Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Narrow Streets of Cobblestone [Sorel]

He soon stepped in line to match her movement as she danced swaying together with the music. A smile on his face simply because she was enjoying it and although this act was not the silliest by any means, compared to some things he has done in his time, for her at least it was something new to experience. Théo was pleased to have given her the moment in which Sorel could release from the world around her. If only for a few moments, she could enjoy the freedom of no responsibility to anything or anyone not even to herself.

The music became background noise, the only thing that mattered right now was the woman in his arms, and he watched her as he looked down into her face as she closed her eyes and drifted away. He found himself moving closer, downward toward her as his eyes rested on the shape of her lips so soft and moist and so inviting as a soft light seemed to dance upon them. He wanted to kiss her but his mind raced with a myriad of thoughts that battled against each other, she is his friend and would a kiss destroy this friendship, yet would something so special be lost if he did not? Sorel trusts him, would be be breaking that trust? It may frighten her, send her away from him but to never find out would be worse and something that living life without knowing plague his mind.

Théo paused, stopped only inches away as his mind continued to fight, but up here on the roof amid the falling snow and gentle breeze he caught the subtle scent of her, her perfumé, and something else took over his mind and body and pounding through his veins his Valkyri blood heated and no Jedi held her now, but a man. His lips met her's, settling softly to kiss her and in that moment all the thoughts in his mind vanished, replaced by her and the taste of her.
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It was in a sense like Meditation to Sorel. She had closed her eyes and emptied her mind of conscious thought and went with the flow. But this time it was not the Force she was connecting to but the music. She gave herself to the tempo and to what the music spoke to her – her movements mirroring the impulses the sounds were evoking.

Every now and then her conscious mind kicked in and thoughts came unbidden to her mind. Like how this wasn’t at all silly. And why hadn’t she tried dancing before? And what would dancing to different types of music feel like?

The snow may have been falling, but with her bracelet she did not feel the cold and as the flakes settled on her head and robes, she paid them no mind.

And then she was aware of Théo’s presence. Until this point, it was as if she was alone here, with only the music for company – but suddenly his presence became apparent. Their closeness. His scent.

Which was when she felt something strange. She opened an eye and saw his face close to hers and realised his lips were pressed onto hers.

She closed her eye and was temporarily unsure what to do. In a matter of a second, many thoughts and impulses flowed through her mind, its processing power maxed out.

She’d never kissed anyone. Or rather she couldn’t remember kissing anyone. No doubt as a child she kissed her family, but she had no memories of this. And since then, she had never needed to kiss anyone. She wasn’t a touchy-feely person who hugged and kissed when she met people. And she interacted with none of her family. And boys had simply never been a topic. It wasn’t for any other reason than she was…well…too busy.

So in a heart-beat she cycled through the logic – the pros and the cons and the whys and the wherefores and decided that she should simply go with the flow and stop thinking about it.

Once their lips parted she had to actively fight back the desire – no need – to analyse the situation and instead she opened her eyes and looked into Théo’s. “Was that the silly part?” she asked, her mouth curling up slightly to reveal she wasn’t cross and was most likely teasing him.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The turmoil in her mind he sensed equal to his own but the kiss would never be regretted. Nothing of today would be. Theo stood still swaying with the music with Sorel in his arms only to pull back slightly as the kiss ended all to soon, but he did not to impose on her more than he already had. He looked down into her face taking in all her features before he could not help but seek her lips with his eyes and then he noticed the smile curl on them. This filled him with a sense of relief and he smiled too.

"I certainly hope not", he replied with the same mirth, "Kissing you is probably the most sensible thing I have ever done", a little more serious with these words. Sensible? More like bravery. But now all Theo wanted to do, was do it again, but he would not push his luck, even though the taste of her lips were so wonderful.

Below, the music had paused and a new song began, something a little more quick of tempo and Theo's mouth beamed wild while taking Sorel by both hands pushing her away just a little and started to do a silly dance. No, Theo was not the greatest dancer the galaxy had ever produced but he was at being goofy.

He would not let go of her hands, in fact he was determined to allow her the chance to really unwind and let free to the moment. "Come on Miss Crieff, dance with me". He teased her back, but the use of something less formal and personal his intent, they are not jedi for a few moments more.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]


Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was feeling…odd. Not in a bad way. And she wasn’t sure if it was in a good way either. It was, well, it was just odd. It was a feeling that she’d never encountered before – at least not in living memory – and that both bothered and intrigued her.

In truth she’d enjoyed the dance. And the kiss.

Especially the kiss.

But it was none the less disconcerting. Right now she did not feel like a Jedi and she suspected that this was what Théo had in mind. Not in a malevolent way but in an entirely positive way. Which was why the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach felt – well, strange. It wasn’t a pain, she was sure of that, but it felt weird and she suspected Théo had the answer – but she wasn’t sure she wanted to ask the question.

And before she had time to contemplate this further, she was aware the music had stopped and Théo was talking. “Surely not the most sensible,” she teased, enjoying the banter in a way she’d never done before.

And then they were dancing again, this time to a quicker tempo and she tried to match it with her movements but found the faster pace harder to match without feeling awkward. But one look at Théo dispelled any thoughts of looking odd in his eyes – his own efforts were both awkward and adorable in equal measures. Perhaps he was doing it for her benefit? The thought brought a flush to her cheeks.

“This,” she said, doing her best to mirror his moves, “Is definitely not judicious. I think you should do something sensible again. Soon.”

And she was aware when she spoke the words, they were her words. Sorel’s words and not those of the Jedi she was. For the first time in a very long time she was simply a young woman and not a peace-keeper with responsibilities longer than your arm. She was Sorel – pure and simple.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The truth of the matter was that Theo had not expected the emotions that started to well up inside of him, the initial desire to spend time with Sorel and developed into some more as time passed over the meal. In this time he had realised the woman sitting opposite him, not that he considered her to be anything different, but after getting to know her a little more and taking the time to - look at her - he had grown an attraction. And she had not slapped his face after the kiss which for him was a great plus.

As they danced their silly dance, they had become noticed by the patrons in the resturant and soft giggles could be heard below them. "It was never supposed to have been judicious", he smiled at her and the sudden audience spurring him on somewhat as he took Sorel in his arms once more drawing her close only to gently place her in a low dip.

Her next words caused his blood to stir once more and he raised her gently to him. A hand released one of hers, only to raise and rest upon her cheek gently caressing her fair skin. He would never need to be asked twice by her and Theo leaned down and kissed her once more. His lips parted and placed on her plump bottom lip and a deep emotion flowed through to her, she was not alone in feeling the strange sensation in the pit of her stomach, this was something he had never felt before these moments with Sorel on the roof.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had undergone change before – she recognised that. She was not the little girl that left home all those years ago. But neither was she used to such dramatic and sudden transformation. Leaving her planet of birth and heading to Coruscant was without doubt the most significant moment in her life – but as youngsters do, she’d taken it in her stride and saw the adjustments as exciting and in many ways normal.

But since then, she’d evolved, not altered fundamentally. She’d endured traumatic moments – like the death of her Master, the first time she’d had to take a life. But these felt natural progressions along a path she could see clearly.

Today, these past few minutes…they felt like a step-change in her life – as if she was no longer Sorel but was instead someone new. Still Sorel but different. A person as well as a Jedi. Once she thought there was not duality – and she could not understand how people managed to be both entities. She would not go so far as to say she understood the ‘how’ yet, but she certainly comprehended the ‘what.’

But the pleasure of the second kiss emptied her mind of such thoughts. She was focused on the ‘here and now’ and that meant Théo. How long it would last for, she had no idea. If it would lead anywhere she had even less of an inkling of. But she accepted it for what it was in the present moment and would worry about the future when it happened.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The differences between the two of them was marked. A result of variances in their upbringing, one of them pragmatic by nature which did not mean they did not feel or experience events in life, but rather took these things in their stead. The other more open to actions of the present, taking risks when not prudent to do so, but both strong in their convictions and they are on the same side.

To Theo these passing moments had been like he had only now gained the ability to breath. There was a sense of freedom associated with this, a reliquishing of a set method of thinking or being that now changed to something far greater and this feeling pounded in his chest.

The woman before him he thought he had known from time spent in the past, but looking at her now he realised he had not. The same Sorel but in his eyes, she was the light. His light he would look for in times when the hour turns to night and he would find her in his heart.

It was unfortunate, but it was time to go.

But the story was only just beginning ...

The end​

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