Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Need a date? Try C.U.P.I.D.!


Cheshire Shi'ido
[member="Joelle Dain"]

Near Human?

(insert generic I'm only doing this because message)

Likes: Soldiers, people who appreciate black humor, substances, meaningful conversations, introspection
Dislikes:Sleep, blind loyalty, sadism, frivolous conversations, shallow folk, loud noises, crowds
Things you may want to know about me: Imperial Stormtrooper EOD Captain, been in for almost a decade, not much of a social butterfly, will probably take some time to open up
Looking For: A being
Likes: Fire, running, Hunting/barbecuing Force Users, the Outdoors in general, adventure!
Dislikes: Water, being cooped up in a small space, meanies, people pulling on my tail
Things you may want to know about me: I only eat/hunt Force Users about once a month, and I won't eat you on sight, especially if I like you! And while most of my prey is sentient, I'm perfectly fine with eating non-sentient Force Users as well! I'm also like, 50 years old but that's really only 19 in my culture. Did I mention I like fire?
Looking for: Male, especially if they don't mind my eating habits!
Likes: Spicy food, pretty women, caring people, humble people, someone you can sit by the fire with
Dislikes: Mean people, hostile people,
Things To Know: I'm a psychic, not a psychiatrist although I act like one some times. I am not biased and will help anybody in need. I don't mind controlling women as long as they are pleasing(don't take that in a bad way). I am free to dating or hanging out. Just call me or send a holonet pm.
Looking For: Woman, human or close
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

Maaaaaaaal quit intruding on my dating life!

[member="Jason Arkada"]

Although, you are kinda cute. Short, highly likely to be my next meal, but cute.

I might spare you....unless I'm really hungry.
[member="Jason Arkada"]

Seducer? I'm talking about roasting-on-a-fire, medium-rare eating. As in, "oh, I'll have some Force User with a side of green beans" eating. *pats her stomach* A girl's gotta eat!

What does everyone assume I mean?

[member="Malachite Avachei"]

*drenches with a fire hose*
[member="Jason Arkada"]

And yet you aren't scared? Most Force Users cry, run away, stare at me, or attack when I tell them that they could be my next meal.

I just might take you on a date
[member="Jason Arkada"]

Eh, I just torch them. Then they look pretty :3

Not if you're nice to me...And if I've eaten beforehand. You act like I'm a savage. GOSH! xD
Likes: His Violin, Flying. Playing music
Dislikes: Drunks.
Things you might want to know about me: Professional violinist, can play another instrument and sing very well. Is also very Obsessed with his Violin
Looking for: Female would prefer human
Well. This was pathetic. She lived in a Casino, she could walk downstairs and arch an eyebrow and have a date in seconds, but her therapist had suggested it so.. She'd give it one go. With a sigh the Twi'lek keyed in a profile.

Likes: The finer things in life, power, wit, loyalty
Dislikes: Being objectified, attempting to reduce myself to bullet points
Things you may want to know about me: I do what I need to do to get things done, I don't want to meet your mother.
Looking For: Males or Non-Binary genders analogous to.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Dredge stood over a computer and his adopted daughter Samantha sat at it and was setting up a CUPID account for her father to lure the woman [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] to capture her and torture her to get the president [member="Cryax Bane"] to talk a bit more. "Okay Father, Likes?" She said cautiously. Dredge responded as such "TO CRUSH AND MAIM ALL MY FOES!! BURNING THE HOMES OF THE WEAK AND SLAUGHTERING THE INNOCENT!!" Dredge laughed evilly then his adopted daughter sighed. "I'll just put in working out, construction, and and let's skip the killing the innocent part and put music." Samantha typed up the first line "Oh add Biz Markie for music." Dredge said quickly shutting up not wanting to indulge his guilty pleasure. Samantha typed up Biz Markie and quickly scrolled down to hide it "Dislikes?" She said awaiting the screams. Dredge responded "Kale, I hate kale. And clowns, clowns kale and cuddling." She sighed in relief and began to type "AND NOT RIPPING THE SPINES FROM MY ENEMY!!" The little girl shrieked up and jumped in her seat. She coughed and sighed in frustration. "Dislikes, Kale, Clowns, and small pets apparently." The small child grumbled and moved on

The girl looked up and said "Without screaming, what are things people should know about you?" Dredge was about to yell but he stopped himself and spoke "That I will find them and murder their whole family as they watch, and then and only then will I kill them slowly and painfully." Dredge said with contempt. Samantha rolled her eyes and typed up "I see myself as a fun man that likes to see himself with a loving family in the future. But right now I just want to explore and go slow before deciding what I want in a partner." She looked over at her father and sighed again "What are you looking for?" Dredge pointed to a picture of Chiasa and ran a finger across his neck. "I'm just going to put females." She typed up the profile and it was ready

Name: Hugh Janus
Likes: Working out, aggressive construction, music and biz Markie
Dislikes: Kale, clowns, most cute and cuddly things
Things you should know about me: I see myself as a fun man that likes to see himself with a loving family in the future. But right now I just want to explore and go slow before deciding what I want in a partner.
Looking for: Females species is not a concern

Samantha put her chin in the palm of her hand uploaded a picture of their most handsome slave and clicked on Chiasa's profile and began to send her a message. "What do you want to say to her?" Dredge out a thumb to his chin and spoke "I WILL FIND YOU AND MURDER YOUR SOUL!!" Samantha hit her forehead on the desk and began typing

Send Message:

Hey, I'm Hugh. And I saw your profile and I'm in the neighboring systems in wild space. And I was wondering maybe If you want to meet up for drinks and get to know each other? If you are interested please let me know.
End message

"Did you send what I said?" Dredge asked. Samantha kept her head on the desk and put a thumb up. "Yeah dad, you bet." Dredge smiled and rubbed the kids head "Thanks Sam."

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