go on."
Naomi was born on Coruscant, to an Echani father and a half Echani mother. At the tender age of 3 her parents split, leaving her with her dad. Up until age 8 she seemed like a normal kid. Once she got older, it became apparent her eyesight was awful. A year later, and they discovered her muscles refused to grow properly. It took a few surgeries and plenty of pills to get them to develop. Even then Naomi was still weaker then the average girl.​
As time passed, her family also learned that she wasn't normal. Her intelligence showed, and she was transferred to Coruscant's Advanced Academy for Gifted Children. But every blessing comes with a curse. Naomi, now nicknamed Alice, was no longer just physically weak. She lacked the defining quality of an Echani. The girl could not fight. Despite her training, despite her dad's endless attempt to turn her into a warrior, she utterly failed in combat.​
So her father sent her away, letting her live with her mother until she moved out of the house.​
For the last five years she has worked for various companies, designing weapons and ships. Most recently she has moved on, and decided to open her own company. To this day she cannot fight to save her life, and she hasn't spoken to her father in seven years. But she near-ignores the past, believing that only she herself can define who she is.​
And she refuses to let others assist her in that.​
"I am who I am, not who you think I am. That, my friend, will never change."​

"I've never been the 'normal' one. Always the last one picked. The loner, the freak. Just one of those kids- the kind that grew up to fast. Nowadays I'm just trying to pick myself up, get back on my own two feet, and move on. All in a galaxy that seems to hate me."
NAME: Naomi Winchest​
NICKNAMES: Alice, Winch, and Stargazer​
AGE: 21​
GENDER: Female​
SPECIES: 75% Echani, 25% Human​
HAIR COLOR: Traditional Echani white​
EYE COLOR: Light green, inherited from half human mother.​
SKIN COLOR: Pale white​
HAIR STYLING: Kept short. Either swept to the up and to the right (with help from hair spray and gel), or let hang loose, with a beanie to keep it out of her way.​
RANK: N/A {Merchant}​
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 8 inches​
WEIGHT: 108 pounds (NOTE: Naomi is underdeveloped, and quite thin. Being this weight fits her body type, even though it's not considered anywhere near remotely healthy.)​
PIERCINGS: Two on each lobe of the ear, three on cartilage of left ear. Small ring on right nostril, not always worn. Another that's not often worn, or noticed, is the tongue piercing Alice has.​
TATTOOS: Tribal tat on left hand, done by Telja's Tats. The words "Fear, Hope, Pain, Gain" are written on her right hand, along each finger excluding the thumb. A small cartoon heart sits behind her right ear, colored a light red. Silhouettes of birds flying follow along the back of her shoulders, underlined with the words "Courage is needed for all things, even what should come naturally."
BODY STRUCTURE: Despite being mostly Echani, Naomi has little muscle. In other words she is thin, kind of scrawny looking, and doesn't seem thick enough for her height. Overall most of the girl's height comes from her legs, while her torso is on the shorter end. Her neck can be considered long for a near-human, as can her fingers.​
FACIAL STRUCTURE: The points of Naomi's face come together in a partial oval, with her chin coming to a tight point. For the most part her cheekbones aren't prominent, and blend in with her face. While the bridge of her nose is long, it does not protrude from the face much. However it's not flat like a certain snake man's either. Her lips are long and thin, along with her eyes, making them similar to the shape of an almond.​
FORCE STATUS: Not force sensitive​
"They say ignorance is bliss. That's 1000 freaking percent true. Most kids grow up, thinking about how kriffing amazing the galaxy is. For them, they don't have to learn about the tough parts of life until later. I didn't get that. The world was not my playground. It was my hell. At least it made me stronger, and who I am today."
No one, especially those at the Coruscant Advanced Academy, can deny the fact that Naomi is a genius. Not only did she start creating tech at 13, she also graduated two years ahead of her classmates. The Echani was ranked 1st in all but one class, and got straight A's. Along with her heightened intellect, the young girl has shown a knack for designing (and sometimes building) weapons and starships. Also, despite her rough childhood, Naomi manages to keep an overall positive view on life, and is determined to be (and do) the best she can.​
Brains over brawn isn't always a good thing. Naomi is sometimes considered a disgrace by other Echani. Her eyesight sucks (she has to wear glasses or contacts 24/7), she barely can fight, and she's practically physically pathetic. Even her own dad considers her a complete, and utter, failure. If Naomi is ever but into a combat situation, she has to rely solely on the tech she develops to scrape by. And even then she's still likely to lose a fight.​
SHIP: None at the moment.​
KILLS: None at the moment.​
BOUNTIES COLLECTED: None at the moment.​
Gather round, take a seat. Have some popcorn and some StimCaf. Enjoy the story...​
"According to them, I will never be good enough. According to myself... I wasn't, I am not, and I will not be good enough. At least if I let them keep me down. Dad may hate who I've become, may say I'm not his real daughter, but I say feth that. Sure, I'm almost legally blind without glasses. Sure, I suck at fighting. Sure, I may be semi-scrawny and pathetic. But you know what? I can build things. They may know how to fight, but without people like me, they'd have no swords. No guns. No starships or speeders or space stations.
There wouldn't be medicine, or lights, or really any technology.
One doesn't have to be a fighter to do something great. All one needs is a will to live, and a will to do something. And I have both of those. My ignorant and arrogant classmates have failed. Unlike they suggested so many times, I have not killed myself. Instead I have proved time and time again that I deserve a chance to live. One day they'll beg me to forgive them, saying they didn't mean to hurt me. That they didn't mean what they said.
I will laugh, and I will say I never was mad.
And life will go on."
Naomi was born on Coruscant, to an Echani father and a half Echani mother. At the tender age of 3 her parents split, leaving her with her dad. Up until age 8 she seemed like a normal kid. Once she got older, it became apparent her eyesight was awful. A year later, and they discovered her muscles refused to grow properly. It took a few surgeries and plenty of pills to get them to develop. Even then Naomi was still weaker then the average girl.​
As time passed, her family also learned that she wasn't normal. Her intelligence showed, and she was transferred to Coruscant's Advanced Academy for Gifted Children. But every blessing comes with a curse. Naomi, now nicknamed Alice, was no longer just physically weak. She lacked the defining quality of an Echani. The girl could not fight. Despite her training, despite her dad's endless attempt to turn her into a warrior, she utterly failed in combat.​
So her father sent her away, letting her live with her mother until she moved out of the house.​
For the last five years she has worked for various companies, designing weapons and ships. Most recently she has moved on, and decided to open her own company. To this day she cannot fight to save her life, and she hasn't spoken to her father in seven years. But she near-ignores the past, believing that only she herself can define who she is.​
And she refuses to let others assist her in that.​
"I am who I am, not who you think I am. That, my friend, will never change."​

Thought this was lost in the crash. Glad to see it's still here. A few minor edits were made, along with some additions.

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