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Approved NPC Natris Varian

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(Mid teens)



  • [SIZE=9pt]Age: 13[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Force Sensitivity: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Apprentice/Padawan[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Species: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]S'Kiss[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Appearance: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Like many S’kiss, Natris is a heavily cybernetically augmented individual with many visually seen cybernetics, but which seem to fit well with her, including having Synthetic Skin which may vary from her natural blue color, mostly intentionally. She is of athletic build and in spite of her youth appears older due to her species naturally being a taller species.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weapon of Choice: Her cybernetics and long daggers[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Combat Function:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Natris is a good agile fighter, she has excellent melee combat skills and can help work out new ways of escaping or fighting an opponent.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]S’kiss: As a S’kiss there are a few notable common traits that Natris has[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Technologically/scientific knowledge/inclination[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Relatively tall regardless of age[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Cybernetic and genetic alterations make her more physically and mentally capable then most unaltered humans of equal size/age.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Can survive without ingesting food but rather using starlight or even a charging port, but can still eat.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Six fingers[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Accelerated development to become capably independent earlier[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Her cybernetics are easily repairable.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Skilled fighter[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Dedicated[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Force sensitive [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Vulnerable to electronic interference such as EMP’s for some of her systems such as limbs.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Stubborn[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Can be overly friendly[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Not heavily trained in the force[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]More vulnerable to poisons if she does choose to eat. And can even be vulnerable to what may seem less harmful, such as stimulants.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Natris was the child of Shran and Kren Gree. Who were two S’kiss on the world of Skism, who believed in the old religion before the Emergence Empire. Natris was more influenced by her friends, who did not have any such religion, then by her parents, though she was aware of it. In the eyes of Skism however, their religion was not just some set of beliefs, it was ignorance to truth, to the point of crime. So they kept it all secret, however, what she was unaware of was what they were doing behind her. Both Shran and Kren were trying to spread this through whatever means they could, they didn’t believe in the current government, and one day, they were caught[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]And then, they, along with many others, were slaughtered. At the hand of Luke Varian as a test to him, but as a sign to the rest of Skism. She was there when it happened, in the room like everyone else, waiting, watching, but there was nothing she could do. Thrown to the side in the midst of the whirring of a lightsaber as the room encompassed them and corpses littered the ground. The children were left alive, but they all saw what happened, they all saw.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She was pulled into the Avilok Academy, but she didn’t stay there. She had a goal, she took two vibro-blades, and ran to find her parents killers, coming after him on his way back to his ship. The fight was over in moments when he used the vambraces to swiftly deflect the blades then toss them aside and shock her to the ground, nearly blasting her with their blasters before he caught sight of her memories and understood. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]He tried to speak with Natris, to convince her of his reasoning behind why they were dead, but she refused. Still, there was a feeling that she could have a greater purpose. But not if this was the path she chose. So, he made a decision, he entered her mind through the force, invading it and forcing his way through, working, reworking, erasing, replacing, reconditioning, she had skill, she was a force user, but she was untrained, and she was unprepared. But she could be. He felt pity for her, even if he didn’t feel guilty for his actions. He decided to take her in, teach her what she was supposed to be, what she could become. [/SIZE]
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