Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse..... Just not yours. [TJO | REPUBLIC]

Corvus watched the Jedi Master take control of the situation. When he needed to he was a man of many words and now, he kept it short and sweet. It was a balance that was hard to get right, but he seemed to be able to pull it off.

Following as instructed, she watched him activate the power. The situation felt surreal to her. Jedi in spacesuits and the slightly claustrophobic sensation it created. So she closed her eyes momentarily and connected to the Force, a form of brief meditation to centre herself. It was then that she felt the disturbance - a wave of Dark energy. Her eyes snapped open went immediately to the Master.

He was very much in charge - which was reassuring. Taking direction, she immediately followed him towards the left of the hangar. Rather than drawing her saber, she drew the Force to her and started to use Centre of Being. It was something she was now practised in. Should the need to draw her weapon arise, she would trust in the Force to tell her and react accordingly.

[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Kiyron"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]


leave no one behind
"Copy that sir" Reaper raised his weapon and started to slowly walk at right side of the room and layed his finger on the trigger just in case anything would pop out, he activated his thermal scope. then the clone asked the jedi master "should i do a radar scan of the place sir?"

Marcello Matteo

Corvus Raaf
As per orders, he went with [member="J.Reaper"] and [member="Kiyron "](the latter of the two being awfully quiet) along the right side of the room, keeping his senses, all his relevant physical and Force-gifted senses primed. Orange eyes -well-suited to the dim-lit and dark - scanned through the visor of the suit, ears listened, nose picking up anything that might give off a scent as much as he could from within the suit, while his extrasensory perceptions granted by the Force felt that which could not be seen. Even without this ability, as a felinoid, the dark energy could make the hair on the back of his neck stand up on end.

All told, it was suitably distracting from the mood that having his tail tucked away like this put him in, but the question from Reaper made his eyes flick in moderate annoyance towards the guy... ad yet, he said nothing, knowing the fact that he might not be able to keep the faint snap out of his voice. The question seemed to him entirely unnecessary. Didn't the Republic teach its soldiers a little initiative? He sighed instead, and kept watch as he walked.

[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Marcello and [member="Corvus Raaf"] had advanced perhaps half the length of the strong wall when [member="J.Reaper"] asked his question. Before the Jedi Master could really give much of an answer, the massive doors to the hangar bay began sliding shut. Marcello's glacier-blue gaze did not track back in the direction they had come. At this point, they were extremely exposed regardless of how much cover they attempted to use. Further was about to get real dark in this room.

Since the doors were making noise, Marcello felt comfortable giving the soldier a brief nod of the head. Couldn't hurt anything, could it? Doing the best he could to manage speed and silence while in a vacsuit, Marcello resumed his advance. In a matter of moments he'd reached the end of the hangar and the entrance to a corridor just as the hangar doors were about to slide completely shut. Placing a gloved hand to the activation switch, Marcello opened the door.

What was weird? The activity and presences he'd sensed had...all but disappeared the second the door opened. Rather than sit around in the spotlight of the lighted hallway he'd just exposed, Marcello signaled for them to enter the hallway. Slipping inside, glacier-blue eyes danced around their surroundings. The group reached the security control room within fifty feet of the door. The lights in the facility seemed to be...well...on. Which was...kind of weird. Ducking into the control room, he updated his orders. "Alright. You two hold security - we'll find out what's going on inside here. You see a threat, you do what you need to do." Marcello was, of course, speaking to [member="Kiyron"] and J.Reaper.

Making his way to one of the terminals, Marcello looked at Corvus and [member="Meeristali Peradun"]. "Anybody good with slicing?" Marcello was not...overly adept.


leave no one behind
"copy" he went to positon and then did a radar scan of the outpost. something was wrong since nothing was showing on the map, except those that was close to him. the map started to glitch and it shut down. he made a confused face inside his helmet when the holo map shut down. he then checked his radio but nothing, not even a sound came from the radio, he thought for himself that something was going on here since nothing was working. "damn radio and map is scrambled" he then activated his thermals and looked around. he got nothing on thermals so he lowered his weapon.
"sir we got something scrambling our Coms and the holo map" he then stood at the entrance to the control room and guarded it.

Marcello Matteo Meeristali Peradun Corvus Raaf Kiyron
The moment the room went dark, Corvus closed her eyes. Using Force Sight she was able to orient herself in the hangar - and was relieved to find nothing sinister at play. So she shadowed Master Matteo as he progressed, finally being able to sense beyond the door as they closed on it.

Comfortable there was nothing to comment on, she 'watched' as he opened the door and reopened her eyes as light flooded into the hangar. Following his lead, she travelled the fifty or so feet to the entrance to the control room before they went inside. She wondered why all the lights were on - but decided to save the question for later.

The Master's request floored her. She could activate holocrons and read datapads and fly a starship - but slicing? Where was Johnny D or Kana when you needed them? She shook her head silently and looked to Meeristali. "You?"

[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Kiyron"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
With the two soldiers sent off to do their jobs, the felacatian made his way over to the other two Jedi, still squinting from the sudden exposure to light, vastly different from the lack of it found in the previous area. It wouldn't be a kind thing if they were plunged into darkness again and he found himself having to wait for his eyes to adjust again to the dark. Had he any control over circumstances, he'd have simply remained in the relative dark.

At the same time, he was the only one that had just as much advantage in the dark as he did in the light, so he kept his mouth shut on the matter, looking to Corvus, then the terminal, shaking his head after a moment. This was far from most areas of his expertise.


Really, where were all the techies when you needed them?

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Kiyron "]| [member="Marcello Matteo"]​


Kiyron had taken up security and was being quiet because it's what he did. He was, first and foremost, a scout a heart. Silent and unseen was his preferred state, and as far as he could tell, he was the best at it in the Republic Army. It made the promotion to colonel and brigade command rather stressful, to say the least. Fortunately, that wasn't fully starting yet. He knelt in one corner, rifles at the ready, and simply sat, watching and listening. As much as one could here.

And because his writer has been sick and panicking about finals.
Marcello afforded himself a brief laugh despite the situation. Where was R9 when Marcello needed him? The answer to that question was sitting aboard the Praxeum...utterly useless to them. Well...maybe not. "I have an idea." Reaching into one of the external pockets of his vacsuit, the Jedi Master produced a datapad.

After setting the device on the table in front of him, he removed a glove for sake of necessity. There was atmosphere in the facility, but their information indicated that not much separated them from the zero-atmosphere of space. Hence...the vacsuits. Quickly, Marcello punched in a code to connect his datapad with R9. He'd used it to communicate with the droid on more than one occassion. Per usual, lines of text began scrolling rapidly across the device because the astromech thought faster than Marcello could even read half the time...

Once he'd typed in a series of commands, he reached for one of the cables on the terminal that connected to an auxiliary device in the control room. Connecting that cable to his datapad instead, he effectively gave R9 access to the facility. In a matter of moments, R9 had broken through whatever security protocols existed and began downloading schematics to Marcello's datapad. Following that, he transferred control of the security protocols to said datapad. Marcello would not be able to take it with him and still control security functions, but he could manipulate them from this control room. "Money. We're in. Looks like...these storage facilities will be our best bet. The rest of the facility seems to be old meeting rooms and living quarters."

After ensuring he had all of the access codes downloaded, Marcello removed the datapad and spoke to the entire group. "Alright folks. There are two large storage rooms within this facility - located in the same area. We're heading that way." Exiting the control room, Marcello stepped back into the corridor. His glacier-blue gaze swept down the length of the corridor before he turned to speak to [member="Kiyron"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Meeristali Peradun"], and [member="J.Reaper"]. "We're on the hop."

Tactically...running through the station was stupid, but they were going to move swiftly. Marcello wasn't entirely sure that they were alone, and he preferred to accomplish his objectives sooner rather than later. Being mindful of clearing around corners and past rooms, the Jedi Master led the recovery team in the direction of their objective.

Roughly two minutes later, they arrived at the entrance to the storage area of the station. Motioning for the two soldiers to maintain overwatch positions in view of the door but not directly in front, he entered the access code and waited as the large doors slid open.

The doors had opened no more than six inches before the feeling of dread washed over him again. Umm...


By the time the doors had opened completely, the four individuals that had been secured behind the heavy security doors revealed their presences within the Force once more in full. Immediately, one of them erected a powerful force lightning attack at the group. Two others began darting for the intruders under the cover of the chain lightning rippling over their heads, and the fourth remained in hiding, biding his time.


Marcello's lightsaber and body sprang to life maybe...half a second before the lightning would have started frying the entirety of the group. Holding his weapon with two hands to draw down the powerful dark side attack, he focused his efforts on redirecting the attack as the occassional errant tendril reached out and singed his lower arm. He would have to rely on the others to deal with the other three independently.


leave no one behind
reaper started to fire at one of the intruders but got knocked back, the enemie was quick.
reaper got back up and saw that he had lost his weapons so he charged at the person standing infront of him.
he layed a powerfull punch into the intruders face then quickly pulled out his knife and stabbed him in abdomen, taking the chanse he pulled out the knife then quickly grabbed ahold of his throat.
he kicked the person making him/her land into the one sending lightning bolts at the jedi master. he saw his weapon a couple meters away from then quickly grabbed it and started to suppress the intruders "i guess this was not the plan sir?" he laughed while keeping the hostiles suppressed.

Marcello Matteo
Corvus was in two minds. The Jedi Master was holding his own against the Sith. Reaper was laying down suppressive fire, but she was as likely to be hit by him as the others in the room if she tried to engage.

She sensed four in the room. Three were still active after the trooper had injured the one now lying in a heap on the floor. And one was directly attacking Master Matteo. So it was the one that held back that felt the most of a threat. Having no time to debate the most appropriate action, Corvus simply grabbed her saber and activated it. Calling on the Force, she entered Center of Being and ran through the hail of bolster bolts, deflecting those that the Force told her would have otherwise hit her and ignoring the others. She had no time to consider redirecting them, she simply wanted to reach the person skulking in the shadows.

Once past the cross-fire, she slid to a halt, composing herself before advancing on the shadowy figure.

[member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | @Kiyron | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
While Marcello had heard the comment from [member="J.Reaper"], he did not waste time offering a retort. Two things happened at once, the lightning subsided momentarily - at least long enough for the initial attacker to avoid being slammed by the body of his falling comrade. One down...three to go. One remained charging at the group even as [member="Corvus Raaf"] bolted past when she was still being covered by Reaper.

Gritting his teeth slightly, the Jedi Master unleashed a blinding attack of Force Light from his free hand directly at the charging dark sider. Screams echoed throughout the chamber as Marcello screamed to the soldier. "Go cover Corvus!" Even as the charging combatant was paralyzed by the attack, Marcello was aware it would have to be, ultimately, finished. Taking off at a full sprint, he maintained his attack until he was within saber range. In a blur of blue light, the Jedi Master severed the man's head before abruptly turning to focus his attention on the lightning-attacker.

Immediately, Marcello realized the man had turned his attention in the direction of Corvus. His immediate action was to send a wall of Force energy crashing into the slightly distracted darksider, sending him careening painfully into the opposing wall. Unfortunately for him, Marcello was blitzing across the floor just behind his telekinetic attack, lightsaber sailing through the air in a tight arc to cut his body in half.


The last remaining dark sider that had been hiding, stepped out of the shadows just as Corvus approached. Clearly the more powerful of the four, he'd had time to channel all of his rage and power in prepation for Corvus' arrival. Violently, he attempted to seize her entire body with the Force, squeezing the pressure in against her body abruptly and swiftly.

[member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Kiyron"]

((OOC: Sorry for the delay guys. Trying to wrap this bad boy up...))
Corvus had faced Sith Lords before and as long as she survived this encounter, she'd face them again. Her approach was always the same. Initially she played a waiting game - ascertaining the opponent's strengths, weaknesses and preferred options. She was skilled at defence and had been trained well.

Firstly her Teräs Käsi training kicked in. She shut her mind down to any Force based attacks and used its pace to enhance her Force-based abilities. Secondly she remained in Centre or Being, her saber held horizontally in front of her chin ready to deflect any attack.

[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Kiyron "]| [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Corvus was immediately aware he was attacking her. Her entire body felt like a huge hand was gripping it and literally squeezing the life out of her. Her response was instant.

Thinking back to her recent training and practice, she pulled the Light-side of the Force to her. Mentally pooling it in her free hand she closed her eyes and imagined it forming tendrils that headed straight for the Sith. More and more of the Force she called on and more blue tendrils were sent. They came into contact with the Sith and in her mind's eye they surrounded him, enveloping him - quite literally cutting him off from the Dark-side of the Force. She felt his grip on her lessen until she could breathe again.

Holding him in this state, she couldn't act offensively but hopefully one of the others could take advantage of the Sith's temporary loss of Force connection.

[member="Marcello Matteo"]


Kiyron had quickly moved away from the open door as the Sith appeared and took a position along the wall, as far away from the lightsabers and with as many Jedi between him and them as possible. He'd tangled one on one with a Sith at Alderaan, and it was not a thing he wished to duplicate so suddenly. Then everything started moving very quickly and he pulled up his Tenloss revolver. It was big, heavy, and slow, but the slugs weren't deflectable, which was a significant advantage.

Then the last one started acting strange and he pulled the trigger. Three times. He was not messing around this time. No more sword duels and falling out of windows.
Marcello was about to move to aid [member="Corvus Raaf"], but [member="Kiyron "]quickly neutralized the unsuspecting threat. Staring blankly, Marcello glanced around the area as he deactivated his lightsaber. The storage areas were both now well enough illuminated from light in the corridor that he could plainly see...little and less was contained therein. So what in the hell were four dark siders doing in here? Exhaling slightly, the Jedi Master clipped the hilt of his lightsaber to his belt as his eyes fell on a computer terminal that it appeared had been in use.

Quickly, Marcello approached the terminal and browsed the information. The archives were all...tragically old. The information was little more than generic historical information maintained in Republic and Jedi Order records on the initial struggles against the Vong. There were mentions of Zenoma Sekot - the principal method in which the Vong were defeated in that age. There were also very vague mentions of the virus that had been all but abandoned due to collateral damage inflicted. Eventually, he stumbled upon what they were after. It appeared they were attempting to siphon information that would aid them in recreating a more advanced strain of the virus.

Several thoughts drifted through his mind, but Marcello eventually made the only decision he could think of. It took him a few moments, but he was able to write the hardrive to zeros...effectively erasing all the data. For good measure, he pulled out his datapad and removed a single glove to tap in a few commands. Speaking plainly into his earpiece communicator, he gave R9 additional instructions back on the Praxeum. "R9, remote access the system and wipe literally...everything." On his datapad, he dispatched orders to the Praxeum to dispatch a shuttle for departure.

Pulling his glove back on, he spoke to the others. "We're not using the information here. There was never an assurance we'd find something, and we, unfortunately, have not discovered anything actionable. We're getting out of here." Marcello was not going to bother explaining further. Sure, they could have tried to manipulate the virus, but that had been tried in the past and it failed. They already had the information required to formulate a protocol to counteract the virus should...someone be crazy enough to reconstruct it.

Quick steps set the Jedi Master to the purpose of proceeding to the exit.

[member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Corvus heaved a sigh of relief when the last Sith was taken down. And it was simple slugs that did it. No special Force powers - just a basic blaster and a brave trooper.

She watched the Jedi Master access the computer but kept her attention as wide as possible in case any other visitors arrived. Once he said that were finished, she didn't think to ask questions but instead just fell into step behind him as he exited the room.

[member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Kiyron "]| [member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"]


leave no one behind
reaper got back up and safed his rifle, he then followed after the jedis but at the same time pulled out a couple of remote detonation explosives, one he threw into the control room, a second where the corpses where and a third further in the complex.
he put the timer on 10 min since it would take about at least 2 min until they are gone.

Corvus Raaf Marcello Matteo Kiyron

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