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Naval/pilot training thread

So just a heads up, I may not have Internet access for the next two weeks or so. Not sure, but if I'm not posting all of a sudden now you know why.
Taran Holt said:
So just a heads up, I may not have Internet access for the next two weeks or so. Not sure, but if I'm not posting all of a sudden now you know why.
[member="Taran Holt"]

Thanks for the heads up.

If that does end up happening, do you want us to wait for you, write your IC presence in, or ignore your character's presence there?
Mostly ignore, I guess. If you want to throw the name out as being involved in the exercise, that's cool too. It would at least associate this guy with the Republic Navy.
Will do Taran; if it does happen, I hope you get internet back soon.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Thoughts from either of you before we get started?
[member="Taran Holt"]

Solid post to start things off. I bet 20 credits that you are/were in the Army at one point, and likely were on the enlisted side.

[member="Torill Holgor"]

To clarify things up for future posts, I've made a few diagrams. Do we want to do any more briefing stuff, or jump into the fight?

[member="Gir Quee"]

Navy, actually, but otherwise you win your bet.

Is anyone else going to be involved? I figure another post or two for character interaction and the like should be good, then launch into the attack.

My two Hammerhead's are Tukara (commanded by Captain Holt) and Vigilant (command by uh, a Gran Commander. Vero-Vaar).
[member="Taran Holt"] [member="Gir Quee"]

I'm not getting my notifications for some reason so poke me via PM if you can.

Cam will be running defense of the convoy then? She'll captain the Dreadnought Cruiser Rendili Skies Supported by 3 Squadrons of Rendili Starfighters.
[member="Taran Holt"]

It takes one to know one. I made the Army guess based on the "opfor" comment earlier, so I guess I'm not quite as accurate as I would have liked. ;)

[member="Camellia Swift"]

Sure, that could work. We can play that as the "surprise" I was hinting eariler. Instead of the Origin and the other escorts, the info turns out to be completely wrong and we end up facing your Dreadnaught.

Torill Holgor

[member="Gir Quee"]

Hey Torill is just shadowing and doing whatever you teach him. I just decided to start in the lounge because it would fit better.
[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Taran Holt"] [member="Torill Holgor"]

Just read your post. As I understood it, neither Taran's frigates or my corvettes are near the convoy. We're probably a micro-jump away simply talking before we make our jump to attack the convoy.

This pretty much means that we're both blind to what's going on, in our own ways.

  • Taran, Torill, and myself don't have a clue that there's a dreadnaught now there.

  • Camellia won't know how, where, or when the raiding group is going to strike.

Second, if we're going to keep the sides evenly matched, there's either going to be another ship showing up on the attacking force (to counter the dreadnaught), or the convoy is only going to have a dreadnaught and a corvette or two guarding it.

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