Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar Shaddaa Enclave Description

The Admiralty

The Nar Shaddaa Enclave is an unorthodox institute based on the planet of Nar Shaddaa. A world of urban sprawl and riddled with criminality, it does not centralize itself onto one location, and instead relies on several safe houses stationed all around the city-planet. Training courses are all set within the city sprawl itself.

Nations might hold the proud planet of Nar Shaddaa, but the criminal circuit is the one and true law on the world. The Jedi Order has no jurisdiction here and the Nar Shaddaa Enclave does not condone direct actions that upset the fragile balance between the various shady elements. Subtle intervention here and there is encouraged, but do not expect gratitude for your actions.

Heavy ties with the Underground and alleged ties to various sympathetic elements within the network makes for an unorthodox teaching philosophy. Jedi and other visitors will be taught to rely on other skills instead of using the Force for all their problems. Lockpicking, hacking, pickpocketing, traversing the urban sprawl - all examples of skill taught. In general those who have trained on Nar Shaddaa soon find themselves relating with the ways of the Jedi Sentinels and the Gray Paladins.

The enclave of Nar Shaddaa can be considered a black sheep amongst the other enclaves. Its refusal to actively enforce the law within its territory and general location make its existence a tenuous affaire amongst the other more traditional enclaves. This entire policy makes more sense if you put Nar Shaddaa in context, a world without law and doing the ‘right’ thing usually means disturbing the inherent power structure of the territories, which can lead to all kinds of nasty business. Consider turf wars, liquidations and the sort. Therefore, the enclave’s people keep a low profile while on Nar Shaddaa itself.

Weapon training, military-grade, blaster/slugthrowers. Martial arts instructors. Safe houses for staying low for a while. General equipment repair, vehicles and sub-corvette-class repairs.

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