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Nearly Everyone Looks Cooler in a Poncho, Even a Droid

[member="HK-42"] [member="Nyarlos Maleficus"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]

Tatooine, just outside of Mos Eisley

"The requirements to repair my numerous frames are still very far from my grasp,"
A heavily synthesized voice spoke out to no one in particular, the voice belonging to the droid Drazav, currently in his Type Theta body, as no other one was available to him at the time "and yet, even though I have utilized them in the past, I am still... Hopefull for the time that they are all fixed will come soon, and that I can alter the plans for the Type Sigma and Omega shortly afterwards, as those bodies will be greatly useful." Looking towards Mos Eisley, Drazav stopped speaking, waiting a moment before adjusting his weapons so they would be "less threatening", by attempting to hide his assault rifle and sniper behind his back, then actually moving towards the city.

Even though it had been three days since Drazav arrived on Tatooine, and the droid was already looking like he'd been here for much longer. Dust all over his body, paint on his plates now scratching off along with some cloth around his neck and upper body, which was slightly disguising his stiff movements. Stopping at a large four way crossroad Drazav scanned the area around him, attempting to find a point of interest that wasn't a parts or weapons shop, as the last three days had been less eventful than the droid had hoped they'd be, and with Tatooine's two suns slowly dipping behind the horizon, Drazav wanted to do something productive while it was still his fourth day on the planet.
HK 42 has been wanting this for a while, but never got the chance. He Decided to go to Tatooine, and to his surprise, finds a fellow droid a few miles away from Mos Eisley, a unknown class droid named [member="Drazav"]. He approached this new droid, and introduced himself.

"Introduction:Hello, I am HK 42.

"Statement:It's good to see you, fellow droid, Especially on Tatooine"

"Question: would you like to come with me to Mos Eisley, or are you gonna linger behind for your Meatbag to catch up?"

[member="Nyarlos Maleficus"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
(NOTE: My droid is currently an NPC, but I'll be PCing him for this thread. You can find his info here. If all goes well, I might consider bringing him into full PC status...)

The loyal droid butler of Nefertari moved across the sands of Tatooine. He had been relieved of duty for a time while his master ran some errands.

The glossy black paint and gilding of this droid's coverings would likely make the droid seem quite out of place compared to what was normally seen around the desert planet; alerting the locals that somebody either showy or important was currently on their world.
A group of other droids could be seen just outside the city limits. S-3DO would probably be noticeable.

[member="HK-42"], [member="Nyarlos Maleficus"], [member="Ultimatum"], [member="Drazav"]
"Insulting Question: Hey Meatbag, why are you walking about with other droids, when they could kill you in the bat of an eye."

"Threat: Unless you want to die from me, Meatbag, then I suggest you think on what you say."

Immediately, HK 42 Activated his Lightsaber Blade, that was installed by the Techno Union through some connections, ready to kill this Meatbag if she said anything that Pissed him off.

(If you're wondering on what weapon this is...look at this thread, which is on how HK 42 got this upgrade. [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
[member="HK-42"] must have had very advanced photoreceptors as he saw Nefertari disappear into one of the buildings in Mos Eisley. The lady Jedi paid him no heed.

S-3DO approached the other droids, it had been a while since he had interacted with any outside of R3-M9 and the other droids in the Jedi temple.
Noticing the lightsaber in the droid's arm, the protocol droid remarked in a synthesized voice
"Most Curious, never hath I seen a droid with a lightsaber upgrade. Thy armament is most intriguing."
After a minute, the droid spoke again
"Pardon, I do believe I should introduce myself. I am S-3DO, human-cyborg relations."

[member="Nyarlos Maleficus"], [member="Ultimatum"], [member="Drazav"]
Ultimatum was unaware of the going-ons in the city. He was atop a one story building, looking out onto the rolling sand dunes. His thoughts dwelt upon the past of this planet, most of which had been lost. He wondered, how such a planet could ever have come to exist naturally. He could imagine this planet as an ancient forest, with massive forests and lakes. Then his mind thought of how that sort of planet would become like Tatooine. Organics were truly amazing with the destruction they could, and often did, cause. It would take an orbital bombardment of an incredible scale, impossible without a large fleet or months of constant bombardment. He imagined the epic lasers falling from the sky, turning trees, rocks, and people to molecules in the blink of an eye. Those rocks and mountains that weren't immediately destroyed would become glass from the intense heat. He envisioned the natives at the time running screaming in terror at the unknown assailants that they could neither fight nor defend against. There would have been people trying to run around and accomplish something to stop the attack, listlessly watching the destruction with no hope, and those that mourned for those that had died right before them. As time went on, hundreds of years passing, the wind would have broken down the glass slowly into sand. Eventually the glass would completely disappear, replaced by the endless sand seas that now dominated the world.

If that were even close to the actual history, which Ultimatum was dubious to claim, then it would be another fact that proved that organics were by far the most dangerous force in the galaxy. It was sad, truly sad that organics were so quick to wage war and destroy one another. That created yet another reason that Artificials were the rightful rulers of the galaxy, under their own control they would not fight one another. He hoped one day that organics would see this fact, that they would understand that for their own good they should hand over the galaxy to the Artificials. Organics would be taken care of, they would not be exterminated like so many fictions of the day told.

His thoughts were disturbed by the unique sound of a lightsaber. He had never heard one activate before. He turned his attention towards where the sound had originated. There, about twenty meters away on the ground, was a droid that seemed to have threatened... another droid? Ultimatum did not understand, he assumed that he had misread the situation and therefore he watched for a moment, wanting to see what would happen. He remembered being told of a possible droid meet on this planet, he hadn't expected there to actually be one due to the Jawa infestation.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
"Statement: S-3DO, I don't know why you are of Human and Cyborg relations, and I do not care."

"Introduction: I am HK 42, One of the few HK units that don't own a Planet."

HK 42 Deactivates his lightsaber blade, expecting more droids to arrive at this get together of droids, who could be jumped by Jawas at any moment.

[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Drazav"]

([member="Nefertari Sovint"] is the other droid gonna join this, or not?)
"Meatbag? It's a very strange word to use, and I would feel it is quite insulting to some organics." Drazav spoke to [member="HK-42"], putting emphasis on the last word as he looked at the droid in front of him "But, everyone has their own way of speaking, and I have mine." Pausing for a moment, the droid tugged at the cloth wrapped around his neck, loosening it "It is nice to meet you though, HK-42, my name is Drazav. And as I do not remember having someone ever control me, we should not have to wait much longer." Turning away from the HK unit, Drazav spotted the glossy black plates of S-3DO, and it seemed the droid next to him did also, and he wasn't to happy about something it saw, as the sound of a lightsaber powering on emanated from the other droid.

As the new droid arrived close enough to be spoken to, Drazav prepared to introduce himself before being cut off by HK-42, who spoke in a threatening way, suggesting a history between the two droids, but it was something that was heavily doubted. Upon actually hearing the new droid's name, Drazav started introducing himself before anything else could happen "My name is Drazav, a class four droid created two hundered years ago. I am capable of other things than killing though, as it is really only something I do if needed, and no recent situation had required it." It was, for the most part, true, as Drazav had not killed hundreds of beings in his two hundred year lifespan, only a very small group of them within the last thirty eight years. Hooking a thumb in his belt, the droid turned to the disappearing suns, calculating that it would be around fourty minutes before they would fully disappear behind the horizon.

[member="HK-42"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Ultimatum"]
Ultimatum noticed another droid walk to the group, this must be the meeting then. He walked steadily down a set of stairs and made his way towards the group. He didn't see any Jawas nearby, however that would continue to be a concern. There was no way to be certain that an area was completely safe from the creatures. Their size and natural sneakiness made them sometimes difficult to see. Of course, they wouldn't have to get close to take out the droids, one good shot from an ion blaster would be perfect at disabling droids.

After a time less than a minute, Ultimatum reached the group of droids. To his slight amusement, his was the only form that was not painted or otherwise non-metallic in color. It unfortunately made him highly reflective, on this planet turning him into a practical beacon with sunlight reflecting off of him in every direction. He introduced himself, keeping his voice in its more natural setting, "Greetings, I am Ultimatum. Who are you?"

[member="Drazav"] [member="HK-42"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
HK 42 Turns to [member="Ultimatum"], and responds to this unknown class of droid.

"Introduction: Hello Ultimatum, I am HK 42."

"Question: What class of droid are you Ultimatum?"
Ultimatum looked the droid over, definitely an HK unit, based on its chassis alone. It was probably this droid that had used the lightsaber earlier, he hadn't been able to tell at the time. He looked over between the other two that were present, he noted there was a protocol droid painted black. That droid would be roasting if it were an organic. The last droid was an interesting one, he couldn't recollect what type it was, its design made it appear to be a suit of armor.

"Well met HK-42. I am a class four unit, dealing mostly in war strategies and tactical processing." He answered quickly.

[member="HK-42"] [member="Drazav"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Nobunaga walked along the desert with his sister figure "Ashley" and his owner "Vladimir Tedesky" wondering why Tattooine was mostly quiet even in Mos Esley. Then he heard a lightsaber activate and shut off in mere moments and he and Ashley ran towards the chaos wondering what happened, but then when they got there, they only saw a few droids... "Eh...?" "I guess the organics are quiet because of these other droids?" "I do not care for the silence, but I was starting to wonder why Mos Esley, normally a very busy place, went silent today... oh well."

(the slate grey is Nobunaga, the pink is Ashley and the teal is Vladimir)
"Statement: Well then Ultimatum. Well met."

HK-42 turned to Drazav, responding to his remark of what he called humans, or Meatbag in his own case.

"Question: Drazav, why are you siding with Meatbags, wanting me to call them...Organics?"

"Statement: If you no longer wanted to be controlled by them, then hate them."

It is quite obvious that HK-42 did not understand the statement Drazav made about being controlled by Meatbags, believing he was still under Meatbag control.

[member="Cygnus Zambrano"]@Ultimatum@Drazav

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