Alric Kuhn
Handsome K'lor'slug

Intent: To create a light armor that can mimic most forms of clothing for undercover operatives and handsome business men on the go so it hurts less when they get shot or stabbed.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: Naz'rin Cloaker
Affiliation: Closed-Market, One Sith, Red Ravens
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Organic Biot
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 6.7kg
Quality: 6
Special Features:
-Vacuum Proof(Requires Lungworm&Gnullith to Supply oxygen)
-Stores three “Styles” Of clothing at a time
The Naz'Rin cloaker was designed by the Yuuzhan Vong Shaperate of Titan Industries at the behest of Alric Kuhn and the One Sith. The idea of Yuuzhan Vong clothing had always been somewhat of a mystery, having discovered that instead of actual clothes, Yuuzhan Vong wear creatures known as Robeskins, and Cloakers. These organisms create odd looking robes and sometimes different effects around the wearer.
There are four separate types of 'clothing' that the Yuuzhan Vong wear. The first is the basic robeskin. Though much like a cloaker the Robeskin holds absolutely no value in armor, it is not vacuum proof and it serves no function other than to make a person look decent.
The second is the normal Yuuzhan Vong Cloaker. This creature is usually seen as a sleek black body suit and holds an armor value, being capable of blocking light blaster shots and fragmentation as well as having the ability to stay in vacuum through the use of a gnullith and lungworm.
The third variant is the famed Cloak of Nuun, the Cloak of Nuun uses photosenstive Cilia on the outside to render the wearer completely and entirely invisible.
The last variant of the Cloaker is known as an Ooglith Masquer. This miraculous biot changing the appeared of the user to nearly anything. These amazing creatures can render the wearer to look like nearly any humanoid species in the galaxy, changing the wearers face, skin, and some variants even their posture and standing. The Ooglith Masuqer is also capable of hiding a person in the force.
Alric, having learned about these cloakers and their function saw their use outside of the Yuuzhan Vong, and then took it a step further. Could a Cloaker be used to mimic regular clothing, allowing it to be socially acceptable in society?
Surprisingly, after some coaxing of the Shaperate and pressing of scientists, the answer was yes.
What the Shapers of Titan Industries came up with was a biot which was a mix of a normal Yuuzhan Vong Cloaker, and an Ooglith Masquer, the Naz'Rin Cloaker. The difference of the Naz'Rin cloaker from an Ooglith Masquer was rather simple, instead of changing the appearance of the wearer, the Naz'rin cloaker changed its own appearance while retaining the defenses of a normal Yuuzhan Vong Cloaker. It did this through the exact same method as an Ooglith Masquer does, instead of rendering onto the user to make them appear a different person, it simply made them appear to be wearing a set of clothing, with the Cloaker essentially working as a chameleon with three permanent setting.
The Naz'rin Cloaker acquires this these three settings three times throughout its lifetime it does this through one simple method, consuming the article of clothing that it is supposed to mimic. One changes the article of clothing through a simple stroke of the Cloakers seam.
One the Naz'Rin Cloaker has consumed the article of clothing it is fully capable of mimicking the clothing to an exact replica. A person dons a Naz'rin cloaker like one does any other, stepping into the creature and allowing it to attach itself to the wearers pores. This process is of course extremely painful, it is also extremely painful to take it off.
The question of course is then why anyone would wear such a thing, and the answer is simple. The Naz'Rin cloaker retains the relative defensive capabilities of the normal Yuuzhan Vong Cloaker, meaning that it capable of taking one or two direct blaster shots, several glancing blows, and stop most blades and some fragmentation. Along with this the Naz'rin cloaker with an added gnullith and Lungworm can survive in the vacuum of space.
Obviously the Cloaker protects only the parts of the person that it is currently covering, and when it comes time to go into vacuum the Naz'rin cloaker through a stroke of its seam extends over the rest of the body in the form of a lack bodysuit, creating a vacuum tight outfit. It should be noted this “stretch” of the Naz'rin is not instantaneous and takes several seconds to happen, making it somewhat dangerous.
For an operative in the field, or a business man(or woman) under the threat of assassination, the added and seemingly invisible defense is that the Naz'rin Cloaker provides is invaluable.
-Light Armoring
-3 Styles of Clothes
-Blends in
-Easily Killed Via Electric Discharge
-Eats Contents of Pockets If Left Inside Too Long
-Painful To Put on As Well as Take off
Primary Source: N/A