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Approved Tech Needle of Fate

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  • Manufacturer: Darth Mori
  • Affiliation: Darth Mori
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Lightsaber crystal can be replaced
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    • Bone
    • Durasteel
    • Lightsaber components
    • Bled Kyber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Adorned along the length of the saber hilt are Sith runes which can be read from top to bottom, right to left, as a singular command of gradually increasing intensity. Though there are many words which make up this seemingly long demand the meaning can be summarized rather succinctly in the basic tongue: Remember we must die.

    To the casual observer, upon learning of this, it may seem obvious why growing nearer to the weapon inspires despair into their mind, or why their bodies seem reluctant to provide them with the stamina to move - or why, perhaps, the force itself seems to recede into anyone holding it in an almost overwhelming capacity.

    An experienced master of the force might realize, upon closer inspection, that the activated blade acts as much the same way that a sith blade designed to drain the life force of whatsoever that it cuts, though an equally experienced duelist might find that puzzling given the lethality already present in a lightsaber blade.
  • The kyber crystal within the blade has been bled and dominated through a ritual devised by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Mori, as a means to make the weapon her own in its totality - and as an act of mockery in the face of the Jedi ritual meant to heal similarly bled crystals. Seen as an extension of the force itself, and thus the greatest oppressor of sentient life in the galaxy, the crystal trapped within the lightsaber is forced to endure the cruelest torture imaginable in order to totally break its will and force it to serve only her. Abused and broken, the crystal recognizes no other master except another willing to punish it in the same way.
  • The lightsaber lacks an activation switch, both internally and otherwise, and instead is interfaced with the kyber crystal directly in a manner that requires channeling the force through the crystal to activate it - though it only requires that initial use of the force in order to do so. This doubles as a precautionary measure by forcing the would-be user to either dominate the will of the Kyber crystal in the same manner of ritual devised by its creator or to outright replace the crystal with another - potentially exposing them to the full extent of the lightsaber's runic enchantments.
  • The lightsaber aids in psychological warfare, working to weaken the minds and hearts of any that draw near indiscriminately - save for whomever the kyber crystal inside recognizes as its master, a process which can only be accomplished through domination and cruelty.
  • The lightsaber steadily, and slowly, drains the life force from all things around it - drawing on the force itself like a siphon. This energy is funneled directly into the wielder of the blade, not necessarily whomever is its master, in a sensation not unlike the ability to drain the force as applied by wielders of the force. This slow, steady, pull is magnified whenever the lightsaber blade comes into contact with something with a connection to the force - giving those with a weaker connection to the force, such as those without sensitivity to it and those that are dead to its touch, a greater chance at living while providing the opposite for those closer to it.
  • The presence of Ysalamir will, for the duration of its presence, prevent any force-related abilities pertaining to the lightsaber to be put in use, rendering it a normal lightsaber through that period. Due to this the blade cannot be activated while in the presence of Ysalamir or other things which totally prevent the use of the force.
  • Voidstone and certain forms of nullification resin, as well as taozin amulets and similar materials with resistance to the force or that make it more difficult to use the force, trivialize the mental abilities of the lightsaber. Those that are garbed in such resistant material will find the additional benefit of being "unnoticed" by the blade or its crystal, thus free from the draining effects of the lightsaber or its psychological arsenal.
A symbol of death and destruction in a galaxy torn apart by war, Darth Mori created the Needle of Fate not only to serve as a weapon but also as an affront to the will of the force itself. Taking special umbrage with the hand she had been dealt early in life, and the consequences of her actions throughout that life, Mori's extremist desire of being free from the purportedly all-powerful, all-knowing, will of the force is generally translated into an open hatred of slavery and other forms of oppression - that is turned on its head, here, as she views kyber crystals the galaxy over to be directly tied to the force itself, if not an expression of its will, and far greater cruelty and abuse is levied on the crystal trapped inside of the blade's hilt than most of the galaxy's villains exact on their own victims.

Fear and a sense of impermanence is forced on the kyber crystal through a process similar to the usual bleeding ritual most Sith undergo to wield their own red lightsabers, only this goes far beyond the intent of making the crystal submit to use by a master of the dark side. The very runes that line the outside of the hilt which speak of death and inevitability weigh down the hearts and minds of those that draw near, but its purpose is to torture the crystal within - to act as a shallow echo of the cruelty and torture she put it through, in a ritual which wholly dominated it so that it would only obey the one that it recognized as master. The drain on the force, which is siphoned through the blade and the hilt itself, is channeled through the crystal and terminates at its wielder - fully subjecting the kyber crystal to the full extent of the dark side of the force for as long as it remains trapped inside.

What emerged from this violent act of creation was a lightsaber that would only activate at the call of its master, one that would only recognize one being as its owner, and a weapon that could not accept another unless it was first subjected to that same horror all over again. To be cleansed of this trauma would "save" the crystal from its immediate torment but the runes along the hilt would simply continue their cruelty.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Mori

When you asked me at the morning about the idea, I already told then it is very cool, just like the submission! Nice job! I totally love it! Use it responsible and try to not abuse it.

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