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Approved Starship Nebulon Z Medical/Science Frigate

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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope


  • TO THE RESCUE - This floating hospital is not merely some kind of "rescue ship" but full service capabilities. This is an asset in emergency situations as one can be brought in and serve as a central therapy point.
  • EX-AXIS-SCIENTIA - This is designed with multiple scientific capabilities, making it a one of a kind science vessel. With laboratories, stellar mapping.
  • PROTON BEAM CANNON - Make no mistake, this is NOT an advantage for this vessel. The weapon is indeed powerful and can cause a lot of damage. The thing is it takes a lot of power to fire, Normally this would not be a problem, but this is not only a Science vessel, but a floating Hospitale. There is no wat to divert power from those systems to this weapon. This is often a "One and Done" weapons used out of desperation and little more than that. When the weapon is fired, the ship loses multiple systems for a time until the ship regains power.
  • VULNERABLE FROM BELOW AND BEHIND - If you are actually one of those people who are going to target a medical ship, don't do it head on.
Like many Nebulon-B frigates were utilized as medical frigates by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Nebulon-Z carries on this tradition. Equipped as a floating hospital with bacta tanks, medical droids, and full-service hospital facilities The main medical bay on a Nebulon-Z could hold up to 1500 patients, and was located in and about the main Dish at the bow of the starship. Docking tubes were located on the connecting neck between both sections of the frigate. The Science side was in the tower and neck sections.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

  • This armament is more than Average, so I recomemnd to modify some number or modify the rating.
  • Your current ratings are underpowered (-2), if you want, you can edit.
  • And you cannot use the following items in the sub, because these are Semi-unique only.
    • FALANKS-Spcwz (Space-wiz) Anti-Ordinance Field Generator (Mobile Command Center Grade)
    • Eagle Eye Sensort Suite
  • And the following link is leads to the pre-Factory sub, not to the normal. Please edit:
    • Reticle Class Turret Arc
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