Desmond C'artyom
Space Jockey

Desmond... Desmond was a complicated Chiss. He had seen more than most in a singular life time, especially considering he had lived multiple life times. But, all that ended with the collapse of the Empire. Now he had only the one life. No more cloning himself and uploading memories via cybernetics. No more Imperial medals of honor. No more agent of the Empire and no more hero of her people. He tried his hand as a rebel after the collapse. Thought perhaps if he fought against the very things that had abandoned him he might find some sort of vengeance... Solace.
But, that ended in rampant alcoholism. He jumped that ship when he saw his friend get fried and realized their would be no coming back if Des were to die this time. So, he simply ran. He returned to his cowardly ways. Hid inside the bottom of the bottle and found rapture in the point of a needle. He was lost, without cause or duty. Stuck on Nar'shadda he made his way by becoming a private eye. There was lots of work for him in a place like this.
Admitably he had multiple bounties on his head. Some from the first order, others from criminal elements, all of which he was unsure if were even still valid. But, even so he attempted to keep a low profile anyways. He fancied himself a card player and now he wound up on a deck of cards himself... He could care less. He had done terrible things in the name of the Empire. Part of him wanted to make amends, but most of him would do it all again. In truth he was not a good man, but more so the fact that the Empire had betrayed him was the only reason why he might fight against the "Tyrants" of this galaxy.
It was a deep seated rage. He wanted to burn out the villains of this universe, but he was too cowardly to do it. And even if he did stand up and fight. It would only be for his own reasons. So, instead he chose to do nothing at all. He simply sat in his office, half a bottle of Worshyrr whiskey on his desk and a nadir black cigarra hanging from his lips. A fedora was planted firmly on his head and tilted at an angle so that it would block out the neon light from outside. His legs were propped up on the desk and he was sleeping rather stoically, despite the rambunctious bar below his office/home. It had been a slow day.
He looked to his watch as he awoke to the soft pitter patter of rain and figured now would be as good a time to close up shop as any. He left the small office and locked the door behind him. Descending the slippery stairs he entered the bar below and prepared for his next drink.
"Hey Roshak," He said in his best alliance drawl "I'll have hair of the dog," He finished plainly as he took a seat at the bar.
"Coming up..." The bartender said as he poured up a frothy pint. "Slow day eh, Pullman?" He asked as he cut the foam off the top of the drink and Des merely nodded.
Here everyone knew him as Pullman. Something Desmond would like to have everyone continue believing. With everyone and their mother here having a bounty license it was hard to know who he could trust, but where better to hide than right under there noses. Desmond/Pullman sighed as the pint was slid towards him from across the bar. He took a long pull from the drink and set it down satisfactorily...